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1.1.3 Why nerf sniper/gunslinger damage?


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All sounds good, everyone is effected by this nerf when it comes to the dmg they do if/once they reach this soft cap. Bigger problem will be in pvp where healers will now be able to, with more ease, heal throu the now not so high spike dmg done. Time to roll a healer and become more imortal than ever.
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what I find funny as hell is a BH/TP either one can out DPS a sniper?


playing a sniper since day one I watch BH/TP hit over 3k each 1.5 sec's


and then heal them selfs lol....


plus their gear gives them a 5% plus to pvp damage....


grav/tracer spam


oh did I forget that all of the sniper gear is crit and surg based almost....


this effect will make me play a diffrent class or just find a new game why should I have to pay a broken game or wait 4 to 6 months for some sniper love from the dev's

totally wrong,

a troll post.

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sorry, its 40% crit and 98% multiplier.. just looked, but i said with relic and adrenal


but im at 1700 cunning, 102% normal accuracy 112% special attacks accuracy


422 bonus damage


but again, im using the engineering tree not the normal marksman tree


tech specs say bonus damage 680

accuracy is 112%

chance is 34% unbuffed

multiplier is 78% unbuffed


buffed im at 40% chance, 98% multiplier



sorry, that 10% to chance was a big difference, my mistake... but yes, i **** on PVE as well... i threw up the PVP stats because thats really one of the only ways to show how much damage you do, aside from timing a mob and soloing it, then taking the hp and dividing that by the time it took to kill it.


alot of my attacks are dot based, which is why its useful to me to stack crit and surge, since accuracy is over 110%


Your +dmg is extremely low. Probably want to drop some of that surge tomorrow for power. I sit at +545 dmg in raids without trinks/adrenals. Probably see a huge turn around in dmg especially after nerf. I can burst 10k dmg when both ambush and explosive probe crits (using 23/16/2). Once they finish dual spec, I'll be messing around with engineering because it seems fun as a solo spec.


Edit: I am at 40% crit buffed as well with only 77% multiplier. Power is a consistent dmg (not relying on crits for dmg) which also allows your crits to be higher because of a higher base.

Edited by Excid
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This nerf just makes the gunslinger/sniper talents that add to crit damage more powerful. Don't confuse gear nerfs with class talent buffs.


This is especially that surge is a difficult stat to get. Most of our gear loads accuracy/power. gunslingers/snipers comparatively become more powerful because our natural surge talents become more important.

Edited by StealthNerf
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The irony of this is I'm shocked this wasn't mentioned. From what I've been told, the surge diminishing returns will also affect skills which have similar wording to "Increases Crit Damage by x%". If this is true, then as a marksman sniper, Yes, I am heavily effected by this because now the skill that I spent my points on to give my snipe crits more damage, is actually wasted points because of this "Re-balancing"


The nerf only affects crit multiplier gained from Surge Rating, not from skills.

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Are you people on crack? Theres been several of you who have said healers will be immortal from this even more so.


You realize every good healer stacks crit and surge in every mod piece right? It's why I can 1vs6 for a good portion of time because I can heal myself without end for 5-6k and heal through all their damage.


No surge=no 5-6k heals=instantly dead me.

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what I find funny as hell is a BH/TP either one can out DPS a sniper?


playing a sniper since day one I watch BH/TP hit over 3k each 1.5 sec's


and then heal them selfs lol....


plus their gear gives them a 5% plus to pvp damage....


grav/tracer spam


oh did I forget that all of the sniper gear is crit and surg based almost....


this effect will make me play a diffrent class or just find a new game why should I have to pay a broken game or wait 4 to 6 months for some sniper love from the dev's


Can I have your stuff?

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Smuggler and Agents were the hardest nerfed by the surge change, which is easy to see by comparing the base crit of abilities with talents. I doubt anyother class has 23% crit from talents\skills (5% Smug Buff, 12% to Dots, 6% crit talent) on their core dps skills like a Dirty Fighter Smuggler (53% - 55% crit on these skills with top gear). Though overall most classes are getting a 2% nerf where as smugs\IAs are getting a 2.5% to 3% nerf.


