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Why SWTOR has more potential than GW2 or WoW


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We simply cannot speak to whether the up and coming MMOs will perform, so stop talking about them.


I can say that the Star Wars pedigree has been tarnished very badly by the foolishness of George Lucas, and while there are still innumerable fanboys, it's not what it was in the pre-prequel era.

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Uhm, i'm a Star Wars fan and I can tell you now the Guild Wars environment and story (yes there is one) is easily as interesting as this game.




There is an evil mage in the lands running around spreading doom and gore upon the peaceful elves of the forests!! Must mount your mighty warhorse to fight off the goblins and defeat the ancient dragon with your ancient sword!!!!! Woot!


=> 99% of all MMOs




Compared with...Sith flying across the galaxy hunting down Jedi, an ancient order trying to bring peace. And you have smugglers caught in the middle (Han Solo, greatest movie character of all time), alongside all sorts of interesting characters (Chewie). And don't tell me you weren't moved when Anakin became Darth Vader in the prequels. Or when Han Solo was put into carbonite by Bobba Fett.


Try getting people to watch a movie about dragons, unless it has massive amounts of CGI (LOTR BARF). Good luck.


Also, I hate the art design of GW2. Looks pretty for sure, but just can't tell if it's trying to be a J-RPG or what. The characters also look too typical of the genre.

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Did Warcraft become a huge hit because it was based on an existing IP?






Mass Effect?


Gears of War?


The Sims?






Frankly, the notion that a video game is going to be good because of the IP is silly. Games succeed because they're good games. That's the only thing that matters, ultimately.

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Did Warcraft become a huge hit because it was based on an existing IP?






Mass Effect?


Gears of War?


The Sims?






Frankly, the notion that a video game is going to be good because of the IP is silly. Games succeed because they're good games. That's the only thing that matters, ultimately.


Wasn't talking about "success." Please re-read thread title ("Potential").


In 10 years, nobody will be playing any of the above (when was the last time you played Lemmings, seriously?). Star Wars has been going strong longer than the PC has been around. Star Wars will be remembered long after everyone on this forum is dead and buried.

Edited by iheartnyc
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Simple answer really: The Star Wars universe.

I mean seriously. Yeah yeah the game isn't exactly like the trailers, but I believe the devs are working towards that goal. And man, if it ever gets there, this game will be the mother of all games.


Potential means nothing without proper execution.


Hellgate London was a potentially good project until Bill Roper got involved.


As with everything else in life, potential energy only "exists" once it's been turned into something real. I think everyone from people who love the game down to the guy who is convinced Bioware is in league with vampires to destroy the world thinks the game has "potential" . . .


Unfortunately, the potential of a great IP does not translate into "the game ever getting there". Case in point, SWG, front and center.

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SW is the only reason some small amount of ppl still keep playing this.


GW2 might not have the universe (although it does have 6 mil loyal player base and fan base). But ppl will be playing it, because the "gaming" experience will be amazing.


So if You think that GW2 will be anything else but major success, You are just lying to Your pocket my friend :)


Actually I have 3 reasons I keep playing this game:


1) Its a bioware game, and rough start it has had I think it will hit its stride soon.


2) The game has so much potential from space combat arenas to possible plot lines that honestly I have the "what can happen next" kiddie excitement almost constantly. Maybe it isn't all to a mirror shine and I will concede the point, but it isn't hard to see the effort that went into it.


3) Its only 2 months old. Just like how reviewers are starting to wait a few weeks to make a final review to publish, I plan to give the game a few months to see the direction it takes.


4) Its fun. Maybe I lucked out but I picked the smuggler. No matter how close I come to getting frustrated at being a scoundrel, her lines and quest lines keep me laughing and coming back. Gripes I may have about making so many ranged classes restricted to melee, but to me they feel fresh enough that I am excited to lvl the trooper next. The class storylines also ensure that somehow I will be trying all the different quest lines to see how they play out if nothing else.



