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how is the movie in 3D?


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For those of you who have seen Phantom Menace in 3D how is it? (not the actual movie I think most everyone has seen that) I mean the 3D bits.


Some movies barely have any 3D and I feel like I payed extra money to wear goofy glasses, while others like Avatar had me thrilled thinking arrows were gonna hit my face. How is episode 1?

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Not gonna lie, i did leave about half way through because i couldnt bear to watch it anymore.


The 3D Parts i saw, mainly the Podracing were pretty damn good.

It also improved the film but i couldnt be asked to sit through the film anymore with some of the kids sat at the back ¬¬


Its as good as all the other shoddy "Quick lets add some 3D in" has always been.

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Seems this movie was mostly cosmetic adjustments. All I saw were mostly depth changes and adding some masking where they overlaid new material above the existing film.


I constantly kept checking to see if the screen was at all blurred (as heavy 3D movies are normally)


Many scenes seemed the same as you'd see on DVD, others had major alteration around the characters on screen, making them subtly pop out of the background.


The only thing that literally stood out was the alien subtitles.

Edited by RAZIM
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3D Post-Conversion


They chop of the image into various layers (background, characters, ect) and "off-set" them in "3D Space" and then they also go in and clean up the space behind here they cut-out foreground elements (often characters).


The 3D in Episode 1 was subtle, but they OMG POPPING OUT OF SCREEN 3D! That's just dumb and a cheap gimmick, it's the little things that really sell things.


I absolutely LOVED Coruscant when I went to see it, it felt so real. Some points were pretty rough, but, I've had some training in VFX so, I tend to catch mistakes a little more than the average viewer.

Edited by NaimiIflya
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Its as good as all the other shoddy "Quick lets add some 3D in" has always been.


It's actually WAY better than that.


I went to see Clash of the Titans in the theater, and because of a problem with the 2d projection (and the fact that my friend and I were the only two in the theater), we got a free 3D upgrade. It was horrible. The characters all looked like cardboard cutouts set up in a 3D space.


TPM's 3D upconversion was better than some movies I've seen filmed in 3D (Underworld, I'm looking at YOU!) About on par with Avatar's 3D.

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TPM's 3D upconversion was better than some movies I've seen filmed in 3D (Underworld, I'm looking at YOU!) About on par with Avatar's 3D.

This is a really bold statement. Either you never saw Avatar on a quality theater screen, or your memory is completely shot.

Edited by RagnarokJC
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It was way better than most "post-3D conversions" are. It wasn't as dark and grainy as The Last Airbender (still very bright and vivid), and it didn't just look like a diorama like Clash of the Titans. I found myself reflexively ducking occasionally when blaster bolts or debris would fly out of the screen.


Someone already mentioned the podrace, that was great. But I really felt it did an amazing job with any scene involving battle droids and I can't wait for Attack of the Clones for that reason. The grassy plains battle was great, and when all the droids were activating at the beginning was just epic. The space battle over Naboo was also really well done.

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I saw it on Friday and I thought the 3D was very well done. I was worried it would be like other 3D films where they kind of try to throw the 3D in your face, and there are some things that you know they added purely because it would look cool in 3D but it really wasn't. There was a pretty interesting interview in StarWars Insider with the guy who worked on the 3D and he talked about ho opposed to having stuff like the characters reaching out at you he was really aiming just to make it appear more lifelike and so on, and in my opinion he succeed. the 3D added something and really didn't take anything away from the film. I would highly recommend going to see it, since I didnt get to see it the first time it came out in theaters I really enjoyed it.
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3D was incredible...but that wasn't the amazing part; the amazing part was people were cracking up over Jar Jar...just like they cracked up over him when it was first launched......it's a strange anomaly...on the street in the light of day they hate burn effigies and threaten George with bodily harm...but in the darken theater where no one can see, they laugh.
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