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Gunslinger's Quandry


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There are a ton of threads about how GS is broken, unplayable, poorly designed.


I played a GS in beta, when all we had to do was charged burst our way to the top of kills and damage, and even through live play when people learned a little attention to movement in addition to the fact that most of our damage is white, and an rng can throw what would be a 3.5 k crit to a "deflected."


In reality that's all cool, I mean we still have DOT spec right? yellow dmg for the win.




I have two requests for this class.

1. Please take away the NEON SIGN from our "cover."- if anything cover should provide some stealthy bonus, not a date-**** invitation. BTW what the hell happened to leaning around corners like in your promo videos when this class was announced...? I digress..


2. Please add a bit more energy regeneration bonus to crouching 35m away from the Merc with a rocket launcher malfunction. Our damage is white, if it gets mitigated we have lost potentially a ton of damage from our burst. and our energy investment is out the door.


GS has a lot going for it- it is a fun, engaging, and tough class to play. I am not saying to change the dynamics of the class at all or to give us an even larger range increase. We are damage damage damage. We don't have guarded by the force, or saber ward, and we don't build damage as we go. Please give us a better way to manage this than waiting for the four-tick.

Edited by moltig
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I don't get all the gunslinger qqing going on here and in the pvp forums. I feel like I have a lot of utility to deal with people once they finally decide to focus me. I wear a mix of bm and rakata and feel like I can burst down anyone.


The only thing I feel we need is cover off the gcd. I think if we got that we'd be unstoppable.

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I play a Sniper... maybe you should try Accuracy and not try to game the system by stacking surge and crit and then crying when it gets deflected. I have 112% tech and 102% ranged accuracy. Never ever ever ever ever ever get deflected. Once again I have 102% Ranged and 112% tech and never ever ever ever ever get deflected. I can say it a few more times but the people playing this class will never get it seems.


p.s. and if see a blue/red round thing around a player don't shoot at them unless it is a sorcerer. This blue/red thing is called a shield and some of then are designed to deflect/absolve/dodge incoming attacks for a certain amount of time usually 3 seconds to sometimes more. So either wait for it to go down or shoot somebody else.

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p.s. and if see a blue/red round thing around a player don't shoot at them unless it is a sorcerer. This blue/red thing is called a shield and some of then are designed to deflect/absolve/dodge incoming attacks for a certain amount of time usually 3 seconds to sometimes more. So either wait for it to go down or shoot somebody else.



Its 12 seconds, more than enough time to kill a Gunslinger.

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I play a Sniper... maybe you should try Accuracy and not try to game the system by stacking surge and crit and then crying when it gets deflected. I have 112% tech and 102% ranged accuracy. Never ever ever ever ever ever get deflected. Once again I have 102% Ranged and 112% tech and never ever ever ever ever get deflected. I can say it a few more times but the people playing this class will never get it seems.


p.s. and if see a blue/red round thing around a player don't shoot at them unless it is a sorcerer. This blue/red thing is called a shield and some of then are designed to deflect/absolve/dodge incoming attacks for a certain amount of time usually 3 seconds to sometimes more. So either wait for it to go down or shoot somebody else.


I have same acc and still see dodge/deflect on some of my white attacks. As for shields... it is really annoying when I unload my full rotation on some low/med armor guy and see hits in range from 10 to 1000. Maybe it is guard+taunt problem but sometimes it is really disheartening.


As SS spec I get the feeling that most of my attacks are white dmg which is mitigated by so many things it hurts. Heck, sometimes my Sweeping Gunfire hits for way more than my Charged burst!

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62 GS here

We are fine, cosmetically cover could be changed to not be bright blue but I can really careless.


Please just fix our dirty kick to be equal with sniper and same for sabo.

It is just a glitch with the art I think but it would be helpful.


If I can hit people for 5.2-5.4k we are fine.

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BTW what the hell happened to leaning around corners like in your promo videos when this class was announced...? I digress..



This right here. THAT is the problem with cover, that there isn't nearly enough of it, and I have to be in some stupid position. If it was a bit more like (y'know, this other *********** game that Bioware made) Mass Effect, where maybe I could stand next to a pillar and shoot from the side of it or something, that'd be more of a true gunslinger style, I believe.

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Yup aimed shot and trick shot should have more armor pentration...


