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are sages good in pvp


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I can tell you as a Valor rank 66 that Sages rock. It was more challenging when leveling up but now that I'm geared and most importantly understand my class to the fullest I'm still hitting 650k damage in a warzone after surge nerfs. :) As for 1 vs 1. The Operatives are the Anti Sage and good Powertechs will be some fun competition. Everyone else drops like flies.


To the OP:


It's all about who is playing behind the keyboard. This is far from a push button class. It's understanding the mechanics and skills of your class and using them correctly.


If the Sents/Maras and Shadows/Assas on your server are not able to properly give you a really hard time then they are bad.

Oh and bragging with damage done as Sage is really stupid since this is a DoT/AoE class in DPS specc so naturally it is a class wich easily deals a lot of damage but also one of the most meaningless since most of it is easily healable.

Too bad the Scoreboard doesn't show which damage led to actual kills instead of inflating the damage category so you can drool over it.

Edited by Vales
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If the Sents/Maras and Shadows/Assas on your server are not able to properly give you a really hard time then they are bad.

Oh and bragging with damage done as Sage is really stupid since this is a DoT/AoE class in DPS specc so naturally it is a class wich easily deals a lot of damage but also one of the most meaningless since most of it is easily healable.

Too bad the Scoreboard doesn't show which damage led to actual kills instead of inflating the damage category so you can drool over it.


First of all, I'm just trying to prove a point to Rabits that Sages are a pretty damn good class if you know how to play them right. Don't assume that I am bad because I am far from it.


If you knew our class you would know that we have good burst with out AOE. Just to prove a point, I use stalker armor. It gives me an extra charge in my force potency. That's 3 instant crits. I have 3 instant casts. Force in balance > Telekinetic wave > Project = enemy at 20% health. If you don't think that I can get a kill after that than you have my class mistaken.

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First of all, I'm just trying to prove a point to Rabits that Sages are a pretty damn good class if you know how to play them right. Don't assume that I am bad because I am far from it.


If you knew our class you would know that we have good burst with out AOE. Just to prove a point, I use stalker armor. It gives me an extra charge in my force potency. That's 3 instant crits. I have 3 instant casts. Force in balance > Telekinetic wave > Project = enemy at 20% health. If you don't think that I can get a kill after that than you have my class mistaken.



I dont think there is any question that sages are good class in zerg conditions or against pugs.


Even with crit - 2.5k on each of those against a geared enemy) you can hope to get them down to 60% of their health tops. This is assuming you are able to get your TK wave without getting interrupted.


Sorry, but I cant agree that sages can do spike damage. as I said earlier, against group v group, the only viable role I can see for sages is being a healer.

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First of all, I'm just trying to prove a point to Rabits that Sages are a pretty damn good class if you know how to play them right. Don't assume that I am bad because I am far from it.


If you knew our class you would know that we have good burst with out AOE. Just to prove a point, I use stalker armor. It gives me an extra charge in my force potency. That's 3 instant crits. I have 3 instant casts. Force in balance > Telekinetic wave > Project = enemy at 20% health. If you don't think that I can get a kill after that than you have my class mistaken.


Thats load of BULL crap if you kept fighting people below 300 experties average of course you can win, 650k damage? thats garbage try play a full team vs BM players i bet you cant even pull out 150k. I am rank 68 almost 69 now what makes you think you can tell me how to play my class?

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I am valor rank 67 sage, i can tell you if you play against any expericened players sage suck ***. There is noway sage beat any class 1v1 fight, when i made my sage I thought it would be like a mage in wow aka a paper cannon then I found out I only half right, sage has zero survival ability and go down in 5sec with 2melee on you, some dumb fk will tell you sage can kite thats Ulter ******** dont believe them, no class in this game can be kited, unless they are lvl 10. The class is broken, of course if you always hide behide good team you can have some wins but what class cant? If you want be a GOD class roll a shadow/sentinel, they can not be cced they hit like truck **** you under 10sec, and they never die unless player got connection problems. Some people may tell you, you got killed too quick because your gears don't believe them I have 680experties and I go down under 10sec with 2 good players on me, I die before then chain stun ended theres no chance survive at all.


I agree totally! Sages are the weakest PvP class out there. To all those that say sages are OP...play one and you will soon stop your ****en whinning!

