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Seperate Power and Colour Crystals


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Heya folks.


There was an idea that a few people have brought up about the Power Crystal's in your weapons.


As of now the colour and stats are the same. With most people selecting the stat over the colour end game is a cluster of oranges and purples glowing in the abyss of space.


Everyone seems to have the same colour lightsaber or blaster and I don't feel special or unique.


A simple solution.


Seperate the stat and colour of the power crystal. You can do this a number of ways. Heres just an idea.


1) Add an additional customization slot in your weapons which includes the colour. You get to keep the same stats but choose the colour you want.


2) Stick with just one crystal but when you put that in your lightsaber it lets you choose the colour you want from a selection of unlocked colours.


So you still need to buy colour crystals to unlock them but once you have got it, you can use it whenever you want on any weapon.


I personally prefer option 1 but these are just some quick ideas. I'm sure you guys can come up with a better idea.


Anyway just a suggestion to Bioware. Make no mistake its not a BIG problem, but I think it will be a fun little option.


What do you guys think?




This removes YET ANOTHER GOAL from the game of getting color crystals and then would minimize the need for that entire goal from the game.


I see no need, other then a (I want my own color and no effort in getting it) type statement.


I like the fact you have to GET them or apply effort.


The second you start making things easy or given right away things become boring and with less of a goal.


But thats logic speaking not... (here now fast now now now speak of today's gaming mindset)

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No sorry you misunderstand. I don't want anything done with the actual stats. The problem TOR has is that there is a best crystal for everyone. People will always choose the crystal with the highest stat. However, that means everyone will have the same lightsaber colour. What I'm suggesting is to just let people choose what colour they want, without having to reduce your stats. Just to you know make people more unique and the Fleets more colourful :)


With that said what about the goal and the mini games and quests that could or DO involve getting the harder to find and rare color crystals?


If you were in beta or know about it then you also know there is about 30 different colors in the game, while I cannot tell you what is locked or unlocked to find I can tell you that - in that idea alone that is a mini-game and GOAL perse in raids, boss kills and rare finds.


This would ELIMINATE that entire premise based on someone wanting a color change.


I think the goal of finding colors or unlocking quests to get them is more ideal... instead of taking something out..

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With that said what about the goal and the mini games and quests that could or DO involve getting the harder to find and rare color crystals?


If you were in beta or know about it then you also know there is about 30 different colors in the game, while I cannot tell you what is locked or unlocked to find I can tell you that - in that idea alone that is a mini-game and GOAL perse in raids, boss kills and rare finds.


This would ELIMINATE that entire premise based on someone wanting a color change.


I think the goal of finding colors or unlocking quests to get them is more ideal... instead of taking something out..


No it wouldn't. If someone wanted that ultra rare colour crystal to stand out from the rest they still can. They still need to find/craft that colour crystal but it just doesn't hold any stats.

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Fantastic suggestion, I would love to have the color crystal be just that COLOR only. let the other aspects of the mods determine the stats.

For being one of the players that has the Special edition i got a nice color crystal for a level 7 toon... now im level 50 and while i liked the color, it would not serve me well with its stats...


Furthermore i think there should be only two colors available for each side initially. perhaps something like this:


Red: initial (imperial side only), unlocked at Dark 2 (republic)

Green: initial (Republic side only) Unlocked at Light 2 (imperial)

Blue: Unlocked Light 2 (Republic) Light 4 (imperial)

Orange: Unlocked Dark 2 (Imperial) Dark 4 (republic)

yellow/black: (special editons purchsees only)


something like that....


with all the colors of the spectrum they could get really creative, i like the fact purple is REALLY hard to get and requires a lot of work, but if stats are better on another color it takes away the value of the effort put in.

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No it wouldn't. If someone wanted that ultra rare colour crystal to stand out from the rest they still can. They still need to find/craft that colour crystal but it just doesn't hold any stats.


See we had this debate in beta... the fact in a way of ONCE again taking the stats away from the colors in some fashion.


I find this almost falsely hidden in this request.


Keep the stats on them, let them be varied based on quality and hold that idea.


ALSO I think some of the rares and hard to find colors should almost have better stats, THUS making it a goal or effort driven part of the game like it was designed more or less.


I mean see here is the bottom line...


Right now:


While colors are colors... (is what it is type thing).. this is what is going on.


If you want purple.. You apply effort to get it...


If you want black/red You apply effort to get it and even credits...


STATS also play the role of (This is part of what you get-- its part of it)...use it if you want or don't.. your choice...


If you want white... and yes white is in the game along with many other versions.. YOU APPLY A LOT OF EFFORT..


