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Why not a SWG 2 instead of a similar Kotor 3?


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Tbh, i would say there were 5 . Pre-cu, CU, NGE, NGE 2 (armour sets and heroics and imprived pvp) and NGE 2.1 (Assaults on cities for region control and odd stuff like atmos flight)


There were 2 CU's, CU-1 and a CU-2. I had the trophys for each. One was silver the other gold if i remember correctly.

Edited by Malefik
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Respect to those who enjoyed it, but SWG was the worst MMO I've ever played. One of two video games in my life that I tried to return (I think I bought some dumb special edition like I always do) ended up giving it away to a friend, I seriously played for less than a week and it felt like a poorly designed everquest in space. I definitely would not be here if SWTOR was marketed as SWG2.
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I played SWG for a solid 6 years. The only reason it wasnt 8 is because I. Didnt have a system capable of playing it until 2005 so i missed the first couple of years. For all those hating on it thats fine you're entitled to your opinion but it should be noted SWG was still making a profit right up until the end. The only reason it is not still going is that the license was not allowed to be renewed.


If it was still available I would still be playing it. I would still be playing SWTOR too but it couldnt have killed my interest in SWG. No game has come out that could have done that.

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The NGE was not what killed the game.


The NGE most certainly is what killed the game, since it gave SWG such a terrible reputation that it put potential new subscribers off from trying out the game, as well as alienating and driving out a huge chunk of the existing playerbase.

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I'm still bummed about there not being a new, modern UO game with the original UO system as well! :mad:




Wait. Is this the thread where we come and post about things that have NOTHING to do with this game?


No. But tbh your comment makes sense. UO , similiar to SWG, had a freedom that I didn't see on many games.

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SWG was garbage. I tried it out, didn't even make it a week because the game was just pure trash.


Unless you were a hardcore role player, the game didn't even make sense. There's a reason it failed, and a reason why SWTOR will retain far more subs than SWG ever had.




I can't watch this without laughing LOL


Just because a game failed doesn't mean some of its features wouldn't be successful in this market.


Oh and speaking of laughing.




That one gets me every time as well.

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Or maybe the SWG fans, you know those who actually played the game, know why people left.


Bugs never being fixed, and no new content for extremely long periods of times.


Helps to actually be in contact with the people who quit and read the forums.


Okay, this anti SWG stuff is getting really silly. SOE and LA failed the SWG community

in several half witted attemps to compete with WoW and Guild Wars. As a vet of SWG

I'm here to tell you. There were more people flooding over to Guild Wars than WoW.

When Guild Wars got old they went to WoW. People seem to forget that Guild Wars was

a HUGE competitor of both SWG and WoW back then. Then there was Light and Dark.

Fist of the Empire, one of the largest cross server guilds in SWG went there.

Then Darkfall.


SWG had tons of bugs, lag, rubberbanding, server issues, ect.

It was also a MASSIVE mmo. The only mmo that I know of as massive as SWG

is Everquest 1 and to some degree 2.


Most of the whining from the SWG community involved the same whining you see

everywhere else. Professions and skills being nerfed, the Combat Upgrade, the NGE.

Keep in mind that the Trials of Obi Wan expansion was released at the same time as

the NGE and wasn't compatible. Meaning everyone that bought it demanded a major

refund from SOE.


SWG did have regular content updates with every major update. As well as vet rewards

during every major update. The game wasn't perfect, but what it was, especially to

the player base that stuck with it, unique.


Everything mainstream now is a cookie cutter clone.


Playing something like Fallen Earth hails back to what SWG, when it was at it's prime,

felt like. People need to stop trashing the game and wake up. It was mismanagement

from SOE and LA that hurt the game. By the time SWG closed down for good, it was

no longer the NGE and a very good game. Saying you couldn't be a vet for 8 years

because it died in 2005 is the silliest thing I have ever read. Opinionated much?

I quit SWG in 2006 and popped back in every now and again to check out the state

of the game. I consider myself to be among those 8 year vets.


