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Give me a legitimate reason to NOT have a LFD tool.


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I know there are several threads on this, but I'd like to debunk some of the myths there are out there. Hopefully others will join and hopefully I might also actually see a legitimate reason to why BW shouldn't implement a LFD tool.


Anyway here goes:



1# A LFD tool will ruin/destroy the community.


People look at the LFD tool and claim that it goes against creating a community on the server. That's just not true at all, instead you should ask yourself, what Bioware can do to gather people around at specific places? - socialize as you call it.


Numerous suggestions have been made in the 'suggestion' forum e.g. card mini-games, expanded cantinas, an actual functioning Casino at Nar Shaddaa.


THESE are the things people should be complaining about and not things that might potentially ruin someone elses game because they choose a server that is now a low-pop server, or people who want's to get the most out of their playtime.


TL;DR - BW should make features/events that will gather people around at specific places to do stuff together.


2# It will all be about loot acquisition if the LFD tool is implemented.


It already is. People do FPs and hardmode FPs because they 1. just want to check out and 2. because they need the gear to progress. . A LFD tool WILL NOT hinder your enjoyment with friends/guildies, in fact it'll actually make it easier for people to play with friends/guildies.


3# We will see more 'thiefs' and people will be bad mannered.


Correct, however, we'll have the same issue regardless. There is NOTHING that is currenlty preventing people to already do that and in the month I've played the game I've never once seen someone yell out "don't play with Mr X because...", I've seen a couple of guilds being mentioned, but not the individual players no.


People don't automatically turn into 'thiefs' just because they won't see the other players again.


If anything you might notice it more because you'll be playing more. At any rate I doubt there's any real evidence suggesting that people become bullies and thiefs just because they won't the other rest of the group again.


4# "I don't want to play with random bad/clueless players".


Finding the players yourself won't prevent anyone from being clueless or bad and they'll still be random. Yes, you *might* potentially make a new friend, but a LFD tool doesn't hinder anyone in doing so anyway outside the FP.


5# Only lazy people wants a LFD tool.


Wait, what?! Spending 1-2 hours LFG in the fleet is 'fun' and socializing? It has nothing to do with being lazy, it has something to do with actually playing the game and a LFD tool will not hinder anyone from playing with friends.


6# If you don't have the time to find a group yourself you shouldn't be playing an MMO.


This is just plain wrong and I've seen people write this. a LFD tool is all about getting the most out of your time, espcially for people who don't have a lot of time, but enjoys the game and the universe. Are we just supposed to neglect those people?


To sum it up:


a LFD tool doesn't hinder people in making friends, the lack of social activities in the current state of the game, however, does. Besides you'll also be playing with 'doucebags' on your own server, a LFD tool will not make this worse, we'll instead be playing more and thus be seeing them more.




Anyway here something for people to chew on:


People claim that without a cross-server LFD tool they 'know' the server and they know who not to play with. There's a server-wide bond.


The thing is, studies have shown that it's not humanly possible for one person to know more than roughly 100 persons - sure they might remember more, but after a certain amount you'll forget facts about people.


If we use this study on a game like SWTOR, a game that might have 3500-4000 people on one server (a highly populated servers) the community aspect of the game suddenly becomes somewhat redundant - not that I'm discouraging it.


The thing is also that people have been claiming the LFD as a mean for 'douchebags' to just run rampant. Tell me though, with 1500 people on one side of the server, how can anyone prevent it anyway?


1. There's a limit on your ignore-list.

2. If someone is called out in the general chat, you most like won't remember them.

3. New alts and players arrives all the time.


If someone is serious about being an a-hole, there's no stopping the person. The person can just as well make an alt an start all over. After a couple of months everyone will have forgotten the persons main.



My personal experience with this game so far (I have a lvl 46 power tech + some alts) is that:


1. People I've quested with are sooner or later forgotten unless I play with them regularly.

2. I'm yet to encounter someone seriously determined to ruin a FP run.

3. I've never once seen someone being called out in the general chat so far.


Take it however you want. If you feel like disregarding it go ahead.

Edited by EvilTrollGuy
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Of course they are going to say it was the biggest thing. It got all these people into dragonsouls.


Look on the forums about all the problems with it and it shows it wasnt a great thing.


All LFR did was give everyone loot that some was better than H T11 for just showing up.


