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Why do people complain about too many skills?


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I've seen people complaining about having too many skills in this game, but on my 41 SI healer, I have been able to separate my DPS /CCs/CCs break to on the left side and all my healing/agro reduction/ slow on the left side, while being separated with 2 vertical empy slots!


Coming from LOTRO, my Runekeeper and Loremaster both haveFIVE FULL quickslots of skills!!


Done anyone else think this game has too many skills/not enough quickslot space?

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i have a 50 healer trooper and i honestly don't have a problem.


I have 2 bottem screen and 1 right, i don't need a lot of the skills visable (especially the change of ammo type) being that majority of the time i am healer so only need 1 type of ammo.


I have my 2 major heals next to each and koto bomb underneat for mouse click. the damage stuff is all o nthe bottem 2 with my main damage on the numb section.

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I've managed just fine even in eyefinity having all my cooldowns in the center 2 bars and having abilities that I don't need to track keybound and on the sides. Still annoying since these bars are on the very edges of my side monitors.

Too many skills is not an issue at all. If you really want to click multiple cool downs or something then it can be done with a naga. If bioware complains about this, they should rethink putting their name on the damn product. With ctl, alt, and shift as modifiers and switching your movement to esdf you shouldn't have a problem keybinding everything even with a normal mouse with 2 buttons.


The real issue here is a crappy UI that is no where near up to modern MMO players standards.

Edited by Avip
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On my Sorc? Not a problem. On my Jugg? Jheez, its a pain in the backside since i use 30 odd skills constantly to be effective and i would really like a 3rd toolbar at the bottom of the screen so i can keep my companion expanded to the left. Edited by AKfourtyseven
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They're generally new to MMOs, or games that allow them to macro their entire rotation into a macro.



I played WoW for 5 years and currently have 64 keybinds on my character. If you use alt, shift and ctrl you can have 60 easily without trouble.



SWTOR doesn't have a lot of abilities at all.



Plenty of ability delay that never got fixed.


I have zero ability delay.

Edited by KhealThar
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At first it was daunting, but I taught myself to work with it, and thus gradually increased my skill. I have 26 keybinds for abilities keys 1 thru =, and then double that with shift.


Right bar has clickies, stances, travel. I've got companion on the left side. Don't need the left hand bar for myself.

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I've seen people complaining about having too many skills in this game, but on my 41 SI healer, I have been able to separate my DPS /CCs/CCs break to on the left side and all my healing/agro reduction/ slow on the left side, while being separated with 2 vertical empy slots!


Coming from LOTRO, my Runekeeper and Loremaster both haveFIVE FULL quickslots of skills!!


Done anyone else think this game has too many skills/not enough quickslot space?


As one poster said, given the current state of the Ui, it's a bit of a hassle. I have my most used abilities mapped to my naga mouse and even then it feels bulky while having to stare at the tiny Ui and keep track of procs and other abilities to maximize effectiveness.

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For me, it's not so much how many skills we have as how many friggin buttons I have to assign them to. I don't mouse-click on anything. In TOR that means I need a unique key or mouse button for every skill I use.


In most games this isn't a huge problem for a couple reasons:


1. You have things like a stealth bar, which activates when you enter stealth and allows you to use buttons 1-12 for skills you only use from stealth. Once you pop out of stealth, buttons 1-12 now become regular abilities. This saves you keys.


2. Macros allow you to chain certain abilities together. For example, being able to trigger a relic, and if that relic isn't available, trigger the other relic, or being able to use a medpack and, if the medpack is on CD, using a different defensive or recovery ability. And no, a macro system doesn't have to allow you to set up yourself up so that you only have to hit 3 buttons. The dev can set limits on it.


Both of these are examples of tricks that save you valuable keys. I don't have a Razer Naga. I use a Merc Steelseries keyboard but even then I only have a certain number of keys I can comfortably reach in those times when you have to react fast. I'm comfortable with about 25 "on-demand" hotkeys. More than that and I'm starting to have to look away from fighting in order to contort my hands to reach abilities, or else do the one thing I never want to do in combat, which is mouse-click something.