Your concept takes that away... in fact, while you make it sound lighthearted and simple..


You just took away a major loot item and schem away from crafters that could see it as a goal to get.


IF ANYTHING make it so you can loot or FIND a crystal that can change into three different colors but is still hard to get.


DO NOT ROB people the goal and mindset of going after something in the concept of "Oh well make it easy keep the stats but let us make the color anything we want.. because too many people have cooler ones and I dont want to apply effort to get one too"....


Think of the other side. After being in beta for a year and seeing so many thing removed from the game that were cool, this is one thing that needs to be left alone due to the fact it IS WORKING AS INTENDED.


This concept of change is to do nothing but benefit a desire and removing a goal... which is wrong from the get go.


I hope this makes LOGICAL sense not something based on desire instantly.

Edited by Iskareot
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No it wouldn't. If someone wanted that ultra rare colour crystal to stand out from the rest they still can. They still need to find/craft that colour crystal but it just doesn't hold any stats.


See in short this goes back to the "HOLDING SOMEONE TO WHAT THEY CHOOSE" type mindset too.


You got a choice... Orange with your stat... or Purple with a stat you don't need so much"..


Much like... this is the path you choose... light or dark... or AC... type thing.


Crafting wise... it would be a HUGE loss as far as what you could make or STRIVE TO as far as that goes as well.

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I wouldn't mind letting Artifice be able to change the color of a crystal. That would give me another reason to use Artifice.


Again this is another nice suggestion. Will keep Artifice's in demand and add a nice flavour to the crew skill.


Regarding Iskareot I'm afraid I'm not entirely sure what your saying there. You seem to think I want stats taken from colour crystals and removed from the game. Which is simply not true. I just suggested that colour and the stats that are now on the colour crystals be separate.


So you still have the stats which for argument sake we will call the Power Crystal and then a completely separate colour crystal. Because at the moment practically everyone is running around with a purple or orange lightsaber because THAT is the best crystal you can get. People will not take that purple out and replace it with a blue one and take that hit in stats just because they like the colour blue.


All I'm suggesting is give the player MORE options in the appearance of their weapon. Rare crystals will still be very rare and those who put the effort into find them will still be unique to everyone else.


I'm not taking a single thing away from whats already in the game, if anything I'm actually suggestion to Bioware they add more into the game.


Again I'm not entirely sure of your point your trying to make. If anyone can elaborate for me please feel free.

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Again this is another nice suggestion. Will keep Artifice's in demand and add a nice flavour to the crew skill.


Regarding Iskareot I'm afraid I'm not entirely sure what your saying there. You seem to think I want stats taken from colour crystals and removed from the game. Which is simply not true. I just suggested that colour and the stats that are now on the colour crystals be separate.


So you still have the stats which for argument sake we will call the Power Crystal and then a completely separate colour crystal. Because at the moment practically everyone is running around with a purple or orange lightsaber because THAT is the best crystal you can get. People will not take that purple out and replace it with a blue one and take that hit in stats just because they like the colour blue.


All I'm suggesting is give the player MORE options in the appearance of their weapon. Rare crystals will still be very rare and those who put the effort into find them will still be unique to everyone else.


I'm not taking a single thing away from whats already in the game, if anything I'm actually suggestion to Bioware they add more into the game.


Again I'm not entirely sure of your point your trying to make. If anyone can elaborate for me please feel free.


I almost feel like this is a SWG Saber concept lol..


My entire point as it says above, would be leave the stats alone -- THAT is a "bonus" if you will into the color of the crystal not just a color.


I like the idea that it has (CRIT or POWER or ENDURANCE) on it ... ALSO pointing it to a class or spec need.


I.e. ... that is part of the loot system in a whole... 8 people in a raid... a rare color crystal drops with endurance on it.... Roll... Tank/maybe melee DPS. etc.. type item thought and concept.


So what you are taking AWAY from the game is the forcing and placement of a item to a certain role or class also drop -- much like any other item has a place in this game for a said fit.


If this is strictly because someone wants a purple light saber then do you not think it is a wasted concept?


I think the idea of the Artifice making a color crystal with the stats on it does no harm.. they also can choose the degree of how good it is. As for a power crystal type concept added into the game, while I understand you wanting the best of the both worlds... there is no real need for it.


This goes back to ... if it is not broke, then let's put this on the back burner for 3 years and get some solid content and fixes in place first before things like this come up.


I LOVE ideas... I love concepts.. but when there is things in place working perfectly other then someone wanting colors changed I have to wonder why?


I think it would take away from some of the ideas already established in the game as it stands and what we know about color crystals.


