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Give me a legitimate reason to NOT have a LFD tool.


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Running people through dungeons used to be a guild duty and one of the primary reasons you would even join one. Whatever happened to that?


I'll say again...


Dedicate a handful of servers to not participating in a X-LFD tool and allow transfers.


I get what I want and you get what you want.



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They tried a server only LFD system in Rift and it failed horribly. I never once got a queue. There just weren't enough healers and tanks on one server to fill the groups.


Waiting for a tank or healer using the tool is still better than spamming for one.

And spamming is better than insta-queue with players from different servers (at least for now while the game is young).

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Yeah, why wouldn't everyone want a cross-server LFD tool to automatically organize your group, port you to the flash point, and port you back to your farming once complete? It's not like all the FP access points are in the same zone.


Especially because it then becomes nearly consequence free to do the following:


1) Queue for group, port in when it pops.

2) Say absolutely nothing to the 3 unlucky randoms stuck with you, for the entire run.

3) Pull willy-nilly and giggle as the scrubs scramble to cope.

4) Roll need on everything until the run is complete or you get kicked.

5) Continue to remain silent, as if the chat interface did not exist.

6) Profit!


For even more fun, spec tank or healer while doing the above.




Then again, maybe that other game's LFD tool has left me jaded.

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I have NO reason to give to NOT have a LFG tool...


...because I cant find groups on my repulic server! I have missed the last two Flashpoints because its darn near impossible.


...I stand on the fleet and spam LFG and can maybe get one other peson but forming a functional group.. no way!


..How can anyone argue against this. I want to play an mmo and be able to see the material they have for GROUPS....at this POINT I cant.


Any Imperial arguing aginst a LFG tool should automaticallt be disqualified from this conversation. Play Republic and then see if you would love a LFG tool!! I would!!

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One person tanking/healing, isn't going to fix anything. Also, WoW actually tried a server only LFG Queue in BC, that failed just as hard as Rift's queue.

Having your attitude isn't going to fix anything. Even the longest journey and all that. Be part of the solution instead of part of the problem

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Having your attitude isn't going to fix anything. Even the longest journey and all that. Be part of the solution instead of part of the problem


Attitude? I'm not having an attitude. Just discussing. I think you read my comment wrong. Anyway. I have already rolled a tank. I always roll tanks.

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Convenient and easy is not what an MMO is about..


So.. an MMO isn't an MMO if it isn't inconvenient and painful to get things started? That's an odd set of criteria.


They tried a server only LFD system in Rift and it failed horribly. I never once got a queue. There just weren't enough healers and tanks on one server to fill the groups.


Presuming relatively comparable representation across the servers, multi-server LFD doesn't actually do anything to address that though.

Edited by Sylriana
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Here is why.


You want a que system to quickly form groups.


Why do you need to make a group? To experience content you couldn't do otherwise.


Therefore a LFG que is instituted to help ALL people FIND GROUPS to experience content they couldn't do otherwise.


Problem. ALL people are not capable of completing said content. Some people are just horrible a games and will fail. Was in a pug the other day where we couldn't complete esseles hard mode because people couldn't interrupt. Just because some of us find the content easy now, there will be those that do not.


So now you are faced with a dilemma. You instituted a LFG tool so everyone could experience the content, but they still can't. So given you stand behind your decision as the right one, you must all nerf content so everyone can experience content.


You see what a slippery slope this becomes?

Edited by harpuax
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So.. an MMO isn't an MMO if it isn't inconvenient and painful to get things started? That's an odd set of criteria.


Not as odd as setting a mmo's layout to be a total lobby game like CoD.


Presuming relatively comparable representation across the servers, multi-server LFD doesn't actually do anything to address that though.


The only thing any auto grouping tool addresses is circumventing the legitimate and sensable reasons the majority that are complaining can't find groups.

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So now you are faced with a dilemma. You instituted a LFG tool so everyone could experience the content, but they still can't. So given you stand behind your decision as the right one, you must all nerf content so everyone can experience content.


You see what a slippery slope this becomes?


They will nerf the content, I guarantee it. The first thing that will happen is repair bills will be greatly reduced to permit the wipefests that will come with the tool.


They are a day late and dollar short on adding the tool anyway. Alot of people have already worked out groups in this game to the point that they don't even need to flashpoints anymore let alone actually worry about getting their daily FP done as doing it is just for the lulz at this point. /Log on, do dailies for cash, run the optional daily FP if theres people they know online to do it, and wait for raid night.

Edited by Vlaxitov
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my stance on this is as follows: Looking for Dungeon is not the same as Looking for Group. this LFD tool everyone so vaunts and says makes communities and all really does nothing of the sort, it can actually have the reverse effect and i will explain this in a minute. LFG tool is something that exists but is needing a few fixes.


first LFG is for same server connections, it builds community by allowing those on the server to meet other people their own level to an extent and allows you to make friendships but that is up to you.


the LFD tool is cross-server as what everyone wants, can not promote community building because I am on server Kibur Crystal and I end up in a group on another server or in a group from many other servers. once i'm done if i ended up getting something that someone in that group could use then i can't get it to them after if they ask for it since they are on another server. and the reverse is true. it can easily promote ninja looting, and that brings community down. it promotes the group leader ability to pick and choose who stays on the team and if they don't like someone kicking them of and i'm not talking about their ability to play but the fact they don't want that person in there and not have an issue when the group is done.


at best LFD does nothing to the server community besides keeping those that don't actively want to find someone or make their own toon that fits the roles they need from leaving the game... ie: appeasing the masses. and this is the best LFD could do.


my proposal is to make LFG a global channel along with trade and with a general lfg channel. but LFG can only be posted too from the LFG tool that will allow for better reading of what people are saying. making this on the server serves the function desired and makes community building more a reality than anything else. cross server tool is not needed and does not promote community building.


