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About to start playing and create a character


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What character would you suggest. I mean to say. Is there an abundance of some characters? I kinda wanna be a Jedi Knight, but I assume this is the most popular character and there might be tons of the same type running around.


Any suggestions?

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Personally, I'd prefer Jedi Knight, because from the get-go you're thrown into a good story. I had so much fun with the starter planet (First 10 levels).


It's preference, really.


You want Republic?

My suggestions: Jedi Knight, Trooper (These are the only 2 I've played on Republic, though)


You want Empire?

My suggestions: Sith Warrior (Like the Jedi Knight, only he's really evil. :) ), Sith Inquisitor (was pretty fun)


I'd suggest Imperial Agent, but their starter-planet (Hutta) was my worst experience with the game so far. It was just an ugly and boring planet. Don't get me wrong, the story was good, just not the beginning planet, it has potential to turn off new players.

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I am still downloading from client, so I might be a day or two still LOL! I travel for work and hotel internet connections are hit and miss on speed. Bounty hunter would be cool.


I did not realize some players are more difficult to play than others. I guess that makes sense. The "range" characters I assumed would be more difficult, but a Knight more difficult surprises me a little.

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I am still downloading from client, so I might be a day or two still LOL! I travel for work and hotel internet connections are hit and miss on speed. Bounty hunter would be cool.


I did not realize some players are more difficult to play than others. I guess that makes sense. The "range" characters I assumed would be more difficult, but a Knight more difficult surprises me a little.


Generally in MMOs the melee classes tend to be a bit harder. This is because your range is less forgiving of things like server lag and player movement (especially in PvP). Much of this, however, depends on the player. Some people will more naturally connect with melee characters, while others feel more comfortable with a ranged attacker. Ranged players tend to be the majority in many of these games, and SWTOR seems to continue this trend.

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The trooper/bounty hunter is probably the best class for a new player to start with. They wear heavy armor which means great survivability and can deal loads of damage if specced correctly. The Jedi Knight isn't as popular as you might think. I guess most people think that and they choose a different class. I've played both a Trooper and Knight and they have awesome stories, both of them. I play a Knight currently and I love it. Whatever you pick, good luck!


Oh and welcome to the game!

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If you follow that last piece of advice about gunslinger/sniper, expect to die. A lot. They're mechanically complex classes (I think the Scoundrel/Operative are harder, myself) in lighter armour that do a lot of damage. Although the Smuggler storyline is great fun, and you'll have lots of opportunities to snark and flirt. Note that the Scoundrel has stealth, and can get past a lot of encounters without having to fight.


Sage/Sorcerer (Jedi Consular/Sith Inquisitor advanced classes, selected at level 10) are generally regarded as overpowered. The Consular storyline starts of quite interesting, from what I saw. The Knight didn't grab me, story-wise, though it does seem to be one a lot of people enjoy. Guardian is tough to kill, Sentinel is rather more a glass cannon. The Bounty Hunter is very tough, and I like the story up to 28. Powertech is close range melee, tank/dps, while Mercenaries are ranged DPS/healing - equivalent to the Republic Trooper Vanguard and Commando builds.

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Only usefull advice to you Tim:


Play what you want, dont listen to people about more difficult classes.

Totally agree with this. MMO forums are infamous for people telling their own class sucks/is difficult in hopes of it getting buffed and often lack personal experience of classes they say are easy or overpowered.Relative power of classes is also subject to changes in MMOs when the developers feel need for it so picking one which actually would be easy and powerful now does not mean it would be that after a week in "worst" case. Try them yourself for some levels and pick one which you like. If you later change your mind, just make another char of another class. You're not restricted to playing only one character, in fact you'll get more out of the game by trying several different types.

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Bounty hunter class going merc spec is good for pveing....as you find game mechanics have groups of mobs standing close to each other which you can dispatch easily with aoe....plus your first companion is a healer to keep you on your feet )

Smuggler is fun again for aoe clearing of the many mobs you have to wade through.


Just remember some classes such as sorcerer people expect or hope your crowd control or a healer....I would try a pure dips class to get a feel of the game. I remember someone once saying its unlikely your first rolled character will be your first to reach level cap. You might group with someone be impressed with what they can do and roll the same character. My advice roll a few toons....sooner or later you'll you be playing one more than he others and that's the one you'll like most.....and remember while your alt's hibernate in the cantina they will build up bonus xp and speed up levelling :)

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You may want to look up the companions each class receives as well to see if they interest you at all. You'll have to listen to them quite a bit as you level. They also have different roles which may or may not cater to your play style. Edited by HalusW
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Hey Tim


Read up as much as possible on different classes and watch the videos, even try the ones on Youtube and see if anything grabs you.


Check out http://www.swtor.com/info/systems/advanced-classes to see how they can be speciallised


And http://www.swtor.com/info/systems/companions if your class companion might sway the desicion (My son is 6 and wanted to roll a character but he HAD TO HAVE A WOOKIE!!)


Most of all, don't believe the haters and have fun :)

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Only usefull advice to you Tim:


Play what you want, dont listen to people about more difficult classes.

best thing to do is to waste less time on forums, when you have a internet connection active.


This is the best advice. They way they've set up SWTOR, it's also pretty easy to play through the starter quests for all four classes pretty quickly and get a feel for how they work. Note that the two sides are mirrored in abilities; the storylines are totally different, but a Trooper plays just like a Bounty Hunter (for example).


I think the *easiest* solo setup IMO is a ranged healer/dps using your companion to tank. That would be a Scoundrel/Operative, Sage/Sorcerer, or Commando/Mercenary. Send the companion in first, then just stand back and shoot things and throw heals. You also get a very strong in-combat CC ability if you specialize in healing.


The *strongest* solo setup (again, very IMO) for PvE is a player tank with a companion healer. But you have to know what you're doing in terms of tanking and mitigating incoming damage, and you're somewhat more more gear-dependent.

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Popular classes:


PvE Raids:

Jedi Sage / Sith Sorcerer - Main raid healers

Trooper / BH Merc Arsenal - Very useful for ranged DPS

Smuggler / Agent - Somewhat less common so they hard to find these for raids, always good to have a solid mix of classes

Trooper / BH Powertech - Solid Tank

Jedi Guardian / Sith Juggernaut - Solid Tank



Any Healers - Always good to have

Any Tank - Always good to have, especially in Huttball Warzone

Jedi Knight / Sith Marauder - Strong in PvP but harder than other classes to play at a high level

Jedi Sage / Sith Sorcerer - Good utility class, solid in all PvP. Excels in Huttball

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