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Why does it cost $ to respec anyways?


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As a avid pvper and pver my respec cost usually maxes out within a day or two, before it was resetting with the weekly maintenance, but now it seems they took this feature out and i'm going to have to pay 99k every time i want to change spec.


Please BW make respecing free, this may help with lack of tanks and healers if people can just change for free to run a FP.




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It's also meant to discourage regular and frequent respecs, in an effort to "make your choices have meaning". Somehow, somewhere along the lines, MMO developers (and a fair amount of MMO players) got it into their heads that if you're stuck with something, then it must implicitly have meaning. That your talent spec is only meaningful if you can't change it easily.


Now, changing it at will would be a bit overkill, but honestly, free respecs (or even a rather low cap) wouldn't change much. If anything, it would encourage players to get to know more of their class, to become skilled at both of the role that class can fill, which would increase play-time-before-bored on each character, and thus increase the lifespan of the game and of content.

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As a avid pvper and pver my respec cost usually maxes out within a day or two, before it was resetting with the weekly maintenance, but now it seems they took this feature out and i'm going to have to pay 99k every time i want to change spec.


Please BW make respecing free, this may help with lack of tanks and healers if people can just change for free to run a FP.






My guess, its to have money sinks, Why collect all those credits when u can't spend it on anything.


sure, u buy your mounts, and bags, but after that, u start collecting way to much of it, it will become useless to u.


on that note,


I would prefer bioware charge GTN deposits, and increase there commission based on a % of the sales price, and if the item doesn't sell youlose your deposit.



It's way to easy to collect money in this game.

Edited by Yamok
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As a avid pvper and pver my respec cost usually maxes out within a day or two, before it was resetting with the weekly maintenance, but now it seems they took this feature out and i'm going to have to pay 99k every time i want to change spec.


Please BW make respecing free, this may help with lack of tanks and healers if people can just change for free to run a FP.






theres a cost to respec in every mmo i've played.

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As a avid pvper and pver my respec cost usually maxes out within a day or two, before it was resetting with the weekly maintenance, but now it seems they took this feature out and i'm going to have to pay 99k every time i want to change spec.


Please BW make respecing free, this may help with lack of tanks and healers if people can just change for free to run a FP.





1. You should not be respecing so much that it runs your cost up that high. Focus on being good in a specific specialization.


2. You get one free respec per week.


On a side note to number 2, it will show a charge for free respec, but when you actually confirm to reset your points, you will not be charged and you will see in the chat window that your cost was reset to 0.

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1. You should not be respecing so much that it runs your cost up that high. Focus on being good in a specific specialization.


2. You get one free respec per week.


On a side note to number 2, it will show a charge for free respec, but when you actually confirm to reset your points, you will not be charged and you will see in the chat window that your cost was reset to 0.


1. You should not tell him how to play his game. He is switching between a PvP and a PvE specialization by the way.


2. That's not even nearly enough.

Edited by Heretiq
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I dont get it. People say its so easy to level in this game why not have 2 toons one speced tank on speced dps or one healer and one dps. have 1 shadow and one consular. they still can use much of the same gear. why not keep all the same toons on the station if you need dps log in dps toon and vice versa... why is this so hard.. Edited by ZORG
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As a avid pvper and pver my respec cost usually maxes out within a day or two, before it was resetting with the weekly maintenance, but now it seems they took this feature out and i'm going to have to pay 99k every time i want to change spec.


Please BW make respecing free, this may help with lack of tanks and healers if people can just change for free to run a FP.





Well, you want to make sure that everything comes at a cost to encourage you to put some decision process behind it other than that you need it. Similar to lengths of cooldowns of abilities making you decide when to use these.

A cooldown would be impracticable though so they went the way of respecs costing money instead.


Otherwise if you could respec for free at any point of time then you may actually never experience the downsides of a spec, it would be like as if you always have maximized all talents available.


It's a downside of the skill-tree-based talent system really. Because a spec would usually suggest that you made a decision and learned to live with its downsides, the ability to ignore that partially - aka respeccing - actually negates the entire purpose of the system and yet often becomes frequently utilized. Developers usually try to limit it in order to maintain a minimalist aspect of the system but as we can see on the example of this thread it's not really liked.


A reasonable compromise would be allowing to have a free spec to switch to. Otherwise the better question would be: Why have talent trees at all?

Edited by ArmchairMagpie
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I dont get it. People say its so easy to level in this game why not have 2 toons one speced tank on speced dps or one healer and one dps. have 1 shadow and one consular. they still can use much of the same gear. why not keep all the same toons on the station if you need dps log in dps toon and vice versa... why is this so hard..


I don't get it either.


Why not just have one toon and a dual-specialization feature? Not only would it help the people who like to play more than one role (Healer + Damage Dealer / Tank + Damage Dealer, which would also help the not-enough-tanks-and-healers-dilemma) but also the people who would like to be able to easily switch between their PvP and PvE specialization.