Darth Freki

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at best LFD does nothing to the server community besides keeping those that don't actively want to find someone or make their own toon that fits the roles they need from leaving the game... ie: appeasing the masses. and this is the best LFD could do.


This is nonsense. Anonymous LFD auto grouping tools keep people who aren't getting groups for good reasons playing the game and stinking the rest of our environments.

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This is nonsense. Anonymous LFD auto grouping tools keep people who aren't getting groups for good reasons playing the game and stinking the rest of our environments.


So an argument against LFD queues now is to keep players from playing? Nice.

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My main is a tank. My first alt is a healer. My new alt is a also a tank.


Rolling a tank or healer doesn't fix the problem.


There isn't even a tank/healer problem in this game. I'm a republic DPS and can run constant HM's almost whenever I want to.

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They tried a server only LFD system in Rift and it failed horribly. I never once got a queue. There just weren't enough healers and tanks on one server to fill the groups.
yeah, that was my experience as well. matching the server population numbers, I was on one of the bottom 2 or 3 popualted US servers at the time (Kaleida), and I spent several multi-hour nights in the queue. I remember someone posting about not being able to get a group while being queued for 10 or 12 hours or something. It was an abysmal failure on low pop servers, especially for low levels (leveling speed in rift was very fast)
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Presuming relatively comparable representation across the servers, multi-server LFD doesn't actually do anything to address that though.


The problem was, there were literally not enough tanks and healers queued at the same time to have a full group for anything other than level 50 groups. If you wanted to get in a group for a mid level instance, you would sit in the queue for hours and never get a pop. With WoW, cross server queues, you could go from level 10 to 85 just running dungeons with instant queues if you went tank or healer, and not more than 15-20 minute queues if you were DPS. This is a nearly perfect system as far as I'm concerned.


Before WoW added cross server queues, I ran dungeons every once and awhile. After they added them, I was running them constantly.

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The only issue I have with the LFD tool is that it attempts to fix a symptom and not a cause. And even then, it can only go so far to fix that symptom.


The symptom is the uneven distribution of players and classes across servers. Some servers have more tanks and healers than others. And all servers have a disproportionate amount of dps players. I have no statistics to back me up, but no one can doubt that dps makes up the majority of players in any game, including this one.


The solution a cross realm LFD tool provides is distributing the lack (or glut) of classes across all servers. This way, you have an equal chance of getting a group no matter what server you're on, essentially raising the miserable waiting times to less miserable waiting times and lowering the good times to not so good waiting times. So, yes, there is a marginal improvement to grouping, but many would say the costs outweigh this benefit. Those costs have already been discussed in this thread and others, including the OP.


As I said, the cause is uneven distribution of players and classes. The group size in this game only exacerbates the problem. You would think having a group size of four would make it easier to find a group. It doesn't. Do the math. You have two games. In one game, you have a group size of 6. In the other, a size of four. You need at least one healer and tank in each group for both games. So, let's say you have a player population of 120. In the first game, that population can only form 20 groups, which means you only need 40 of those 120 to be healers and tanks. In the other game, you can form 30 groups, which means you need 60 of those 120 to be healers and tanks. It's 1/3 of the population versus 1/2. And I think even 1/3 is an unrealistic expectation.


Other than LFD, I see only two solutions:


1. Control the way players pick their class/server in order to ensure each server meets is population quotas. Most will probably reject this method, because it restricts the player's freedom to play how he/she chooses.


2. Eliminate the need for a tank & healer in any one group. The "down with the trinity" crowd espouses this point of view. But you don't have to eliminate the need for tanks and healers altogether. You can eliminate the need for both, but still have the need for one (i.e. have either a tank or a healer in the party, but both is not essential).


Players like playing dps. For some reason, developers have trouble designing around that fact.

Edited by Progue
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This is nonsense. Anonymous LFD auto grouping tools keep people who aren't getting groups for good reasons playing the game and stinking the rest of our environments.


ok so you agree with me the tool is not a help but a lets keep the vocal minority that only wants what their one previous game (not all like that mind you) had. hell i want corpse runs!!!!!! that is my first mmo experience why not put corpse runs in! hmmm? lol


LFD is not the way to keep the game going, a better LFG tool is.

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Here is why.


You want a que system to quickly form groups.


Why do you need to make a group? To experience content you couldn't do otherwise.


Therefore a LFG que is instituted to help MORE people FIND GROUPS to experience content they couldn't do otherwise.




So now you are faced with a dilemma. You instituted a LFG tool so everyone could experience the content, but they still can't. So given you stand behind your decision as the right one, you must all nerf content so everyone can experience content.
No, the can certainly find groups. Whether they can complete the content or not is up to them at that point.


You see what a slippery slope this becomes?
I see the slippery slope fallacy that is your argument... is that what you meant?
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So an argument for LFD queues is to keep rude and bad players subscribed and playing? Nice.


Yeah because that's what I said. lol try harder.


Let me let you in on a little secret...those 'rude and bad players' you speak of......they are already in game....LFD doesn't change that a bit.

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