Edited by MrHemlocks
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As a valor 53 hybrid DPS sage, I have to say that sages are not paper canon and agree with rabits for the most part.


You go down to melee very quickly and now it has come to a point that the melee take me out right at the start of the fight. I can CC couple of them but with so many aoe, they will be on to you quickly. Your best bet is to hug pillars and apply pressure with your AOE/dots.. but you are not going to burn anyone down .


I used to play runemaster in DAOC and was hoping this will be somewhat similar , but the range is just not there for you to DPS down anyone before they get to you and a lot of melee having gap closers, so it is very hard to kite.


Btw, I am talking about playing at level 50 against teams that know what they are doing. I am almost thinking about rolling a trooper who seem to be more durable at 50. Pre 50, yes, sages/sorcs can rule the WZ.. but post 50.. nope.


A well played marauder or assassin will eat up a sage everytime..



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Thats load of BULL crap if you kept fighting people below 300 experties average of course you can win, 650k damage? thats garbage try play a full team vs BM players i bet you cant even pull out 150k. I am rank 68 almost 69 now what makes you think you can tell me how to play my class?


Are you biotech? Rakata stims? 15% expertise stims? That is probably your problem. Yes, L2P. I doubt you use what i mentioned. If you are using what i mentioned i dont know what to tell you. Anyone on my server thats goes in WZs can vouch for me. My guild especially. Enemy full of BM i will get 250k-350k. Any skilled sage can solo any skilled player and win except operative and powertechs


If you wasnt so self centered maybe you would learn how to play your class. You are so full of yourself you think you know it all. That is your biggest weakness and why you fail. Valor rank just means you play warzones a lot. It doesnt mean **** on how good you are

Edited by Sinisterz
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I got 400 in biochem buffs and heals and experties pots, just by saying you can solo any skilled class its proven enough you are an idiot, 250k my ***, you lucky if you could cast anything before you got owned.


Come to my server and you see my buffs, it cant be done over night. Go to the Forums claim you can solo assassins and warriors see how hard you get owned there. You are the one seens to be hugging puged WZ all day long to get your rank up noob!

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Ah, PvP trash talk. I don't even need to go to WZ to have it.


Just to chime in. Lil sage here. Was playing on my BH and decided to try my Sage.


First try = abysmal. Level 34 and my gear was down there. Went from 6-7 medals with the BH to 2-4.


Been gearing up since, got my FiB doing its +20% to DoTs, and all combined my medals have gone up to 5-6. More importantly I notice I whittle my enemies faster now. More importantly still the toolkit is really nice. Insta bubble a team mate in trouble, toss a few heals, insta force lift, dash like a mad rabbit with Force Speed when I get the ball.


S'fun. Who cares about 1 VS 1 anyway? We got objectives to win as a team.

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First of all, I'm just trying to prove a point to Rabits that Sages are a pretty damn good class if you know how to play them right. Don't assume that I am bad because I am far from it.


If you knew our class you would know that we have good burst with out AOE. Just to prove a point, I use stalker armor. It gives me an extra charge in my force potency. That's 3 instant crits. I have 3 instant casts. Force in balance > Telekinetic wave > Project = enemy at 20% health. If you don't think that I can get a kill after that than you have my class mistaken.


1.) Bold part is such a generic statement I have seen it for all other ACs and therefore it is worthless.


2.) No we do not have "good" single target burst and especially not reliable if we do not get PoM and TK Effusion proccs our burst is non existant.


3.) If you can get someone down from 100% to 20% with just 3 instant casts you are either lying or they are terribly geared.

It'd mean you can deal about 12k-14k damage in less than 4.5 seconds not even mentioning that you need a PoM procc first which can lead to several seconds of spamming a 3 second channel.

The numbers I have seen against well geared players do not even remotely come close. It'd mean on avarage you crit for over 4k-5k each instant cast.


4.) I do asume you are a bad player. In fact 99% of all players on these forums are bad or not half as good as they think they are or they claim.


Try again.

Edited by Vales
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Actually LOLed at the title.


Yes, sage' are good at PvP, and are widely considered overpowered by the community.

It is an extremely easy class to be 'good' at. And the viable hybrid options make it the class with the MOST UTILITY (completely indisputable, anybody who has rolled a decent sage/sorc will agree).

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Actually LOLed at the title.


Yes, sage' are good at PvP, and are widely considered overpowered by the community.

