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Why not a SWG 2 instead of a similar Kotor 3?


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The question is all on the title. Why didn't they make a new game like galaxies that offered more freedom , with nearly a billion of features that swtor will never have.

Why this "prison" small story park?


Erm cause SWG failed? the pirate server had more players than the official server


Kotor GOTY

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Erm cause SWG failed? the pirate server had more players than the official server


Kotor GOTY


SWG really didn't fail. They made huge mistakes with all the Jedi stuffs etc. But anyway I'm not saying SWG is the perfect game..it's more about the genre of game.

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while SWG let poepel do waht tehy wanted there really no direction or reason to do anyhting. in SWTOR you have a reason why you doing things, kill guy X, save X, you have a long term goal in mind.


i was in SWG when it came out and i roamed aorund fun a good place to vll and stared my grind to get a jedi. after that i likely been ok did it..now what? would been bored once i was done. really no reason long term to do anyhting beside just for kicks.

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SWG towards the end of its life had the best system ever out of its previous incarnations.


I played it steadily for 8 years and was never bored. Although i did love the crafting in it, that was never one of my strong points, but i did support the crafting community by harvesting mats needed for stuff.


What made SWG great was player cities and the community as well as the crafting as good player shops gained visitors to your city.


A game such as this anything i have mentioned would be next to impossible to impliment alas

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SWG towards the end of its life had the best system ever out of its previous incarnations.


I played it steadily for 8 years and was never bored. Although i did love the crafting in it, that was never one of my strong points, but i did support the crafting community by harvesting mats needed for stuff.


What made SWG great was player cities and the community as well as the crafting as good player shops gained visitors to your city.


A game such as this anything i have mentioned would be next to impossible to impliment alas


Impossible to play a game for 8 years when it came out in 2003 and died in 2005. NGE is not and never will be SWG.

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SWG failed only because of the NGE, which made into WoW, more then SW:TOR could every be.


And pirate server? none exist. The emu servers are running on code made by the people in charge of the project. Nothing was pirated. Fool.


SWG was failing from the very beginning. The game simply couldn't retain subscribers. The NGE was not what killed the game. It was a misguided attempt to save an MMO that had been on life support for a long time already and simply ended up being the final nail in its coffin.

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The question is all on the title. Why didn't they make a new game like galaxies that offered more freedom , with nearly a billion of features that swtor will never have.

Why this "prison" small story park?


Mainly because SWG will always be known as the biggest blunder in mmo history..not to mention when SWG was around the community whined and complained. SWG is gone and the community still whines and complains that it is not here. Kind of like the SWTOR community.....:p

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SWG towards the end of its life had the best system ever out of its previous incarnations.


I played it steadily for 8 years and was never bored. Although i did love the crafting in it, that was never one of my strong points, but i did support the crafting community by harvesting mats needed for stuff.


What made SWG great was player cities and the community as well as the crafting as good player shops gained visitors to your city.


A game such as this anything i have mentioned would be next to impossible to impliment alas


I agree with you. SWG was vastly improved over it's last 3 years or so and it offered a wonderfully supportive environment for RPers. I can't ever see SWTOR having Storyteller for example.


However, thousands wouldn't agree and that's their perogative.

Edited by Jeia
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Impossible to play a game for 8 years when it came out in 2003 and died in 2005. NGE is not and never will be SWG.


The game as it was earlier last year was the best shape it had ever been in. It really couldnt be classed as NGE as you know it.


It basically had everything this game has (without the voice acting) plus tons of everything else.


What made SWG great was that it had no endgame and i mean that in the sense of there was no end of game it was limitless.


In SWTOR you can easily see the end of the tracks.

Edited by Shuno
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SWG was failing from the very beginning. The game simply couldn't retain subscribers. The NGE was not what killed the game. It was a misguided attempt to save an MMO that had been on life support for a long time already and simply ended up being the final nail in its coffin.


SWG had 100,000s of subs before the CU hit, that droped quite a bit. but was eventually going back up because it was still SWG in the end.


NGE completely killed it.


Sorry, I was playing SWG when all of this happened. You obviously never played it and think a few 100,000 subs is fail.


A prime example of how WoW has ruined the MMO community.

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The question is all on the title. Why didn't they make a new game like galaxies that offered more freedom , with nearly a billion of features that swtor will never have.

Why this "prison" small story park?


Bioware didn't want only 45k subs who only logged on once a week.


Seriously, SWG had some interesting elements for a sandbox in the beginning. But on the most part, the SWG vets are still wearing their rose-tinted glasses (that's saying they are even vets of SWG and not just mindless internet drones repeating what they read on some guys blog). SWG had many, many issues.

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If it was illegal then SOE would of shut it down already you ignorant fool.


Why do they use a custom launcher? Like I said, the SERVER code is the projects OWN CODE. The launcher used for the retail game would not connect to them. Again, ignorant fool.


Actually it probably is very illegal by using many copyrighted images, music, sounds and intellectual property from Lucasfilm.


But so far it doesnt seem like they care so fair enough

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Bioware didn't want only 45k subs who only logged on once a week.


Seriously, SWG had some interesting elements for a sandbox in the beginning. But on the most part, the SWG vets are still wearing their rose-tinted glasses (that's saying they are even vets of SWG and not just mindless internet drones repeating what they read on some guys blog). SWG had many, many issues.


SWG had 100,000s of subs, the only reason why they dropped is because SOE NEVER FIXED BUGS! NEVER!


Fort Tusken having tuskens spawning in the walls for years and most likely still did until the servers went down forever.


I know you're clueless about either of those though.

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