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Possible fix for the daily 3 WZ wins and/or WZ leavers


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I've been advocating using Valor instead of medals. Make it simple 1500 valor for wins. 750 for losses. Make the Daily 3000 valor. That way it's 2 Wins, 1 Win and 2 Losses, or just 4 losses to complete the daily.


I go for valor as well during wz for sure 3 wins can take me sadly all night lol.

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I've been advocating using Valor instead of medals. Make it simple 1500 valor for wins. 750 for losses. Make the Daily 3000 valor. That way it's 2 Wins, 1 Win and 2 Losses, or just 4 losses to complete the daily.


Yeah, that came to mind for me, too. Would this system remove individual medals to keep the Valor consistent or would the bonus Valor from medals not count towards the daily total?


With a number such as 3000, the medal bonus wouldn't make that much a difference between needing one or two more matches to finish your daily, so I think it might be best to just count it as a bonus and not factor into the daily total.

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I can't even begin to count how many warzones I go into where if Imperials are ahead people simply leave.


Civil War: Lost two turrets? NP - leave.


Huttball: Other team scored first? - NP - leave.


Voidstar: Join in round 2? - NP - leave.


IF BIOWARE WOULD ACTUALLY FIX THE DAMN GAME WHERE WINS COUNT - it wouldn't be so bad to get 3 wins in a day.


Right now with losing 90% it took me the entire weekend to actually complete the daily, and I played only WZ's for like 8 hours.


When we can queue with 8 people I will be a happy camper - forcing people to pug with scrubs is too much.


The battlegrounds in WoW worked good - 1 token for the losers and 3 for the winners. 9 tokens = completed quest. I know everyone hates WoW - but they actually did some things right.

Edited by Axethales
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3 Wins OR 8 Played is a win.


This is a bad move - those who usually leave will simply afk in some dark corner, stay in stealth or bunch up at a single captured Alderanian turret - loosers won't be leaving, but neither they will be fighting, this doesn't help at all.

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Completing your dailies/weeklies is not mandatory. The "fix" will be cross-server PVP queues to mix things up a bit - hopefully they won't make it so that it tries to shove you into the local matches constantly (I'd like to get away from the randoms in green gear on my server once in a while, even if just to meet up with randoms in green gear on other servers).


There seems to be some disconnect where some people believe daily quests should be beatable every day with little to no effort as a meaningless farm - whereas the fact that you actually want to win is exactly what they were trying to achieve when they designed it this way.


Play to win, not farm medals.

Edited by dcgregorya
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There seems to be some disconnect where some people believe daily quests should be beatable every day with little to no effort as a meaningless farm - whereas the fact that you actually want to win is exactly what they were trying to achieve when they designed it this way.


Play to win, not farm medals.


That's a good point of view, but doesn't help getting rid of leavers and weak-willed casuals. The last sentence nothing more than an idealistic statement which works in a full PvP-oriented premade but is a utopical nonsense in respect to the PuGs, and the main concern and QQ-ing on the forums is about the latter and how to improve experience in them using only technical means.

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That's a good point of view, but doesn't help getting rid of leavers and weak-willed casuals. The last sentence nothing more than an idealistic statement which works in a full PvP-oriented premade but is a utopical nonsense in respect to the PuGs, and the main concern and QQ-ing on the forums is about the latter and how to improve experience in them using only technical means.


Your change does not get rid of the leavers either.


As soon as people are done with the daily quest they will start leaving again.


Medals need to be added for game objectives, thats a good and decent idea.

But without a penalty to leavers and afkers the system will never work.


You can reward for not leaving... but only until they have all the rewards and dont care for rewards anymore, then the problem starts again.


You can change the daily quest to be easier to complete... but it will only help until they completed the quest, then the problem will start again.


The only NOT-BANDAID fix to the problem is a leaver and AFKer penalty.


Here my suggestion, again:



Guys, currently some people are leaving, and it feels really bad for the people that get stomped because of it. But you need to realize, that THIS currently is just the tip of the iceberg.


There aren't that many people full T2 and gearing up with T3 yet, and those are the players that currently ruin PvP for you. There aren't even full T3s yet, at least not many. And those people will, on average, be MUCH WORSE in the leaving department.


Overall, in the coming weeks and month the situation will rapidly decrease to a huge BG jumping, PvP ruining fragfest. You have seen nothing yet, just imagine what will happen when people with NO INCENTIVE TO PLAY AT ALL are in the queue playing with Randoms.


It will be MUCH WORSE in a few weeks. Much much worse.


- No one that wants to give rewards as an incentive has stated how to motivate the full T3 players to stay in a game as you cannot reward them anymore.


- No one that wants to give rewards has stated how to overcome the current, HUGE reward given for leaving a BG to T2 players that gear up with T3 by completing Dailys and Weeklys. That reward is PLAYTIME and is a very limited resource for many players. It is very hard to overcome.


