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Unoffical Cross-Server is coming to town thread


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People like the notion of a LFD but don't want the "negative side effects" that could be potentially brought on. Perfectly reasonable.


1) Insert a system where groups can either be mashed internally or externally, insert a penatly for internal servers so there is an incentive to help the many underpopulated servers


2) Advanced Ban tool, once you ignore someone it spans across all their characters. Have no limit on the amount of ignores you can send across server


3) Improved "karma" tool. Like in WoW, whenever you complete a dungeon you get to use your kick ability more often, in this version let people who complete flashpoints and runs without kicking people recieve karma points of some regard. The notion is that over an extensive amount of runs only those who have really postive rating will be grouped together.


4) Allow cross server grouping to maintain friendships like WOW has put in.


5) Strict looting system and automatic boot procedures if someone goes afk for too long or zones outside of the flashpoint for too long



We also need to understand, these are flashpoints, they are not the be all end all of the SWTOR experience. People just want access to these instances, we aren't asking for the world here, just a method to gear up and have fun.

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People like the notion of a LFD but don't want the "negative side effects" that could be potentially brought on. Perfectly reasonable.


1) Insert a system where groups can either be mashed internally or externally, insert a penatly for internal servers so there is an incentive to help the many underpopulated servers


2) Advanced Ban tool, once you ignore someone it spans across all their characters. Have no limit on the amount of ignores you can send across server


3) Improved "karma" tool. Like in WoW, whenever you complete a dungeon you get to use your kick ability more often, in this version let people who complete flashpoints and runs without kicking people recieve karma points of some regard. The notion is that over an extensive amount of runs only those who have really postive rating will be grouped together.


4) Allow cross server grouping to maintain friendships like WOW has put in.


5) Strict looting system and automatic boot procedures if someone goes afk for too long or zones outside of the flashpoint for too long



We also need to understand, these are flashpoints, they are not the be all end all of the SWTOR experience. People just want access to these instances, we aren't asking for the world here, just a method to gear up and have fun.


Can't see how these compromises couldn't make everyone happy. Likewise, I still am having a impossible time seeing how socializing and community revolve solely around FPs, just not seeing it. Not trying to be argumentative per se, just don't see it.

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Can't see how these compromises couldn't make everyone happy. Likewise, I still am having a impossible time seeing how socializing and community revolve solely around FPs, just not seeing it. Not trying to be argumentative per se, just don't see it.
One among all the far-fetched arguments invoked by the anti LFD crowd. There is nothing rational, so it is useless trying to understand that. It boils down to confusing apples with oranges. Justify any unwanted change by its potential damage nature towards the community, and you think you have a solid argument... :rolleyes:


By the way, we should remove... let's say speeders. They destroys the community.

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To be honest, and I am absolutely NOT trolling when I say this, but I've met more unpleasant people here on the forums from the Anti-LFG camp, than I have ever met in years of using the WoW's RDF.

Funny still not surprising.

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I have noticed something that I can't believe escaped me until just now.


I've been hearing a major complaint about LFD's being the amount of trolls/jerks people run into when using it.


My initial argument is - people don't magically become jerks when using the LFD - they already are jerks to a point and you are just more likely to meet them since you are doing more dungeons with more people.


I realize now I may be wrong. I've always wondered how come I almost never meet these jerks considering the massive amounts of them apparently out there. I've used LFD thousands and thousands of times on heroics and can't think of more than maybe a few times I met someone who was a complete tool.


I realize now - I'm not a jerk myself. I almost universally get my group and do a /p hey guys whats up when it groups and ask if anyone has any requests about loot(someone maybe gearing for an alt-spec etc)


It is clear to me now - the majority of people complaining about alllll the jerks they meet ARE the jerks. When you treat people crappy, you get treated crappy back. No wonder you think lfd is a bad tool and forces people to act like idiots. YOU ARE THE IDIOT START ACTING RIGHT AND YOU WONT HAVE THIS PROBLEM.

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I have noticed something that I can't believe escaped me until just now.


I've been hearing a major complaint about LFD's being the amount of trolls/jerks people run into when using it.


My initial argument is - people don't magically become jerks when using the LFD - they already are jerks to a point and you are just more likely to meet them since you are doing more dungeons with more people.


