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Who is still in after 60 Days?


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I'm in. By the time I run out of content, new content comes out. I am glad Bioware made a sound financial move and catered to the working class folks and not the hardcore fringe. I still don't get why people who claim to have unsubbed are still posting in the forums 100x per day. Why dont you move along to the next game you are inevitably going to hate. Or go get a job at the local fast food joint and pay your mom some rent for pete's sake. Those canned hams cost money.
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Still a month left on GameCard... then I'm definately out. Hopefully I can reach War Hero by then and finish The False Emperor, then I'm satisfied. Not much else to do anyway. Unless you want to pay Bioware $15 a month only to pray each day for those Battlemaster Commendations so you can finally get forward in gear.


I'll come back after 10 or so major patches, so there's actually something to do. Both PvE and PvP are pretty dead atm, and Ilum is a pathetic joke. In fact, I won't even return until I get a confirmation that it's possible to fight 25 vs 25 in Ilum on a steady 60 FPS like I have everywhere else.

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Was waiting for more Legacy info, but since that was not coming quick enough I unsubbed. Max level I got to was 37, but then I realized I can see the awesome story on youtube without having to do the other quests I had no interest in.


Probably only a matter of time before someone makes 2-hour versions of all the cinematics combined for all classes. Not worth the money to play through yourself.

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Staying subscribed.


My guild is flourishing, the Ops are fun, the FPs are fun, the PvP is fun and I still have a **** load of story lines to play (only one char on 50 with tier 2 gear).


I am really looking forward to patch 1.2 and beyond. In my oppinion Bioware is doing a brilliant job with patching. Everytime I read the new patch notes, it's exactly what I would have done next too.


There also is no MMO on the horrizon for me to switch. GW2 is uninteresting. I played GW1 and it was rather not my type of game and GW2 actually looks worse... ^^ Then there is soft porno TERA... meh... if I want soft porno, I don't need a subscription. Other than that there is nothing in SWTORs league anyway. Maybe Titan, when it comes... but that will be earliest end of 2013.


Go Bioware! You're doing a good job here!


Edit: Oh wait one thing I hate is the support. It's slow, unpersonal (the support droid stuff is a stupid idea) and not really helpful. I made 4 tickets now and none really got handled well.


I find it extremely funny how people rush to the defense of Bioware with extreme zeal as an aswer for a simple question.


It tells a lot about how badly the game is doing.

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I'm staying. They fixed the critical issues I was having just in time bug wise. If it isnt physically broken Ill keep playing for now. I was having mouse freezing issues ect. There three things that bug the crap out of me though. Companions returning from missions and the pop ups make you exit from the GTN and also its annoying in wz's. Operatives/scoundrels are still OP imo. And its nit picky I know but I really want a change to change my legacy name. But yeah game works so Ill keep playing probably until my alt hits 50 then if I dont gear up quick I think I might be outta here. PvP is awesome sub 50 but its a pain 50+ for me. Edited by Folgrin
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Why would you lol at that?


I don't like WoW. I was grossly disappointed with its art style as well as many other aspects. I do, however, understand that millions of people do like it and I'm very glad for them.


You don't like TOR. It was very disappointing for. That's cool. I get that. But because you don't like it, you want it to fail miserably, causing the company that made it (and its employees and their families) to lose massive amounts of money, as well as causing the thousands of people that love it to lose a game they adore? Do you want to destroy everything you don't love?





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I'd love to keep playing, but Republic is completely dead on my server, and it takes a week to find a group for a normal level 50 flashpoint. I'm not gonna sit around for a week at a time waiting to do content I should be able to do now because they failed to include a working LFG tool or proper faction population controls. Edited by Gungan
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I'm on my way out. I've deleted my level 50 toons already, I rarely play anymore, and when I do it's even greater boredom than what it was at 50.


The game isn't challenging, there's no competitive drive like in other MMOs, it's too focused on story and not on MMO-style content and there's simply no variety in anything.


I'm hoping Diablo 3 hits soon but that's unlikely. So I'll probably just not game for the next few months while I wait for its release, while watching these forums until my actual sub runs out in March.