Edited by Mannic
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I have no problem with how it is, the people complaining just want macros so they can set everything to one button and mash it all day. :rolleyes:



So many people don't really understand how macros work. Even in WoW, where macros and add-ons have been very powerful, one button game play died an expansion or two ago.


Macros are a quality of life thing. If done properly, you can create a button that replaces 2-3 buttons for things like on use relics to be used with a certain ability (the classic IWIN button :p). Macros don't have to be something that reduces game play to a small amount of buttons.

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Too many skills not enough action bars in convenient spots.


It's like Bioware decided to bite World of Warcraft, but didn't realize that WoW's default UI also sucked, and spawned dozens of UI mods.


What Bioware should have done, was taken their blinders off, and copied the MODDED UI's.


I mean if actually being creative, was out of the question.

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Currently, I have my bottom center bar mapped Alt+1,2,3....= because my PvP consists of running forward w/ the mouse and strafing with the Keys so I can't assign skills to q,w,e,a,s,d. And I don't like assigning skills to random letter that have utility in game.


And quick skills are always assined to one of my 2 thumb mouse buttons. Like Alt+t, back thumb button is used to bubble on my sorc/shadow, The roller key is stealth, etc. Also toggles, Heroic, and less used skills/socials/consumables go on the right, while my companion's skill bar takes up the left.

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I've seen people complaining about having too many skills in this game, but on my 41 SI healer, I have been able to separate my DPS /CCs/CCs break to on the left side and all my healing/agro reduction/ slow on the left side, while being separated with 2 vertical empy slots!


Coming from LOTRO, my Runekeeper and Loremaster both haveFIVE FULL quickslots of skills!!


Done anyone else think this game has too many skills/not enough quickslot space?


Too many skills.


Not enough macro.


After Rift's macro system, I had to retrain my hands to twitch more.


I feel some of them could have been merged, more is sometimes less.


I agree. Some skills could've just been dropped or redone, but that could be said with any game.

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I don't like how there are so many skilla. I can never remember which one is where and what it does, it's worse when I switch characters. Just another reason this game would have been better as a single player RPG.


Remember in KOTOR how we used dozens and dozens of skills? Neither do I. (I maybe used 4 or 5, tops)

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I've seen people complaining about having too many skills in this game, but on my 41 SI healer, I have been able to separate my DPS /CCs/CCs break to on the left side and all my healing/agro reduction/ slow on the left side, while being separated with 2 vertical empy slots!


Coming from LOTRO, my Runekeeper and Loremaster both haveFIVE FULL quickslots of skills!!


Done anyone else think this game has too many skills/not enough quickslot space?


You're a sorcerer. Enough said.


Sorcerers have the least necessary keybinds of any AC, with the possible exception of snipers (I am not high enough yet really to know).




My 50 sorcerer uses approximately 25 keybinds. My operative uses 36. My Juggernaught uses about 30.

Edited by Delekii
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I've managed just fine even in eyefinity having all my cooldowns in the center 2 bars and having abilities that I don't need to track keybound and on the sides. Still annoying since these bars are on the very edges of my side monitors.

Too many skills is not an issue at all. If you really want to click multiple cool downs or something then it can be done with a naga. If bioware complains about this, they should rethink putting their name on the damn product. With ctl, alt, and shift as modifiers and switching your movement to esdf you shouldn't have a problem keybinding everything even with a normal mouse with 2 buttons.


The real issue here is a crappy UI that is no where near up to modern MMO players standards.


There is widescreenfixer for the UI problem in eyefinity, it puts all bars and icons on middle screen. Been using it for weeks and it needs an update when the game is updated, but they are out same day most of the time. So until BW comes with the UI fix it will do fine.

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