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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Server Population is GROWING!


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you're missing the point - or are just being intentionally obtuse. You, a single person, do not have access to enough data to make an objective comparison or conclusion about server population.


3 weeks ago was the middle-end of jan. People winding down from the holidays. How do you know a lot of them did not just adjust play-times to fit other things back into there schedules(a lot of people play a ton right off the bat and then less as time goes on but are still playing).


How do you know - which you ignored - you're not on a server with lots of college kids who went back to school, so are playing at a different time now?


You don't - theres a million other reasons to. Perhaps people are trying the opposite side but want to try on a diff server(that would be a net loss for your server, but not overall population of the game, thus population would not change overall)


there are a million reasons - none of you which you can begin to account for.


For all we know population IS decreasing on your server - but there are 0 objective facts that show it.


I guess pure numbers show nothing now adays. I've not "ignored" the fact that I might have alot of college kids on. The fact that theres more people on at 12:00 resets than in the evening goes to show that we have alot of people that may not be in college, school or have a job.


The fact is, population is dropping, ALOT of people i've gotten to know have left the game, and the vast majority if not 95% of the guild I am in have all been over 18 (not by selective recruitment).


More and more people are not logging on, we've gone down from 25-30 people in the guild to under 10 unless its a raid.


You're right, theres millions of millions of reasons, but you can say that all you want - there is and has been a decline on my server especially. There might not be enough data out there, you're right, and the fact I've been monitoring my servers population proves nothing it would seem.


But after speaking to alot of the major pve guilds who are progressing, finding out more and more guilds are folding because guild leaders, and majority of members have left for what ever their reason is speaks for itself.


We have about 1-2 top end PvE guilds and the rest just seem to be social guilds.


And like I've been saying "Perhaps people are trying the opposite side but want to try on a diff server(that would be a net loss for your server, but not overall population of the game, thus population would not change overall)" - not all servers are dying (Don't know if you've even paid attention to me continuously saying this because I know its not the case with EVERY server or the game "dying"), but in particular my one seems to be suffering.


And 500+ people make the server standard. Without numbers from Bioware we can't confirm anything, but with people constantly in /1 saying servers dead, people looking for hours for queues, and seeing the same faces over and over again really doesn't fill my heart full of hope.

Edited by Mysquine
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you're missing the point - or are just being intentionally obtuse. You, a single person, do not have access to enough data to make an objective comparison or conclusion about server population.


3 weeks ago was the middle-end of jan. People winding down from the holidays. How do you know a lot of them did not just adjust play-times to fit other things back into there schedules(a lot of people play a ton right off the bat and then less as time goes on but are still playing).


How do you know - which you ignored - you're not on a server with lots of college kids who went back to school, so are playing at a different time now?


You don't - theres a million other reasons to. Perhaps people are trying the opposite side but want to try on a diff server(that would be a net loss for your server, but not overall population of the game, thus population would not change overall)


there are a million reasons - none of you which you can begin to account for.


For all we know population IS decreasing on your server - but there are 0 objective facts that show it.


I think the point that is trying to be made is that if there is only roughly 537 people on a server and it is listed as "Standard" then what the hell is light? 537 people between 2 factions on a game world of this size is extremely small.

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That only shows per planet/shard I thought.

You are correct.


true. however it still shows the population at a given time in a given place, which can be used to verify numbers.


not saying numbers go up or down (don't really care tbh), just that it can be used to establish a trend (for a faction on one server).

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I think the point that is trying to be made is that if there is only roughly 537 people on a server and it is listed as "Standard" then what the hell is light? 537 people between 2 factions on a game world of this size is extremely small.


+1 - Indeed.

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ROFL so your prediction is the games playerbase will erode if no big patches come out.





But then you say all bets are off if they do add big patches???


Learn to read. The gist of my post was "if no good big patches come out", and "if they don't add big patches".


i.e. contrary to doomsayers predictions, the game isn't going to fail spectacularly, even in the worst case it will just gradually erode.


But neither will it spectacularly succeed (i.e. be the mythical "WoW killer"), even in the best case it will gradually grow to just over 2m, and maybe more if the new content updates are really, really good. (However, I'm not factoring in Pacific and Asia into this, things could change dramatically - it might be the case that SWTOR does really, really well in Asia, just as WoW did. I just don't know enough about Chinese and Korean tastes - I mean, do they love SW? Dunno.)

