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Bioware - please dont listen to the whiners and overhaul the game


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I am very happy with the direction the game is going in right now. An LFD tool, a minor change, would allow me to participate much more often in content that I am unable to at this time since I am a working adult and the single parent of a little girl.


The storylines for the classes are great. The combat is fun and innovative - regularly fighting multiple enemies is fun instead of trying to isolate individual monsters like you must do in other games.


The equipment is varied and fun.


I did not rush to 50 as fast as I could so the content has not run out because I do not have ADD.(No matter how much content you include or when the game is released or updated there will ALWAYS be played who's goal in the game is to get to max level as fast as possible and rush through content - this is their right as gamers but no mmo has or ever will be able to plaase that particular group of people -if you had included additional end-game content of 2 weeks, we would just be seeing the whine posts 2 weeks from now so dont worry about them)


I'm glad this game came along - It took a lot for me to leave the lands of Azeroth and you were successful.


I will continue to find a small amount of humor in the teenagers who spam these forums with "POPULATION SERVER IS DOWN, HARDCORE PROOF - THERE WAS LESS PEOPLE IN FLEET LAST NIGHT THAN I REMEMBER SEEING LAST WEEK -FACT"




As long as you promise to tune these kids out.


Thanks from an actual adult



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yep, bioware needs to listen to you "adults" instead of those of us who know when a developer cuts too many corners, and ruins a franchise by being lazy from the terrible engine, to the awful generic gameplay. TERA and GW2 can't come soon enough.
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They're listening to all sides, because just about everyone has a reason behind their complaints. It's Bioware's job to look at all the arguments, and make the decision they feel is the right one. Sometimes that sides with the vocal whiners, sometimes siding against them.


LFD is coming, but what is up in the air is cross-server, and I do recall Bioware posting that they have heard the negative feedback regarding cross-server. If there's one thing SWTOR has shown is that Bioware isn't afraid to throw standard MMO conventions out the window to try and come up with their own solution to a problem. Sometimes it works (companions, space missions, OOC regen skill, ACs) and sometimes it doesn't (Current LFG tool, space missions, GTN, UI).

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I am very happy with the direction the game is going in right now. An LFD tool, a minor change, would allow me to participate much more often in content that I am unable to at this time since I am a working adult and the single parent of a little girl.


The storylines for the classes are great. The combat is fun and innovative - regularly fighting multiple enemies is fun instead of trying to isolate individual monsters like you must do in other games.


The equipment is varied and fun.


I did not rush to 50 as fast as I could so the content has not run out because I do not have ADD.(No matter how much content you include or when the game is released or updated there will ALWAYS be played who's goal in the game is to get to max level as fast as possible and rush through content - this is their right as gamers but no mmo has or ever will be able to plaase that particular group of people -if you had included additional end-game content of 2 weeks, we would just be seeing the whine posts 2 weeks from now so dont worry about them)


I'm glad this game came along - It took a lot for me to leave the lands of Azeroth and you were successful.


I will continue to find a small amount of humor in the teenagers who spam these forums with "POPULATION SERVER IS DOWN, HARDCORE PROOF - THERE WAS LESS PEOPLE IN FLEET LAST NIGHT THAN I REMEMBER SEEING LAST WEEK -FACT"




As long as you promise to tune these kids out.


Thanks from an actual adult




It's funny, because had you not mentioned that you were a father and an "actual adult", I would have assumed you were in your tweens--given the language and shoddy argument.


Instead of creating such an inane post that will serve as nothing more than troll fodder, why didn't you create one arguing for a LFD tool instead--you know, something more reasoned and less child-like.

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It's funny, because had you not mentioned that you were a father and an "actual adult", I would have assumed you were in your tweens--given the language and shoddy argument.


Instead of creating such an inane post that will serve as nothing more than troll fodder, why didn't you create one arguing for a LFD tool instead--you know, something more reasoned and less child-like.


Maybe he has more important things to do than to sit here on a forum making sure he has perfect grammar and spelling in order to make condescendingly snide remarks, and felt like sharing his opinion on a public forum he paid to have access to.


I, obviously, have plenty of time to do just that :D

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yep, bioware needs to listen to you "adults" instead of those of us who know when a developer cuts too many corners, and ruins a franchise by being lazy from the terrible engine, to the awful generic gameplay. TERA and GW2 can't come soon enough.


TERA rotflmao




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The irony is strong in the OP's post.


I'll give you 5/10 for at least trying to make yourself sound mature, whilst throwing immature insults and making wild generalisations and assumptions about people you don't actually know.

Edited by Tarka
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yep, bioware needs to listen to you "adults" instead of those of us who know when a developer cuts too many corners, and ruins a franchise by being lazy from the terrible engine, to the awful generic gameplay. TERA and GW2 can't come soon enough.


You have just proven his point ^.^

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You have just proven his point ^.^


I'm curious as to how.


The poster you quoted actually has a point. History is littered with MMO's that are results of developers cutting corners and superfiscially copying certain other games, whilst neglecting to add much depth in to the gameplay.

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yep, bioware needs to listen to you "adults" instead of those of us who know when a developer cuts too many corners, and ruins a franchise by being lazy from the terrible engine, to the awful generic gameplay. TERA and GW2 can't come soon enough.


Then leave here and stop trolling these forums. The Op is correct and I support his post.

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sorry, bioware copied WoW and its all BoP.


WoW TROLL ALERT DING DING DING! If SWTOR came first it would be "WoW copied SWTOR FAIL!!!!" Just because it has the basic mechanics doesn't mean every single thing is copied.



SWTOR has a story. WoW sucks with this. One reason why SWTOR is better:rolleyes: SWTOR has better graphics. second reason why SWTOR is better:rolleyes:

SWTOR gets companions and ships and space combat. third reason or more why SWTOR is better.:rolleyes:



Those of you who are saying I got trolled you are right I was trollled, but SWTOR deserves some defense from WoW trolls on the forums scaring people off.:eek:

Edited by Cordarn
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yep, bioware needs to listen to you "adults" instead of those of us who know when a developer cuts too many corners, and ruins a franchise by being lazy from the terrible engine, to the awful generic gameplay. TERA and GW2 can't come soon enough.


Then leave here and stop trolling the forums of a game you donot like. The OP is correct, I support his post.


Sorry, this is a double post. Not sure what happened...lol

Edited by Valkirus
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yep, bioware needs to listen to you "adults" instead of those of us who know when a developer cuts too many corners, and ruins a franchise by being lazy from the terrible engine, to the awful generic gameplay. TERA and GW2 can't come soon enough.


I can't wait for GW2, mostly because I want to read the forums when everyone who's been worshiping it finds something to complain about. Anyways I think TOR is great, it was such a massive project and they pulled it off all things considered, and I think it can only get better.

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