Do I miss seeing more colors in weapons we could buy and take apart ? (LOL) yes I do... but is it a top 100 need to bring up? No... I just can't see that.


I remember seeing game breaking things in beta and now... this was not one of those ideas. Sorry, I would love to support this but it just doesn't make sense other then a DESIRE based action more so over function.


I mean do we need to even go to the LORE side of things... as well? Yeah sure.. how would we know if some crystals had stats? Well some (being honest I would think don't) but I mean that would be hard... Sith was fabricated... Jedi was found... and so on... I dare say they did actually in some respect. BUT again... this isn't about lore I do not think.


NOW -- IF YOU WANT ME TO Jump on some bandwagon getting back the GTN we once had with search and item choices.. etc.. OH MAN I am on that bad boy train like chicken on poop...


I just don't see the need or even remote overall goal and reward for reworking this whole stats on colors concept.

Edited by Iskareot
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Basically what it comes down to is that certain players here who are against the idea still want color to represent their status in the game when based on lore it never was or anything close to that. The STAT itself should be the reward for effort. The color of a crystal is no different than me putting on a pair of level 11 orange pants slotted with level 22 mods I craft.
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See in short this goes back to the "HOLDING SOMEONE TO WHAT THEY CHOOSE" type mindset too.


You got a choice... Orange with your stat... or Purple with a stat you don't need so much"..


Much like... this is the path you choose... light or dark... or AC... type thing.


Crafting wise... it would be a HUGE loss as far as what you could make or STRIVE TO as far as that goes as well.


Optimization and aesthetics should never be tied together. The fact that you have to choose one or the other is a ridiculous notion that should have been tossed out the window in beta.

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I'm all for this.


If bioware does this they can sell colour crystals in micro-transactions and make the rest of us happy by allowing us to collect them in game.


Bio doesn't even have to change the current crystals, just allow us to have a "crystal case" in which to put the current crystals in before we put them in our weapons.

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I dunno how feasible it is, now. But I definitely agree this should have been an option from the start. Anywhere else in SW canon, the color crystal doesn't do anything but make the color, and there's a second (and sometimes third) crystal used for focusing and achieving specific results. That being said, my biggest gripe has been with how difficult it is to get them. If all the colors (except maybe the black/color) were available to EVERYONE, whether as cheap little "changes color but does nothing else" items or as something you can learn from an artifice trainer, it would make the game better. I dunno about everyone else, but the most annoying thing to me, aesthetically, had been color crystal restrictions. If I want a purple lightsaber, why shouldn't I be able to just go hunt down the crystals like you could in KotOR?
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Another option is instead of adding new types of crystals or removing stats, is just to add leveled versions of each crystal, or at the very least a version of each color with the max stats. Maybe the super rare ones remain only available from one way, but they all have those max stats you want. Then we also could have craftable or lootable versions of the regular colors as well that have the stats you want.


You can ask an Artifice to craft you that max stat Green, or go hunt down the Purple drop. Either way you get the stats you need, it still offers variety in acquisition, and allows you to get the color you want.

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Optimization and aesthetics should never be tied together. The fact that you have to choose one or the other is a ridiculous notion that should have been tossed out the window in beta.


Ahh ok so with this said...... using this to the next level..


I should be able to be anything in the game I want with just a click choice of a button and no effort made.. wait, etc..


I want to be the strongest Warrior in the game with a White saber then after I click.


But I'm a Si/*** tank.. so darn...



SOOO YOU want it to stop where it is good for you but not for me? Ahh I see how it is... right because holding people to choices they made is a bad thing.. right I forgot.


There is NO point in having any goals or efforts or items in game as a goal then.


I.e. this goes back to the great DATACRON debate from beta.. people didn't want stats on them because they felt it was not fair.


Ok.. so the logic in this is flawed... You want things to NOT be tied to aesthetics in game but stats are ok?


Ok so You can look and be anything but the stats should be separate?


Oh man... huge door open with that one... you want a saber color... well if that is the case we should scrap everything that has a look and make it all versatile right? Sabers down...?


I mean goose -- gander right?

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Change current color crystals into focusing lenses for stats. Add a shift+click toggle window with different colors you can set it up as. Problem solved. If they want to be lame and have tons of rare colors for people who have more time to play then just lock the spectrum in the slider menu until you do something to unlock its use.
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Ahh ok so with this said...... using this to the next level..


I should be able to be anything in the game I want with just a click choice of a button and no effort made.. wait, etc..


I want to be the strongest Warrior in the game with a White saber then after I click.


But I'm a Si/*** tank.. so darn...