When specced into correctly, aimed shot will penetrate 40% of enemy armor with flourish shot, anything more may be a bit excessive, plus you could stack more accuracy now that surge is nerfed to increase your armor penetration. All in all I think focus could be better used elsewhere that would benefit gunslinger as a whole and not just SS

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Lando Calrissian was a male human professional gambler, entrepreneur, smuggler, and general throughout various points in his life. Born on Socorro, he became a gambler and con man early in his life and acquired his own ship, the Millennium Falcon, in a game of sabacc with a man named Cix Trouvee. He went on to have numerous adventures with the Falcon and its piloting droid, Vuffi Raa, during which he ran afoul of a Sorcerer of Tund named Rokur Gepta, whom Calrissian eventually killed. After a series of events led to him losing the Millennium Falcon to a Corellian named Han Solo on Bespin, Calrissian eventually became the Baron Administrator of Cloud City for a time—a position he once again gained through sabacc.


Lando sounds pretty smugglery to me.

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When specced into correctly, aimed shot will penetrate 40% of enemy armor with flourish shot, anything more may be a bit excessive, plus you could stack more accuracy now that surge is nerfed to increase your armor penetration. All in all I think focus could be better used elsewhere that would benefit gunslinger as a whole and not just SS

Still hits for nothing against heavy armor targets. (Probably the point, but you'd think we'd hit for a little more than nothing with the 40% armor pen).


Honestly would be fantastic if the different gear were actually specced properly. The field tech gear was awful for it's designated spec (every other piece lacked accuracy).


Once you get full BM you'll probably hit the 105% accuracy you should be aiming for.


Also a question for anyone who's done the math, but does the extra armor pen for over 100% accuracy not count for your offhand? Or is the extra armor pen added up from the main hand?

Edited by Ukita
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Lando is a Scoundrel, not a Gunslinger.


On a side note (or back on topic) energy regen could be a little better as I seem to get low faster for some reason lately as a SS (without spamming AoE/Charged as those are biggest drains). We don't need full regen whole bar though but once you get empty it seems a little too severe (maybe add a static 1 energy regen to Tech set instead of pathetic 10 on Alacrity buff use every 2 minutes).


Kind of sad but I really can't get past just how stupid PvE Tech bonus is compared to most classes'.

Edited by Eldyraen
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Lando is a Scoundrel, not a Gunslinger.


On a side note (or back on topic) energy regen could be a little better as I seem to get low faster for some reason lately as a SS (without spamming AoE/Charged as those are biggest drains). We don't need full regen whole bar though but once you get empty it seems a little too severe (maybe add a static 1 energy regen to Tech set instead of pathetic 10 on Alacrity buff use every 2 minutes).


Kind of sad but I really can't get past just how stupid PvE Tech bonus is compared to most classes'.


The only purpose alacrity currently serves gunslingers in PVP is a quicker way to melt their energy reserves. IDK about a static energy bonus, but perhaps a cost-reduction set bonus to the MOST USED MOVE ON GUNSLINGERS? I agree completely that GS gets shafted hard, fast, and un-lubricated on their end-game gear...

Edited by moltig
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I am going against the grain right now and testing the alacrity enhancements from dailies. Although I understand the theoretical math I can't shake a sense of improved responsiveness and better execution of my techniques with more alacrity. I have two or three alacrity enhancements, one crit/surge, and two or three accuracy-based ones, so it is a hybrid build ofc.


I am not seeing the big numbers of the old crit/surge in all slots build, but I seem to be killing more effectively. I'll continue testing past the honeymoon period, but initially I think people complaining about UI lag with low alacrity is analogous to complaining about crappy driving in a game when one has the starter car. One good thing about grinding dailies for the commendations is that it gives a person many mods and enhancements to play around with.

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I am going against the grain right now and testing the alacrity enhancements from dailies. Although I understand the theoretical math I can't shake a sense of improved responsiveness and better execution of my techniques with more alacrity. I have two or three alacrity enhancements, one crit/surge, and two or three accuracy-based ones, so it is a hybrid build ofc.


I am not seeing the big numbers of the old crit/surge in all slots build, but I seem to be killing more effectively. I'll continue testing past the honeymoon period, but initially I think people complaining about UI lag with low alacrity is analogous to complaining about crappy driving in a game when one has the starter car. One good thing about grinding dailies for the commendations is that it gives a person many mods and enhancements to play around with.


A few good points:

even after doing the math, an alacrity bonus of 6-10 percent will only decrease cast time by a little over a tenth of a second, however I too notice an increased reliability of the cast-to-press ratio when I have burst volley activated- especially during illum zergs when framerate begins to suffer.

Also everyone should be encouraged to do illum dailies before entering the 50 WZ bracket for two reasons- one, you will not likely do well and two, you will bring your team to a "carry" situation.

In my own opinion- post surge nerf, the two most important aux mods for GS are

1. Accuracy

2. Power

in that order. (our damage is white so deflections on 4k crits are commonplace even in open world.)

Everyone should consider grinding the relatively easy dailies before even entering the 50 bracket WZ's,

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