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I quit WoW to play SWTOR and don't regret it!


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Source or just trolling.


It's common knowledge, if anyone is trolling the OP's thread here is you and a selected bunch of regular forum whiners who cannot wait to jump in any positive topic about this game and tell everyone how they are wrong, how the game is bad and similar garbage.

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It's common knowledge, if anyone is trolling the OP's thread here is you and a selected bunch of regular forum whiners who cannot wait to jump in any positive topic about this game and tell everyone how they are wrong, how the game is bad and similar garbage.


And they are PAYING to do it!


I love it. :)

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Source or just trolling.


It's common "knowledge" among the WoW hate cult that Blizzard lies about their subscriber numbers. They also know that this "Korea" is a fabrication by Blizzard's accountants to confuse the IRS into taking more money from them than they should. They lie on their taxes every year and commit multiple counts of securities fraud just too look more successful than they are, even though this strategy costs them millions in taxes paid on inflated revenue claims.


Most of their recent losses were in Asia though, China specifically. Unless they lied about that so they could trick the IRS into taking extra taxes as well.

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It's common knowledge, if anyone is trolling the OP's thread here is you and a selected bunch of regular forum whiners who cannot wait to jump in any positive topic about this game and tell everyone how they are wrong, how the game is bad and similar garbage.




O btw check his past posts and the reason the op posted this one




I enjoyed WoW for years but since Wotlk it went downhill to me.

Now i'm just tired of the whole elves and dwarfs lore and SWtor for me is just refreshing and will keep mehere for years to come.

I will never return to WoW.Period.

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It's common knowledge, if anyone is trolling the OP's thread here is you and a selected bunch of regular forum whiners who cannot wait to jump in any positive topic about this game and tell everyone how they are wrong, how the game is bad and similar garbage.


Common knowledge is very convincing argument...

Mmmm wait I need to think about this one...

Yea I got it..


Common knowledge is rubbish as argument.


FACTS: WoW 10.2 mil subs vs. SWTOR 1.7 mil subs.


WoW: http://www.diablofans.com/news/1083-activision-blizzard-q4-conference-call/

SWTOR: http://www.marketwatch.com/story/electronic-arts-reports-q3-fy12-financial-results-2012-02-01


Now present Your facts, rather than "common knowledge" for actually saying that swtor is real WoW's competition.

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Common knowledge is very convincing argument...

Mmmm wait I need to think about this one...

Yea I got it..


Common knowledge is rubbish as argument.


FACTS: WoW 10.2 mil subs vs. SWTOR 1.7 mil subs.


WoW: http://www.diablofans.com/news/1083-activision-blizzard-q4-conference-call/

SWTOR: http://www.marketwatch.com/story/electronic-arts-reports-q3-fy12-financial-results-2012-02-01


Now present Your facts, rather than "common knowledge" for actually saying that swtor is real WoW's competition.


It isn't just 'common knowledge' that WoW has been losing its player base for the past year for whatever reason, Blizzard freely admit this. However WoW is still THE huge game, THE game that broke the mould. It is however a freak and a one off and I doubt those subscription numbers at the start of WotLK [14 million accounts including trials] will ever be seen again. I don't even think that a pay per month model is going to succeed after SWTOR, I think those days may be long gone. Content payment seems to be the way forward for most games now.


It isn't about a competition though between two very good games, it is about playing and posting about a game you enjoy - in this case SWTOR. You obviously don't enjoy SWTOR and I don't think I speak only for myself when I say I wish there was an ignore button on the forum because frankly you are becoming tedious now. Can't you give it a rest?


No offense intended.



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What exactly do you think the 50's here are doing? Endgame in any MMO comes to this.


Gee idk maybe search for all the datacrons in the game? That's a nice adventure all by itself. Save up for the sweet 1.5mil credit mount? Work on getting your pink or purple stone for your lightsaber? Etc...

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Common knowledge is very convincing argument...

Mmmm wait I need to think about this one...

Yea I got it..


Common knowledge is rubbish as argument.


FACTS: WoW 10.2 mil subs vs. SWTOR 1.7 mil subs.


WoW: http://www.diablofans.com/news/1083-activision-blizzard-q4-conference-call/

SWTOR: http://www.marketwatch.com/story/electronic-arts-reports-q3-fy12-financial-results-2012-02-01


Now present Your facts, rather than "common knowledge" for actually saying that swtor is real WoW's competition.


Nice facts,only they say nothing since swtor is on the market for almost 2 months now and WoW has been on the market for 8 years?


Your point ?


Fact:SWtor is a game (most succesfull launch in mmo history) which has his flaws.

Which mmo doesn't?

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I have a hard time coming to these forums with the negativity. Not sure how people can have the types of expectations they do... I guess the game just had too much hype to live up too. I know it has many problems, but it is quite playable, and it makes me wonder how many of the naysayers have actually played any other MMO's other than RECENT WoW. This post is a breath of fresh air.