Just look how many people ran (the PVP raid instance) and they all did that without LFR. So since the people didnt have a LFR they made their own raids with the people from their groups. See they adtually formed groups by inviting people since that was what they had to do.

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Of course they are going to say it was the biggest thing. It got all these people into dragonsouls.


Look on the forums about all the problems with it and it shows it wasnt a great thing.


All LFR did was give everyone loot that some was better than H T11 for just showing up.


Just look how many people ran (the PVP raid instance) and they all did that without LFR. So since the people didnt have a LFR they made their own raids with the people from their groups. See they adtually formed groups by inviting people since that was what they had to do.


Actually The lfr in wow is a great success. The amount of people complaining on their forums about lfr is small in complain to the actual number of people who use it and never complain.


Frankly they are the only ones that can judge if its a success or not because they have cold hard numbers to show its success. They collect the in game numbers that players personal experiences can not counter. Numbers are un biased and show the truth.

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Here's what it boils down to for me:


My and two of my buddies want to run Flash Points for the evening, but we need a 4th. We queue into LFG and then go do whatever strikes our fancy until the LFG tool provides us with a 4th person. Boom, off we go to run Flash Points. Fourth person only wants to do one or two? Cool, re-queue, go do something else, LFG tool provides another person. Boom, we go off to run some more Flash Points. If the 4th dude is a rude douche-bag, we don't care. We don't need him to have a cheery personality in order to complete a Flash Point with us. He's a "Ninja"? Ah well, we just re-queue, our night completely not ruined by one dude's need for loot. He drops after 1st boss? Ah well, re-queue again. No matter what the 4th person is/does, we're still getting to run Flash Points at a better rate than if one of us sits in Fleet spamming LFG for four hours. We find a 4th dude that's cool? We add him to our friends list or invite him to our little guild, and boom we've been social. All I need to know about a LFG tool. Cross-Server would just be icing on the cake.


FYI: They've gone from "Cross-Server is not something we're considering at this time," to "Cross-Server is definitely something we looking into as an additional option." In less than a month.

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Actually The lfr in wow is a great success. The amount of people complaining on their forums about lfr is small in complain to the actual number of people who use it and never complain.


Frankly they are the only ones that can judge if its a success or not because they have cold hard numbers to show its success. They collect the in game numbers that players personal experiences can not counter. Numbers are un biased and show the truth.


Citation needed


Where are these numbers you speak of.. :cool:

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It kills games because of two simple facts.


1) with an endless pool of randomized groups, you can be a douch with impunity. When you are a ***** in same server lfg, you develop a reputation, people can ignore you, etc. with cross server you get the annonymouty that makes such pleasant people like forum trolls and YouTube commenters.


2) you can't invite people from other servers to raids/guilds. This means if you find really great people in these groups, you can't group up with them later. Alernately, since you are grouping using x server lfg, you aren't recruiting new people to your guild.


You can use the argument "you can opt to not use it" all you want; but it will be used by the majority, and you will find yourself laughed out of chat channels and told to use the tool.


All of this has happened before and will happen again. The day this is instituted is the day I quit swtor. I love the game, I can deal with its shortcomings, I have 3 level 50s, all running hms and ops. X server lfg would kill this game and all my desire to play it.

Edited by lunabaguna
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Here's what it boils down to for me:


My and two of my buddies want to run Flash Points for the evening, but we need a 4th. We queue into LFG and then go do whatever strikes our fancy until the LFG tool provides us with a 4th person. Boom, off we go to run Flash Points. Fourth person only wants to do one or two? Cool, re-queue, go do something else, LFG tool provides another person. Boom, we go off to run some more Flash Points. If the 4th dude is a rude douche-bag, we don't care. We don't need him to have a cheery personality in order to complete a Flash Point with us. He's a "Ninja"? Ah well, we just re-queue, our night completely not ruined by one dude's need for loot. He drops after 1st boss? Ah well, re-queue again. No matter what the 4th person is/does, we're still getting to run Flash Points at a better rate than if one of us sits in Fleet spamming LFG for four hours. We find a 4th dude that's cool? We add him to our friends list or invite him to our little guild, and boom we've been social. All I need to know about a LFG tool. Cross-Server would just be icing on the cake.


