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So I showed my friend SWTOR...


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I showed my buddy the game.


He used my account and created a sith warrior on a new server and got up to lvl 4 or something and he really liked it.


Then i switched over to my server to show him my Lvl 50 sith warrior (who was geared in almost all battlemaster pvp gear)


.... and he was like "double u tee eff!? "why do you look like a beefcake ninja? This is not starwars at all!"


I laughed, but i had to agree with him... Why must i look like a robot or ninja with spikes?.... can't i just look like a sith?

My friend was excited about playing and really had a good time trying it out but said that because of the appearance of endgame and this ridiculous armor would hinder him from playing in the future.... bioware might want to hear that.


I really think Bioware SEVERELY missed the ball on this... Just my 2cents


Nah i love the looks of my jugs gear, hands down way better than the Special olympic helms on Repub for guards/maras, you can also not show the helm, chest piece is awsome, 1 opinion of a kid that doesn't even play the game dont mean its fail sport...

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Half the point of this game is that you can determine almost everything that your character is to become, this includes appearance as well as decisions and attitude and the like. It would be pretty bland if all sith had a signature 'sith' look and all looked the same....


However, NO sith have the iconic look. Thats a problem.


Juggernauts come close, as do assassins, but neither is exactly a sith. We should have at least one orange modable equipment in the game that is a plain black hooded robe, like what darth maul wore.


Marauders have to look like robocop. We simply do not get access to anything that looks remotely sith.


On the other side, almost every jedi is wearing a brown robe. Thats how it should be. You can still have some variation (robe, robe with armor under it, etc.) and you can change out your mods and change your other equipment, legs, belt, head, etc.


But sith and jedi need to look like sith and jedi. Its a BIG problem.

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someone show me the robot looking sith plz...


or somone plz show me the beefcake ninja sith plz....


then BW might have legitimacy ...


Vader was a robot and maybe if you had pics then I could tell you more but just going off what I have seen most Sith seem like Sith to me. They do look more elegant though in my opinion which I like because it shows that they are still people not just killers.

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i understand fully the modification system.


However if i want to put my pvp mods in my orange moddable gear .. i lose the set bonus... then have to substitute crap armorings.


not so ideal a plan anymore huh?


patchnotes say changes to this are coming ... and they can't come fast enough imo.


They are addressing this issue in the future, just be patient.


However I ROFL in real life about the beefcake ninja thing. That was crazy.


I do feel the iconic star wars look is missing in some places.


One idea would be to make robes a seperate piece of gear but do nothing with hoods you can put on and off. This way you can look like your beefcake ninja with the iconic sith/jedi robes.

Edited by Shonuff
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The best case scenario is in the future if they just let you set a default "piece" appearance permanently in a slot. Find that ONE chest or head you like? Lock it in forever. Let us save... oh, 2, 3 per slot. Done. Any new armor goes in that slot? It looks like the saved image.
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None of them look like the endgame gear... So far all the pvp sets I've seem are bad actually. The fact every jedi's using a robe when they rarely fought using the things is also quite unnerving and then the endgame gear looks like a japanese samurai, still not reason enough to hate on the game, especially considering the next patch(or so we hope.)

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None of them look like the endgame gear... So far all the pvp sets I've seem are bad actually. The fact every jedi's using a robe when they rarely fought using the things is also quite unnerving and then the endgame gear looks like a japanese samurai, still not reason enough to hate on the game, especially considering the next patch(or so we hope.)


While i agree that a lot of end game gear leaves much to be desired in terms of aesthetics, it's worth mentioning that the look of Star Wars has always been heavily influenced by Samurai and Japanese dress and appearance. Vader's helmet is very much a Samurai design (with a mask that is half skull and half gas mask. But there are definitely some "iffy" designs on some end game armor.

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While i agree that a lot of end game gear leaves much to be desired in terms of aesthetics, it's worth mentioning that the look of Star Wars has always been heavily influenced by Samurai and Japanese dress and appearance. Vader's helmet is very much a Samurai design (with a mask that is half skull and half gas mask. But there are definitely some "iffy" designs on some end game armor.


Since one of the most important inspirations for Star Wars was Kurosawa's Hidden Fortress the Samurai Ascetic present in Vader's armor was a serious nod to Star Wars roots.

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