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Probably dropping Cybertech for Biochem...Advice?


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Hi Everybody!

I have leveled Cybertech/Underworld Trading/Scavenging to the maximum. While I was able to craft some neat mods and earpieces through my process of leveling up, after hitting level 50 I find that there is almost nothing useful I can do with it. Mods, Armorings, Earpieces...all the stuff that I can build as a Cybertech does not even come close to the PvP or PvE endgame gear that you get from flashpoints and warzones.


Sure the Wynz-Tek AoE reusable grenades are pretty cool, but still not THAT useful. I have built myself 3 of them (they are bound so you cannot even sell them) and have a global cooldown of 5 minutes. In a typical warzone match there usually is just 1 (if I am VERY lucky 2) situations where I can make good use of one of those grenades and it is not on CD. The perks of having 3 different types of grenades are minimal.

In Ilum they are even less useful because in order to use them you need to be very close to your targets and that usually means they kill you pretty fast.


So long story short I am pretty set on changing from Cybertech to Biochem. But before I do that I just wanted to ask if there is some Cybertech perk or Biochem weakness that I am overlooking that could change my decision?

I have loads of Cybertech crafting materials and some Schematics that took me a long time to unlock and I would hate to see them go to waste for nothing. ;)


Also if you approve of my decision, what would be the fastest way to level Biochem to the max?

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I'm in the same position.


If you PvP or PvE, it's foolish to play any other crafting class. I'm finishing up armor cores for a few people right now, but I'll be dropping it this week. TBH, I'm a fool to have waited so long.

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BW have stated that other crafting professions will be improved to have more of an impact, and Biochem has been nerfed pretty much every patch.


Plus the best schematics aren't trainer-taught for any crew skill, so the generic lvl 50 trainer schematics aren't supposed to be better than top tier gear.




But it's your call, I won't deny that currently Biochem has the biggest effect during combat.

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Biochem is literally the gold standard in PvP. A reusable medpac with a built in health cooldown and a permanent stat buff from a reusable stim pack (and also, if you'd like, an extra cooldown in the form of a reusable adrenal, though personally I favor the Warzone Expertise adrenals) are pretty much tools I expect my opponent to have in his arsenal at this point. I cannot tell you the number of scenarios I've survived by putting up Reactive Shield, hitting my Instacast cooldown coupled with Med Probe, then topping off with the Rakata Medpac only to turn around, pop my Expertise adrenal and Relic cooldown and utterly humiliate someone who thought they had me dead to rights 3 seconds ago.


Do it, and do it now. It's cheap, and if you're actively PvPing while you grind up the necessary skills you won't even notice the cost.

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My wife and I just dropped 400 artifice and weaving for biochem on Saturday. We leveled it from 1 to 400 in one day.


Fastest way:


Go to each planet, starting with your capital city planet, and farm mats from the mobs while sending your companions to craft as you gather. It seriously only took us one afternoon maxing both skills. You only need bioanalysis to level up. Once you hit 50, all you need is bioanalysis and alloys from hardmodes to make your rakata stuff.


It's really no wonder so many players have biochem. It's so powerful and easy to level up that it's ridiculous.

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BW have stated that other crafting professions will be improved to have more of an impact, and Biochem has been nerfed pretty much every patch.


Plus the best schematics aren't trainer-taught for any crew skill, so the generic lvl 50 trainer schematics aren't supposed to be better than top tier gear.




But it's your call, I won't deny that currently Biochem has the biggest effect during combat.


Yet there is still nothing better then biochem rakata reusables.

Cybertech grenades are 2nd place, but its far place due to cooldowns.

Then there is Artifice and its magneta crystal for coolness factor on far, far 3rd place.


And then, somewhere in trash can, rest of craft skills.


Biochem will be far superior as long as its:


-short CD


And thats it.

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My wife and I just dropped 400 artifice and weaving for biochem on Saturday. We leveled it from 1 to 400 in one day.


Fastest way:


Go to each planet, starting with your capital city planet, and farm mats from the mobs while sending your companions to craft as you gather. It seriously only took us one afternoon maxing both skills. You only need bioanalysis to level up. Once you hit 50, all you need is bioanalysis and alloys from hardmodes to make your rakata stuff.


It's really no wonder so many players have biochem. It's so powerful and easy to level up that it's ridiculous.


Thank you for the great advice. Now I am sold on doing the same :)


Edit: If I only need Bioanalysis and Biochem, I guess the third spot goes to Slicing?

Edited by Ich_Bin
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My wife and I just dropped 400 artifice and weaving for biochem on Saturday. We leveled it from 1 to 400 in one day.


Fastest way:


Go to each planet, starting with your capital city planet, and farm mats from the mobs while sending your companions to craft as you gather. It seriously only took us one afternoon maxing both skills. You only need bioanalysis to level up. Once you hit 50, all you need is bioanalysis and alloys from hardmodes to make your rakata stuff.


It's really no wonder so many players have biochem. It's so powerful and easy to level up that it's ridiculous.


Good advice! Thank you!

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Yet there is still nothing better then biochem rakata reusables.

Cybertech grenades are 2nd place, but its far place due to cooldowns.

Then there is Artifice and its magneta crystal for coolness factor on far, far 3rd place.


And then, somewhere in trash can, rest of craft skills.


Biochem will be far superior as long as its:


-short CD


And thats it.


The top Biochem stims have already been nerfed down to the strength of the highest BoE ones.


Do you think they are going to look at it after that and say "yup, now all the crew skills have the same influence"?


I expect major changes.



Again, change if you want to, but just remember that the FOTM class / crew skill won't last forever.

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Again, change if you want to, but just remember that the FOTM class / crew skill won't last forever.


True. But compare that to Cybertech. What do you get? Grenades on 5 min cooldown?! How useful is that, honestly? 90 sec CD is still too long, IMO, should be 60 sec max. But Bioware seems perfectly content with it.


They might fix it. Eventually. Or not. Who the heck knows. Considering how fast it is to level professions in this game, why not switch?

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Crafting skills are nothing but part of the FOTM equation with the current system.


The speed at which you can level a crew skill with 5 maxed companions renders the value of keeping any of them worthless, and this means regardless of what nerfs/boosts are made, PvP'ers will be FOTM.


That is biochem right now. If tomorrow the min/max hardcore PvP community has come to the conclusion that x-crewskill's new boost is FOTM, 2 days later they will all be that one.

Edited by MoarPowar
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People. People. I come bearing a great tip.


Make a Cybertech alt. Craft yourself the lowbie grenades. All of them have the same effect as the highest tier ones (except there is no freeze grenade, and the slow grenades are 70% vice 25%) but the Mezz and Stun grenades are just as effective at low levels. They have the same mezz/stun duration. Send these grenades to your main, profit. One extra edge you can have over someone else not using grenades.

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