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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Server Population is GROWING!


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The person you quoted was talking about last night, and they also said "close to".


Can you now prove that the majority, or close to it, of servers last night were not heavy?


15 heavy servers is not close to most its about 14%.

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To be fair, the majority (or close to it) were only been heavy in the initial stages of launch. They haven't come close to most being heavy (or better) for weeks and weeks. So unless last night was a complete anomaly, it's BS.


And to be fair, Bioware adjusted the server caps since then.

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Prove that that's all there were last night.


Sorry I cant since we dont have the sreenshots anymore. But I do know that there were only 3 very heavy servers and 2 of them were the aussie ones. That I know for a fact and the heavys were a rough estimate when I looked at the screenshots since she doesnt know how to make them list from full to light so they were all mixed up.

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The population trending from http://www.torstatus.net/shards/us/trends captures up to the Feb 18 and shows that the servers are leveling out towards a standard population on most servers.


It is interesting to see the recent decline in population numbers for standard and light servers slight increase in population between the 14th-18th. I wonder how much of that is the end of the second billing cycle.


Should be really interesting to see what it look like next week on the 24th.

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And to be fair, Bioware adjusted the server caps since then.


LOL. Really? You have any proof of that? You want proof from us for everything and then you come and make statements like that.


How about you go play the game so the server status will go up.

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Sorry I cant since we dont have the sreenshots anymore. But I do know that there were only 3 very heavy servers and 2 of them were the aussie ones. That I know for a fact and the heavys were a rough estimate when I looked at the screenshots since she doesnt know how to make them list from full to light so they were all mixed up.


I counted over 20 servers last night at heavy.


And Aussies don't have their own servers, so I assume you are talking about the future?

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I do think pops are server specific, but how can subs grow overall if sales are that weak? I know I get painted as a troll but I do not want the game to fail. I really want this game to succeed. I bought the CE. I just struggle with the fact that the sales are where they are. I just don't see sub growth with those figures.
EA's fiscal performance has no impact on my views of the game. An already fun game has become a blast to play because my server (Mask of Nihilus) is growing and active, the topic of this thread I believe.


I have no stake in this other than my 50¢ a day, and anyone who does have a stake in this greater than their 50¢ a day sure as hell wouldn't be wasting their time spitting venom in a discussion forum - unless they were getting paid to do it. If they aren't getting paid to do it and they aren't being part of the solution, then they are a waste of time.

Edited by GalacticKegger
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LOL. Really? You have any proof of that? You want proof from us for everything and then you come and make statements like that.


How about you go play the game so the server status will go up.



Bioware made the statement.


So there's your proof.


The game company that made the game said it. Not some disgruntled player who has no idea how to make video games, or the numbers behind them.

Edited by Skoobie
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The population trending from http://www.torstatus.net/shards/us/trends captures up to the Feb 18 and shows that the servers are leveling out towards a standard population on most servers.


It is interesting to see the recent decline in population numbers for standard and light servers slight increase in population between the 14th-18th. I wonder how much of that is the end of the second billing cycle.


Should be really interesting to see what it look like next week on the 24th.


It will be pretty much just going to stay at standard even though many servers will continue to be desolate in anywhere other than fleets, ops or illum. Sad, but people saying anything other than there are a few heavy are deluding themselves. Too slow to fix basic issues makes people unsub. No one wants to be a paying beta tester.


Bioware made the statement. See, that's the difference: I can backup what I say, you can't.


So there's your proof.


The game company that made the game said it. Not some disgruntled player who has no idea how to make video games, or the numbers behind them.


Because they have no incentive to be less than honest until the earnings call in March.

Edited by Tenceriker
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The population trending from http://www.torstatus.net/shards/us/trends captures up to the Feb 18 and shows that the servers are leveling out towards a standard population on most servers.


It is interesting to see the recent decline in population numbers for standard and light servers slight increase in population between the 14th-18th. I wonder how much of that is the end of the second billing cycle.


Should be really interesting to see what it look like next week on the 24th.

Was wrmrstacrdwower bot-generated by chance? Edited by GalacticKegger
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It will be pretty much just going to stay at standard even though many servers will continue to be desolate in anywhere other than fleets, ops or illum. Sad, but people saying anything other than there are a few heavy are deluding themselves. Too slow to fix basic issues makes people unsub. No one wants to be a paying beta tester.




