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Why not a SWG 2 instead of a similar Kotor 3?


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SWG was failing from the very beginning. The game simply couldn't retain subscribers. The NGE was not what killed the game. It was a misguided attempt to save an MMO that had been on life support for a long time already and simply ended up being the final nail in its coffin.


SWG kept 300,000 subs for 2 years. While it was not alot for today (actually was back then). It did not gain subs but it did not lose subs either SWTOR on the other hand SWTOR is just losing subs.


What would you rather have? 300,000 players that are dedicated to the game and will not leave for some other game just because its new or 1 million players that can and have bailed on games just because something new came out

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The question is all on the title. Why didn't they make a new game like galaxies that offered more freedom , with nearly a billion of features that swtor will never have.

Why this "prison" small story park?


How's SWG doing these days?





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SWTOR is far better than WoW.


They are exactly the same. So how can one be better than the other.


SWTOR PVP is a exact copy from WOW


PVE is the same. level your toon to max level then run older dungeons that were upgraded to level 50 to collect tokens or crystals to get new gear. DO a bunch or repetative daily quests to get tokens to get new gear.


The only difference really is in SWTOR you get a companion and WoW you get more of an MMO.

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They stated a long time ago that the game would not be sandbox since that would allow exploiting.....


No, they did not say that.


They said it would not be a sandbox because they don't do sandboxes. That their entire history is in developing themeparks.


They said, in a totally different presentation dealing with lessons learned from WoW and not the design of TOR that an ancillary fact was that griefing is higher in sandboxes:




Lesson 10


Moving on, Walton discussed an issue that comes up in many games -- and one that generated a little debate in the audience. Suggesting you should direct your players' experience of the game, he asked, "Are you Disneyland or are you a sandbox?" Noting "the interesting thing about sandbox games is that they tend to have a ton more griefing" he suggested "an accessible game is directed. You never leave them in a place where they go 'what do I do next?' The vast majority of customers -- particularly when you get out of the hardcore -- need the signposts."


He suggested that too many choices are paralyzing. If a player sees 10, he thinks, "I can make nine bad choices!" According to studies Walton has read about the human mind, "If you want people to do well, give them two, no more than four choices."


Here someone pointed out that it makes it easier for a developer to make the choices better. But according to Walton "a common developer mistake is to give people good choice, bad choice, medium choice. They need to all be good choices. People want to feel like things are complex, but they don't really want them complex. You have to give them the illusion of complexity but keep it super-simple."


Someone else pointed out that this is at odds with the idea of a virtual world, but it doesn't seem that Walton is interested in the virtual world aspect of MMOs so much as providing an enjoyable experience for gamers. He advised the audience to "think about your quest chains in WOW. Think about how they drug you through stuff, but you didn't feel like you were being drug through stuff. If you make it feel natural, most people will never notice that you're doing it."

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The reason they didn't make SWTOR more like SWG is because the SWG licence agreement (and therefore game) had to end for SWTOR to exist?


That makes little sense.


SWG failed mate. Never broke 500k subs, that was way back preCU. SWG was a game with limited appeal and a crap developer.

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SWG failed mate. Never broke 500k subs, that was way back preCU. SWG was a game with limited appeal and a crap developer.


Sure, SWG had limited appeal, but so do many successful things. In this business, I don't think an eight year run is really a failure, especially as the game did make money for its entirety.

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SWG failed mate. Never broke 500k subs, that was way back preCU. SWG was a game with limited appeal and a crap developer.



Only EQ1 broke 500,000 subs before WoW (and that was with some very, very dubious accounting getting to 650,000).


How many Western MMORPGs games have matched WoW since? None (few have even broken 1,000,000 sub for just 1 month and most much less than that).


Does that mean SWTOR failed? Because it hasn't got 10,000,000+ subs?







SWG was successful for its time (2nd most successful Western MMORPG in fact), now that's no reason for a SWG2 to be successful for this time, but equally it's no reason to say that nothing in SWG should be in SWTOR either.

Edited by Goretzu
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The question is all on the title. Why didn't they make a new game like galaxies that offered more freedom , with nearly a billion of features that swtor will never have.

Why this "prison" small story park?


Why poeople are always whinning about "the prison story pack" as since 2007 Bioware told us that it will be this kind of game ?


So 5 years ago, they told us that it will be this kind of game, you are aware, you do not like it, but you buy the game then you complain on the forums ?

Please go find a life...or another game.

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Why poeople are always whinning about "the prison story pack" as since 2007 Bioware told us that it will be this kind of game ?


So 5 years ago, they told us that it will be this kind of game, you are aware, you do not like it, but you buy the game then you complain on the forums ?

Please go find a life...or another game.


