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I quit WoW to play SWTOR and don't regret it!


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I quit raiding in WoW in October, and I quit WoW altogether in February. I've been playing Panda Beta and the more I do the less it appeals to me. Too much Chinese culture, which really doesn't appeal to me at all.


I also unsubscribed from this game about 2 weeks ago, mostly because I generally found the skill level and "MMO Intellect" of the players to be a couple of notches below plus the insufferable grind to get PvP geared is ridiculous when you are forced to get stuck with the aforementioned bad players on your team.


I still have a couple of months left before shutdown, so I'll see how transfers and the patch go, and maybe that will change my mind.

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Everyone I know has said the exact opposite and that GW2 is an absolute train wreck. I know people that have returned to swtor after playing GW2 beta because it was so lackluster. That doesn't surprise me at all though since the first GW was massively overrated as well, it just gets championed by people who are too cheap to toss a sub fee out. SWTOR needs merges and some cross realm dungeon/pvp but other then that it is the highest quality MMO on the market.


well that sounds believable if the server declines weren't implying otherwise. i am not trashing this game just to trash it. obviously after 5 months and still being able to post, i have given this game a chance to change my views. i honestly believe anyone who loves this game more than wow or gw2 is either a big star wars fan and don't really care how good or bad the game is, or was either having trouble keeping up with the hardcore crowd in wow and wanted a slow pace, little content game so they wouldn't suffer from a gear race. i was never one of those people in wow, but i've always been a "just enjoy the game" type of player. i've carried that same mentality here, but everything from pvp to grouping for flashpoints and operations seems like a step backwards in comparison.


gw2 is hardly a trainwreck. they had the same amount of servers and just about every single server was full. the feedback on the forums are much more encouraging that swtor.

Edited by siccnezx
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gw2 is hardly a trainwreck. they had the same amount of servers and just about every single server was full. the feedback on the forums are much more encouraging that swtor.


Well, beta testers are saying differently. The game is getting shredded by everyone who's tested it. It will be just like gw1, great for the f2p crowd but just a shallow and empty experience. Just like D3, gw2 will be flat on it's face 2 months after launch. Although I'll give GW2 some credit, it's story telling can't possibly be any worse then D3.


Look, I hope Gw2 does live up to the hype since the internet crowd will rip anything these days. I hope you enjoy the heck out of it and it's all you want in an MMO, I will continue to enjoy SWTOR for years to come. To each their own and I really hope for the best for Gw2

Edited by justandulas
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Right now i'm just viewing this game as 8 KOTOR's, except without really choosing the fate of the galaxy at the end. Hopefully they have the 50 game fixed by the time i'm done with the 8th.


Sad part is.. 80% of your KoTOR you feel you're playing are virtually the same general trash quest..... BORINGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG.. But if reading the novel over again with only new names makes you feel good... Good for you :)

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Everyone I know has said the exact opposite and that GW2 is an absolute train wreck. I know people that have returned to swtor after playing GW2 beta because it was so lackluster. That doesn't surprise me at all though since the first GW was massively overrated as well, it just gets championed by people who are too cheap to toss a sub fee out. SWTOR needs merges and some cross realm dungeon/pvp but other then that it is the highest quality MMO on the market.


One could argue the same thing for just about any major game release. People did the same thing for this game after all. The hype on this game was crazy. They first announced it in what... 2007/8? 4/5 years speculating, building the hype, and then look what happened. So many people were disappointed by it.


I for one really enjoy "SW:TOR". I was around when they first announced it and couldn't wait. Being a lifer from "SWG" I was really looking forward to a viable replacement. It hit the mark with about 90% of the stuff I was looking for in a replacement for "SWG". We won't go into detail about the things this game is missing... there are hundreads of threads for that.

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I haven't touched WOW since I got this game. And I loved WOW so much at the time, I signed the 1 year AP eagerly... "I've been playing for years and signing this will get me D3 for free!". Huge mistake. I am wasting money on WOW, a game I no longer play and D3 isn't all that good. I wish I'd have tried SWTOR before signing the 1 year pass in WOW.



Anyway, I have fun in SWTOR everyday. I'll be here for a while.

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I haven't touched WOW since I got this game. And I loved WOW so much at the time, I signed the 1 year AP eagerly... "I've been playing for years and signing this will get me D3 for free!". Huge mistake. I am wasting money on WOW, a game I no longer play and D3 isn't all that good. I wish I'd have tried SWTOR before signing the 1 year pass in WOW.



Anyway, I have fun in SWTOR everyday. I'll be here for a while.


And I wish I had not bought the 6 month sub to TOR. I have did the 6 month sub for WoW for years and have no regrets.

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