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So when is 1.2 going to come out


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Can you also tell me what stock to buy this week, that will be up 10+ points next week.


Get real. Its the way all the companies work, not just Bioware so its not a direct attack on Biware but the entire MMO industry. Blizzard does it also as does all the other companies.

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No, no it shouldnt have.


To expect swtor to have every single feature that wow has is a dumb expectation.


Wow had 5 years in development (Correct me if I am wrong) and onlyh ad one 40 man raid at launch. Tack on another 7 years worth of life and upgrades and your looking at 12 years TOTAL time put into the development in that game.


SWTOR, giving it 5 years in development as well had no where NEAR the time needed to get everything in that wow has as of today reguarding features. You really need to learn that things take TIME to create and impliment and they may not be so easy to put into this game as it was in wow.


Wow uses different code as well as a different engine. To assume both are going to be just as easy to code and impliment stuff as one another is a dumb assumption. Please learn the value of time before posing a stupid expectation that is impossible for ANY MMORPG to do at launch.


WoW didnt spend 200 million plus on the game in development either. So wouldnt you think a game that spent that much money would actually have more stuff in it.

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WoW didnt spend 200 million plus on the game in development either. So wouldnt you think a game that spent that much money would actually have more stuff in it.


I dont know the budget that was put into this game. Last I heard it was 80 million, dont know where you got the 200 million from.


However, wow also didnt spend extra cash on voice overs and cinimatics left and right, space combat minigame......etc etc etc


More over, we dont know what blizzard pays their teams as we dont know what swtor pays their teams.


If SWTOR pays each member of every team double what blizzard pays, that adds up to a big chunk of cash spent solely on paychecks alone. Inflation also comes into play reguarding this. 80 Million now does NOT buy what it did back when wow was in development.


Again, before putting lame impossible expectations out there try and consider everything.


Even if SWTOR spent 200million in development, I never expected the game to have all of the features being added in at 1.2 , AT LAUNCH!


Why? THINGS TAKE TIME. No matter how much money you throw at somthing TIME is the Ultimate Factor of when, how, and why things are added. This game is NOT WOW. It uses a different engine and coding. It may not be just a simple thing to add and impliment stuff, as easy as it was for wow. A lot of things come into play and I personally feel they added in a lot more then wow ever dreamed to add in at launch. On top of that at least the servers are playable everyday unlike wow's which didnt have that great of launch.

Edited by Darth_Grissom
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Also No I am not a bioware fan nor a Star Wars fan. The movies were entertaining and thats about where my star wars fan ends. I have never played a Bioware game nor any star wars games ever in my life.


I moved games because I was sick and tired of playing fantasy medivil stuff. I have been playing it for 15 YEARS, it was time for a change.

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WoW didnt spend 200 million plus on the game in development either. So wouldnt you think a game that spent that much money would actually have more stuff in it.


WoW also has barely any voice acting. Hardly any cutscenes. Those are the two things that cost the most. SWTOR has over 1000 voice actors. I suspect that the actual game development wasnt so costly, its the additional stuff that shot the budget through the roof...


Also those 3 gorgeous cinematic trailers...yeah

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WoW also has barely any voice acting. Hardly any cutscenes. Those are the two things that cost the most. SWTOR has over 1000 voice actors. I suspect that the actual game development wasnt so costly, its the additional stuff that shot the budget through the roof...


Also those 3 gorgeous cinematic trailers...yeah


Not to mention Inflation and NOT knowing how much employee is being paid.


As I said before, if BW payed their employees say DOUBLE what wow did in development, that added up to a big rise in cost. The simple solution is, we will never know. Putting impossible expectations like the person you quoted, tells me that people these days have NO idea what patience nor understanding is.

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I dont know the budget that was put into this game. Last I heard it was 80 million, dont know where you got the 200 million from.


However, wow also didnt spend extra cash on voice overs and cinimatics left and right, space combat minigame......etc etc etc


More over, we dont know what blizzard pays their teams as we dont know what swtor pays their teams.


If SWTOR pays each member of every team double what blizzard pays, that adds up to a big chunk of cash spent solely on paychecks alone. Inflation also comes into play reguarding this. 80 Million now does NOT buy what it did back when wow was in development.