Why don't you want people to have a discussion?

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I dont think people want SWG, I think they want some of the features they found great in SWG. This game is ok, it has some good points and bad points. I dont think anyone was wanting a SWG 2, but many of the features that SWG had would have been amazing in SWTOR. I dont think anyone can argue they would have been wrong to put some of those in this game.
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while SWG let poepel do waht tehy wanted there really no direction or reason to do anyhting. in SWTOR you have a reason why you doing things, kill guy X, save X, you have a long term goal in mind.


i was in SWG when it came out and i roamed aorund fun a good place to vll and stared my grind to get a jedi. after that i likely been ok did it..now what? would been bored once i was done. really no reason long term to do anyhting beside just for kicks.




LOL Funny i feel the exact same way at 50 here i hit 50 cant run Ops or Hm Flashpoints etc etc not enough players on server..


The quick fix as any mmo player knows..Move to a full server bite the bullet with wait times and reroll a new toon since xfer doesnt exsist here yet..


Which is what i am doing.

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SWG was my first MMO, so I'll always have some love for it, but it had it's time. It was a good run, even with a bit of mis-manangement, but it's time to move on.


There is no reason to have an SWG 2, especially if there is a pirate server of the game still available.

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This game was not built for a niche market. It was built for mass market.


The mass market does not want to moisture farm and dance in cantinas just to raise a couple skill points.


If you like that kind of game, I suggest EVE or something similar.

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How's SWG doing these days?






Yup so good no one played it. I know the people who like it can't see things realistically, but it was an epic bomb. I've yet to hear this question answered whenever SWG is brought up: Where is the next big sandbox game if the genre isn't dead?

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This game was not built for a niche market. It was built for mass market.


The mass market does not want to moisture farm and dance in cantinas just to raise a couple skill points.


If you like that kind of game, I suggest EVE or something similar.




I'm far from convinced the "mass market" wants what there is to do at L50 (not a lot) and/or levelling through exactly the same content with all alts.



Maybe they do, but I wouldn't be betting any money on it.

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Yup so good no one played it. I know the people who like it can't see things realistically, but it was an epic bomb. I've yet to hear this question answered whenever SWG is brought up: Where is the next big sandbox game if the genre isn't dead?


I still don't see how 2nd most successful Western MMORPG for its time was "an epic bomb".


Nor how SWTOR is anything less than an "epic bomb" if WoW subs is the standard everything is measured by (past and future). :confused:








The question is really where is the next MMORPG non-WoW clone? The scary and sad answer is that it may never exist. :(

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Mainly because SWG will always be known as the biggest blunder in mmo history..not to mention when SWG was around the community whined and complained. SWG is gone and the community still whines and complains that it is not here. Kind of like the SWTOR community.....:p


SWG was not the biggest blunder. LA wanting to change the game to be WoW was the biggest blunder. Then once they realized that trying to copy WoW didnt get them any more subs what do they do? They start from scratch making a game that is a copy of WoW. So in trying to get more subs they destroyed one game completely and are not having sucess with the second attempt.

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I'm far from convinced the "mass market" wants what there is to do at L50 (not a lot) and/or levelling through exactly the same content with all alts.



Maybe they do, but I wouldn't be betting any money on it.


Because it's a "mass market", I believe we can't really say with accuracy what they want... Don't forget this game attracted numerous types of gamers - possibly even non-gamers, just pure Star Wars fans. Time will tell which ones will stay and which ones will leave, it's still a bit too early to tell I think.

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Because it's a "mass market", I believe we can't really say with accuracy what they want... Don't forget this game attracted numerous types of gamers - possibly even non-gamers, just pure Star Wars fans. Time will tell which ones will stay and which ones will leave, it's still a bit too early to tell I think.



I still can't see (any group of) people wanting what SWTOR currently offer long term.


SWTOR with things added, yes.





But then that would be the point, making SWTOR SWoW isn't going to bring and keep WoWers (who are mass market by any current defination).


Yet maybe making SWTOR SWGoW might just do that.


I can't see how any MMO that mixed the best of SWTOR and SWG could ever fail myself.

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Yup so good no one played it. I know the people who like it can't see things realistically, but it was an epic bomb. I've yet to hear this question answered whenever SWG is brought up: Where is the next big sandbox game if the genre isn't dead?



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while SWG let poepel do waht tehy wanted there really no direction or reason to do anyhting. in SWTOR you have a reason why you doing things, kill guy X, save X, you have a long term goal in mind.


This. Would love to one day see a happy medium between SWG and TOR in the Star Wars Universe. Maybe that'll be the third SW MMO years from now?


With that said, I played SWG for years and enjoy TOR much more, with the distinct exception of Space game play.

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