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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Server Population is GROWING!


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Oh and lets not forget that march is the official release in the Oceanic area so we WILL see a increase in subs.


I doubt it, that 1.7 million number has a lot of free monthers and 60 day gamecard people like me that are leaving. What comes to oceanic release, im sure that most that wanted this game there already bought it earlier seeing as there is many of em playing on US servers.

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The point of saying "pop on my server is fine/growing" (which it is inded on my server) isn't to try and smooth things over, it's to try and bring perspective to hysterical cries of "pop on my server is dying, THEREFORE THE GAME IS FAIL, BIOWARE IS FAIL AND SWTOR ATE MY BABIES!!!!"


This MMO is not going according to script folks, face it, neither in the way it's designed, nor in the way that its population is going to work.


Here's my prediction FWIW:-


Slow erosion till 1.2. Then, many people who unsubbed but were still willing to give the game a chance later, will come back, and if BW pull a good patch out of the bag that solves some of the main gripes (those that aren't related to basic design of course), then most of them will stick, and then the pop will gradually climb again, by word of mouth ("hey they fixed some of that stuff in SWTOR", etc.) to reach a maximum of just over 2m by the end of the year, where it will stay for a couple of years (maybe well over 2m eventually, if the 6 month expansion is really good).


Of course if BW don't pull a good patch out of the bag with 1.2, then all bets are off. Probably just continued steady erosion till their second chance at 6 months, but then that will have to be a HUGE content patch if they want to increase subs after that point.


If the 1.2 patch and the 6 month patch aren't good enough, then, and only then, finally, will the doomsayers' "stopped clock" predictions turn out correct.

Edited by gurugeorge
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Oh and lets not forget that march is the official release in the Oceanic area so we WILL see a increase in subs.


Would probably benefit the US servers more so than the EU servers, as well as them having their own servers but who knows? Can only hope.


1.2 will be good, Im staying for that no doubt - Just hoping the others that I play with will be as patient as that.


Still waiting to see the dailies on ilum get fixed! (Despite trying every day and getting the same messages) :D

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Im sorry but you are wrong about Aion having a better LFG option. A global chat channel?! I've never played Runes. In fact, in Aion you could not flag yourself as LFG on WHO under social pane. So I don't know if you are trying to sabotage the game like a lot of complainers on these forums, and they know who they are :p. Or if you are simply delusional.


I played on a private-server (wanted to test it out before buying it, ended up joining a Guild with some nice people) and their was constant LuT/UT and BT globals going out all the time.


Constant globals about Forts etc.


And that's my point. It was a simple chat option, and SWTOR doesn't even have that. I never had a single problem finding groups for anything in Aion or Runes.


SWTOR it's almost impossible.

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You're telling me it never occurred to someone in Mythic that people having to sit in Fleet for hours spamming general chat that only goes Fleet wide LFG for a Flashpoint?


That didn't reek of bad-design to them?




if anything, it reeks of logic, because there are exactly THREE places 50s hang out, so if you really want to find people for a hm fp (which sooner or later majority wants to do), you do a /who ilum/belsavis and be done with it.


the sensible step would be to have a lvl 50 only chat as rift does, and one for 1-49 for the other FPs. I don't need to see hm fp/ops lfg when I want to do a lowlvl instance.

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Well, as "inaccurate" as the statistics might be, It gives you a good idea. I'm sure your on a higher populated server that at least stays on "standard" or above. This would give new players a bigger reason to roll onto them as there's more players.


Fact is its happening, maybe not on your server, maybe not on others but servers are suffering, and those that are need to be sorted out. I'm up for playing the game, but re rolling and remaking all the classes I've leveled to 50 so far on another server, isn't really an option.


But there seems to be more information pointing towards decline than a growth. And im not sure which servers you'd be on EU or US. But personally, Uthar Wynn EU - there's been a decline, and even though its sort of averaged out at about 40-50 or so in Fleet now compared to 100+ about a week-two ago its just a shame :(



The only fact is that there is no objective information pointing to growth or decline thus your statement about "facts" is moot.


What is even worse is how you personally are defining growth/decline by how many people you see in fleet. Not that you should do this, but you clearly have not done any in depth research as far as being able to actually chart numbers in zones.