Again, before putting lame impossible expectations out there try and consider everything.


Even if SWTOR spent 200million in development, I never expected the game to have all of the features being added in at 1.2 , AT LAUNCH!


Why? THINGS TAKE TIME. No matter how much money you throw at somthing TIME is the Ultimate Factor of when, how, and why things are added. This game is NOT WOW. It uses a different engine and coding. It may not be just a simple thing to add and impliment stuff, as easy as it was for wow. A lot of things come into play and I personally feel they added in a lot more then wow ever dreamed to add in at launch. On top of that at least the servers are playable everyday unlike wow's which didnt have that great of launch.



You are a beacon of hope to fight all the b i t c h i n g. People need to realize things take time. WoW was not perfect when it launched rofl.

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No the sky is just fine. The subscriptions to this game are falling though. Thats no joke.


Everything's fine on my server, and everyone I'm playing with is enjoying it. Every post I see from you though is doom and gloom (you post this same crap on tons of other threads...) Why haven't you canceled and left yet?

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Clicky or I call BS


There is absolutly no debating at all that these servers are dying.


Everyone and their brother is calling for server merges and charater transfers.


I play on 4 differant servers and all 4 of them are way down from launch. It is not even close. And 3 of the 4 are ghost towns. 1 of the 4 has a decent population but is still half of what it was at launch.


So wait... let me get this straight. You post this about playing on 4 different servers, then a half hour later you post this about not even logging on anymore:




One can only hope BW will ban you from the forums. I'm flagging every one of your posts.

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Even if you want to ignore what people say.


No one said they lied about the reports. We did say they mislead them into thinking that the game was doing better than it actually was.


I have posted the numbers in some thread so no reason to keep posting them again but that 1.7 was correct but the 300,000 were people that quit and of the 1.7 million 300,000 were in their free trial. So thats 1.4 million that still included time card activation accounts, multi month sub activation accounts and players that subbed dor an additional month and then canceled. Looking more like that 1.7 million happy campers is about 1-1.2 million at the most.

First off, a lot of people said that EA was lying about the numbers, your little spin on the words doesn't change that.


Second, your reasoning in regards to the numbers is ridiculous, you seem to make the assumption that everyone now in their free month will quit and you make vast assumptions about what the 1.7 million subscribers are made up of. You actually don't know if the people that have cancelled but still have game time left are counted. Furthermore, how can you discount people who have put themselves up for multi month subscriptions? They resubbed just like the 1 monthers just that they did it for longer.


Unless you have something to back up your assumptions with there is no way to take you seriously. I guess I shouldn't be surprised that you're doing your "best" to try and twist and discredit the announced subscription numbers.

Edited by Runeshard
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I dont know the budget that was put into this game. Last I heard it was 80 million, dont know where you got the 200 million from.


However, wow also didnt spend extra cash on voice overs and cinimatics left and right, space combat minigame......etc etc etc


More over, we dont know what blizzard pays their teams as we dont know what swtor pays their teams.


If SWTOR pays each member of every team double what blizzard pays, that adds up to a big chunk of cash spent solely on paychecks alone. Inflation also comes into play reguarding this. 80 Million now does NOT buy what it did back when wow was in development.


Again, before putting lame impossible expectations out there try and consider everything.


Even if SWTOR spent 200million in development, I never expected the game to have all of the features being added in at 1.2 , AT LAUNCH!


Why? THINGS TAKE TIME. No matter how much money you throw at somthing TIME is the Ultimate Factor of when, how, and why things are added. This game is NOT WOW. It uses a different engine and coding. It may not be just a simple thing to add and impliment stuff, as easy as it was for wow. A lot of things come into play and I personally feel they added in a lot more then wow ever dreamed to add in at launch. On top of that at least the servers are playable everyday unlike wow's which didnt have that great of launch.


I need to correct some of the BS that's in this post. I usually lurk but when fanboys come at the rescue of a game that needs some changes (and then proclaim they are not fanboys), they need to be put in their place.


First, the development of SW:TOR is well over $200M (source: http://www.gamezone.com/news/new-estimates-suggest-swtor-development-cost-200-million). If you would like to me to link you investor quotes which predict the robustness of the game in a financial market, I can do that as well.


