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Shield Tech vs Advanced Prototype vs CC / Heat / Threat


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I wanted to make a clarification difference in these two trees. I know that one is a DPS and other is Tank but The Heat difference between the two are so far on each end of the spectrum it's not even funny.


I can go all out as a Prototype and hardly ever build up any heat past half.. But while I'm in Shield Tech spec I will build up my heat like it's nothing.. not even 5 seconds into a fight I'm already maxed heat.. And I'm using a somewhat similar rotation and usage of my venting heat skills.


So point 1 is Heat issues and control vs the 2 trees.


The other Problem I'm running into is that with Shield Techs, While all geared out in Most oranges and some Columni gear your Shield Absorption and Defense seem to be taking a ton more damage than you should be. In Karagga's Palace I was getting hit for over 3k damage from each hit from Puzzle Boss. Even from the Mine Droids. I was still getting hit from about 2.5k once their dots hit me.


Also to note that in Hard Modes I am usually getting hit a lot harder compared to any Jugg Tank or Assassin Tank that would compare hits with me inside of a group and I was better geared than them. I know I'm using all my Cool Downs and buffs in the proper order.


Last but not least, Threat Generation on a Shield Tech is definitely in need of some love... We have one High Threat generating move and that's Grapple that has a 45 secs cd. Unfortunately it seems broke. If someone was getting hit by a mob, and I would Grapple that mob followed up by a Rocket Punch or stun then a Rocket Punch, that mob still would autoatically go back to that person. Like I didn't even hit the mob. They were not in any tank forms or taunting.


So it is my opinion that Shield Tanks need to have their personal skills attached with a High Threat generating ability. Shoulder Slam could cause High threat, But I'm looking forward to a more useful ability like the Heat Blast. Maybe make that ability cause High Threat and vent more Heat as well as lowering it's Cool Down to 8 seconds. Have Carbonized used as a Taunt as well or High Threat. Then have Flame Burst definitely a High Threat since it uses sooooo much heat in the 1st place.


Also as a Shield Tech you should be able to have a talent that makes your Death From Above ability have less of a CD so the ability could be more useful in Faster Pace Raids and Pulling groups. Right now a 45 secs Cd is ridiculous. Bringing it more in line with a 15-25 secs cd would be much nicer for Pulling for Raids. Also making this ability a Very High Threat generating move would be awesome.


As of right now we only get 2 taunts. 1 single 15 sec cd and 1 aoe that's 45 secs cd. This needs to be fixed.. As well as the Duration of the Threat it holds over enemies needs to be extended. Using a Sonic Missile followed up by a Flame Sweep, doesn't usually help as a Tank. AoE raining down on the mobs just overwhelm the Tanks' aggro over the mobs. Resulting in loss of control. And that's with DPS waiting.


Point 2 Shield Techs need Higher Threat Generating abilities that actually work and More useful Taunts.



The one last thing I wanted to bring up is that no matter what tree spec you're spec'd into there is only Stuns and knockdowns to do for a BH. I personally want to see a CC ability that last for at least one minute. Rather it be Electro Dart converted into that 1 minute or a New ability specifically made to CC a mob for a minute.


Compare to Sorcerer's / Consular's They have have their 1 minute CC with a 1 minute CD. Also if I'm not mistaken the Operatives have Sleep Dart for any mobs and they have one for Droids. Both which can be used again once that 1 minute is up. Warriors I'm not quite sure of. But I'm sure they have something. If not, Then they should have something as well. Something that benefits both advanced classes for Warriors and Bounty Hunters.


I'm only making a valid argument here. I'm not QQ'ing but this is some things that need to be looked into.

Edited by TheRealPyxx
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I am almost in full Rakata gear and I agree with some of what you said. Our MT is a Jugg and we are geared pretty much the same but it definitely seems i take more damage than him and I am running 31/8/5.


Also threat in this game is just wonky. You can't always ask dps to lay off the boss or mob to let you keep aggro. I have no trouble with 1 on 1 tanking but thats because I use my Neural dart everytime its up... if I don't I feel like someone will pull off me.


I know people will say ur doing it wrong and they have full rakata dps's slamming on stuff and they never taunt once just to flex their e-peens but all you PT Tanks know that something is off.


We definitely need more threat generating abilities and shoulderslam does need to be incorporated better.


Lastly, the heat in 31 ST is just god awful. Even using Heat Blast everytime its up does pretty much nothing. I guess you are just expected to use Rapid shots... ALOT?


Something is wrong and I hope to see it fixed as well good post.

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Agreed, as a Pyro the heat is just about manageable (I have used the ST tree and its almost impossible to keep agro and control heat when facing large mobs).


The main point I agree with though is the lack of a cc. Its crazy we dont have one (especially considering the amount of different cc's other classes have). Its got to get sorted. It would be nice to be able to do something other than dps (and occasionally OT'ing) in raids.

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Why would you open with Sonic Missile? DoA (if off CD), flame sweep, oil slick, carbonize, FT. Sonic Missile if you're losing mobs. Really, the only problem I have with aggro is sustained AOE (sometimes) and the lack of target of target (especially with circular droids, who are they facing?).


CC... would be nice to have a 60 second CC, but I'm pretty sure we're not the only AC without one.


Heat is fine unless you're trying to spam flame sweep, which is underwhelming and high heat.


Be nice if shoulder slam was usable more, but every class has some free, 45 sec CD ability that can only be used on normal/strong mobs.


And why would you use Neural Dart on CD? If you lose aggro you pop it and gain threat (at least 10% since it takes 110% in melee range to pull, 130% at range). Single target I've never had threat issues. Our Juggernaut, on the other hand...

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I use it on CD now just to avoid having any aggro issues. When i was tanking in RIFT i felt confident that if I successful pulled off my rotation I would not lose threat on any mobs. In SWTOR even use proper build and rotation with BiS gear is not enough to make me feel confident I wont lose threat. So know I just throw Neural dart into my rotation... screw it.
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Most Shield Techs who use a Neural Dart in their rotation is because of the fact that once All the other classes gear up into Columni Gear the DPS gets ridiculous and they can easily pull off you regardless of threat or not. Also to note that in a different post I was mentioning about how Sorcerer's Static Barrier would take precedence over our own Shield thus making us unable to vent heat and mitigate threat. If you look for the thread I'm sure that the reply to my post will explain why we have so much issues with Sorcerer's Shielding.


Aggro will come into play once we get better geared up.. however in the mean time for those who are still gearing up they have only the forums to look to for suggestions. And we, the ones who are going through the motions now, have to make the suggestions and make a stand for what we need now before others who seem to whine about things and get us nerfed just like other classes.


I for one would rather see a buff than a nerf. Especially since we need it.

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