Considering my Bounty Hunter could use any weapon in the game, wear any armor

in the game, have any ship my faction allowed in the game, own my own house, city,

guild hall, cantina, medical center, transit station, or YOU, as I was able to hunt

actual players... I dunno. Kind of makes SWTOR and WoW sound pretty small by

comparison. Oh yeah. Perma-death. Considering in the era of SWG Jedi were all but

extinct, it was a pain to get one and cost heavily to run around getting it killed.

That made being one SPECIAL. So when the NGE robbed all those hard working players

by handing them out at creation... yeah... subs fell drastically. It was a betrayal of

the highest sort.


I for one will always look back on SWG as my first and most favorite mmo of all time.

Until someone grows the ..... to make something SWG calibre. Bugs and issues non

withstanding lol.


~Izzy :)

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There is really no reason that BioWare couldn't just add a separate planet for players to colonize with player cites and placeable buildings to decorate if they felt it would be good for the game. I personally think it would make a good expansion that those who aren't into such features could easily skip while pulling in a alot new and formers players to the game.
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SWTOR is really too far in the other direction though.



Now something with the best bits of SWG and SWTOR........... :eek:


Your prob right....I dont really care for "old school" run around everywhere but with no real purpose mmo....I like structure and order in my games, but i can see where people want to do thier own things..

Edited by LuthirFontaine
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There is really no reason that BioWare couldn't just add a separate planet for players to colonize with player cites and placeable buildings to decorate if they felt it would be good for the game. I personally think it would make a good expansion that those who aren't into such features could easily skip while pulling in a alot new and formers players to the game.


I could see that. just as how SWG expanded with a linear world in their last expansion, maybe SWOR does an open world or worlds.


They also mention a couple times, doing things like a guild capital ship but they say it would be way down the road. I think that is all that is really missing. you have a ship to call your own but nowhere that belongs to your guild be it a guild hall/capital ship or and area to defend like your own city.

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The question is all on the title. Why didn't they make a new game like galaxies that offered more freedom , with nearly a billion of features that swtor will never have.

Why this "prison" small story park?


Maybe because SWG was a commercial flop and KOTOR series was a mega blockbuster?

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If SWG spent 300 million to develope like they did for SWTOR SWG would have been the best MMO ever because they would have released a working game with a story line. For the 300 million they spent on this game i have to wonder what they spent all that money on, there is no depth in this game so what were all the resources spent on?? SWG had more potential than any other MMO to come out since if they had the cash to fully develope it, it might have changed the way MMO's are designed but alas we are stuck with WoW clones every where now, no original thought or concept edsign anymore and it still cost them 300 million. What a waste of cash, but i still hold out hope that they can somehow improve this game but i dought it.
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Because SWG was atrocious, both before and after whatever you guys call that do-over they shoehorned in. It wasn't a video game, it was a Star Wars setting for LARPing. If it wasn't for Star Wars fans who will seemingly swallow anything, it would have died years earlier.
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Your prob right....I dont really care for "old school" run around everywhere but with no real purpose mmo....I like structure and order in my games, but i can see where people want to do thier own things..



Thing is though that structure is almost exactly the same for any alt you may play (I could live with it from my 1st alt, by my 4th frankly it's mind numbing :( ) and at L50 you go from structured progress to just a very limited number of choices to do anything.

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Actually they had 750k till wow launched then it fell too 375k. The cu took it to 180k and the nge took it to 30k.


Swtor will be sitting around 300k in a few months. This game just has no depth and the nature of fully voice overing will make it hard to add content. I was stupid and got a 3 month sub not realizing how shallow and linear this game is past 30. At 40 i stopped logging in.. This game is garbage.


Thats interesting, given the fact that SOE never released even a hint of actual sub numbers. Did the population go down after the CU? Yes, absolutely. Did it go down even further after the NGE? Ya. SWG did not fail. For the last 3 months of the game, there were enough people left to keep the game going, but it didn't work out. Tabula Rasa FAILED, HellGate London FAILED, Lego Universe FAILED and well STO was just junk and still is. SWG ran for eight years, most companies dream of a MMO that could last that long.


Bioware only knows how to do linear games, with clear cut objectives etc. But, why are you are questioning things like this after seeing numerous videos showing exactly how the gameplay is? We all knew how the game was waaaay before it was released.