If there is no type of deserter buff or sticky BGs in a few month when most PvPers reach BM and a large part reaches full T3, PvP in this game will die. Period.


Bioware needs to do something NOW before it gets out of hand:


- Remove the AFK mechanism in safe zones

- Fix the D/C bugs

- Fix matchmaking

- Separate Premades from Random BG

- Fix equipment > skill

- Fix choosing a BG

- Implement cross server functionality

- Make BGs stick to the player so he rejoins his BG on reconnect

- Implement deserter debuff if players are gone at the end of a BG

- Implement AFK detection mechanisms that actually work

- Implement AFK voting

- Implement progressive AFK penalties


And then, after leaving is fixed, you can:


- Add medals for team oriented actions and fix healer medals

- Add more team oriented daily and weekly quests

- Lower the reward for the win daily and weekly quests

- Add rewards for medals that interest T3 players (expensive mounts, Titles, Social Gear)


This, for me, is the way forward for SWTOR BG PvP. Similar stuff has to be done for Ilum and Tatooine of course. And I believe if they dont do a huge portion of this, PvP in SWTOR will die soon, but thats just me, and I could be wrong.

Edited by skyflash
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Yeah, that came to mind for me, too. Would this system remove individual medals to keep the Valor consistent or would the bonus Valor from medals not count towards the daily total?


With a number such as 3000, the medal bonus wouldn't make that much a difference between needing one or two more matches to finish your daily, so I think it might be best to just count it as a bonus and not factor into the daily total.


I would have the medal bonuses give strictly towards more Warzone Commendations.

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I think a majority of the WZ abandoners aren't leaving because they are losing. I think they just wanted a quick trip to the fleet and don't have a security key to buy the refills.


Anyone that starts the match and doesn't move or stays in the central area as well as anyone who joins late and leaves a minute or two afterwards is probably on Illum and wants to be on Fleet.

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Change the daily to require 6 Warzone completions and award a bonus for wins.


A completion would be defined as any match in which the player was present for at least 50% of the match and was present at the end of the match.


This would resolve both the Wins not counting bug and would deincentivize Warzone dropping.



I should also point out that the daily is not in the game for the "hardcore" PvPers. It is in the game in order to get casuals to queue up and reduce queue times.

Edited by Darth_Philar
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Change the daily to require 6 Warzone completions and award a bonus for wins.


Great, thats actually the worst idea I have heard up to now. It has the disadvantages of both ideas and advantages.


People would just join games and if it looks like losing they will go AFK. It would be worse than now.


No AFK penalty but strong incentive to go AFK... wow.... what an idea.

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Great, thats actually the worst idea I have heard up to now. It has the disadvantages of both ideas and advantages.


People would just join games and if it looks like losing they will go AFK. It would be worse than now.


No AFK penalty but strong incentive to go AFK... wow.... what an idea.


Right, because you don't get automatically booted when AFK :rolleyes:

I suggest you troll a little harder, you failed this time.

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Right, because you don't get automatically booted when AFK


The Pit/Voidstar: you find a dark corner and stand there, making a step one in a while, so you do not get kicked out from the WZ. If you have stealth - you just stay stealthed in the same corner.

On Alderan: group up on the single turret your team managed to captuer and afk "guarding it". Who cares you'll loose? You'll get that game counted for your daily!


Whatever you think: the majority of players are casual players and they always choose the way wich involves as little effort invested from their side as possible. People will always find a way to exploit/cheat on the system.

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I think a majority of the WZ abandoners aren't leaving because they are losing. I think they just wanted a quick trip to the fleet and don't have a security key to buy the refills.


Anyone that starts the match and doesn't move or stays in the central area as well as anyone who joins late and leaves a minute or two afterwards is probably on Illum and wants to be on Fleet.


I disagree, the majority of the pass-throughs leave so fast they are often replaced before the match starts. the main issue folks are complaining about is one side leaving as soon as its obvious they CANNOT win anymore. People need "wins" to finish their quests and some would rather move on and hope to get a "better" match while the "pre-made" that was stomping them before is still tied down.


Me personally I will not stay if I join a match if its well lost before I get there (like 0-4 Hutt) -- I am in enough losing games as it is without starting in the dumpster. I don't leave games that I start however.


Many casuals only play enough matches to finish their quests, otherwise they go back to their alts or whatever. Let them get finished and the worst of the leavers will never even start a match.


(several chronic leavers from my guild do so because they are ON an alt and just trying to finish their weekly and don't want to spend more time on it than neccessary)


Serial AFKers will always be in matches as long as they get a share of the rewards. The fix for THAT is separate.. no contribution/damage/healing? no XP/Val/Cred.

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