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Just wanted to say THANK YOU!!!


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Hello Bioware and readers

I just wanted to say thank you to both the community and you Bioware.Im sick of all the trolls,winers,haters etc.I want to encourage Bioware to continue developing things like that :) and to encourage the community to continue be so cheerful and helpful :)

Ty for everything to everyone


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I heartedly agree, I've yet to come across anybody in game who's been anything but pleasant.


SWTOR has had a fantastic launch, the storied levelling is wonderful and with the classic Bioware conversation system I find that even by level 5 I was deciding how my character would act and what kind of person she would be, which is incredibly rare in an MMO.


All the negativity and hating going on comes from a minority of players, however these tend to be the most vocal. It's quite likely that these are the same players who were screaming at Blizzard that they were going to quit WoW and go to Rift, and then went back to WoW, and then screamed again that they were going to SWTOR if they didn't get their way. Now they're here and doing the same. You can't escape them unfortunately.


However as long as Bioware continue to put the effort into this game and listen to the community as a whole when constructive feedback is given, I see a very bright future indeed for SWTOR.

Edited by Jenel
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Are there bugs? yes

Are there missing features? Depends on who you talk to.

Are any of these game breakers? Not for many of us.

Is the game fun to play? Not only yes, but HELL YES.


I've tired 6 different advanced classes, three on each side, and honestly I can't decide which one I like best. I might never reach 50 on any of them because the story lines keep me switching toons.


It all comes down to this:


Are you having fun? if your answer is no then it's time to move on to another game.

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Sure I'll throw a Thank you in on this =)


I have a good time playing SWTOR.


Bugs, sure.

some things I think are missing.

Not sure (but I hope) it can retain players over the longrun but Im enjoying what I got thus far.


Thanks BW =)

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This game is AWESOME! i personally havent been affect by most of the issues the majority of the forums type about. Ive recommend this game to 4 coworkers and my father, and weve all been glad we play. Keep up the good work BW and keep those patches rolling in. THANK YOU
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How sad... not even a full page of "satisfied" customers and yet there are tons upon tons of pages of unsatisfied players. What does that tell me...? Just saying from my observations here on the forum...


That's because most satisfied people with any product don't make a lot of noise. It's those who found a cherry pit in their yogurt who write to the company.

Edited by Meluna
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I would like to add my thanks as well!


EDIT: And I agree... it might seem like there aren't that many satisfied players but it's just because those enjoying the game tend to go on enjoying it while those who don't enjoy it tend to make the most noise. It's the old phrase, "The squeaky wheel gets the grease."

Edited by SimplyKupo
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I too add my thanks, especially to the bioware devs who have shown they genuinely care about this games future. I would also like to add that screw all the whiney trolls, every player i see in game has good things to say about the game and most on the forums whinge ... Coincidence? I think not.
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Hello Bioware and readers

I just wanted to say thank you to both the community and you Bioware.Im sick of all the trolls,winers,haters etc.I want to encourage Bioware to continue developing things like that :) and to encourage the community to continue be so cheerful and helpful :)

Ty for everything to everyone



Great thread :)


The unfortunate side effect of forums is that most people come here to complain sothey tend to give the impression that the sky is falling.


I think the vast majority of the community is absiolutely loving the whole SWTOR experience.


Keep up the great work!

PS. Got any jobs going for system analysts? :D haha

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I get where everyone here is coming from, but people have the right to complain about HM bugs that have been an issue for a while and never really got fixed and were claimed to have been resolved.


Having said that, I'll agree 85% of the complaints (mostly PvP oriented) are either trolls or just idiots.

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Just want to add my 2 cents worth. After playing EQ2, WoW, Lotro, AoC, and Rift, i cant honestly say that i enjoy this game more than any of them. Love the storylines, in fact i have been totally enthralled by them. Are the glitches and things, yes, but this is easily the best game i have played so far. I like how Bioware is handling this game and i look forward to where Bioware is taking this game.

This is a great ride so far!

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Yes I agree, I love this game and I can't wait for future content. It will come, but not if a bunch of whiny, complaining, got to have it now, people come here trashing the game thread after thread. I wish BW would shut down all the complaining threads.


Negativity is like a virus and it spreads like wildfire. It only takes a few people to get people thinking negatively about the game. I know many people that have not purchased the game because of reading the BS on the forums. Reading a lot of the posts, you would think this is the worst game ever made when in fact it's one of the best MMO to date.


Sure the game could use a few fixes but none of them are game breaking. If anyone that has come from a long MMO background can't see how much BW gave us on the first installment??? Some players complain because they spent 24/7 playing the game and reached level 50??? LOL Get a life or better yet a job. Don't blame BW for not having an endless amount of content because you don't have anything but a game.


I don't know squat about BW, I'm not a fan boy of anything, but all the junk I read on the forums I end up scratching my head, asking "What!" Coming to these forums with thread after thread does nothing. I often wonder if other companies come here to try and cut off the competition at the root. For every sale they can thort that's just another 60+ dollars they can make.


I suggest being supportive telling your friends to get it. The more people that play the more support and continued content we will get. Keep one the one content suggestion thread and one game problem thread. From my experience, companies will only respond when they see it's hitting them in the pocket book. Sometimes it's too late, but that's what makes the difference between one that flourishes and one that don't.


Anyone on the Veebo Lux server, Republic or Empire that wants to have fun on voice chat look me up.

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