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Replace one companion


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A lot of people i talk to, at least on the Empire side, want to kill one of their companions.

Let us choose ONE to kill, and give us a droid later on that replaces that one.


My Juggernaut NEEDS to kill Quinn.

My Bounty Hunter REALLY wants to kill Skadge.

From what friends have said to me, i know there are others.


I understand why it was decided that players shouldnt kill their companions. I really do. Maybe we could get a droid that has the same abilities & crew skill proficiencies as the one we choose to kill?


Think about it. That would give us a choice to be a little unique. We could just get an option at some point to kill ONE companion. Just one. ANY one. Then later on we somehow acquire a droid who has the same role/abilities/crew skill stuff as whichever one we chose to kill. That would not require extra voice work (droid could speak like R2-D2) and minimal writing. Just a generic droid. If players choose NOT to kill a companion, then things remain as they are right now. If the DO kill one, they get this generic droid and dont severely gimp themselves.


I believe im not the only one who would LOVE to kill a certain companion and would gladly live with a more generic companion if it meant i got to do this!

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I agree.


-As a Trooper, i want to court martial + shoot Tanno. He has simply no point in a lightsided Unit.


-I feel sad for Jedi Knights that

they have the Killer of the Exile aboard,

who threatens to teach your children Sith lore... and cant space this waste of breathable air.


My Idea:

In Short, we should be able to kill/drop some companions and get an optional Companion, with the same general Skills (but not much Story).


So, if you court martial Tanno, the opportunity to recruit another "Demolitions Specialist" who is on the same base should arise.


If you kill the Quinn after a certain Incident as Sith Warrior, you should simply be able to recruit a local Base medic. Would be quite fitting to build it in the story.. the Medic was simply the one who would treat your wounds after the incident. "You, come wth me, i just lost my Medic" - "yes my Lord, but the base.." - "I wont repeat this order..." - "yes my lord"


But i would be fine with the Droid option too.

Edited by Kheldras
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I dunno about that, the moment they implement this feature you'll get people complaining that they have to start all over with gaining affection with the droid, or that the droid is boring. Actually, how would you make this droid work? Would it be a character with a plot or would it just be some empty shell filling in for the PvE role it had? Edited by Bielduwyn
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Shell filling for the role, basically. The idea is for them to be able to implement this without having to dump a lot of resources into creating it. This way it is viable for them to do even if this isnt a "game breaking" issue.


They can make it VERY clear that you are going to KILL this companion you are choosing, and that the decision is PERMANENT. Yes, you will miss out on further story arcs with that character, but you will not be gimped because you will be getting a "shell for the role" as you put it. Sure, some idiots would complain that they no longer had that companion, but this game is supposed to be about choices. So far the dialog choices and light/dark choices seem fairly meaningless, this would be a chance to make a choice with at least SOME meaningful ramifications (without the ability to totally gimp yourself)


For many people, losing further dialog/story arcs with one companion would be VERY worth it in order to kill that companion! Plus, it would make my Juggernaut experience slightly different from your Juggernaut experience if I killed Vette and you killed Quinn, etc. Also, there would need to be an option not to kill any companion.

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It does feel kinda weird with companions who you absolutely can't trust/don't want to have around... for my Sith Warrior that's 3 out of 5 companions I'd like to either kill or (for 2 of them at least) rather simply send away/assign somewhere else so I don't have to hide my personality all the freakin time because it would mark me as a traitor and I'd become a FP boss like Malgus (so dumb I had to kill these guy, I agree with 75% of what he stands for).


On my SI there are comps I don't really like (Andronikus/Xalek[for constantly telling me that one day he will kill me]) and I'd also like to get rid of.


Worst thing is on the IA where the only thing that currently (!) keeps me from getting strangled asleep on my ship by my insane fembot is the fact she hasn't figured out how to get past the restraining programming...


They just don't feel like a "crew".. I hope some day we'll have more companions to actually choose from.. killing them off would make all the dumb kids go QQ on forums till they revert it, not holding my breath for this one, but replacing them... now that would work just fine.


The way I expect BW to handle this is no implement 2 new companions per class once they finally introduce SGR... sadly, only those to will be romancable and you might get stuck with a weirdo who'S more bug than human to get your freak on... literally.

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Let me dump Kaliyo out the airlock, please. She's a walking, talking liability who blackmails you into helping her out on her personal quests if you correctly point out that her problems are all her own damn fault and that she needs to live with the consequences of her actions.
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A lot of people would just opt to kill their ship droid. I haven't gotten to any of my Empire ships yet, but C2-N2? Replaced by a droid that fills the same role but only speaks like T7-O1/R2-D2? Much better. I'd rather hear an Artoo tootle as I entered/left my ship than him rambling on about air fresheners or that my companions are looking pudgy.
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A lot of people would just opt to kill their ship droid. I haven't gotten to any of my Empire ships yet, but C2-N2? Replaced by a droid that fills the same role but only speaks like T7-O1/R2-D2? Much better. I'd rather hear an Artoo tootle as I entered/left my ship than him rambling on about air fresheners or that my companions are looking pudgy.


His Imperial counterpart is much better. Still a bit annoying, but amusing if you like your character having a sycophantic bootlick of a protocol droid. "Hail to the Emperor! More importantly, hail to you, master!"

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My Juggernaut NEEDS to kill Quinn.


My Marad is right behind you buddy. I hate that freaking idiot so much. He is almost, if not just as annoying as C2-N2.


I want to drop Risha off at Nar Shadaa, and Akaavi can go back to Mandalor for all I care (both of their attitudes suck). T7 seems to have no loyalty whatsoever, just the Republic and Jedi. I feel like he could leave me at any second as I can't trust him worth squat.


Doc is enjoyable ingame but his attitude on my ship pisses me off. Trash talking Kira and acting like he's the boss of the ship. I would have immediately kicked him right back off. I don't need a doctor that bad, I've been playing without one for 38 levels.


It seems like a fair compromise to give their stories to your ship droid (of choice) and genuinely let you KICK THEM. There were plenty of other enjoyable NPC's that I would have rather joined up. I really hope they look at this.

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A lot of people would just opt to kill their ship droid. I haven't gotten to any of my Empire ships yet, but C2-N2? Replaced by a droid that fills the same role but only speaks like T7-O1/R2-D2? Much better. I'd rather hear an Artoo tootle as I entered/left my ship than him rambling on about air fresheners or that my companions are looking pudgy.


Ditto, please let us atlease remove the vocal unit on that one...

Perhaps being able to change that droid for some other one can be an idea for future sip upgrades, considering it has no story or affection rating.

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