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I unsubbed a few days before this latest patch came in. I had inclinations of returning after the March patch came in with Legacy, but with the recent Surge nerf, it's become very apparent that Bioware is running the car how they see fit. And I don't want to get caught in the collision, So I won't even be coming back. Good day Gents. :D
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I really do enjoy myself most days when I play it but I will have to say that if significant improvements to the game aren't in a year from now I will probably unsub. I know 'improvements' is a subjective term but I do have my own ideas of what I would like to see and I really don't feel like paying for another monthly subscription for years in a game that is lacking some features that I felt should have been in from the beginning and I darn sure don't want to see 'look another flashpoint! another operation! another warzone!' as their sole idea of giving us more content. I'm giving them plenty of time and I'm sure they'll amaze me with something before the end of the year. I'm just preparing myself for the possibility that they won't.
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Recently unsubbed, unsure if I will resub.

My main reason is how "dead" the game feels. Its just not an MMO as I see it. Most of the time it feels like I am playing alone, with a random chatbox.

Bugs i couldnt care less about. But the MMO feeling is just not there.

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Staying for a long run. Leveled Jedi Sage to 50 and still have 15 alts to get to 50 /grin

Alternating alts as I can't stomach playing Sith side alts more then 3 hours at a time without having nightmares /grin

I am going to have all classes maxed one day LOL


Ok, I know I am altoholic... shrug

Edited by Evensong
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Honestly, as a CE holder and someone who buys his subs in 3 month stints, I'd hate to see this title crash and burn. Infact, it'd make me rather angry losing out on that chunk of change. However, if you actually look at the total US Server population at torstatus.net you'll see a rather alarming trend of the servers spiking at launch then losing nearly HALF their number right afterward, with a steady decline since. Needless to say the claim of having some 1.7 Million active subs at this point and time is highly questionable if those figures on that graph are what they imply.


I have had multiple multiple people in my nearly 200-man guild discuss un-subbing largely due to (and read this Bioware):


POOR CUSTOMER SERVICE (or lack thereof)


Bioware, you guys have A LOT to learn about how MMO customer service works. People are PAYING you a subscription for a service, so if something breaks or needs to get fixed, they expect you to jump on it pronto. And I'm not talkin about overall bugs, though that is a small part. I'm talking about account-related things etc. like a quest reward that was a full set of gear but one of the pieces was something completely wrong, then not fixing it correctly the first 3 attempts.


Will I stick things out for now? Yes. HOWEVER, I will not go down with a sinking ship. I have 2.5 years invested in EVE and I'd sooner go back to that and be sitting pretty on some 20 billion ISK and 2 well established toons then stick around if this title is gonna crash. :(


I'm not here to bash you Bioware, I love your titles, but something has gotta give.

My 2 cents.

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However, if you actually look at the total US Server population at torstatus.net you'll see a rather alarming trend of the servers spiking at launch then losing nearly HALF their number right afterward, with a steady decline since.


That initial loss you noted likely has more to do with BW adjusting server capacities during the first few weeks post-launch. They were gradually opening the servers up to more players over time.


The steady decline afterward should account for the 300,000 subscribers that have since left.

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That initial loss you noted likely has more to do with BW adjusting server capacities during the first few weeks post-launch. They were gradually opening the servers up to more players over time.


The steady decline afterward should account for the 300,000 subscribers that have since left.


If that's true then someone should have hit the panic alarm and a meeting of the minds should have gotten together and evaluated what they are and are not doing for their subscribers. For starters, it'd be nice if they apologised for their 200+ hours of storyline content lie. Or when you had level 50's just 2-3 days after launch... something is obviously wrong. Granted this isn't entirely just story-based XP earned, but still. They should have nerfed the massive amount of XP they give you .

Edited by BlackPhlanx
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Mine runs out at the end of the week and I'm going to hold off on renewing it for now. The game is fun enough but after leveling 3 characters to 50 so far I need a bit of a breather. Besides, I have a few games left over from december to play (not to mention the vita).
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