I realize now I may be wrong. I've always wondered how come I almost never meet these jerks considering the massive amounts of them apparently out there. I've used LFD thousands and thousands of times on heroics and can't think of more than maybe a few times I met someone who was a complete tool.


I realize now - I'm not a jerk myself. I almost universally get my group and do a /p hey guys whats up when it groups and ask if anyone has any requests about loot(someone maybe gearing for an alt-spec etc)


It is clear to me now - the majority of people complaining about alllll the jerks they meet ARE the jerks. When you treat people crappy, you get treated crappy back. No wonder you think lfd is a bad tool and forces people to act like idiots. YOU ARE THE IDIOT START ACTING RIGHT AND YOU WONT HAVE THIS PROBLEM.


Great point and i myself have said it before.

Clearly the common factor in all the bad groups seems to be the anti lfd crowd.


It also doesnt help matters that they go into the system expecting it to be a bad experience. When they are expecting to find some thing bad they more prone to notice little things and even exaggerate them so they can feel justified in in knowing they were right (in their own minds).

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Great point and i myself have said it before.

Clearly the common factor in all the bad groups seems to be the anti lfd crowd.


It also doesnt help matters that they go into the system expecting it to be a bad experience. When they are expecting to find some thing bad they more prone to notice little things and even exaggerate them so they can feel justified in in knowing they were right (in their own minds).


I find that's human beings in general. :(

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I find that's human beings in general. :(


In the other thread on this matter, an anti-LFD is trying to blame someones forum attitude over his frustration in finding a group as his reasons why he can't find a group on his server. We need to change their name from Anti-LFD to Mr. Strawmans. Also, for further interest they also claim they don't like the tool and don't use it because of what it represents but have 1000's of personal experiences of how bad it is and have a litany of friends who quit over it. Hmmmm

Edited by Touchbass
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In the other thread on this matter, an anti-LFD is trying to blame someones forum attitude over his frustration in finding a group as his reasons why he can't find a group on his server. We need to change their name from Anti-LFD to Mr. Strawmans. Also, for further interest they also claim they don't like the tool and don't use it because of what it represents but have 1000's of personal experiences of how bad it is and have a litany of friends who quit over it. Hmmmm


Color me skeptical.

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This a post from the other thread, thought I'd share it here.


Good players aren't struggling to get groups.


I have no problem finding groups and I'm on a realm that varies between Light and Standard population. It has never taken me longer than 15 minutes to get together a group, and that was during a slow time on the server.


The problem is that people *think* they are good, and they're not. They're sitting there getting ignored by guilds who aren't interested in running with a fail player. And yes, that is how it should work. Bads should not be getting groups, if they want to get better, they can turn to a guild and say "hey, I'm having trouble grouping, I'm looking to improve".

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Exactly why I want X Server LFG. Guilds should be a completely optional tool in a massive toolbox.


Edit: Well.. not exactly why... but a hell of a good reason to stay away from Guilds.


I want to help guilds out, but running flashpoints should not be the main focus to being in a guild. It should be guild events, operations and what not. The lack of real guild activities is really apparent in this game and is a concern.

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It would be great if they implemented the LFG tool for flashpoints, they worked so hard making the flashpoints but for some of us whom find it difficult to get groups for flashpoints this would be a relief. i will usually spam for an hour or two then give up, its a shame, because when i go back to questing / pvping i usually out level them and then its just an after thought.


Running the lower lvl flashpoints at max level while you do see the content its just not the same epic adventure you would have at the appropriate flashpoint lvl.


on that note it would be great if they made it for heroics as well, i love doing them but hate spamming endlessly to get a group for them.


Darth Sabreth :)

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Getting a bad group once in a while is still far better than never being able to find a group at all. This is just one of many tools that should have been available at launch.


Welcome Sister.


Edit: I will say TouchBass, that given I've seen how rational and even tempered you can be, it makes me happy when people ragevomit at you. At least it's not just something I bring out in people. Heh.

Edited by MalignX
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That's too bad. SWTOR was honestly not even something I was going to purchase until I heard that it wouldn't have any kind of cross-server grouping. I play MMOs to take part in a good community, not play the game single-player (random groups where no one talks to each other might as well be full of AI companions) while chatting with a couple of friends. I can do that elsewhere.


