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What people fail to realize.


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Upgrade your computer. It's a personal issue.



I have no ability lag what so ever.



Also, WoW was amazing in 2006, now not so much. I just don't get this "bensmokin" guy, you resub to a game only to complain about something you have no intention of playing? You need to find a hobby.


If you don't like something, make a thread why you don't like it (constructively, not "DIS GAEM SUX111!1!!!1 U SPEND LIEK BILLIONS OF DOLLARS SO UM YE!1") then leave. If you plan on coming back, wait more than a month. Try 6 months and maybe they'll have fixed a lot of issues that seem to be experiencing.


Boggles my mind why people sit on game forums of a game they don't even play.


If you really think the ability lag and worse... abilities been canceled... not triggering for 5 consecutive global cooldowns (sometimes) its related to bad personal computer. You really are blind and just show how bad you are.


People can't even notice this HUGE LAME AWFULL GAMEBREAKING SLOPPY CODING problem... ye this game got future. for the terri bad players like yourself.

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WoW 2006 had most of those perks.
That was when WoW was hard a fun and I enjoyed it. Are you telling me I should play this game.


You girls are way too picky. Play the game or don't stop dwelling on things because you have nothing better to do with your lives.. That is what I say.

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Subjective opinion. You can get around with a horse and cart, so why do you have a car?

You can play tennis with one of these so why do people use these?

You can live in a hut made from leaves, so why do you live in a house?

You can eat raw meat and nuts from bushes outside, so why do you cook?

You can read a book, so why do you use a pc?

You can fight wars with sticks, so why do you use guns?

You can .... you get the point.


Because you CAN doesn't mean you SHOULD or SHOULD WANT TO. Have higher expectations of the people making your games.


QFT. Using the OP's logic things like graphics should never have improved in MMO's because doing so isn't absolutely essential. Maybe voice overs and dialogue choices should have been left out of the game entirely for that same reason.


@OP: you can have an MMO without voice overs. But the fact remains that having them makes the experience better. It's all about what helps to improve the player experience and thus promote subscription retention.


The MMO industry isn't the same as it was 5 years ago. Expectations have risen in accordance with what the competition has.

Edited by Tarka
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Dungeon Finder? We do plenty well without it.

So you represent all SWTOR players now? Strange that I haven't heard of you before Mr. KnowItAll.


Damage Meters? What's the use? You can still beat dungeons without them if you have a basic idea on how your rotation works.

Gratz on failing to understand what damage meters can be used for.


The UI isn't so bad. Not the best, but it's not the worst either.

They should have put that on the box. "UI is not so bad", I'm sure that would have made the game sell many more copies.

So basically you think it's okay we have to settle for "it's not the worst UI ever"... lol.

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I didn't knew you studied in game programming...


Maybe you should apply for a job at Bioware?


Seriously. Instead of flaming people and commenting on the overall programming of their game... it's easy commenting someone's work without actual knowledge.


So... maybe we are all stupid cause we can't code.

We don't have other games in the world to have good references in combat responsiveness.

Maybe we should also say "ye its fine, combat sucks, its sloppy, bugged and cluncky but hey, its hard to code".


"Hey i just bought a broken car that stops every 10km, but since i'm not a mechanical engineer, i bet its hard to make cars, so its fine... I'll keep it."

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That was when WoW was hard a fun and I enjoyed it. Are you telling me I should play this game.


You girls are way too picky. Play the game or don't stop dwelling on things because you have nothing better to do with your lives.. That is what I say.


I enjoy the game, and I want it to be better. Why don't you.. don't you like it as much as me? Happy for it to remain mediocre, instead of achieving what it can?

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For example, you are in a guild and you do a Operation, which turns out to be successful. Why would you need a dps meter? So you can strunt around like a small Roster and crow? There is more to being successful in runs than just damage output you know?


I PvP. I need combat data to perform at my best. I don't give a crap about anyone else not caring about performing at their best. Actually I'd rather be the only one in the game to have my combat data available for study.

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heh... my problem is this game has too much of what WoW has.

I'm sure you are happy of coming changes than which almost literally speak about reimplementing majority of WoW features straight into TOR.


I PvP. I need combat data to perform at my best. I don't give a crap about anyone else not caring about performing at their best. Actually I'd rather be the only one in the game to have my combat data available for study.

Actually in PvP its least important.

PvP is about positioning, teamwork and using proper tools in proper moments. PvE is about having optimized rotation and giving maximum DPS/HPS output from your character. You can be best PvP player running in sub-pair gear and rarely using your best "rotation". It's not wow man where gear and DPS was all that mattered in PvP.

Edited by Sky_walkerPL
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I'm sure you are happy of coming changes than which almost literally speak about reimplementing majority of WoW features straight into TOR.


The other challenge was to live up to and push beyond the expectations that MMO games like World of WarCraft have created. Players aren't going to understand if you don't have industry standard features. -James Ohlen, Director, SWTOR.


Yep, James Ohlen's words > yours.

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Dungeon Finder? We do plenty well without it.


Can do much better with it. More people having access to enjoy the content Bioware created is better for the overall gaming experience. There are no negatives to it.


Damage Meters? What's the use? You can still beat dungeons without them if you have a basic idea on how your rotation works.


They allow players to get better by actually showing numeric proof that rotation "A" is better than "B". This is a purely optional feature that only enhances player enjoyment for those that want to us it. For those that are content with mediocrity, they don't worry about the meters and get by with knowing they're doing "enough".


The UI isn't so bad. Not the best, but it's not the worst either.


