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Most embarassing thing you've done in PvP


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losing 0-5 in huttball as my team dies while running out of spawn.

I sat in the dumpster on the side of the map and kept taking off/putting on my armor with the hopes of getting some heal points before the game was over because my team was getting ganked so bad.


Highest damage on my team was 16k, I had highest healing with 36k. Lost 0-6, game lasted a good 3 minutes.

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In the Voidstar, we were defending the first set of doors, where I was pretty much defending one door all by my self. I start getting getting overwhelmed by Imperials so I call for help in chat, saying: "Help right." No one comes. There are now about four Imperials vs me and I realize that theres no way defending this door so amid I send one last desperate text: "Help right." Still no one comes, by this point I'm at my wits end thinking I'm playing with the most incompitant players I've ever seen! I die, the Imperials destroy the door, and eventually go on to win the WZ. I realized, after the imperials killed me, that I was actually at the left side door not the right. I'm pretty sure my bonehead manuever cost us the game.





My team turned out to be good and Im guessing the actual right side, of that first room, was pretty well defended.

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In huttball pub vs pub

I ran the ball to our purple goal

And was there for like 5 mins tanking the other team

Wondering why the ball wouldn't score

So I passed the ball then went to type it's bugged on me

And realized that my chat text was scrolled up

Lol I missed 5 mins worth of abuse from my team in text

So glad I passed the ball ha

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During a game of huttball I grabbed the ball and ran from center to goal, only when I got there and crossed the end zone nothing happened. I started freaking out about the game being bugged as 3 enemies attacked me and I'm using every move I have to stay alive and in the end zone, hoping it will eventually be fixed if I keep moving in and out of the end zone. Eventually I died and realized why it was bugged when they scored... I was in my own end zone. Lol =(
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Intercepting a ball by overloading an enemy away, mind you this is ON our actual goal line.

I was so proud of myself i started /getdown dancing not paying attention to the enemy cavalry rushing down the ramp.

I get my a*s handed to me and obviously they score.

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I observed this one tonight. A guy laid out a nice little plan of attack at the start of a void star match, marked our healers with icons we could spy to defend them, and did a little rah rah social to start the match. He immediately ran out across the field to the right just as he indicated we all should do. It kinda went down like this…


The Dude: *** is wrong with you. Attack right I said I am out here dying alone.


The Team: Dude… We are on Defense!!! GB to doors!


The Dude: Uhm… Uh…


The Dude’s Friend to Team: Don’t mind him. Commando forgot his helmet. He be alright.

Edited by SDFX
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Ran into 5 imps during the beginning of round 2 of Voidstar, unstealthed. I had about 3 seconds to type "i'm not in stealth, wow i'm bad" in /say before I died. Vanish wasn't up, so I didn't even try to get away. Edited by Niaoru
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Tight Huttball game that was tied w/ about 20 seconds left. 3-4 fellow Frog Dogs are in our pit chasing down the ball carrier we just prevented from scoring. We get the kill with about 10 seconds left. I get the ball. I am a healer with full health and team mates nearby.


By pure reflex I did what I always do in our pit when there are enemies nearby. I ground the ball. As soon as I pressed the button I realized what I just did.


There was just enough time left for me to run up to the spawn point and see the Rotworm team celebrating their win.

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Me and a friend were in vent defending a cannon in Alderaan and talking about how they should be doing a lot more damage than they were considering how close the ships are and how big the cannons are. I mean, come on, they're orbital cannons! How strong are the shields on those ships!


Anyway, while we were both ship gazing .. an assassin came and ninja'd our turret.

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I was in a position to stop an opposing ball carrier in Huttball; I hit tab (that was right next to) instead of space when I was trying to cut an angle on the trap. Ended up falling into the pit.


I use a G13 & I have tab right next to space on the game pad.

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Huttball, 2:2 score, ~1 min to the end, I have the ball and I just crossed the final fire trap. I see that enemies are about to jump down so I want to pop predation (I'm a marauder) and quickly score before they can cc me.


I missclick and pop vanish instead (similar binds). Ball gets reset, one of the enmies grabs it and they win ><

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The most horrible mistake I have ever seen.


Wedn, February 15th, 2012.


I was playing Huttball, I had grappled the enemy carrier to the ramps from the enemy pits.


I put a dot, thermal det on the carrier that was extremely low at this point. But just as he was about to die I got pulled.


He died while I was pulled, but although being pulled I was still in range to get the ball.


The person who pulled me was standing outside of their goal line and I had all my ccs up :)


We won, 1-0.


For the most embarrassing thing I have personally done...


Well, I scored without pants.


In huttball.



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