I hope they don't go ahead with this. I think it would be a very knee-jerk reaction to what the first initial rush of players want. I don't believe EA/BioWare should be chasing those players, because a lot of the initial rush is just the people who buy every single new MMO that comes out, play it for two months, and quit. In my opinion they should go ahead with the vision that I was originally sold on, and stop trying to chase the dollars of current WoW-generation MMO players - they should be chasing the dollars of people brand new to MMOs, Star Wars fans, and old-time MMO players (who have never had a new EQ-like community focused game since EQ).


That is what would make me pleased as punch.

Edited by Caern
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Great, now we get to have the annonymity of being from a random server and acting like the biggest jerk ever born to an entire group with no repercussions!


As a tank i say good, if ppl dont like doing what i say when i say they can sit in DF for another hour waiting for a tank like in WoW because i'll boot them, im a tank and im your god now because your in my group.


Yes, this is what will happen ppl, just like WoW, ppl will become unberable to even group with. Server side LFG queue would have been the solution, not this.

Edited by Meluna
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this game has a lfg tool be it not automatic or xserver , but no one is using it.


because it is not automatic ? or not cross server ?


no i think its the game fault 75% here not the players(though players have contorl to make it better by just grouping and using the lfg tool now) .


The main issue is this game is really solo to 50(end game)


there is no need really to group unless for FP/heroics. but most skip them.




its easier to solo and get gear and do the class story.


Then if or when they hit 50 a lot reroll or play an alt to see there story.


so on this thought i think any lfg/d tool thats sever or xserver would only help in the smallest way as the focus of this game is the solo class story.


As the game gets older and more people play end game or more end game is put into the game, grouping may grow


But if the focus on content or xpansion is class based solo content then no matter what tool is put into the game the group part of the game will be hard for people that do not have a network of friends/people they know to group with.


Maybe i am wrong and a cross server tool will make this the best MMO game to group with.

Or it could not be used just like lfg tool thats not automatic we have now in game.


I guess time will tell really. Until then try to use the tools we have and group with people that are looking for groups , see the group part of the game. it is kinda cool ;)

Edited by DarthPAWS
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Getting a bad group once in a while is still far better than never being able to find a group at all. This is just one of many tools that should have been available at launch.


Agreed, I can't remember the exact number but Blizzard said their dungeon finder increased the number of instances people run by something like ten fold. So a guy who used to do two instances a week started to do several times as many. It's not hard to figure out that with increased activity you mix more people and if you meet more people you are going to meet more idiots. I think that's a perfectly acceptable risk, I chose to still talk to strangers in a grocery store line up and I still love to PUG in an MMO, even if I never see those people again.


And that's coming from someone who's met Paul Bernardo, so I know about meeting sick people.

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Agreed, I can't remember the exact number but Blizzard said their dungeon finder increased the number of instances people run by something like ten fold. So a guy who used to do two instances a week started to do several times as many.
Even more significant: people who'd never bother to do dungeons at all started doing them.
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That's too bad. SWTOR was honestly not even something I was going to purchase until I heard that it wouldn't have any kind of cross-server grouping. I play MMOs to take part in a good community, not play the game single-player (random groups where no one talks to each other might as well be full of AI companions) while chatting with a couple of friends. I can do that elsewhere.


You will still be able to do it here, just don't use the LFG.


I hope they don't go ahead with this. I think it would be a very knee-jerk reaction to what the first initial rush of players want. I don't believe EA/BioWare should be chasing those players, because a lot of the initial rush is just the people who buy every single new MMO that comes out, play it for two months, and quit. In my opinion they should go ahead with the vision that I was originally sold on, and stop trying to chase the dollars of current WoW-generation MMO players - they should be chasing the dollars of people brand new to MMOs, Star Wars fans, and old-time MMO players (who have never had a new EQ-like community focused game since EQ).


I hope that they do, as I don't agree with your assessment of the mechanic. You're posting your opinions, not facts.


That is what would make me pleased as punch.


Can't wait for X-Server.

Edited by MalignX
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