Edited, because the post below made me realize that I listed our crit too low.

Edited by Elhaim
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Smuggler and Agents were the hardest nerfed by the surge change, which is easy to see by comparing the base crit of abilities with talents. I doubt anyother class has over 21% crit from talents\skills on their core dps skills like a Dirty Fighter Smuggler (53% - 55% crit on these skills with top gear). Though overall most classes are getting a 2% nerf where as smugs\IAs are getting a 2.5% to 3% nerf.


Anni marauders do.

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so,you think BH are not OP just because you play empire and want to keep your OverPowered characters,I went against repubs in huttball it is so much more fun/balances see it makes it fun for everyone!


I'd like to know how you get rolled by BH so easily.


Tracer spam itself doesn't do a lot of damage, it stacks. When we cast it we have to stand still (pvp 101: standing still = death). The instant casts are what give us the damage through the stacked buff (of which, we only should maybe get 2 - 3 stacks of on you). If you are getting nuked with 5 stacks, you might want to consider using your movement keys.


It's also worth noting that if you get in our face, we really have nothing to get away from you.


I'm sure I haven't changed your opinion, but that is how life is, "give a man a fish.."


Oh and I agree snipers don't need a nerf, they aren't that hard to play against, force lightning spammers however...

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Bla Bla Bla Bla,


If the OP only has a sniper and only plays a sniper it is a sniper nerf, think he cares about you all?


Perspective. Can't change others.


you are an idiot. I have a lvl 50 vanguard tank, sniper and operative (lethality).

Edited by NoTomorrow
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I can't even believe this is an issue. For starters, they didn't remove crit, they just *FIXED* Surge rating which wasn't scaling properly, had almost no diminishing returns. It wasn't working as intended and so it was FIXED. All they did was put it in line with ALL the other secondary stats so they have similar diminishing curves. I'm not saying it wasn't a NERF...but it wasn't a specific nerf to affect certain classes or specs, it was a fix to a stat that wasn't working right from the start. If it proves to be a major DPS loss for certain classes or specs, they will buff them back up to a level playing field. Contrary to popular belief here on the forums, the Devs do want all classes to be balanced.
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Are you people on crack? Theres been several of you who have said healers will be immortal from this even more so.


You realize every good healer stacks crit and surge in every mod piece right? It's why I can 1vs6 for a good portion of time because I can heal myself without end for 5-6k and heal through all their damage.


No surge=no 5-6k heals=instantly dead me.


Sorry man, but those 6 players just suck then. They can completely prevent you from using ANY heal at all until you're dead. (at least 6 interrupts and most (all?) classes can interrupt you with more than just one ability - and they could also stun you more than once of course)

So.. now, you can't stand against 6 good players a good portion of time, no matter how much crit and surge rating you have.

It just takes one good player that know how to use his abilities to bring a healer down - but it takes an army of bad players, I'll give you that.

Edited by Starfleet
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what I find funny as hell is a BH/TP either one can out DPS a sniper?


playing a sniper since day one I watch BH/TP hit over 3k each 1.5 sec's


and then heal them selfs lol....


plus their gear gives them a 5% plus to pvp damage....


grav/tracer spam


oh did I forget that all of the sniper gear is crit and surg based almost....


this effect will make me play a diffrent class or just find a new game why should I have to pay a broken game or wait 4 to 6 months for some sniper love from the dev's




Before you decide that posting is a good idea, maybe you should ask your parents to proofread your text (although they're probably part of the problem so I'm just beating that old, dead raccoon that your family caught in the bug zapper outside of the trailer for dinner).


Seriously: just because it's the internet doesn't mean you can type like a complete *********** moron.

Edited by UnleashedSithGod
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