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Single player Flashpoints


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Being that it's a slow day for this little boy, I've had a little time to do some forum creeping and I came across a thread where someone mentioned single player flashpoints where your party consists of your companions and I thought "What an interesting idea". I apologize for not having the actual link because I'm actually posting from my phone on an extended coffee break.


I'd imagine that many players, myself included, only use 1 or 2 companions during the course of gameplay so it'd be pretty cool to be able to get more miles out of them since they are a major part of the SWTOR experience. Obvious adjustments would need to be made of course but I think it would add a nice, new dynamic to MMO gameplay and NPC companions is something Bioware is very experienced with.


Now I imagine many people will say this is a multiplayer game, MULTI. I respect that position. Respect that my definition of a MMO might be a tad different than yours.


I made this thread just to get a discussion going on the idea ( maybe even some Dev input...lottery ticket!) so please keep flaming and insulting posts to a minimum.

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The major difficulty is you would have to keep three companions gear up to date, it can be hard enough to remember to update you current companion. Going back to an earlier companion and you start thinking "He used to be a lot better" before you realize, you have not updated his gear in 15 levels.


This would get to be expensive and more often than not, half your group would be dying each encounter makeing for huge downtime.

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These are already in the game! They are called class quest and there are about 50+ of them. The only difference between these and multiplayer flashpoints is they can't be repeated.


There's a class quest where you can adventure with all your companions at the same time?

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These are already in the game! They are called class quest and there are about 50+ of them. The only difference between these and multiplayer flashpoints is they can't be repeated.


Except the OP is talking about using multiple companions, not just one.

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I'm not trying to troll or flame, but why have solo content in an MMORPG? The point of playing an MMO is for the interaction with other player, and that is what separates it more than another other facet from a single player RPG. I'd rather development money go towards content you can't experience outside an MMO, than trying to put in elements of single player RPGs.
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I'm not trying to troll or flame, but why have solo content in an MMORPG? The point of playing an MMO is for the interaction with other player, and that is what separates it more than another other facet from a single player RPG. I'd rather development money go towards content you can't experience outside an MMO, than trying to put in elements of single player RPGs.


1. Because it's an MMO, not a MGO (Must Group Online)

2. Finding a group sometimes takes too long

3. Sometimes relying on bots is better than relying on people

4. Not everyone plays MMO strictly for the 'multiplayer'

5. There is already solo content (or content that can be solo'd), why not more?


I could keep going.

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I understand there will be definite adjustments to be made in terms of the gameplay aspect of the idea. I think that the tools are already in place for gearing companions though. Commendations, crafting etc. Right now Biochem is the crew skill of choice for many players since its the most beneficial for the single player. Having to upgrade your companions as well would make other crew skills more appealing, which in turn makes more crew skills relevant, which in turn affects economy etc etc.


I think that actively trying to gear your companions at 50 ( and in turn gearing yourself) would definitely add more dimensions to the end game experience.


Edit: Yes, I was talking of multiple companions to form a 4 player group, sorry of I wasn't clear

Edited by loudernoises
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The major difficulty is you would have to keep three companions gear up to date, it can be hard enough to remember to update you current companion. Going back to an earlier companion and you start thinking "He used to be a lot better" before you realize, you have not updated his gear in 15 levels.


This would get to be expensive and more often than not, half your group would be dying each encounter makeing for huge downtime.


This is why the quest rewards that include a choice of companion gear, we should be able to choose all the companion gear, not just 1 for 1 of our companions.


But yeah I like the OP idea

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BW already made single player flashpoints. They're called "Baldur's Gate", "KoTOR", and "Mass Effect". Mass Effect 3 comes out soon and is amazing. Try the demo!


I personally would hope for more MULTIPLAYER content in my MMO. Such as multiplayer space combat before wanting content that completely defeats the purpose of me having to pay a subscription.

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Not interested in the idea myself, but have fun controlling three (or four, or five) other characters in real time.


If you want to try it, play me2 without ever using time stop. I imagine its doable, just probably not as fun.


If you have your companions set up properly, I don't see why you'd have to micro-manage them.


In groups, you don't "control" the other players, so i don't see why you'd have to with your companions either.

Edited by HanzoV
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It also be nice to have this as a daily thing to do so you can still interact with your companions. As soon as you finish leveling and maxing rep you no longer talk to them and even interact with them and makes you start to lose the attached feel you had to them. This could be a way to help keep people into the companions they have while waiting for more story updates.
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I'm not trying to troll or flame, but why have solo content in an MMORPG? The point of playing an MMO is for the interaction with other player, and that is what separates it more than another other facet from a single player RPG. I'd rather development money go towards content you can't experience outside an MMO, than trying to put in elements of single player RPGs.


No, this is where so many are wrong. There is no point to an MMO other than playing it the way the player wants to play it. Many people, myself included enjoy soloing mmos, i just dont have the time or patience for people. And while you may say i should stop playing because this is a multiplayer game, please show me a solo game with the same mechanics. Ive probobly already played it.


TL/DR stop telling other people how to play a game, we will play it how we choose.


Great idea OP! 2 internets to you sir, i love it!

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Not interested in the idea myself, but have fun controlling three (or four, or five) other characters in real time.


If you want to try it, play me2 without ever using time stop. I imagine its doable, just probably not as fun.


I think the term fun is kinda subjective. I've been a pretty big fan of Bioware since playing the first Baldurs Gate (and the fact that the company was started in my hometown) and I've always liked the aspect of controlling companions. Kind of adds to the gameplay, for me anyways. I know that type of gameplay is not for some but I also know a lot of us have truly enjoyed Bioware games in the past and that was one of the major selling points to this game. And Star Wars obviously.

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It's not difficult... at all. Wait until you hit 50 and have nothing to do.


Yea i think this would be a great way to expand on the single player aspect post 50 of this game, considering there is very little singleplayer content after 50 so far.

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No, this is where so many are wrong. There is no point to an MMO other than playing it the way the player wants to play it. Many people, myself included enjoy soloing mmos, i just dont have the time or patience for people. And while you may say i should stop playing because this is a multiplayer game, please show me a solo game with the same mechanics. Ive probobly already played it.


TL/DR stop telling other people how to play a game, we will play it how we choose.


Great idea OP! 2 internets to you sir, i love it!


Then why not simply ask for content that scales to group size? From solo all the way to raid? You know, kind of like every other MMO made in the past 5 years does.

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