I expect that gw2 will have the same kind of reception that this game has gotten at launch. Lots of trolls, lots of complaints, and lots of players who will keep playing because they are having fun. Just relax, play what you want, its all good in the end.

Edited by Tetrablade
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Potential means nothing without proper execution.


Hellgate London was a potentially good project until Bill Roper got involved.


As with everything else in life, potential energy only "exists" once it's been turned into something real. I think everyone from people who love the game down to the guy who is convinced Bioware is in league with vampires to destroy the world thinks the game has "potential" . . .


Unfortunately, the potential of a great IP does not translate into "the game ever getting there". Case in point, SWG, front and center.


Well, I'd rather invest my money and game time into a game with potential, than just a mediocore success. You know, buy Apple stock pre-IPO instead of GM stock in 1995?

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Simple answer really: The Star Wars universe.


The universe has incredible popular appeal and long-lasting popularity. The plot-line is classic and amazing as is the story. They even taught Star Wars as a classic example of an ideal plot/character development in my American lit class in prep school (a pretty preftigious one with preftigious trees and a preftigious wall).


Anyways, I'm not talking about the merits of the game. Sure there are problems with it. I"m simply talking about the potential. And that's why I'm sticking around. To give it a shot. A diamond in the rough.




I mean seriously. Yeah yeah the game isn't exactly like the trailers, but I believe the devs are working towards that goal. And man, if it ever gets there, this game will be the mother of all games.


Quality gameplay and entertaining content is what makes games last a long time Iheartnyc. The fact it's a Star Wars game gives it broader appeal sure, especially upfront - but in no way is it going to give it long-lasting popularity.


I have only to point to the zillions of Star Wars games that have abysmally failed due to crappy gameplay over the years to prove my point. You can't just slap Star Wars on something and it's instantly popular in the long term. Doesn't work that way.

Edited by JeremyDale
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You know I have to laugh at the guy making all the highly exaggerated claims of Real gamers already leaving etc. The only people that have really left are the MMO hoppers these are the people that play every game for the first few weeks cry because it doesn't meet imaginary status quos they had for it calling the game a failure.


This game isn't bad, it's not perfect but hey no game is not even 7 years later.


This game has a boat load of potential, as someone else said here, all GW2 will be is the game people play off to the side of the game they are paying for monthly, that and all the LoL and F2P kids will flock to it. So already it's community is garbage.


Now keep in mind I'm not saying GW2 won't be a good game, but you people are way over hyping it, and I'm pretty sure you're all going to be making the same posts about that game when it comes out looking forward to the next big thing.

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Wasn't talking about "success." Please re-read thread title ("Potential").


In 10 years, nobody will be playing any of the above (when was the last time you played Lemmings, seriously?). Star Wars has been going strong longer than the PC has been around. Star Wars will be remembered long after everyone on this forum is dead and buried.


Not if people keep making stuff like SWTOR and the prequels. =D

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Wow. What world are we living in, when people confuse potential with success? I mean, I know the education system typically tells kids the BS line, "You can all be wahtever you want to be!!!" or "you are all special!!"


Fact of the matter is, most games are mediocore out of the gate because the content is mediocore. Witcher? I heard great things about it. But mass appeal? Never going to happen. No potential. Try hard, but too bad.


SWTOR is like the genius, if a bit lazy, brainchild in the room. So we as its peers can either encourage the genius and try to bring out the potential, for the better of the world, or sit around boosting up the mediocrities in the room. Seeing the world today, I'm not surprised that many of you choose the latter option (GW2 can be special too, look at all its features!!!!...give me a break). ANd I think most of us agree, if Bioware gets its act together, fixes all its bugs, and adds certain features and content, this game will be AMAZING. Yet, so many of us are trying to kill the game less than 2 months out the gate! WHY??


p.s. Off-topic, but here's a Valentine's day joke for you all. Girls are basically communists - they're always bringing down their pretty friends, and putting up their ugly friends.

Edited by iheartnyc
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Simple answer really: The Star Wars universe.


Your reasoning is so flawed. SWG was "The Star Wars Universe" that game literally failed in every sence of word "FAIL".