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i play on death wind corridor and it says heavy, ummm everyone is on the fleet awesome!!! doesnt help much or make me want lvl again when everyone is there and that there is like 5 on tat and ever planet after that.



As far as the 1.2 patch i think alot more will go, seeing as no hood down option no appearance tab or match Armour button. Plus server merges and transfers. Pretty much everything asked in dev blog was stated to come out after march. Removable mods for pvp gear, list goes on. At around 5 or 6 months after launch and items that were asked almost 8 months or more ago didnt get in game and people felt ignored. Basic things beta begged for and were still having to wait atleast 5 months after launch cause for some reason they felt it wasnt something wanted i guess. This seems to be the thing with new games ignore beta suggestions and implament them at later date.....The phrase "we are working on it" is getting old fast.

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Sales from vgcharts. make up your own minds:


Week Ending Week Weekly Change Total

24th December 2011 1 1,453,494 N/A 1,453,494

31st December 2011 2 316,194 -78.2% 1,769,688

07th January 2012 3 111,762 -64.7% 1,881,450

14th January 2012 4 67,742 -39.4% 1,949,192

21st January 2012 5 59,131 -12.7% 2,008,323

28th January 2012 6 49,075 -17.0% 2,057,398

04th February 2012 7 36,225 -26.2% 2,093,623

Holy cow!


I had the impression we lost roundly 50% of players but it looks like I wasn't even close to it.


However that's the estimated logon not the # of paying customers. I know many are paying and barely playing hoping the game will improve fast.

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Holy cow!


I had the impression we lost roundly 50% of players but it looks like I wasn't even close to it.


However that's the estimated logon not the # of paying customers. I know many are paying and barely playing hoping the game will improve fast.


well thats interesting to see (if its accurate) but tbh would be nice to see figures for servers. Im sure they've got them as to # of players on each server vs total.

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Whats pathetic is that you are enjoying the game (right) and are on the forums arguing with us instead of playing the game or doing work at your job or something else


According to your logic taking time to watch the news or read it is pathetic too as you could be spending that time doing more entertaining or productive things. Your pathetic comeback doesen't save face in the least.

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Holy cow!


I had the impression we lost roundly 50% of players but it looks like I wasn't even close to it.


However that's the estimated logon not the # of paying customers. I know many are paying and barely playing hoping the game will improve fast.


Thats how many people purchased the game and has nothing to do with who plays and who doesnt.

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Holy cow!


I had the impression we lost roundly 50% of players but it looks like I wasn't even close to it.


However that's the estimated logon not the # of paying customers. I know many are paying and barely playing hoping the game will improve fast.



no...no you don't know that.

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ah... look... it's Riddickcz the guy who wants the game to fail to reassure himself GW2 will be good. Lol dude, ngl, you're on every forum post. Get a life.


Yeah I've come to recognize about 25-30 regulars on these forums who really don't like the game soo much that it has ruined their lives and they need someone to talk to.

Edited by Vlaxitov
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I guess pure numbers show nothing now adays. I've not "ignored" the fact that I might have alot of college kids on. The fact that theres more people on at 12:00 resets than in the evening goes to show that we have alot of people that may not be in college, school or have a job.


The fact is, population is dropping, ALOT of people i've gotten to know have left the game, and the vast majority if not 95% of the guild I am in have all been over 18 (not by selective recruitment).


More and more people are not logging on, we've gone down from 25-30 people in the guild to under 10 unless its a raid.


You're right, theres millions of millions of reasons, but you can say that all you want - there is and has been a decline on my server especially. There might not be enough data out there, you're right, and the fact I've been monitoring my servers population proves nothing it would seem.


But after speaking to alot of the major pve guilds who are progressing, finding out more and more guilds are folding because guild leaders, and majority of members have left for what ever their reason is speaks for itself.


We have about 1-2 top end PvE guilds and the rest just seem to be social guilds.


And like I've been saying "Perhaps people are trying the opposite side but want to try on a diff server(that would be a net loss for your server, but not overall population of the game, thus population would not change overall)" - not all servers are dying (Don't know if you've even paid attention to me continuously saying this because I know its not the case with EVERY server or the game "dying"), but in particular my one seems to be suffering.


And 500+ people make the server standard. Without numbers from Bioware we can't confirm anything, but with people constantly in /1 saying servers dead, people looking for hours for queues, and seeing the same faces over and over again really doesn't fill my heart full of hope.



you're entire post is moot since you're claiming your personal experience equates into facts.


