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What do you want in a PvP warzone?


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To my that sounds like a the most boring WZ ever.


having a main objective is what drives the game forward and groups ppl up and makes the coooperate. You would have have tons of duels without it..


If u want a duel, find someone and right click him and duel him.

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Variety. I want variety in such a way that it challenges me to learn different skills along with the rest of my team. While a lot of what you do in PVP transfers to other kinds of PVP, there is no denying that death match, especially depending on the number of players is a different skill set than running a flag or guarding a node.


Death match is fine. Capture the flag is fine. Death traps? Fine. It's all good, I just don't want every game to feel the same.

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I would like the WZ's to be connected to a bigger whole.

Have an effect on ilum, OWPVP, or PVE.


Special Hutball ranking per player.

hutball leagues and teams and team managers and owners...


After so many CW wins a real CW happens and if the imps win they turn the area around the alderan guns into OWPVP for some amount of time and one shot resource nodes spawn containing something like bags or high level crafting mats.



Or after each CW more NPC IMPS land on alderan.


Whatever makes the WZ's something to fight for and defend.

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I want an arena themed WZ- it could be team based and/or FFA. Players would fight one another in anobstacle course filled with dangerous traps and beasts- including Rancors.


I want a death race style arena either on bikes for single riders', or cars for groups of three or four. Teams would race one another around a damgerous track while ramming, shooting, and sabotaging each other.

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maybe a warzone with most kills, but also having lost of obstucles and stuff so tht people can stradegize or something... maybe some kind of capture the flag thing, not like huttbal, but not as messt as huttball, but more teamwork thn voidstar or alderaan Edited by swifferdude
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Variety. I want variety in such a way that it challenges me to learn different skills along with the rest of my team. While a lot of what you do in PVP transfers to other kinds of PVP, there is no denying that death match, especially depending on the number of players is a different skill set than running a flag or guarding a node.


Death match is fine. Capture the flag is fine. Death traps? Fine. It's all good, I just don't want every game to feel the same.


I agree it is all good.


Zones built to use different skills would be excellent


would love spots to sniper from lol

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I want an arena themed WZ- it could be team based and/or FFA. Players would fight one another in anobstacle course filled with dangerous traps and beasts- including Rancors.


I want a death race style arena either on bikes for single riders', or cars for groups of three or four. Teams would race one another around a damgerous track while ramming, shooting, and sabotaging each other.


Excellent idea!


Arena with rancoors

I'd buy that for a dollar

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