It's bad - that's why it's getting overhauled.


Macros. There's plenty of workarounds. Just make secondary keybinds and you're set.


Macros are more important for those that prefer to get more out of their toons. Focus macros and target of target macros are essential for any intelligent raider/pvper.

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This is not 2004. This is 2012. This is a triple A release from a huge company where no expense was spared in making the game. Some of the missing features are inexcusable, and some of the bugs are ridiculous in nature (WZ's not giving victories for example)


Telling me what is detrimental to my own gaming experience is laughable.

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Yep, James Ohlen's words > yours.

Yea, I know this quote.

But I also read the announced things to be implemented in TOR.

Macros are more important for those that prefer to get more out of their toons. Focus macros and target of target macros are essential for any intelligent raider/pvper.

Actually intelligent player is the one that handles perfectly without any tools to guide him by hand IMO.

Edited by Sky_walkerPL
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Learning to adapt is also about evolution and progress. You adapt to walking everywhere when you are a kid, then you adapt to getting rides or using the bus or taxi if you've the money. When you can drive you adapt to driving if you can afford a car.


The point with adapting is yes you deal with it then you move on to something that improves or is superior. SWTOR is not superior to the many other mmo's out there it is much like them and offer very little 'progress' beyond the story and VO which have a shelf life. You can't persist off of the story that ends, over and over, well you could but very few people find it enjoyable to go through the same experience ad infinitum.


So yes I can play the game 'just fine' after I got the SOB installed, NO thanks to BW CS, but it lacks so much that there is very little for me to enjoy after I do my main story. The story of my alts is hurt by the repetitive nature of the world level progression and the dead lifeless world. Oh look it's that 1 out of 5 guys I can talk to that I helped/killed/scammed from when I was a Bounty Hunter, which becomes when I was an Agent, which becomes when I was a Sith. The only 'new' is my class story which is 'thin' without the side quests to fill it in and I've already done them.


For this reason and the terrible attitude of CS I think why bother supporting this product? I'd like to play my class stories out, it is fun for me I do enjoy it but it ends and this is an MMO. IT is supposed to be a continuing journey that engages me while I'm there but it isn't. So then what? I'm supposed to do it all over, roll more alts, then again OR run PVP/FP/Raids/ops which I don't enjoy. Even if I did enjoy them it is just more of the same, do these 5 things over and over that is the 'world' your character lives in.

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I've been reading tons and tons of threads about people's expectations on this game and whatnots.


About how this game should have been released with everything WoW has and so on.


Dungeon Finder. Damage meters. User Interace customization. Macros.


They believe those things to be industrial norms nowadays.


Except, I'm sorry... Folks...


Those things are not detrimentary to your enjoyment of the game. You can plenty well do without them.


Well dang. Here I thought I determined what is detrimental to my enjoyment of a game, I didn't know you were some sort of authority on this and I should have been consulting with you on what I enjoy.


Dungeon Finder? We do plenty well without it.


Sure, but having the game find a group for me while I go do something fun instead of staring at general in Imperial Fleet sure is handy. This one at least has it's up and downsides because of the whole community building thing.


Damage Meters? What's the use? You can still beat dungeons without them if you have a basic idea on how your rotation works.


I consider this nice to have. Not crucial for release, but a nice bonus. I'd at least expect a working combat log tho, so I can see what actually happened. That, at least, is a pretty basic concept, being able to look up what happened. Heck even EQ had that.


The UI isn't so bad. Not the best, but it's not the worst either.


The UI fails to give me important information while cluttering my screen with a bunch of useless crap like fancy borders or portraits. As someone who wants function over form in a UI, this UI is pretty much a complete and utter failure for me.


Especially for healers, this UI is just not very good at all.


Macros. There's plenty of workarounds. Just make secondary keybinds and you're set.


Or they could just have macro's, something every MMO has had for like the last 10 years. I'm not even asking for powerful macro options like WoW, or the ability to macro your entire class into one button like Rift, just the ability to macro some things would be nice.


Sure, it's not optimized yet.


What I'm trying to say here is to learn to adapt with what you have.


Or fill the forum with complaints to tell BW to get their act together.

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Actually intelligent player is the one that handles perfectly without any tools to guide him by hand IMO.


An intelligent player will realize that a focus macro or target of target macro is much better then dealing with clunky UI mechanics and mouse targeting.


Intelligent players utilize these features and excel because it's a better system. That's why so few people actually take advantage of these tools in relation to the number of people actually playing MMOs (especially WoW).

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Actually intelligent player is the one that handles perfectly without any tools to guide him by hand IMO.


So... intelligent businessman is one who makes all his decisions without any financial tools (such as profit/loss or assets/liabilities statements)?


Intelligent doctor is one who handles the diagnosis and treatment of a patient perfectly without any diagnostic tools to "guide him by hand"?


Should I keep going with these, or is the ridiculousness of your statement apparent yet?

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What I'm trying to say here is to learn to adapt with what you have.


And what they are trying to say is, stop making excuses for poor game design, or stop thinking that a person should be willing to pay money for something they dont like and not say anything.


The people that need to stop complaining, are those who only have one complaint...against those with ACTUAL game related complaints.


Their complaint = legit


Your complaint = not legit

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Actually intelligent player is the one that handles perfectly without any tools to guide him by hand IMO.


So here I am, spending a portion of my time on gathering information on how to improve my gamplay, my flexibility and being a more efficent team-player and help for my party... but the one who does none of these things, because he/she thinks it is more leet is more intelligent?


The flaws are strong with you

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