So.. It appears you are looking for convenient and easy.. Perhaps an MMO is not your cup of tea.. Convenient and easy is not what an MMO is about.. Unless of course you want to ruin it.. See WOW.. It is losing subscriptions for a reason..


FYI: They've gone from "Cross-Server is not something we're considering at this time," to "Cross-Server is definitely something we looking into as an additional option." In less than a month.


Citation required.. If you are attempting to quote Bioware.. An actual quote would be nice.. :cool:

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Actually The lfr in wow is a great success. The amount of people complaining on their forums about lfr is small in complain to the actual number of people who use it and never complain.


Frankly they are the only ones that can judge if its a success or not because they have cold hard numbers to show its success. They collect the in game numbers that players personal experiences can not counter. Numbers are un biased and show the truth.


One could and should say the same thing about these forums. However, I could also say 50 cent has been a great success. Does not make it good music or good art. Does not make it wise to listen to it either. Cross realm flash points are fine. I'd just rather not see them be used for HM flash points or raids.

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This topic is like religion vs agnosticism, nature vs nurture, pro-life vs abortion, etc..


People who are on one side of the fence are not going to change the way people on the other side think about this topic.




Now it is just a thread of people loving to argue with one another.

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One of the few salient arguments against it is that it doesn't really address the main reason people are having trouble finding groups. Low population servers should be merged or migrated. LFD covers this up, it has for years in warcraft. It would be similar to giving pain medication to a cancer patient and then declaring the cancer has been cured.
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It kills games because of two simple facts.


1) with an endless pool of randomized groups, you can be a douch with impunity. When you are a ***** in same server lfg, you develop a reputation, people can ignore you, etc. with cross server you get the annonymouty that makes such pleasant people like forum trolls and YouTube commenters.

Mean people exist with or without a LFG, with or without a MMO. If it's such a horrible thought, then continue grouping with your Guild/Friends lists.


2) you can't invite people from other servers to raids/guilds. This means if you find really great people in these groups, you can't group up with them later. Alernately, since you are grouping using x server lfg, you aren't recruiting new people to your guild.


Server Transfers.


You can use the argument "you can opt to not use it" all you want; but it will be used by the majority, and you will find yourself laughed out of chat channels and told to use the tool.


Then guess the majority likes it then.


All of this has happened before and will happen again. The day this is instituted is the day I quit swtor. I love the game, I can deal with its shortcomings, I have 3 level 50s, all running hms and ops. X server lfg would kill this game and all my desire to play it.[


Thanks for playing.


Can't wait for a LFG tool. X-server would just be gravy.

Edited by MalignX
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Its also an our problem due to these types of people now having impunity, they can just require and find a new group to screw over.


/Ignore, problem solved. Never has a #$%hole or a ninja ruined my day for any significant amount of time.

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Actually The lfr in wow is a great success. The amount of people complaining on their forums about lfr is small in complain to the actual number of people who use it and never complain.


Frankly they are the only ones that can judge if its a success or not because they have cold hard numbers to show its success. They collect the in game numbers that players personal experiences can not counter. Numbers are un biased and show the truth.


You know why everyone was running it? It wasnt for what they made it for. Blizzard made LFR so that all players could see the content.


The reason people ran it was


1. Elite guilds ran it 15-20 times in the first week to gear up their mains for world progression

2. People ran it to get gear that was better than T11 heroic gear while having to put in zero effort


The experiment of LFR failed for its intended purpose. Blizzard not wanting to admit it was a failure called it a success because everyone was running it.

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One of the few salient arguments against it is that it doesn't really address the main reason people are having trouble finding groups. Low population servers should be merged or migrated. LFD covers this up, it has for years in warcraft. It would be similar to giving pain medication to a cancer patient and then declaring the cancer has been cured.


It kills silver hand server. The bad taste in everyone's mouth from using it caused much of the server to quit, with no in server grouping, guilds began to fall apart from no recruitment. What was once a thriving server that down content within weeks of addition became a ghost town.

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here posting my 100% support for a cross server lfg system!

There is no good reason NOT to have one just biased people with no facts! just personal experiences that were biased to not liking it to start with. Notice the ones saying from day one they knew they wouldnt like it in the wow system. People who want to find bad will find it even if it doesnt exist they will fabricate or exaggerate!

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