I'll give you an example. If 3 weeks ago the avg number people in your fleet was 100, and today it is 50. but 3 weeks ago the avg number of people on coruscant was 70 but today it is 120, that could suggest that many of the people who 3 weeks ago were level 50 decided to role alts and experience different storylines.


You'd have to do much much more research like opposing faction #'s(perhaps ppl are trying the other side).


Youd have to have sub #'s for your specific servers. 3 weeks ago College's across the country started classes - perhaps you had a server with lots of college kids, and now they are playing at a different time than you so you dont see them


TL;DR - you don't have nearly enough data to determine whether your server is growing/declining since there are a million variables as to why the # of people in fleet during the times you play decline/grew.

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The point of saying "pop on my server is fine/growing" (which it is inded on my server) isn't to try and smooth things over, it's to try and bring perspective to hysterical cries of "pop on my server is dying, THEREFORE THE GAME IS FAIL, BIOWARE IS FAIL AND SWTOR ATE MY BABIES!!!!"


This MMO is not going according to script folks, face it, neither in the way it's designed, nor in the way that its population is going to work.


Here's my prediction FWIW:-


Slow erosion till 1.2. Then, many people who unsubbed but were still willing to give the game a chance later, will come back, and if BW pull a good patch out of the bag that solves some of the main gripes (those that aren't related to basic design of course), then most of them will stick, and then the pop will gradually climb again, by word of mouth ("hey they fixed some of that stuff in SWTOR", etc.) to reach a maximum of just over 2m by the end of the year, where it will stay for a couple of years (maybe well over 2m eventually, if the 6 month expansion is really good).


Of course if BW don't pull a good patch out of the bag with 1.2, then all bets are off. Probably just continued steady erosion till their second chance at 6 months, but then that will have to be a HUGE content patch if they want to increase subs after that point.


If the 1.2 patch and the 6 month patch aren't good enough, then, and only then, finally, will the doomsayers' "stopped clock" predictions turn out correct.


ROFL so your prediction is the games playerbase will erode if no big patches come out.





But then you say all bets are off if they do add big patches???



Well here you go this is sort of tentative list of whats coming out




they have at least 1 more big patch before 6 months possibly 2 more.

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The only fact is that there is no objective information pointing to growth or decline thus your statement about "facts" is moot.


What is even worse is how you personally are defining growth/decline by how many people you see in fleet. Not that you should do this, but you clearly have not done any in depth research as far as being able to actually chart numbers in zones.


I'll give you an example. If 3 weeks ago the avg number people in your fleet was 100, and today it is 50. but 3 weeks ago the avg number of people on coruscant was 70 but today it is 120, that could suggest that many of the people who 3 weeks ago were level 50 decided to role alts and experience different storylines.


You'd have to do much much more research like opposing faction #'s(perhaps ppl are trying the other side).


Youd have to have sub #'s for your specific servers. 3 weeks ago College's across the country started classes - perhaps you had a server with lots of college kids, and now they are playing at a different time than you so you dont see them


TL;DR - you don't have nearly enough data to determine whether your server is growing/declining since there are a million variables as to why the # of people in fleet during the times you play decline/grew.


I updated the OP with screenshots taken from last night that show most servers were Standard/Heavy. It was very close with the Standard/Heavy servers.


May not be growing substantially, but it is a healthy looking population.



(And that's a good thing, yes?)

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The point of saying "pop on my server is fine/growing" (which it is inded on my server) isn't to try and smooth things over, it's to try and bring perspective to hysterical cries of "pop on my server is dying, THEREFORE THE GAME IS FAIL, BIOWARE IS FAIL AND SWTOR ATE MY BABIES!!!!"


Bioware's communication hasn't been the best.


That and again it might not be every server but there ARE servers that are suffering. Those ones that are need to be fixed. You can't say "its not happening" because it is. The game might not be dying but some servers are leaking players, whether thats to other games or to other servers, the numbers need to be balanced out (As I know Empire outnumber Republic on certain servers if not all atleast)


I'm happy your servers benefiting but there's quite alot of us that are out here playing on a dying server. I'm sorry but on a Sunday 40 people in fleet.. 340 Empire Online from 1-50, 94 people @ 50 - and 197 people on republic, 56 @ 50 - and my servers at population "Standard" with 537 people playing on a Sunday. Doesn't really seem to be that many people..