It is an extremely easy class to be 'good' at. And the viable hybrid options make it the class with the MOST UTILITY (completely indisputable, anybody who has rolled a decent sage/sorc will agree).


Highest utility in regards to CC.

Lowest passive damage reduction.

One of the lowest single target bursts.


Damage inflated grossly thanks to DoTs and AoE which deal a lot of easily healed against damage and is more often than not pointless. Sadly the scoreboard does not show which part of the Sorc damage lead to actual kills. If they'd shown that Sorcs and Sages would be near bottom of all DDs.

Heals are inflated thanks to shield. If not for shield our healing as non healers would be close to nonexistant in Wzs especially against any decent opponent.


All classes are about equally easy so the "easy" part is quite pointless.

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All i gotta say is some you guys really think sages/sorcs are that bad(which i absolutly dont agree with)then why is 70% of all warzones i play in players are sages/sorcs.


Well ill tell you why.


You guys have heals,ton of cc,good damage,knockback,all at 30 meters.What other class can do 500k dmg in a warzone and still have 100-200k healing?maybe a commando/merc if there really geared and fighting noobs.For sorcs though its easy.


Also the whole which class is good 1vs1 doesnt mean jack in this game.I mean ive been playing since launch and i think 1 time i had a 1vs1.They just dont happen in this game and if they did trust me sorcs/sages would be good at them.

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By most utility I mean stopping node captures with DoTs, defending turrets with AoE and running the ball with bubble+force speed.


So what of we dont get high kills? We stop nodes being captured. This helps win the warzone.





Try rolling one and see how difficult it is to actually kill an equally played opponent.

IMO sages/sorcs are there to support a team rather than dominate the kills table. We are excellent at defending, our CCs and DoT make it fairly difficult for an enemy to cap anything.


On the other hand, unless your seer/hybrid spec, survivability is poor.



Seer spec here and I feel incredibly useful in warzones healing my team and DoT anyone I see.

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By most utility I mean stopping node captures with DoTs, defending turrets with AoE and running the ball with bubble+force speed.


So what of we dont get high kills? We stop nodes being captured. This helps win the warzone.





Try rolling one and see how difficult it is to actually kill an equally played opponent.

IMO sages/sorcs are there to support a team rather than dominate the kills table. We are excellent at defending, our CCs and DoT make it fairly difficult for an enemy to cap anything.


On the other hand, unless your seer/hybrid spec, survivability is poor.



Seer spec here and I feel incredibly useful in warzones healing my team and DoT anyone I see.


All ranged classes can instantly disrupt node caps. Be that with instant free damage shots or DoTs of their own.

I agree otherwise Sorc/Sage is more a support class than anything else.

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By most utility I mean stopping node captures with DoTs, defending turrets with AoE and running the ball with bubble+force speed.


So what of we dont get high kills? We stop nodes being captured. This helps win the warzone.





Try rolling one and see how difficult it is to actually kill an equally played opponent.

IMO sages/sorcs are there to support a team rather than dominate the kills table. We are excellent at defending, our CCs and DoT make it fairly difficult for an enemy to cap anything.


On the other hand, unless your seer/hybrid spec, survivability is poor.



Seer spec here and I feel incredibly useful in warzones healing my team and DoT anyone I see.



I continue play sage because I dont want to lvl another 50 and go over all 70 valor rank again. When the game started yes there were 50% wz running with sage/sorc but not anymore on my sever sage are like 10% now, wonder why they drop so fast?

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If you not rank 60+ sage ****! My character name is Noxia on THE MAW server, my current valor rank is 67 , don't fking tell me you know anything about sage pvp if you not 60+ valor please. English is't my first languagen sorry about the grammar.


Does this guy understand that ranking up in Valor levels isn't really all that impressive, it's more of a time sink than anything else?

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It's the person behind the keyboard that makes the player. Sages have a lot of utility to get the job done. Don't stand in the open, use force speed for getting around something to heal up. Use your slows and stuns.


It's very easy to do well as a sage.


As for valor ranks. It's pretty much a time sink / who found the turret in Ilum first.

Turretmaster / ilum heros are everywhere yet a lot are very average players.

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Funny the only place anybody QQ's about how bad Sages are is in the Sage class section of the forum.


Sages are great, they are certainly competitive against any other class melee or ranged, they have all the tools they need to succeed provided that you actually use them.

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