I always thought people who pretend to know the future are deluding themselves, like the guy talkling about the end of the world on a street corner. That's what these posts remind me of.

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Because they have no incentive to be less than honest until the earnings call in March.


Ah yes, the lats grasp of the desperate: "They're lying!"


I can prove that Bioware said they raised the server caps.


Can you now prove they didn't?

Edited by Skoobie
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Bioware made the statement.


So there's your proof.


The game company that made the game said it. Not some disgruntled player who has no idea how to make video games, or the numbers behind them.


Your prove is solid. No company would ever make something up.


If I remember correctly they said they doubled the server capacity on some servers, that was right after they said they were almost to their max capacity. But those are just words.


The server monoriting sites do not show a fluctuation in server status that would give any indication that this was done. Those sites just monitor the status and if they did double the server capacity you would have seen a large drop in the graphs on those site but instead you dont but see a steady decline.

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Just curious. :)


I didn't understand the question. Is my name randomly generated? no. no it is not.






"....and we're raising server population caps where required."

I didn't know they did. Even more so that they were raising the caps. Guess it really does show just how shoddy SWTOR was if a server cap increase from last year has minimal effect towards the trend of players starting the great migrations.


Shame, SWTOR could have been a great game.

Edited by wrmrstacrdwower
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SWG was the worst excuse for a mmo I've ever played. I tried it for a couple weeks, uninstalled it, went back to anarchy online (yes even anarchy online was better) untill WoW released.


Anyway, theres like 25-30 people in these forums who need a friend because this game isn't working out for them.


For me SWTOR was and is the worst excuse for an MMO I've ever played. I tried it for a couple of weeks, made the mistake to pay for one month after the first free month, already uninstalled it and will probably go back to Rift.


Anyway, there's like 25-30 fanboys in these forums who keep defending the game, failing to realise how much is lacking in this game, which will inevitably lead to its demise (no paying customers is no game)

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"....and we're raising server population caps where required."


Lets take a quote from there


"With this in mind, we wanted to notify everyone of some consistently high population servers. These servers are closing in on their absolute population cap (the maximum amount of players who can be on the server at any given time) and will likely have a queue to enter even at off-peak play times."


So on Dec 20th the servers listed below this quote (you can go there to get that list) are closing in on their absolute population cap, That means they can not be increased anymore. Those servers also you would expect would have the most players and even they now are barely hitting very heavy.


They put the servers at a soft cap and then they can raise it if needed for special occasion events etc where more than the normal amount of people would play but these servers were almost to their ABSOLUTE cap. They even said that they would not increase the servers past this as by saying if it does reach this you are going to be waiting.


So to conclude. If these servers that were almost to their absolute cap are still the highest populated servers and have the highest server status at Very heavy then that does in fact show that the population is dropping.


Unless you think they lied about the absolute max actually being the absolute max but then if they lied about that then they could have lied about everything else.

Edited by Emeda
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You guys are acting like a noob. I know wows first years, i know that when bgs and action houses are released. I played that game anyways. I mean if you guys stuck together to this game. It will grow like wow.


Your right . Dont allow anyone to quit and any game would grow. :rolleyes:

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You guys are acting like a noob. I know wows first years, i know that when bgs and action houses are released. I played that game anyways. I mean if you guys stuck together to this game. It will grow like wow.
Our core community is solid. Just a few dozen or so spamming either the most active active threads (an increased visibility thing) or threads that ally with the game to try making things appear way worse than they are.


From the FEBRUARY 01, 2012 / 10:00PM GMT, EA - Q3 2012 Electronic Arts Inc. Earnings Conference Call transcript:

Total Q3 non-GAAP revenue was $1.651 billion, growing 17% versus last year. This is slightly better than the top end of our guidance range, and was driven by the successful launches of Battlefield 3 and Star Wars - The Old Republic and the continued success of FIFA 12.


Q3 digital non-GAAP revenue increased 79% year over year to $377 million, and on a trailing 12-month basis our digital revenue exceeded $1 billion.

So relax paople. And you are right, brunch is over so it's time to go online and play. Cheers! :) Edited by GalacticKegger
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