Just because "Star Wars" is in the title doesn't mean success. People who have at least a triple digit IQ will be long gone and the 'tards who will force feed anything star wars to themselves will be left.

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Now keep in mind I'm not saying GW2 won't be a good game, but you people are way over hyping it, and I'm pretty sure you're all going to be making the same posts about that game when it comes out looking forward to the next big thing.



Just like everyone way over hyped SWTOR?


On topic, WoW has no potential it has 2 more years tops before its dead. GW2 has a lot of potential, and its doing new things something SWTOR couldnt do.

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Your reasoning is so flawed. SWG was "The Star Wars Universe" that game literally failed in every sence of word "FAIL".


Just because "Star Wars" is in the title doesn't mean success. People who have at least a triple digit IQ will be long gone and the 'tards who will force feed anything star wars to themselves will be left.


Exactly. Star Wars has been demolished over the years by its own creator, it's not even close to the higher quality fantasy canons (Game of Thrones, LOTR, etc.)

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Exactly. Star Wars has been demolished over the years by its own creator, it's not even close to the higher quality fantasy canons (Game of Thrones, LOTR, etc.)


And yet you will be in line to see the next Star Wars movie if it ever comes out. As will all of you on these fourms.


Why? Because you realize it has potential and at least hope that it is good. And you will not lose that hope until you die, and will see every single Star Wars movie that ever comes out. You know it, and I know it.

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Well, I'd rather invest my money and game time into a game with potential, than just a mediocore success. You know, buy Apple stock pre-IPO instead of GM stock in 1995?


Except the situation isn't even remotely the same. Apple had a locked market with a following, large or small, that wasn't about to leave and a completely proprietary product. GM was not only fighting rising gas prices and foreign competition but other US Automakers.


I'm going to follow the same maxim I did in training people in boot camp: potential is meaningless without the will to achieve. And I'm simply not seeing that out of this bunch. That isn't to say it's not making money, or won't be successful in a fiscal sense, or isn't going to have people playing for some time.


But I worry it's going to eventually end up like Warhammer, which even in it's dying failure state evokes a sort of dismayed awe at just how much potential the game had and failed to live up to.

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TBH i dont know if using the starwars universe is such a great asset in an mmo anymore.


Its seems to be very limiting artwise. Weapons = lightsabers. Races look like humans with plastic masks on and mounts look very 70s-ish also, all because of the art from the movies back when they were released.

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I'm going to follow the same maxim I did in training people in boot camp: potential is meaningless without the will to achieve.


Come on you and I both know very well that basic training, as is all things military, is geared towards the bottom denominator. The military doesn't want to bring out superstars, they just want equal mediocrity for everyone, and that's what they typically get (save for a few units/branches).


In the gaming world, we are all striving to find the one gem. Not 100 mediocore games, but 1 great one. A bit different from trying to find 100 joes to do latrine duty.

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Just like everyone way over hyped SWTOR?


On topic, WoW has no potential it has 2 more years tops before its dead. GW2 has a lot of potential, and its doing new things something SWTOR couldnt do.


Yeah I have a feeling when the Legacy System gets fully implemented a lot of you saying that are going to be eating your hats. Just a feeling.

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Seems like a lot of companies are branching out into 'new' things with the MMO. Tera with it's aiming, GW2 with it's basically having no individual quests and much livelier combat, Secret World with it's sandboxiness, WoW with it pandas.


2012 seems to be the year of evolution for the MMO, and SwTor was released in the dying days of 2011.

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They've sold 6 million total boxes, which is including all expansions. That means Joe Schmo who bought all 3 expansions plus GW counts as 4 units. How you get 6 million player base from that I'll never understand.


I never got gw1 and I am GW fan. Understand now?

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This game does have potential but its not going to over take WOW thats for sure, and anyway who cares either way? Does it matter?

GW2 just like this game is/was touted as the mmo that will kill all the competition (ie have more success than wow) it wont and gw2 wont either.

The End

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