The game was outsourced on 4 different continents, included a team of over 1,000 folks and took around 6 years to develop. Can you even imagine the type of logistics, infrastructure, communication, and other SDLC headaches? I work in a start-up and organizing our daily Scrum meetings with people who are out of state is already extremely difficult. I can't even imagine what it would be like to coordinate with people on 3 different continents when you are developing a game of this size.


In retrospect, WoW had the budget you're talking about (around $80M), started its development in 1999 and was completed in 2004. So about one year difference in development and the game provided many more features out of the box than SW:TOR could ever possibly dream of. Adding insult to injury, SW:TOR is a carbon copy of WoW and the developers set out to "create a good MMO, not a great one." Hence why most of the game is leveraged directly from WoW (talent iltrees, abilities, UI, warzones/flashpoints/dungeons, the list goes on).


Second, you are far too forgiving in regards to a game company that charged you $59.99 to purchase their game and an additional $14.99/month to keep playing it. We are directly supporting the developers' efforts by the continuous flow of money we are giving to them. So let me ask you this: why is it taking THREE months to basically implement a system which displays a cooldown on your abilities' icons with different levels of opacity to add some flavor to the changes. We call that "customer fluff" in the industry: make an asinine change look completely awesome and game-breaking. To be fair, this type of functionality was not inherent of WoW either: it was created by the community by folks such as OmniCC and implemented in the game within weeks of its inclusion. Another very short-sighted decision to exclude the implementation of user-created add-ons from BW which would have solved many of the headaches the dev team is currently faced with -- such limitations are of course due to the restricting HERO engine they utilized to create this game (I would encourage you too Wikipedia the HERO engine and educate yourself a bit about it so you're not completely clueless when talking about SW:TOR).


Finally, many, many elements which are still not included in the game and which have been touched upon by the BW devs have no timetable. And I'm asking for two of the most basic functionalities (not even dual spec, LFD tool, or any of that):

- Basic combat log

- Basic macro configuration


Omitting both of these elements at release is embarrassing. Even EQ had a combat log -- even FFXI had macros (a game that was released on PlayStation 2 as well).


BW is making some decent progress on what it calls its "quality-of-life" fixes. But those are minor. And they tend to introduce more new issues than fix old ones with every new major patch that is introduced -- Ilum is a perfect example a failed zone; a failed experiment; a total, utter failure.


You're right in your assessment that fixing the big issues takes time. But how much time is okay? In late December, 1.3 was supposed to be released in March along with the legacy system. Now 1.2 will be released late March with the basic implementation of the legacy system and the promised UI changes that folks are skeptic about since what we saw from the video did not bode confidence at all for many players (re-sizing my minimap and the size of my hotbars was not the level of depth I was expecting).

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and the game provided many more features out of the box than SW:TOR could ever possibly dream of. Adding insult to injury, SW:TOR is a carbon copy of WoW and the developers set out to "create a good MMO, not a great one." Hence why most of the game is leveraged directly from WoW (talent iltrees, abilities, UI, warzones/flashpoints/dungeons, the list goes on).


Oh boy please enlighten us oh lurker what WoW had out of box that was so far superior and all of the features that is more then SWTOR


See I played WoW from the beginning and I know exactly what it had and didnt have, so please let us all know and please use facts and I will be more then happy to prove you incorrect if you start bsing

And please lets use features not day/night cycle crap lol


Fact is you are just another wow fanboi who think wow started everything its sad. You should have stayed lurking

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Finally, many, many elements which are still not included in the game and which have been touched upon by the BW devs have no timetable. And I'm asking for two of the most basic functionalities (not even dual spec, LFD tool, or any of that):

- Basic combat log

- Basic macro configuration


Let's not forget about hi-res textures, it's a feature of the future gaming apparently and we'll get it somewhere near next christmas probably.


But I don't agree that WoW was so much better at launch. It was not.

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Fact is you are just another wow fanboi who think wow started everything its sad. You should have stayed lurking


I think most of us know that WoW didn't start it all, but that WoW is the monster out there right now. (I would vote more so for UO or EQ to be the baseline for graphical MMO's, I've played some text based ones as well) Many people hoped this would be a WoW killer, myself included.

