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So Bioware, when do you give the Republic another race?


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lol somehow a jawa jedi or sith made me chuckle.. Not sure they are force attuned anyways.


Hmm... placing this in spoiler tags just to be sure...



One of the first quests on Empire side of Tatooine has you investigating the possibility of Force-sensitive Jawas


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Adding a race to the Republic that everyone wants to be (Wookie is my vote) will help tremendously with the imbalanced Imperial population.


Look at what blood elves did for the Horde. Prior to them nearly all the servers had more Alliance. After the introduction of Blood Elves, tons of people flocked to Horde.


Add Wookies and watch the Republic numbers swell. Mark my words.

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lmao, seriously can't stop laughing. Have you seen the Empire general chat?


i've never once seen anything in general chat that looks like "wah wah wah the devs no likey us." these threads are the most childish asinine things i've seen posted in a long time. i'm not even sure they aren't all meant to be joke posts...

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Adding a race to the Republic that everyone wants to be (Wookie is my vote) will help tremendously with the imbalanced Imperial population.


yeah, then when all the kids are mad because they can't see their gear on the wookie there would be a thousand posts telling us the devs don't like the republic because wookies either a) don't have every item in the game remodeled for both sexes of wookie, or b) don't have visible upgrades at all, because let's face it, a wookie in clothes is retarded...

Edited by iceperson
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i've never once seen anything in general chat that looks like "wah wah wah the devs no likey us." these threads are the most childish asinine things i've seen posted in a long time. i'm not even sure they aren't all meant to be joke posts...


Made a few empire characters and I can safely say people are MUCH MUCH MUCH more mature on Republic side (in my experiences)


Dromund Kaas is full of jerks, awful trolls, and arrow-to-the-knee jokes.

Dromund Kaas is Barrens Chat 2.0

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yeah, then when all the 8 year olds are mad because they can't see their gear on the wookie there would be a thousand posts telling us the devs don't like the republic because wookies either a) don't have every item in the game remodeled for both sexes of wookie, or b) don't have visible upgrades at all, because let's face it, a wookie in clothes is retarded...


I think this is the biggest problem with non-human species...it's easy for equipment to work properly if all you can pick is one color of "human" over another.


It would take tremendous work to modify all of the equipment so that it showed up properly on a wookiee...or imagine what helmets would do on a mon cal....they already have enough issues with Twi'lek lekku.....


Personally, I'd love to have an Ithorian....and hopefully someday they'll have put in the work-effort to allow non-human-shaped species in the game as players....

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Some are, one of the Imperial quests is to capture a force-using jawa.


Nooo the plot has been spoiled! J/K! :p In all seriousness though, that's actually sorta cool that you do come in contact with force-sensitive jawas. Odd I wonder why I can't remember that quest at all. I'll have to go back and check.

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If you aren't aware, on most servers Republic is the underdog.


Not really BioWare's fault. I enjoy the Republic's quests (what few I've done on my lowbie trooper), but people just want UNLIMITED POWAH!


And a new race is much more interesting than another class combo with an already existing race.


I disagree with this. I don't think a Chagrian or Togruta > a class with interesting companions.


Not to mention that the current exclusive races for the Republic are simply the choice between a blind-human and a green human, whereas the Empire's races are much more alien looking, and more diversity in appearance customization.


Spiky human

Cancer patient

Night Crawler.

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