But, it looks like a few have linear thinking as well. TOR has a lot of potential and it really isn't fair judging the entire games future on the first two months. If six months down the road, there hasn't been major changes (new content features etc), then yes it would be justified.

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because simple minds like simple games... and most of the gaming population is quite simple...


Yes the simply want to make money not have another bomb. Sandbox is consigned to the dustbin of internet history. Simply go play one of the many other successful AAA sandbox games that cater to the mass demand for a 3d chat box.

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Okay, this anti SWG stuff is getting really silly. SOE and LA failed the SWG community

in several half witted attemps to compete with WoW and Guild Wars. As a vet of SWG

I'm here to tell you. There were more people flooding over to Guild Wars than WoW.

When Guild Wars got old they went to WoW. People seem to forget that Guild Wars was

a HUGE competitor of both SWG and WoW back then. Then there was Light and Dark.

Fist of the Empire, one of the largest cross server guilds in SWG went there.

Then Darkfall.


SWG had tons of bugs, lag, rubberbanding, server issues, ect.

It was also a MASSIVE mmo. The only mmo that I know of as massive as SWG

is Everquest 1 and to some degree 2.


Most of the whining from the SWG community involved the same whining you see

everywhere else. Professions and skills being nerfed, the Combat Upgrade, the NGE.

Keep in mind that the Trials of Obi Wan expansion was released at the same time as

the NGE and wasn't compatible. Meaning everyone that bought it demanded a major

refund from SOE.


SWG did have regular content updates with every major update. As well as vet rewards

during every major update. The game wasn't perfect, but what it was, especially to

the player base that stuck with it, unique.


Everything mainstream now is a cookie cutter clone.


Playing something like Fallen Earth hails back to what SWG, when it was at it's prime,

felt like. People need to stop trashing the game and wake up. It was mismanagement

from SOE and LA that hurt the game. By the time SWG closed down for good, it was

no longer the NGE and a very good game. Saying you couldn't be a vet for 8 years

because it died in 2005 is the silliest thing I have ever read. Opinionated much?

I quit SWG in 2006 and popped back in every now and again to check out the state

of the game. I consider myself to be among those 8 year vets.


Considering my Bounty Hunter could use any weapon in the game, wear any armor

in the game, have any ship my faction allowed in the game, own my own house, city,

guild hall, cantina, medical center, transit station, or YOU, as I was able to hunt

actual players... I dunno. Kind of makes SWTOR and WoW sound pretty small by

comparison. Oh yeah. Perma-death. Considering in the era of SWG Jedi were all but

extinct, it was a pain to get one and cost heavily to run around getting it killed.

That made being one SPECIAL. So when the NGE robbed all those hard working players

by handing them out at creation... yeah... subs fell drastically. It was a betrayal of

the highest sort.


I for one will always look back on SWG as my first and most favorite mmo of all time.

Until someone grows the ..... to make something SWG calibre. Bugs and issues non

withstanding lol.


~Izzy :)


^ This


Was there from launch until about 6 years where i stopped playing constantly. I did go back a few times Just like you to check the state of the game.


When I unlocked my Jedi I thought that was actually the best thing I was ever able to do in a MMO game. The grinding after ward, the negative xp the "being hunted" was all apart of a game I loved.


When I made full temp MLS, MD, and a few on the healing tree. I felt Like I had accomplished something (in regards to MMO games).


As much as I love this game (and will stick with it). I am still getting used to the "WoW" or theme park system . I never liked it much. I tried WoW and didn't care for it. tried others and none had the style of play I loved in SWG.


I know, that type of game is all but extinct for the most part, but I still believe that there is so much that can be done with this game. the possibilities are endless.


Oh Well. SWG was the Best MMO experience I have had and what remains are simply, memories.


I shouldn't expect too much for this title in the ways of sandbox additions but there is still hope. :)

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Yes the simply want to make money not have another bomb. Sandbox is consigned to the dustbin of internet history. Simply go play one of the many other successful AAA sandbox games that cater to the mass demand for a 3d chat box.


What successful AAA "themepark" games have there been since WoW?



Not that I'd really call WoW themepark, so much as EQ1-lite.

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