That said, you can argue until you're blue in the face (or you wear your fingers down to nubbins from typing) that swtor is better than WoW at launch or vice versa, but if you think about it, it doesn't matter. What matters is that if you want SWTOR to compete with current MMO's, SWTOR needs to offer relavant features right out of the gate. These features should have been in development in early beta.

And please don't ask me to list these features for the umpteinth time because you don't want to look at the other posts all over the place detailing these features.

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Those calling me out as a WoW fanboy and that I am proclaiming lies: please, go ahead and dissect my post and tell me which lies I told. Everything that I've said is based off facts.


Do you want me to pull 2009-2010 quotes from the BW developers which clearly stated that they were using WoW as a framework for the majority of the gameplay elements and they never set out to build a great MMO, but a good one?


Moreover, people who start with the line: "I've been playing WoW since its launch day..." need to ****. Nobody cares. Everybody has played WoW. It doesn't validate your opinion in any way. Hell, most of you guys who have played WoW are probably PvE yuppies who never min-maxed for Arenas or who never knew what it meant to trade PvP rank places with other folks gunning for HWL back in Vanilla. You guys probably never experienced most end-game content until it was made available to all the whiny casuals back in WotLK.

Edited by Meluna
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Love how a question about when 1.2 coming turned into this rage fest.


The forums are sooo depressing because all the haters come here, while all the people actually enjoying this game are playing it.


"Then why did you post?"


Because I'm at work...when I'm home I play instead of gripe.


To the OP: Hope its early March for 1.2 cause I want to move forward with Alts and being at lvl 28 Legacy should open up some sweet stuff.

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First off, a lot of people said that EA was lying about the numbers, your little spin on the words doesn't change that.


Second, your reasoning in regards to the numbers is ridiculous, you seem to make the assumption that everyone now in their free month will quit and you make vast assumptions about what the 1.7 million subscribers are made up of. You actually don't know if the people that have cancelled but still have game time left are counted. Furthermore, how can you discount people who have put themselves up for multi month subscriptions? They resubbed just like the 1 monthers just that they did it for longer.


Unless you have something to back up your assumptions with there is no way to take you seriously. I guess I shouldn't be surprised that you're doing your "best" to try and twist and discredit the announced subscription numbers.


Yes I do know that the people that have time left and cancelled were included in the 1.7 million.


Once again look at the numbers and its all there. I have not twisted anything it was bioware that was twisting number.

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First off, a lot of people said that EA was lying about the numbers, your little spin on the words doesn't change that.


Second, your reasoning in regards to the numbers is ridiculous, you seem to make the assumption that everyone now in their free month will quit and you make vast assumptions about what the 1.7 million subscribers are made up of. You actually don't know if the people that have cancelled but still have game time left are counted. Furthermore, how can you discount people who have put themselves up for multi month subscriptions? They resubbed just like the 1 monthers just that they did it for longer.


Unless you have something to back up your assumptions with there is no way to take you seriously. I guess I shouldn't be surprised that you're doing your "best" to try and twist and discredit the announced subscription numbers.

As of Feb 1, Bioware had lost 15% of their potential subscriber base. That's a pretty significant chunk for a monthly subscription game that was released for less than 45 days. to put that in more relevant terms, that would be like Blizzard losing 1.8 million subscriptions since their high water mark of 12 million. Bioware lost the equivalent percentage of players in 1 month that WoW lost in 2011.

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Love how a question about when 1.2 coming turned into this rage fest.


The forums are sooo depressing because all the haters come here, while all the people actually enjoying this game are playing it.


"Then why did you post?"


Because I'm at work...when I'm home I play instead of gripe.


To the OP: Hope its early March for 1.2 cause I want to move forward with Alts and being at lvl 28 Legacy should open up some sweet stuff.

It will not be early March. Bioware/EA will not release a major TOR patch at the same time as the ME3 launch(3/6). They don't want to divide their potential player base like that. I think I said this earlier in this thread or another similar thread: The end of March makes the most sense. It is far enough away from the ME3 launch that it will not impact the sales, but soon enough that people won't unsubscribe while they wait for 1.2.

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