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I am Lord Helmet


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Need to rage bit.


I find it epic that in a game, conceived in a world involving the force and lightsabers, fails so miserably in designing a class using a lightsaber. Who designed juggernaughts/guardians? Fire them, yesterday already. What a pathetic class compared to the rest. Were these classes last minute adds to the game before launch? What was it? Was Lord Helmet from Spaceballs your class design model.


My vanguard is totally awesome. Can damage at range and kite any melee damage that may attempt to take me down. This is true in warzones and most importantly on boss pulls where something hit the fan.


My jedi shadow is totally awesome too. I can invis, backstab, hit things at range, granted at 10m, but still able to do it. Far more playable than to toons stuck in a 4m world.


So I roll a juggernaught to play with my son who wanted to go Imperial. OMG, I cannot believe someone thought this would be fun to play. It is horrible on every single level you can conceive.


Tank: I don't die in fewer swings. Big whoop, I can't kill anything either. A counselor version of the tank has AUTO HEALS on basic melee swings. Honestly, my shadow counselor trumps my juggernaught on ever single conceivable point of design in play-ability. If it is a great toon at 50 in epic dungeons, great! But it is no excuse to make it so craptastic for everything else.


Damage: it does not exist. Watch my glowstick swing and we all go "weeee". For the love of all, there are shiv wielders with guns who can do more damage, and cc, using a stupid blade forged out of a damn fork. Seriously, explain who came up with light saber weapon effectiveness in this game? There is no ouch! And if you cannot retaliate with any damange, nobody will every worry about approaching. Hello? Every class other class in the game has no fear of you in the 4m zone as I have now enjoyed in every PVP warzone. Everybody knows there is nothing to fear in the 4m zone. All classes are more effective at any range because they can effectively cc you and dps you as down as you put on a light show.


Interrupts: None! There are no interrupts for this tank. Every other class I play has stuns, knockbacks, slows, all for the purpose of getting away from damage or stopping someone cold. Gun wielders get it from spamming basic attacks! Juggernaught have to eat everything because it can stop NOTHING!


PVP: Guard, taunt, and most ironic of all RUN AND HIDE. Heavy armor, saber wielding players are told/required to HIDE to avoid all the cc, dps that is coming out the end of every gun or ranged spell effect. Juggernaughts have zero ability to defend themselves anywhere.


My god developers, do any of you actually play your classes? My challenge, roll a guardian or juggernaught and go play it. Tell us how you envisioned a toon where its existance is either covering its head from flying rocks, spinning in space, shaking in space from being tazered, no ability to get your Brave Sir Robin on and run away due to perma-slow effects, etc. Please, get in there and write back to everyone about how much fun you just had. What you feard for casters has become the complete nightmare of your core fantasy heavy armored light saber wielding class.


I am deleting the juggernaught. It is stinking up my login screen. I told my son I will be rolling up a Bounty Hunter to catch up and go with him.


Good grief. Epic, epic failure in designing fun on this one.

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Interrupts: None! There are no interrupts for this tank. Every other class I play has stuns, knockbacks, slows, all for the purpose of getting away from damage or stopping someone cold. Gun wielders get it from spamming basic attacks! Juggernaught have to eat everything because it can stop NOTHING.


Choke, Push, Backhand, Charge, and the 8 sec CD interrupt skill. No interrupts, huh?

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"Every class other class in the game has no fear of you in the 4m zone as I have now enjoyed in every PVP warzone."


If if makes you feel any better I fear juggernauts more than any other class: They have stuns, DoTs, a ranged attack, leap, and are near impossible to kite =( Hello! I thought melee was supposed to be kitable! At least increase the CD on leap or give smugglers/operatives a version of shadowstep.

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While we all have to rant sometimes, i gotta admit that i don't see any of your complaints at all, and my main is a juggernaut... But then again, i do play the class more for the feel of it, then just for pwning everything xD


I love my Juggernaut, but i gotta admit that, as i specced him as pure tank, he does lag some punching power, but thats my fault, not the class... I could easily respec to DPS, but that's just not what or how i wanna play. I wanna play a mean mother****** that just dosen't care and takes it with a psycotic smile, while driving his lightsaber into his opponents heart :p


I'm sorry that you don't feel like you've gotten anything out of your Juggernaut, but look at the bright side; there are many other classes that fit your playstyle alot better :)

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they suck at low lvls, but at 50 they dominate, way more than their counterpart (marauder/sentinel) but they do less dmg, but they get so so so much more utility!!!


p.s. most boring class in the game, almost deleted mine last night... then again i dont play my 50 marauder either, melee int his game is very very very awful and should be removed, bounty hunters, agents and inquisitors is all you should play if you want to have fun, a class with 0 spammable 30m attacks = worthless, not even a single 10m attack like sins get (tho they can make theirs 30m for a short while) makes the class a joke! charging to your death is not useful in ilum either, if you want to do ilum dailies you stand in the back and put up a macro casting your buff every 7 seconds... that's FUN AMIRITE?


so even though the OP is wrong, i still agree with him 100%.

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Jugg 41 now and have been loving it for most of the time. Sure there was a rough patch in the 20~25 range, but that was it. Especially when you get Jaeesa Wilsaam around 30 and saber throw at 36 the class is awesome imo.


That being said, playing as a tank spec Jugg in pvp is kinda sucky. You do little damage and can't take enough hits to outlast anyone either. CC's and gap closers aren't nearly enough when tank specced either. Go for a damage spec. The middle one (forgot name) has done wonders for me in pvp at least.

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lol, LOL.


This isnt even trying....


Interrupts: None! There are no interrupts for this tank. - False!


Every other class I play has stuns, knockbacks, slows, all for the purpose of getting away from damage or stopping someone cold. - Force slow, Hilt strike, Stasis, force push. (all stuns, slows, and knockbacks.


My challenge, roll a guardian or juggernaught and go play it. - Ok. tank spec'd gaurd/warrior is unkillable god in pve w/ companion healer. Its so epic its funny. Obviously your play style does not fit this class. So roll your BH and quit complaining that your fails are anyone else problems but yours.


Although thanks for the funny "i fail" thread. I lol'd

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they suck at low lvls, but at 50 they dominate, way more than their counterpart (marauder/sentinel) but they do less dmg, but they get so so so much more utility!!!

Yep, till 30+ level jugs are clumsy gimps, but when they go closer to 50, things become more and more interesting, perfect mobility, nice interrupts, and good survivability (in proper gear and build). DPS maybe need some love from devs, shield tech or darkness sin do more damage as example. Edited by Urukkhan
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