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hardest 1v1 clas


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Heal speced Commando/Merc are virtually impossible to kill though it takes a very long time for them to kill you as well.


Marauders is probably the worst matchup because our best defensive CD works relatively little on them (Force Shroud). 1 on 1 is never truly 1 on 1 and Marauders have two CDs (Force Camo + Undying Rage) that gives them 9 seconds of invulnerability where they can be healed by another person. If it's truly 1 on 1, neither of cooldowns are that scary, but often you'll see a Marauder end up with 40% more health at the end of either CDs from an ally. While it's true you can receive heals too, they can dip say 10% and still get healed up safely due to their CDs, while you cannot do the same as an execute will usually finish you at 10% before you get healed.

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a good jugg or pt can do some serious sht 1v1, also op isnt too bad either :)


These fights are just who used CDs. I can go into one and get blown away, next time against the same guy I pop Adrenal + Reckless and blow the other guy away. It's not like you can go into every fight with all your CDs, so you win some and you lose some.

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Thanks for the inputs. I have a 20 PT and 21 Sin and currently trying to decide who to devote my time to. Neither one has their best abilities yet so hard to judge them, and its starting to take longer to level so want to pick just one to move forward with.


I was trying to compare skills like they each have a pull and sin has speed while bt has jet charge. Trying to weigh which one has better abilities for matches and such.


Since I don't know which one at high level has better defense figured I'd see what you guys thought about fighting other people.

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Thanks for the inputs. I have a 20 PT and 21 Sin and currently trying to decide who to devote my time to. Neither one has their best abilities yet so hard to judge them, and its starting to take longer to level so want to pick just one to move forward with.


I was trying to compare skills like they each have a pull and sin has speed while bt has jet charge. Trying to weigh which one has better abilities for matches and such.


Since I don't know which one at high level has better defense figured I'd see what you guys thought about fighting other people.


I have both, 45 and 46 I think, PT and Sin.


PT, in my opinion, is infinitely easier to play. Sin, again in my opinion, offers many more options.


Both are very strong in PvP.


Jet Charge is indeed awesome, but compared to my Anni Marauder (also 46) whose charge works point-blank on 10 sec cooldown, the PT charge feels rather lackluster. Force Speed is nice, and on 20 second cooldown talented, and also breaks roots.


Based on my experience, Jet Charge is invaluable in Huttball. Not that great elsewhere, though it is still a nice gap-closer on 15 sec CD, nothing to scoff at. Force Speed on the other hand is invaluable everywhere - makes for handy getaways, sudden line of sight, ability to outrun the other guy and get to a healing buff first, as well as leap over fires from the top tier in Huttball.


Personally, if I had to choose right now, I'd go with a Sin. Mostly because currently Sins have 3 interesting specs. Darkness is quite fun now, Deception kinda sucks but it always kinda sucked. And Madness is quite fun too.


By comparison, PT top-tier Shieldtech talents SUCK. They're OK in PvE, but near-useless PvP. Which makes a full Shieldtech PT build in PvP very, very uninteresting. Advanced Prototype is also not really all that great. It's not bad, and has some REALLY cute toys like Hydraulic Overrides. But their strongest tree right now is Pyrotech, and they have a few very viable hybrid builds like Carolina Parakeet (Shieldtech/Pyro) or Iron Fist (Shieldtech/Prototype).


But when it comes to ease of play and effectiveness, I think PT wins, being a mostly ranged class. With Pyro spec, you only have two short range attacks - Rocket Punch and Flame Burst. The rest are all 30m range. And everything is instant, which makes you fairly mobile - you never have to stop to cast/channel anything, unless you want to use Unload, which isn't all that great with Pyro spec.


But that's just me. Also Powetech doesn't really get all his tools until 46, when you get Carbonize. It's rather important to have. Sin by comparison is pretty finished 36+ or whenever you get Force Shroud, and feels totally complete at 40.


EDIT: The guy above who said Marauder/Sentinel? Not a bad suggestion too. The class is a BLAST to level, I absolutely loved it. Silly quick. Reached 46 almost a full day faster than either PT or Sin. INSANELY fast. Under 3 days /played time to 46. Though they're a pain to play in PvP, especially group PvP. With cooldowns up, you're a god. With cooldowns down, you're dead meat walking.

Edited by Sabbathius
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