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Where is the pvp skill?


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You really need to define skill. In my mind this game has a pretty low skill threshold mainly because there's a global cooldown and no weaving. The only things that require some skill are interrupts, movement, LoS usage. Everything else is pretty much gear. Edited by JBloom
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You really need to define skill. In my mind this game has a pretty low skill threshold mainly because there's a global cooldown and no weaving. The only things that require some skill are interrupts, movement, LoS usage. Everything else is pretty much gear.


i feel what ur saying that the GCD and not having to weave spells does make the game a bit simpler but imo


it makes it so that every spell u cast matter. I feel a much worse effect in this game if i fuk up a GCD then i did in WoW because i dont have an auto atk going at all times.


and there needs to be GCD in games with this many spells or u could jus throw out 5 spells at once and one hit people. i relize in a game like LoL and similar **** it is unneeded because they cap ur damage in 4 spells.

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If you count throwing the ball around in forward advances instead of trying to be a champ and run it from the center to the goal like a Hulk..then yes, huttball does require skill.


Indeed. It's funny how many people hate it because one well-placed stun or knockback can let a 10k scrub in questing greens kill your 16k BM. Fights in real life don't happen that way! You couldn't just walk up to a 5-Star General and stab him in the eye with a rusty nail!

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You really need to define skill. In my mind this game has a pretty low skill threshold mainly because there's a global cooldown and no weaving. The only things that require some skill are interrupts, movement, LoS usage. Everything else is pretty much gear.


There is a GCD in every MMO, the scale is just different. Yes even in the game where you were weaving and gliding.

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i feel what ur saying that the GCD and not having to weave spells does make the game a bit simpler but imo


it makes it so that every spell u cast matter. I feel a much worse effect in this game if i fuk up a GCD then i did in WoW because i dont have an auto atk going at all times.


and there needs to be GCD in games with this many spells or u could jus throw out 5 spells at once and one hit people. i relize in a game like LoL and similar **** it is unneeded because they cap ur damage in 4 spells.


Aion is the only game that I've pvped extensively in besides this one so i cannot help but compare this game to Aion. After playing Aion, I feel like everyone is moving in slow motion. Making a mistake isn't necessarily the end of the world because my opponent is restricted by the GCD just as much as I am. There are also fewer skills. People complain about having 20 hotkeys like that's a lot. I had around 50 in Aion.

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That would be fine if i still didnt get stunned with a full resolve bar. You can't argue resolve even works because we ALL know it's wonky and has a mind of it's own. I've had/seen times where i watched someone get stunned twice with full resolve, and times where someone has had 3/4's resolve and not get stunned (no stun immunity buff was up)...so your arguement with resolve is moot.


To add to this....even if i waited until my resolve bar was full to use my CC breaker I would be dead before I reached that mark...again, moot.


I have never, ever been stuned while my resolve bar was white. I have been snared which slows my movement but never stuned.


Point 2: yes if it's 1 vs 6 all on you then that is true. I thought you where playing team PvP. Maybe you are playing 1 vs team PvP and yes working as intended. If however, you are with your teammates then you should have heals, stuns, knock backs of your own.

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Aion is the only game that I've pvped extensively in besides this one so i cannot help but compare this game to Aion. After playing Aion, I feel like everyone is moving in slow motion. Making a mistake isn't necessarily the end of the world because my opponent is restricted by the GCD just as much as I am. There are also fewer skills. People complain about having 20 hotkeys like that's a lot. I had around 50 in Aion.


Aion had a LOT of great things...pvp was actually fun with chained combos etc...but as you meantioned, it was very fastpaced...and yeah, the amount of skills/keybind you needed are easily doubled compared to this game. Your class took finesse to use and if you screwed up on something it could literally mean your dead even if the screwup happened early in the fight...not hear, just stun them again, you'll win eventually.

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Double everyone's health.


I've always been a great supporter of this. Take burst and stunlock/chain CC completely out of the equation as deciding factors. Makes for much more fun combat.


But that's just wishful thinking on my part. People these days with their ADD just don't have the attention span for anything like that.

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Aion is the only game that I've pvped extensively in besides this one so i cannot help but compare this game to Aion. After playing Aion, I feel like everyone is moving in slow motion. Making a mistake isn't necessarily the end of the world because my opponent is restricted by the GCD just as much as I am. There are also fewer skills. People complain about having 20 hotkeys like that's a lot. I had around 50 in Aion.


i dont know about Aion so i could be wrong but in WoW i had the similar **** ton of key bindings but in that game there were a lot more filler key bindings like sure you have 50 key bindings but only 10-20 are used regularly


in this game i have 30 hot keys as an infil shadow and i use each one all the time. I like this game that they condensed spells to only the useful ones.


now idk if aion had the vast amount of super situational spells that many wow classes like hunters or warocks had but i couldnt imagine using all 50 in every fight,


in a 2 on 2 situation no matter who im facing there is a reason to use each of my 30 keybindings

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Indeed. It's funny how many people hate it because one well-placed stun or knockback can let a 10k scrub in questing greens kill your 16k BM. Fights in real life don't happen that way! You couldn't just walk up to a 5-Star General and stab him in the eye with a rusty nail!




There aren't any 5 star generals. There haven't been since just after WW2. And even if there were some, they would be old men.


