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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Server Population is GROWING!


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You are posting enough for all to see.


You were calling someone out for just making things up...when that's exactly what you've been doing.


Or are you going to post proof that the population is declining?


No I called her out for saying something that she knew was a lie. She knew there were only 19 heavy servers but still said that the majority were heavy. 19 is not a majority of 120 or whatever servers.


There is absolute proof to say the population is declining as is there is no absolute proof it is increasing. The only people that know that are not saying a word (Bioware). But if you look at everything and take that into account everything points to the population decreasing.


Things like:


1. All the I quit posts

2. All the my server is dead posts

3. All the OMG we have to have LFG because it takes me 4 hours to find a group post

4. All the charts that show a decline that really have no reason to lie.


Where do you get your stuff to say its increasing?

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It is known that BW bumped up the cap on servers to accommodate 2 million people playing at once. You know, to get rid of ques.


I'm sorry that you didn't get into SWTOR, went back to WoW and quit, just to come back to SWTOR.


It's tough, but you'll be ok.


I already disproved that. You cant use that anymore because it is a lie.

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No I called her out for saying something that she knew was a lie. She knew there were only 19 heavy servers but still said that the majority were heavy. 19 is not a majority of 120 or whatever servers.


There is absolute proof to say the population is declining as is there is no absolute proof it is increasing. The only people that know that are not saying a word (Bioware). But if you look at everything and take that into account everything points to the population decreasing.


Things like:


1. All the I quit posts

2. All the my server is dead posts

3. All the OMG we have to have LFG because it takes me 4 hours to find a group post

4. All the charts that show a decline that really have no reason to lie.


Where do you get your stuff to say its increasing?


You know, I've seen the same people post those 'I quit' threads for months now.


I even was witness to one person who said he quit, came back with an _ at the end and was posting the same thing.


Your 'proof' is hearsay.


And I'm sorry that I misspoke about the Standard to Heavy ratio. I didn't count.

So you got me. I misspoke. There were more Standard than Heavy. (There were still a ton of Heavy)


Does that mean the game is dead, even though a HUGE chunk of people are playing and having fun?

Edited by Azzras
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No I called her out for saying something that she knew was a lie. She knew there were only 19 heavy servers but still said that the majority were heavy. 19 is not a majority of 120 or whatever servers.


There is absolute proof to say the population is declining as is there is no absolute proof it is increasing. The only people that know that are not saying a word (Bioware). But if you look at everything and take that into account everything points to the population decreasing.


Things like:


1. All the I quit posts

2. All the my server is dead posts

3. All the OMG we have to have LFG because it takes me 4 hours to find a group post

4. All the charts that show a decline that really have no reason to lie.


Where do you get your stuff to say its increasing?


Where did I ever say it was increasing?


You see....I didn't. I don't have any proof of that, just like you have no proof that it isn't. But I will say a company usually doesn't open new servers when the population is decreasing.


The difference is that I'm not running around shouting that the game is dying or it's growing without anyway to back it up.


You, on the other hand, are.


So again I ask...please provide this "absolute proof" you have, or please stop claiming something that doesn't exist.

Edited by Skoobie
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Prove it. Show me where the servers are loosing people. You can't. Third party sites can't track population.


Stop trying to act like the game is dead. I posted pics that show a thriving population, and yet you still say DOOOOM.


I had once thought you were above this.


Prove to me they are dead.


I've given proof to the contrary of your claims. All you have posted is hearsay.


Your right 3rd partly programs cant track population but can track server population averages.


In Dec 1.7 million people were playing and those sites showed that. No matter what they do to the server populations caps it still shows that it was steady decline from dec to now


Fill 100 cups with some water. Those sites track how full each cup is. Make 20 of those cups bottles then the site would count those as cups and they would register that some water was lost. The thing is on the graphs it made you would see the loss of water in a specific time period.These server charts so not show that they show a stead decline and you know they are not adjusting the server caps everyday.


So if the site showed it being full full full full heavy heavy heavy then that would show where they raised the cap. Instead they show full full full full very heavy very heavy very heavy very heavy heavy heavy heavy heavy standard standard. That points to a decline in players.

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You know, I've seen the same people post those 'I quit' threads for months now.


I even was witness to one person who said he quit, came back with an _ at the end and was posting the same thing.


Your 'proof' is hearsay.


And I'm sorry that I misspoke about the Standard to Heavy ratio. I didn't count.

So you got me. I misspoke. There were more Standard than Heavy. (There were still a ton of Heavy)


Does that mean the game is dead, even though a HUGE chunk of people are playing and having fun?


Even if we ignore the fact that it's the same 10 people (or their forum alts) making those posts, they would still be what? 0.5% of game population?

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The population distribution must be very distorted then. The servers I check on have about the same number of people or less(like mine). I have seen nothing but declines or at best stagnation on light pop and standard servers. Also, I am online most of the day so I sample the data very well.


Also, I find it hard to believe that 1.7 million people were all online. That would mean every single subscriber was on at the same time. :)

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The population distribution must be very distorted then. The servers I check on have about the same number of people or less(like mine). I have seen nothing but declines or at best stagnation on light pop and standard servers. Also, I am online most of the day so I sample the data very well.


Also, I find it hard to believe that 1.7 million people were all online. That would mean every single subscriber was on at the same time. :)


i do not thingwe ever have all 1.7 mil on , we more likely seeing 20-40% of that at peak times daily. due to poeple working,school,traveling, doing other off line things.


now i'm on nearly daily wiht my GF so this cuts down my off-line time since we both play. but that not the rule but the exception.