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Bioware's communication hasn't been the best.


That and again it might not be every server but there ARE servers that are suffering. Those ones that are need to be fixed. You can't say "its not happening" because it is. The game might not be dying but some servers are leaking players, whether thats to other games or to other servers, the numbers need to be balanced out (As I know Empire outnumber Republic on certain servers if not all atleast)


I'm happy your servers benefiting but there's quite alot of us that are out here playing on a dying server. I'm sorry but on a Sunday 40 people in fleet.. 340 Empire Online from 1-50, 94 people @ 50 - and 197 people on republic, 56 @ 50 - and my servers at population "Standard" with 537 people playing on a Sunday. Doesn't really seem to be that many people..


Lucky you, server xfers coming soon.


That should settle the issue for those very few light servers.


To get that number, did you /who every single planet, and them up because the /who only shows the first 100 I think.

Edited by Azzras
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The only fact is that there is no objective information pointing to growth or decline thus your statement about "facts" is moot.


What is even worse is how you personally are defining growth/decline by how many people you see in fleet. Not that you should do this, but you clearly have not done any in depth research as far as being able to actually chart numbers in zones.


I'll give you an example. If 3 weeks ago the avg number people in your fleet was 100, and today it is 50. but 3 weeks ago the avg number of people on coruscant was 70 but today it is 120, that could suggest that many of the people who 3 weeks ago were level 50 decided to role alts and experience different storylines.


You'd have to do much much more research like opposing faction #'s(perhaps ppl are trying the other side).


Youd have to have sub #'s for your specific servers. 3 weeks ago College's across the country started classes - perhaps you had a server with lots of college kids, and now they are playing at a different time than you so you dont see them


TL;DR - you don't have nearly enough data to determine whether your server is growing/declining since there are a million variables as to why the # of people in fleet during the times you play decline/grew.


I've been looking at the numbers at peak times. I've written them down in a book somewhere in the house but 3 weeks ago it was about 700+ imperials and 400+ republics at a similar time to today, and now its 537 in total on our server - still with standard. Im not just going on "Who's in fleet" I am actively going in-between our sides to see who has what online at x time. And the numbers are sad.


I updated the OP with screenshots taken from last night that show most servers were Standard/Heavy. It was very close with the Standard/Heavy servers.


May not be growing substantially, but it is a healthy looking population.



(And that's a good thing, yes?)


My servers standard. We have 537 people on the whole server (give or take as people may have logged off in the 5 minutes it took to do the math) but that's not really what I'd expect to be "Standard"

Edited by Mysquine
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Lucky you, server xfers coming soon.


That should settle the issue for those very few light servers.


Paid or free? Again we don't know. I don't want to have to pay x amount because Bioware released a few too many servers early, or people disliked the game so they left or for what ever reason.


They've not said if it would be free or not for certain declining realms but I sure hope it is (Much like the system Rift had - possibly not every 7 days but it was still good)

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Paid or free? Again we don't know. I don't want to have to pay x amount because Bioware released a few too many servers early, or people disliked the game so they left or for what ever reason.


They've not said if it would be free or not for certain declining realms but I sure hope it is (Much like the system Rift had - possibly not every 7 days but it was still good)


Don't know if paid or free. I'm hoping for the later.

Edited by Azzras
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I updated the OP with screenshots taken from last night that show most servers were Standard/Heavy. It was very close with the Standard/Heavy servers.


May not be growing substantially, but it is a healthy looking population.



(And that's a good thing, yes?)


I think so :)


My personal experience has been an increase in population. I leveled a sith to 38 but was concerned because planets seemed low pop. I decided to try out republic side and there was a lot more people. My server just happens to be a heavy republic side it seems and it seemed like growth went up in the last few weeks.


In the end it's academic.


Even if numbers come out and show a small decline or even a growth I know I wont be back on here like HAHAH TOLD U SO NAYSAYERS RAWR!


I do believe the nay-sayers will be back on here like they won some sort of victory or proved a point.

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Just can't please you, so I'm not even going to try.




Can sigh all you want, but Im giving you hard numbers of who is on my server at the moment with the population of standard. Republics had under 200 people, empire had just over 300 - So it seems to be the level of "Standard" is about 500+ maybe even less?