I am 37, and have been playing MMO's for close to 15 years. I quit WoW some 5-6 years ago. I have tried to go back numerous times and failed... it's just not that great of a game. I tend to get bored with games easily, and eventually I will get bored with this one. I tend to start wavering between the 3-6 month mark and start to look for something else to play. With TOR however I get a different feeling. I tested for 4 months before release, and since I was only working part time at that time I played A LOT! I had all 8 character slots filled ranging from level 10-40 (between EACH reset). Since release I have been concentrating on 3 characters which are now 35, 40, and 50. Somehow I'm not even close to being bored, not even a sliver or thought of any other games. I can't really explain it, but I suspect i'm one of the many (or few) depending on who you talk to, that actually enjoys the story. All I can say is I hope it continues! Many of my friends around my age (from past guilds) that quit MMO's long ago, have returned specifically for this game and are loving it.


In closing, I salute those with a positive attitude. Hopefully those that can't stop complaining will soon realize "hey, why am i still here posting and playing when I hate this game" and will move on to complain about their next title. In my mind if you are between 14 and 18 and have only played WoW, you don't qualify to judge MMO's anyway.

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It isn't just 'common knowledge' that WoW has been losing its player base for the past year for whatever reason, Blizzard freely admit this. However WoW is still THE huge game, THE game that broke the mould. It is however a freak and a one off and I doubt those subscription numbers at the start of WotLK [14 million accounts including trials] will ever be seen again. I don't even think that a pay per month model is going to succeed after SWTOR, I think those days may be long gone. Content payment seems to be the way forward for most games now.


It isn't about a competition though between two very good games, it is about playing and posting about a game you enjoy - in this case SWTOR. You obviously don't enjoy SWTOR and I don't think I speak only for myself when I say I wish there was an ignore button on the forum because frankly you are becoming tedious now. Can't you give it a rest?


No offense intended.




None taken ;)


However nobody talked about WoW loosing subs. Everybody knows that and even in the link I sent You can see another 300k down.


I was just referring to some guy saying that SWTOR is WoWs competition, which with its number of subs isnt.

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Nice facts,only they say nothing since swtor is on the market for almost 2 months now and WoW has been on the market for 8 years?


Your point ?


Fact:SWtor is a game (most succesfull launch in mmo history) which has his flaws.

Which mmo doesn't?


So what? SWTOR was in development for 6 years. Which means that out of those 8 years WoW is on the market, SWTOR could use those 6 years to learn something about MMOs and communities.


Agreed on Your fact, but You still didnt present facts for SWTOR being WoWs competition..which is just plain wishful thinking.

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Wow does suck now. I think you made a fine choice . I checked over at the warcraft forum's recently and now they have a new 25 dollar mount (lol really) it looks like they are trying keep their head's above water by inputting these (mirco-orders) that can only last them so long. New MMO player's are more appealed to play SWTOR because of Bioware dev brand name and Star Wars brand name.


Sooner or later wow is bound to go down. If losing nearly 2 million sub's in under a year, and then losing 100k in their first quarter doesn't tell them their game has passed it's prime and peak. Then I do not know what will.


Personally so many things in SWTOR I enjoy over wow(companions, actual missions) their content team has gotten lazy. Everquest pump's out more content then him and they have less then half the money they do. .I believe people will come to swtor they just need time to adjust to all cool features.

Edited by DragonAgeOrgins
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I'd be curious to know what you actually like about the endgame, as your post has nothing constructive about that aspect. But seeing how you haven't even replied again in your own thread, i'm guessing this won't get answered by you either...


What makes you like this endgame better than WoW? It's basically the same mechanics, but WoW does it much better and is more polished. Once you figure that out, you will be bored to death with SWTOR too.


Because you asked a question back to me directly, here comes the answer:


First of all, I did not say anything constructive about the game itself at all in my post. I just said that I enjoy it as a nice pass-time. I guess most of all I enjoy the diversity of the endgame, something WoW was not able to deliver on.


I enjoy the Flashpoints and doing that together with people I know and trust.

I enjoy datacron hunting with that one crazy guildmember who keeps nagging about how I should help him get this or that 'cron he can't reach for some reason (like being body type 3)

I enjoy playing Star Fox, I mean.. space dailies to try and save up for that orange pilot's gear which reminds me way too much of Luke's uniform from the original trilogy.

I enjoy crafting armors as a synthweaver for my guildies and alts that need it.

I enjoy the Ilum and Belsavis dailies and the rewards they can give me.

I enjoy some random PVP from time to time (something WoW never was able to do for me I might add)

And as soon as we get a few more members to level 50, I am sure I will enjoy playing some Operations as well.


In the end, WoW wasn't able to give me this enjoyment again because it simply ran out of content that was interesting for me. Once you have a ton of achievements, have that one mount you always wanted, crafted your 4th guild legendary and notice that the only people you really enjoy playing the game with has become an ever shrinking group of the same people you have done all the same things with for 6+ years, you realise that it is best to move on.