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You mean, a brief on how you hate the game and want it to fail? I think everyone knows by now how much you loathe the game, I'm a little curious as to why you are still here every day.


I can picture him/her drawing graphics on mm paper, searching the web for unknown bloggers with negative views of TOR, making forum alts, extrapolating and concocting new way to slag off the game.

I think he/she is a little... insane?

Gotta be. Either that, or it's his job

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People love to use this site to bash TOR so guess it is fair game to use it: http://www.torstatus.net/shards/us/stats


Take note of the Population change column. Significantly more +x.xx than -x.xx


Just looked. The average loss per server from last week is -.0732. The total loss across all servers seems to be about 4.6 percent. (That's actually better than I would have thought.)


I personally hope Bioware throws in a few quick fixes (new WZ, do something fun with Ilum, some higher and harder to get rewards in PVE/PVP, etc.) for March. Something needs to be done fast. People don't usually return to MMOs they've left, and those who don't never seem to stay as long the second time around.

Edited by Yozbick
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Just looked. The average loss per server from last week is -.0732. The total loss across all servers seems to be about 4.6 percent.


I personally hope Bioware throws in a few quick fixes (new WZ, do something fun with Ilum, some higher and harder to get rewards in PVE/PVP, etc.) for March. Something needs to be done fast. People don't usually return to MMOs they've left, and those who don't never seem to stay as long the second time around.


Weird because myself and few friends went back to WOW, EQ2 and LOTRO several times for different lengths of time.

Of course, it's my personal experience so I am not going to extrapolate it into some sort of cosmic law, the same way you did there

But hey, you're the boss!


PS removing that signature might help with getting people to take you seriously, otherwise they might think you are trolling ;)

Edited by mutharex
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Just looked. The average loss per server from last week is -.0732. The total loss across all servers seems to be about 4.6 percent. (That's actually better than I would have thought.)


I personally hope Bioware throws in a few quick fixes (new WZ, do something fun with Ilum, some higher and harder to get rewards in PVE/PVP, etc.) for March. Something needs to be done fast. People don't usually return to MMOs they've left, and those who don't never seem to stay as long the second time around.


The site you quoted isn't really based on population, it's based on server status.


It is reasonable to assume that servers would have been less active last week do to holidays.


That would account for the influx.

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her a question i just thought of after seeing a few post, how do tehy get their stas for the server loads? far as i know BW did not give out a tool to messure server numbers in detail. or did BW give certain sites specail tools to do so ? or is it them on sever polling each planet in char?
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her a question i just thought of after seeing a few post, how do tehy get their stas for the server loads? far as i know BW did not give out a tool to messure server numbers in detail. or did BW give certain sites specail tools to do so ? or is it them on sever polling each planet in char?


They just report server status, not population


Low, Standard, Heavy etc


So yeah those sites are useless if you want to measure how many people play

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Wait for it, sure that emeda has an algorithm ready to disprove those percentages and prove that 70% of subscribers HATE TOR....
Then let's extrapolate ... They lose 200K subs? How about 10 ÷ 1.5M = .0000066% ftw. Half a million? 10 ÷ 1.2M = .0000083% ftw. They're either moles who get paid to do this or truly have zero else to do on a Sunday afternoon.
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Then let's extrapolate ... They lose 200K subs? How about 10 ÷ 1.5M = .0000066% ftw. Half a million? 10 ÷ 1.2M = .0000083% ftw. They're either moles who get paid to do this or truly have zero else to do on a Sunday afternoon.


Some part of me hopes it's the former, for humanity sake, but I fear it's the latter....

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My server, Prophecy of the Five, is not growing on the Republic side. Right now, 18:14 pm est, there are only 7 Republic in Ilum. There was 60 in fleet before I zoned here. Maybe Imp side is growing, I havent checked the numbers there today. I don't doubt theres a FEW servers that pop is growing but there sure is a lot of threads about low server pops, faction imbalance, hard to find a group and nothing to do at 50. Personally, I think the game is dropping in population, not growing. This makes me sad, because I do want to play, but I am not rerolling. Low server pops on republic side is a definate fact, on my server and numbers seem to be dropping.


Ive done my share of ************ (and I do believe Bioware deserves all the ************ that is directed at it) but the low server pop is what is going to make me quit. That unless they offer FREE server transfers. I'm already dropping enough cash on the game, and based on its unfinished state I'm not willing to pay for this service if they offer it.

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My server, Prophecy of the Five, is not growing on the Republic side. Right now, 18:14 pm est, there are only 7 Republic in Ilum. There was 60 in fleet before I zoned here. Maybe Imp side is growing, I havent checked the numbers there today. I don't doubt theres a FEW servers that pop is growing but there sure is a lot of threads about low server pops, faction imbalance, hard to find a group and nothing to do at 50. Personally, I think the game is dropping in population, not growing. This makes me sad, because I do want to play, but I am not rerolling. Low server pops on republic side is a definate fact, on my server and numbers seem to be dropping.


Ive done my share of ************ (and I do believe Bioware deserves all the ************ that is directed at it) but the low server pop is what is going to make me quit. That unless they offer FREE server transfers. I'm already dropping enough cash on the game, and based on its unfinished state I'm not willing to pay for this service if they offer it.


What you describe is not a low pop server, but faction imbalance.


There is a thread for that particular issue somewhere.

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