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Paid or free? Again we don't know. I don't want to have to pay x amount because Bioware released a few too many servers early, or people disliked the game so they left or for what ever reason.


They've not said if it would be free or not for certain declining realms but I sure hope it is (Much like the system Rift had - possibly not every 7 days but it was still good)


They will most likely add atleast paid server and faction transfers in few months.

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Can sigh all you want, but Im giving you hard numbers of who is on my server at the moment with the population of standard. Republics had under 200 people, empire had just over 300 - So it seems to be the level of "Standard" is about 500+ maybe even less?


I edited that post as it didn't reflect what I wanted to say.


I'm sorry I wasn't fast enough.


Please comment on new post and disregard the statement you quoted.

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I think so :)


My personal experience has been an increase in population. I leveled a sith to 38 but was concerned because planets seemed low pop. I decided to try out republic side and there was a lot more people. My server just happens to be a heavy republic side it seems and it seemed like growth went up in the last few weeks.


In the end it's academic.


Even if numbers come out and show a small decline or even a growth I know I wont be back on here like HAHAH TOLD U SO NAYSAYERS RAWR!


I do believe the nay-sayers will be back on here like they won some sort of victory or proved a point.


Not really looking to prove a point, more to outline the problem and get it fixed. All I'd like to do is be able to not have to worry about recruiting x people per week because we are losing x people per week due to "being bored of content" or any other reason, whether its just a bad day for them and they've had enough of the bugs ect


Some servers are benefiting (and I will keep saying that) others are not. All that needs to be done is find the problem and to fix it.

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Can sigh all you want, but Im giving you hard numbers of who is on my server at the moment with the population of standard. Republics had under 200 people, empire had just over 300 - So it seems to be the level of "Standard" is about 500+ maybe even less?


How are you getting these numbers?


/who every zone? Even that wouldn't suffice as I think the /who function only goes to the first 100.


Anyway, not something I would want to do.



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I've been looking at the numbers at peak times. I've written them down in a book somewhere in the house but 3 weeks ago it was about 700+ imperials and 400+ republics at a similar time to today, and now its 537 in total on our server - still with standard. Im not just going on "Who's in fleet" I am actively going in-between our sides to see who has what online at x time. And the numbers are sad.




My servers standard. We have 537 people on the whole server (give or take as people may have logged off in the 5 minutes it took to do the math) but that's not really what I'd expect to be "Standard"



you're missing the point - or are just being intentionally obtuse. You, a single person, do not have access to enough data to make an objective comparison or conclusion about server population.


3 weeks ago was the middle-end of jan. People winding down from the holidays. How do you know a lot of them did not just adjust play-times to fit other things back into there schedules(a lot of people play a ton right off the bat and then less as time goes on but are still playing).


How do you know - which you ignored - you're not on a server with lots of college kids who went back to school, so are playing at a different time now?


You don't - theres a million other reasons to. Perhaps people are trying the opposite side but want to try on a diff server(that would be a net loss for your server, but not overall population of the game, thus population would not change overall)


there are a million reasons - none of you which you can begin to account for.


For all we know population IS decreasing on your server - but there are 0 objective facts that show it.

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I edited that post as it didn't reflect what I wanted to say.


I'm sorry I wasn't fast enough.


Please comment on new post and disregard the statement you quoted.


Well its disregarded as of now =] I'd like to see free transfers - maybe not to everyone but realms which are "lacking" in players. At the end of the day I can sit through the constant bugs which come up every week, new bugs such as soa's threat jump and things - sure it makes it a bit more of a challenge having to find a fix for a bug so you can kill a boss.


Its just the lack of people.. lack of sociability and the lack of people wanting to do high end content after the first week because they've cleared it in NM. The game has taken some good steps, bugs are being fixed. But you can't keep waiting and waiting for something you hope they will fix.


If the devs would post more, rather than just moderate, lock forums and delete them I think it would help alot. But for now I seem to be the only one holding my guild together on our server, trying to stop people from leaving because they're getting frustrated.

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None of this thread really matters once they add in server transfers of any kind. You'll get a couple, maybe more, that will be much like Starsider was about a year and a half ago, and the rest will be ghost towns.


Tbh, i'd have liked to have seen server merges already. Make whatever statements about PR you want, it'd have benefited the game IMHO.

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