And moving on is what I did here. A new group of people, a new game. A lot of things the same, a lot of things different. Some things I miss, some things I am glad to not encounter here.


Am I stating fact? No. Am I biased over my own experience? Yes. But you know what.. so is everyone. No matter how much you want to explain your opinion of the game as fact by comparing it to other things, how you experience all those things is completely subjective. It is taste, and it is what makes us all human.


We don't all like the same things. So why are some people so dead set on making sure people should be considered 'casuals' or 'elitist jerks', 'biodrones' or 'haters' just because they like different things.


For me, this thread was nothing more than putting my opinions down in words. Nothing more, nothing less. I am just an average Joe who seems to like this game, I have no reason to dislike people who are just as average Joe than me but seem to dislike this game. So why should they dislike me, and try and talk me and others with the same opinion down with often stupid remarks in this thread because of our differing opinion?


I pity the people who feel the need to strengthen themselves by kicking other people down over this. And I hope you realise yourself how useless it is to spend energy on something so negative, when you could also put it to good use in enjoying yourself as I am enjoying myself. Be that in this game, or any other thing you can do to enjoy yourself.


So.. to end this wall of text, I just repeat those two words again: Enjoy yourself.

Edited by Devlonir
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Common knowledge is rubbish as argument.


Trolling is also rubbish yet you seem to like it a lot.


Why don't you go back to that beloved WoW of yours, rumor has it that pandas are coming just to make you happy, instead you are being a hypocrite by paying to play this game and write how bad it is on the forum.


I certainly won't even consider going back to WoW, ever, because for me SWTOR is much better game overall, yet unlike you here i don't go to Blizzard's forum and pollute it with garbage posts.

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So what? SWTOR was in development for 6 years. Which means that out of those 8 years WoW is on the market, SWTOR could use those 6 years to learn something about MMOs and communities.


Agreed on Your fact, but You still didnt present facts for SWTOR being WoWs competition..which is just plain wishful thinking.


Who said i had 2,that aint my goal.


Just wanted to let you know you can't know how SWTOR will develop,if it's competition for WoW remains to be seen idd.


IMO it is,but that's just my opinion.

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Who said i had 2,that aint my goal.


Just wanted to let you know you can't know how SWTOR will develop,if it's competition for WoW remains to be seen idd.


IMO it is,but that's just my opinion.


Well one thing is fo sho. If Bioware goes on with the customer support they provided since launch, WoW or any other mmo really doesnt need to worry.

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Common knowledge is very convincing argument...

Mmmm wait I need to think about this one...

Yea I got it..


Common knowledge is rubbish as argument.


FACTS: WoW 10.2 mil subs vs. SWTOR 1.7 mil subs.


WoW: http://www.diablofans.com/news/1083-activision-blizzard-q4-conference-call/

SWTOR: http://www.marketwatch.com/story/electronic-arts-reports-q3-fy12-financial-results-2012-02-01


Now present Your facts, rather than "common knowledge" for actually saying that swtor is real WoW's competition.


According to you, SWTOR forums are more fun than WoW.


So much so you're willing to pay to post.



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According to you, SWTOR forums are more fun than WoW.


So much so you're willing to pay to post.




Not really.

Its the same thing on both ends really.

But as I said..I quit wow about a year ago..played it recently for a week and quit again.

However I played swtor for quite some time recently so Im still in touch with everything thats going on...already lost track on WoW side.

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I like how in SWTOR, you don't need to explain any of the boss fights because they're all tank and spank variants. Most bosses are just that. Some knock you back or charge you randomly. Most have some for of ground AoE to not stand in. I can think of 2 fights where this isn't the case.


I like that. Makes raiding really easy.


Can't tell if serious...

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Well one thing is fo sho. If Bioware goes on with the customer support they provided since launch, WoW or any other mmo really doesnt need to worry.


Well fact is that they are listening to the community and they are adressing the problems,costumer service imo should be their priority now so i expect that to be a lot better asap.i had problems as well with their CS and that's my biggest problem so far with swtor.

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Well fact is that they are listening to the community and they are adressing the problems,costumer service imo should be their priority now so i expect that to be a lot better asap.i had problems as well with their CS and that's my biggest problem so far with swtor.


Agreed. Their CS is the main reason I quit the game even though I was big supporter. So if they dont do anything with their CS fast and actually deliver those thousands of promises they did in Dev Tracker, more ppl will follow me just because of this.

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If I leave this game some day, I won't go back to an old game. I never did go back to old games. For now this game is very enjoyable and yes, it's a game and that is what it should be. It won't change my life, I won't get furious when I encounter a bug, it's just entertainment. And in that respect there are just too little positive threads here, because why would you worry too much about a game, or why get angry with it?
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