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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Too much xp from space combat


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So, I was wondering if anyone else noticed or cared, but it seems to me as if far too much XP is given for space combat. I gained level 20 and did the 4 or 5 space missions available to me and gained an entire level. I think it's way too much to gain an entire level in 20-30 minutes of a mini game.


To be honest, mathematically I'm not sure if it was exactly the total amount of XP to gain an entire level but the XP bar is divided into several boxes. When I started, I had 1 1/2 bars of level 20 full and when I ended I was close to the same at level 21.


People already complain about outleveling content without space combat, add space in and you begin to sprint past content levels. To me, all I really "need" from spae combat is commendations and credits. Really, I guess when it comes down to it I don't even need that since I don't really care about gear. But others do and I think commendation rewards are fine as the credit rewards... Just the XP gain is far too much

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I think it is just fine!


I think the levels are appropriate.


Not sure everyone agrees but being a casual player, I don't get much time to play (work RL etc)


It actually is welcomed to get a decent amount in the upper level missions anyway

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Personally, I'm glad you get such good exp from the space missions.. if you don't want to sit around grinding quests to level up an alt, do your space dailies for some fast exp.. do enough space missions you can skip out on some really boring quests/planets. They're really not worth doing for any other reason.
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I think PVP gives you more xp, plus its not the same as doing those same old missions over and over. The 1-49 pvp is fun and if you win and get a decent number of medals you can get close to 20k every game.


When you hit 50 it isn't much.It surprised me.That is level 50 WZs.

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So, I was wondering if anyone else noticed or cared, but it seems to me as if far too much XP is given for space combat. I gained level 20 and did the 4 or 5 space missions available to me and gained an entire level. I think it's way too much to gain an entire level in 20-30 minutes of a mini game.


To be honest, mathematically I'm not sure if it was exactly the total amount of XP to gain an entire level but the XP bar is divided into several boxes. When I started, I had 1 1/2 bars of level 20 full and when I ended I was close to the same at level 21.


People already complain about outleveling content without space combat, add space in and you begin to sprint past content levels. To me, all I really "need" from spae combat is commendations and credits. Really, I guess when it comes down to it I don't even need that since I don't really care about gear. But others do and I think commendation rewards are fine as the credit rewards... Just the XP gain is far too much


lol another nerf thread, I get almost a whole level just talking to companions whenever I hit a end of class act, lets nerf that, I got 2 whole levels doing a bonus series, lets nerf bonus series. I got a bunch of levels just by doing quests, lets nerf quests. I like grinding mobs; however, they give exp. Lets nerf everything

Edited by Hajizan
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Space combat XP is fine, it is really bursty when you first unlock new missions, do them, and then do the daily on top, plus you probably did your old missions too that weren't grayed out yet. Day to day though, I rarely bother as the Xp per time put into it is much much lower than just going out to quest.
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