But the point you are trying to make has flaws as well. A well placed IED or well thrown grenade by some kid herding sheep 2 weeks ago could/has killed many of the best special operatives in the world.


So fights in real life do happen just like that all over the world every day.

Edited by Jabtiz
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Its an RPG... Gear + Ability knowledge = good player.... nothing more



I don't understand the moaning about stun... its just another ability and a very useful PvP ability at that...


Without tactically abilities like stuns and snares what is left for your "skill"? mashing "attack" buttons? luck based burst damage? doesn't sound like "skill" to me.

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If I try to make a list of all the important differences between Aion and this game I might be here all day. The 50 keybinds were not just attack skills but also various buffs and consummables that had to be used at the right time and readily available because there was a class that could strip buffs. Almost every skill had a use though, they weren't redundant.
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You know who the good players are. They're the one you say "Oh crap, there's *****" when you see them in a warzone. They have the skill to bring out the best in their toon and in their team.


This is an excellent observation and worthy of particular mention. When entering a Warzone, I almost always look for a few particular players, because I know their rotations and skill are unmatched. I make sure to highlight them and coordinate my guild to focus them down. Other less-skilled players (even with Battlemaster) deserve nothing more than the wind in their face as I Force Speed by.


Skill is the number one determinant in any video game. Period.

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Is this like the time mages couldnt be killed in WoW? They were 2 shotting people in the 20's bracket..and 30's...and 40's...etc etc...but blizzard came out and said, "it's ok, resilience will fix this issue"


Frost mages still do 2 shot people in the 50-69 brackets.And the only reason it doesn't really happen in the 70 brackets is because people usually stack brutal gladiator gear with resil on it.


So I have a feeling you have no idea what you're talking about.


Expertise exists because there really isn't any other viable way to have pve gear and pve gear progression, sure you want to remove the expertise from the game. But you'll be right back on the forum when you get killed by a sniper or merc in less than 3 seconds.

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Your class took finesse to use and if you screwed up on something it could literally mean your dead even if the screwup happened early in the fight...not hear, just stun them again, you'll win eventually.


Are you playing some new class in the game that doesn't have CC of their own?

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If I try to make a list of all the important differences between Aion and this game I might be here all day. The 50 keybinds were not just attack skills but also various buffs and consummables that had to be used at the right time and readily available because there was a class that could strip buffs. Almost every skill had a use though, they weren't redundant.


i see what your saying, ill try to restate what i meant a little clearer because wow had similar ****


in this game each useful spell is vastly significant against just about every class


while u may have 50 keybindings how many would u say you use on every target you face?

in wow the number would be 50 key bindings to mabey 10 that you use all the time.


this game i have 30 keybindings and probably around 25 that i use against every class that i face.

while i have less bindings i use the "situational" ones much more often i would in wow because the situational spells in this arnt as specific.

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What class are you playing Cuberrt?


Nvm Infiltration Shadow, I see. In Aion...I was using 10-20 for each encounter 1v1. If it were a 1v2 or 1v3 I was using more. You're playing melee so not being able to weave severely diminishes how good you could be. You're basically restricted to skill spam. As a ranged class, weaving wouldn't really matter since there aren't any def buffs that require auto attack removal and there are no godstones to proc.

Edited by JBloom
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Just an afterthought, I have played to battlemaster twice, there's an incredible amount of skill on SWtoR pvp. Unlike wow PvP SWToR emphasizes geography as well as understanding class abilities and having gear.




It's one of the most skilled game out, and most balanced game ever released. This is why the forums have so many cries...


The more skill involve, the more people who think they have skill but actually don't cry.


Okay...continue crying...




The only legitimate complaint is that Ilum a failure to this point. Not surprising. World-pvp is a romantic idea in forum goers hearts w/ greatly exaggerated tells of how great it used to be in 1997...

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The skill is in that +expertise stat yo!


idk why people cry about expertise. It took me 2 days of playing to get full Centurion armor and a champ saber which gives you like 505 expertise. The skill comes when i crush BM geared baddies 1v1 and lose maybe 1k hp.


@OP You whine about getting stunlocked...well you have to be fighting at least 2 people to get stunlocked and you have to not know how resolve works. I've 2v1'd a few people but its something that should be rare and hard to do, you have to time your stun breaker and in my case resilience(force shroud for sith, anti force/tech abilities basically) perfectly to do it.


You're not a super special (insert class here) even if your story quests say you are, you're just another peon, and when you pick up the huttball and you get smashed by 8 players...thats what should happen if you dont have help.

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What class are you playing Cuberrt?


Nvm Infiltration Shadow, I see. In Aion...I was using 10-20 for each encounter 1v1. If it were a 1v2 or 1v3 I was using more. You're playing melee so not being able to weave severely diminishes how good you could be. You're basically restricted to skill spam. As a ranged class, weaving wouldn't really matter since there aren't any def buffs that require auto attack removal and there are no godstones to proc.


as an infil simply "skill spamming" would be terrible why would i throw my project force breach on someone with a defensive CD up or even waste force on them? i wont i will use saber strike until its down and then when it is down i have a full stacked force breach and a full stacked project waiting for them.


there are plently of situations where i dont use my optimal DPS rotation as there are for any class in any pvp games.

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