All things aside - your experience is the opposite of my personal experience. However i'm not going on the forums going - my server population has gone through the roof(easily twice as many people in fleet now as was in fleet 2-3 weeks ago) ergo the entire population of the game is skyrocketing and people love the game.


Your personal experience is not fact. As soon as you realize that the sooner you'll understand cheerleading for the server population to slump so you can feel right about sonmething is silly and childish.


I'm not saying you are wrong - I am saying you are clueless about actual population numbers. It sucks there are less people on when you're playing than there were 3 weeks ago. I'm sure it effects your gameplay.


It in no way is evidence that the entire game population, let alone your own server population, is decreasing.

Edited by Kaelshi
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Yeah I've come to recognize about 25-30 regulars on these forums who really don't like the game soo much that it has ruined their lives and they need someone to talk to.



Riddicks and emeda are terrifyingly angry. Riddicks because of what you mentioned about GW2 and Emeda because she is angry/upset that this game in it's first couple months sold more copies and has a bigger playerbase than SWG did in its entire life-cycle of 8 years or whatever it was.(sold a little over a million total copies)

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Riddicks and emeda are terrifyingly angry. Riddicks because of what you mentioned about GW2 and Emeda because she is angry/upset that this game in it's first couple months sold more copies and has a bigger playerbase than SWG did in its entire life-cycle of 8 years or whatever it was.(sold a little over a million total copies)


SWG was the worst excuse for a mmo I've ever played. I tried it for a couple weeks, uninstalled it, went back to anarchy online (yes even anarchy online was better) untill WoW released.


Anyway, theres like 25-30 people in these forums who need a friend because this game isn't working out for them.

Edited by Vlaxitov
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SWG was the worst excuse for a mmo I've ever played. I tried it for a couple weeks, uninstalled it, went back to anarchy online (yes even anarchy online was better) untill WoW released.


Anyway, theres like 25-30 people in these forums who need a friend because this game isn't working out for them.


I dunno, AO was pretty bad :p


Emeda will never fully comprehend that SWG was a niche mmo(she thinks 300k subs at peak marks it as one of the greatest most popular mmo's ever even though it was documented at that time that the entire game population was regularly under 10k online even at peak)


SWG was no different in that sense than Eve. It appealed to a niche, hardcore base.


But yeah - it's pretty bad if you left SWG for AO yikes!

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The funny thing is that the defenders are the exact opposite of the aggressors.


But anyhoo,


I highly doubt this population is growing but it could be true due to the amount of investment EA has made to advertise it in every magazine, TV commerical, movie theatre etc.


Even here, in this small town in Sweden, EA paid them to put up a giant SWTOR ad.

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I dunno, AO was pretty bad :p


Emeda will never fully comprehend that SWG was a niche mmo(she thinks 300k subs at peak marks it as one of the greatest most popular mmo's ever even though it was documented at that time that the entire game population was regularly under 10k online even at peak)


SWG was no different in that sense than Eve. It appealed to a niche, hardcore base.


But yeah - it's pretty bad if you left SWG for AO yikes!


SWG blew AO out of the water when it came to graphics, but it ended there.


If I wanted to queue up my actions to sit and watch in a game I'd play the sims.


SWG felt like a multiplayer starwars "the sims" edition. Worst gameplay I've ever seen in a mmo and I've seen bad.

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Riddicks and emeda are terrifyingly angry. Riddicks because of what you mentioned about GW2 and Emeda because she is angry/upset that this game in it's first couple months sold more copies and has a bigger playerbase than SWG did in its entire life-cycle of 8 years or whatever it was.(sold a little over a million total copies)


No I am not agree because SWTOR sold almost as many copies as SWG did in the first week. Think it is 1.4 for SWTOR and 1.5 for SWG or somewhat 100k of one another.


The problem is I have seen many of the exact same issues in SWG as SWTOR is having.


Did I want this game to be more like SWG? Yes but thats only because I enjoyed it. With LA in the mix I though that maybe they would add the good things from that game along with the good things from other Bioware games. They didnt. They just copied 99% of the game from WoW with alot more cut scenes and voice acting.


Dont try to say I dont like this game because its not SWG. I dont like this game because it a poorly designed game that tried to copy wow while using other names to get it to sell like Bioware, Star Wars, EA.


This is a F game made by a AAA company and nothing more.

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The problem is I have seen many of the exact same issues in SWG as SWTOR is having.


The one problem both games don't share is the abhorred core gameplay SWG had.


SWG's current gameplay is better than what it released with and thats not saying much.

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