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Who are these "sheeple" or "casuals" or "majority"???


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It seems like everyone that makes a post on the forums is part of some "high intellect" gaming elite, the developer of the original Tetris and a dual major in Computer Science and Philosophy.


There is also many references to the "casuals" or "the majority of players" being rather simple and easily manipulated by big bad Bioware who has created this horrifying "theme park" type game which seems to be akin to placing a baby in a crib.


I want to know who "all these" players are. If you are super casual, enthusiastic about space combat, ROLEPLAYERS ESPECIALLY, and/or if you make at or near minimum wage at your day job, let's hear from you.

Edited by inseeisyou
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It seems like everyone that makes a post on the forums is part of some "high intellect" gaming elite, the developer of the original Tetris and a dual major in Computer Science and Philosophy.


There is also many references to the "casuals" or "the majority of players" being rather simple and easily manipulated by big bad Bioware who has created this horrifying "theme park" type game which seems to be akin to placing a baby in a crib.


I want to know who "all these" players are. If you are super casual, enthusiastic about space combat, ROLEPLAYERS ESPECIALLY, and if you make at or near minimum wage at your day job, let's hear from you.


Guilty as charged :) Except for the minimum wage thing, its a bit higher now... When the money actually comes in :(

Edited by archifikoss
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Forums, by their nature, do not attract casual gamers or even those gamers who are "hardcore" but happy with the game.


They are often an outlet for those unhappy with the game or would like to see the game bent more towards their playstyle.


If someone is happy, they don't normally post "I am happy".


People often exaggerate themselves to make a point on a forum. That is why you see so many "gaming elites" claim they know best.


The truth is outside a handful of people, there is no gaming elite. We all want different things and some of us want the same thing. You have to take the forums with a grain of salt and understand what is good, constructive conversation and what is a complete waste of time.

Edited by Arkerus
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Casual gamer;)

Forum junkie:D

Work 6 days a week but make a lot more than the minimum wage

Play about 10 hours a week still not lvl 50 not in any hurry many alts.

Think the game is great haven’t found any game breaking bugs.

When I pvp I expect to lose or be on the losing side, like to play both factions to give both factions the benefit of my skilless play style.


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It seems like everyone that makes a post on the forums is part of some "high intellect" gaming elite, the developer of the original Tetris and a dual major in Computer Science and Philosophy.


There is also many references to the "casuals" or "the majority of players" being rather simple and easily manipulated by big bad Bioware who has created this horrifying "theme park" type game which seems to be akin to placing a baby in a crib.


I want to know who "all these" players are. If you are super casual, enthusiastic about space combat, ROLEPLAYERS ESPECIALLY, and/or if you make at or near minimum wage at your day job, let's hear from you.



These terms were invented by idiots basically to make themselves feel better about spending 12 hours a day playing a video game. Nothing hardcore about sitting on your butt and pretending to be better than someone else playing the same game as you, it's how I see it.

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I consider myself a core player, I play all aspects of the game, not harcore, not casual,

I have read from other companies, that only about 20% of the total game popualtion even visit the forums after they create thier accounts, so really the forums do not reflect the overall mood of a game, just like everthing in life, when people are somewhat happy with something the rarely, post about it or call to tell the company to tell them how good a job they do, but unhappy minority sure gets vocal, I read the forums for entertianment and those morning /facepalm moments..LOL

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Those people aren't reading the forums.


This^ Majority of people are casuals that only play a few hours a week, opposed to a few hours a day. The majority of people like to pvp here and there at a minimum with a small portion really dedicated to pvp. The majority of people will never read this post because for the most part, they never bother with the forums. And if they do go onto the forums, it is to look for help with something that they were not able to figure out in game.

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Hey there!


We ask that threads in the General Discussion forum are constructive discussions on Star Wars™: The Old Republic™. Since this is commenting on the types of threads and posters and not about the game itself, we're going to go ahead and close the thread for being off-topic.



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