It would also help the people (mostly gunslingers/sentinels and their empire counterparts) who would like to play more than just one of their two (or three) damage specializations.


Plus you only have 8 character slots per server. And I already used my 8 slots.

Edited by Heretiq
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You do not get one free respec a week - I hadn't done a respec in over a week and it still cost me last night to do one. I play Sage and for my FP HM group tend to be ranged DPS (as it works better with the group) but on ops can be needed as healer (play both roles happily). So I do have to respec periodically - not often and the cost at the moment means I have to do the dailies to cover it but it is still annoying at times.
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I dont get it. People say its so easy to level in this game why not have 2 toons one speced tank on speced dps or one healer and one dps. have 1 shadow and one consular. they still can use much of the same gear. why not keep all the same toons on the station if you need dps log in dps toon and vice versa... why is this so hard..


If you apply that system, I would need to create 3 assassins, 3 sorcerers, 3 juggernauts, 3 marauders, 3 of everything just so I can have each of the 3 advanced ability trees covered... I don't have that many character spaces and I don't have that amount of time to level all of those...

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You do not get one free respec a week - I hadn't done a respec in over a week and it still cost me last night to do one. I play Sage and for my FP HM group tend to be ranged DPS (as it works better with the group) but on ops can be needed as healer (play both roles happily). So I do have to respec periodically - not often and the cost at the moment means I have to do the dailies to cover it but it is still annoying at times.


You do get one free respec a week. It resets one week from your last respec, so that would be one available every week. Whether or not you choose to take advantage of it is up to you.


I am not against being able to dual spec, but complaining about respec cost is just silly. They have the tools implemented to change spec and get it for free, once a week. They have also already mentioned that dual-spec is in the works.

Edited by BlownSi
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Now, changing it at will would be a bit overkill, but honestly, free respecs (or even a rather low cap) wouldn't change much. If anything, it would encourage players to get to know more of their class, to become skilled at both of the role that class can fill, which would increase play-time-before-bored on each character, and thus increase the lifespan of the game and of content.


Actually it could be, and has been, argued that not having respecs could increase the lifespan of the game. Not making alts erases a huge time sink for players and thus hurts the game long term. People that have a DPS that can turn into a tank don't roll a tank alt, thus reducing the lifespan of the game. It also reduces the people playing at low and mid levels thus making it harder for new players to find a group. I can't prove my theory is any more right then yours, but what I can prove is Bioware has been making games longer then either of us and they probably did research on this and they have decided to travel the road I mentioned...

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As a avid pvper and pver my respec cost usually maxes out within a day or two, before it was resetting with the weekly maintenance, but now it seems they took this feature out and i'm going to have to pay 99k every time i want to change spec.


Please BW make respecing free, this may help with lack of tanks and healers if people can just change for free to run a FP.







Delete this post please

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As a avid pvper and pver my respec cost usually maxes out within a day or two, before it was resetting with the weekly maintenance, but now it seems they took this feature out and i'm going to have to pay 99k every time i want to change spec.


Cost does reset after a week, it just doesn't show it properly.


I recently had about 30k respec cost, respecced anyway and it told me my respec cost had reset and I wasn't charged for this respec even though it clearly told me it was 30k+.

Edited by Grotpar
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theres a cost to respec in every mmo i've played.


Guild Wars has unlimited free respecs, with the only requirement be that you're in a town/outpost (can't do it on the fly between combat pulls).


If anything, its led to a massively different number of useful specs, and allowed players to enjoy several different aspects of the game without spending gold on worthless sinks.



Additionally, GW lets you respec your companions skill points and skills with the same requirement.


This allows all the companions to be generally useful, instead of it simply being a matter of "bring the healer/tank"

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What else do you even spend money on in this game at 50 besides respeccing and the odd repair bill?


There's virtually no big money sinks, removing one of the few that exist would be a Bad Thing.


To be fair that's kindof besides the point; the underlying design behind it having a cost is that there should be a decision, it should not be something you do without a second thought, otherwise you may as well have 10 specs you can change to at will while in a capital city, and that would just be weird.


If you made it free, people would then go "why do we have to go to an NPC to respec, just add a respec button into our UI"


And it wouldn't end there.

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The game is not intended for you to do what you are currently doing, the increasing cost of respecs is evidence of that. You are free to choose to respec whenever you want, but you incur a cost for doing so. Eventually/soon there will be dual spec within an AT so basically you'll be able to more easily do what you are talking about in OP.


Personally my spec works just fine (excellently really) in both PvP and PvE, dual spec makes hybrids much less attractive imo.

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To be fair that's kindof besides the point; the underlying design behind it having a cost is that there should be a decision, it should not be something you do without a second thought, otherwise you may as well have 10 specs you can change to at will while in a capital city, and that would just be weird.


Rift has that (well, 6 specs, cheap respecs), and it works amazingly well. None of the doom-and-gloom theories about easy access to different specs has occurred.

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