SOOO YOU want it to stop where it is good for you but not for me? Ahh I see how it is... right because holding people to choices they made is a bad thing.. right I forgot.


There is NO point in having any goals or efforts or items in game as a goal then.


I.e. this goes back to the great DATACRON debate from beta.. people didn't want stats on them because they felt it was not fair.


Ok.. so the logic in this is flawed... You want things to NOT be tied to aesthetics in game but stats are ok?


Ok so You can look and be anything but the stats should be separate?


Oh man... huge door open with that one... you want a saber color... well if that is the case we should scrap everything that has a look and make it all versatile right? Sabers down...?


I mean goose -- gander right?


You keep confusing the use of the word logic in your post with what it should be. Opinion. This "logic is flawed" has no basis to be said other than you have a differing opinion. If the logic is flawed you should either cite your sources for the type of logical fallacy it is or at least proclaim what it is so others can double check.

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I dunno how feasible it is, now. But I definitely agree this should have been an option from the start. Anywhere else in SW canon, the color crystal doesn't do anything but make the color, and there's a second (and sometimes third) crystal used for focusing and achieving specific results. That being said, my biggest gripe has been with how difficult it is to get them. If all the colors (except maybe the black/color) were available to EVERYONE, whether as cheap little "changes color but does nothing else" items or as something you can learn from an artifice trainer, it would make the game better. I dunno about everyone else, but the most annoying thing to me, aesthetically, had been color crystal restrictions. If I want a purple lightsaber, why shouldn't I be able to just go hunt down the crystals like you could in KotOR?


So your saying you want no hard ways of getting these? Not used as a goal or effort made but simply a "go hunt them down" like now? OR your saying even easier?


And YOU WANT CANNON or do you want just free for all what you make up in your color mind?


I mean... there is a few things here as far as CANNON goes and SWTOR CANNON...


I mean everything from Krayt pearls being used in sabers to the hilt.. where the crystals come from and so on..


IF we are going CANNON then we need to scrap the entire saber system we have in place right now right?


See, this is the point... we have practical then we have people using the "CANNON" word.. and if your going to do that then I will hold you to it in this debate... be warned if you do that you will not like your result -- Sith and Jedi alike... I.e. why people have certain colors and ranks... let alone names and races with them...


So PLEASE while using the word "CANNON" please look up what you can use.


Colors with stats is not a bad thing... But just elimination the unique colors out there to people that apply effort to get certain ones is a bad thing.


(This coming from a guy using a Yellow one on his Si/Tank) and Green one on his light side Sith...


If we are going to customize this.. then lets go all out and just make things across the board with no effort changeable.


Again this still sounds like a ME ME ME and MY COLORS thing.




Lets make it a CLIENT SIDE only thing... so you see yourself with whatever saber color you want... there ya go.. that might be easy to do vs complete change to the color crystal system.


We have 1000 things to improve in the game... this was the last on the list in closing of beta and most people know it.


I rather see time on content... fixing things that are broke like quests on ILUM and other things... not the idea that Joey needs HIS PURPLZ SABER or he is going to not feel special.


I feel like the NGE crowd is invading the concept of fixing things first then while doing so adding content... not re-INVENTing the wheel.


While understand I am one for change... I am also one in the IT world that knows there is value in expanding on what you have that works vs starting over when there is nothing wrong with something.


Stats on crystal's is not a bad thing...or making people choose based on that isn't either.


The irony is that my firm that I am the IT director for is customer based and I deal with people all day and their needs and wants. I guess I become brazen and start to look at things as a (NEED basis vs a DESIRE) type thing over time anymore.


Go figure..

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Change current color crystals into focusing lenses for stats. Add a shift+click toggle window with different colors you can set it up as. Problem solved. If they want to be lame and have tons of rare colors for people who have more time to play then just lock the spectrum in the slider menu until you do something to unlock its use.


Wow thats Star Warsy...


lol color pallet GO!


As for the logic, I was referring to the person that posted above me with the idea and concept that we should not be bound to anything Aesthetic via in a stat formula. That would null items in the game throughout and even mobs themselves.


While sure it would be interesting I don't think it would fly in the form of logical to a extent. Granted.. at the same time... a Krayt Dragon should be out on Tat and it should take us longer to travel from planet to planet then when on a planet from area to area maybe lol.


I guess in the end seeing people actually just want the good ole color for a saber to be whatever only opens the rest of the doors to being or getting whatever else they want with a SIMPLE COLOR PALLET as mentioned.


Why bother trying to find or get a neat color then I guess... who knows.

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I'm confused why you are constantly bringing up difficulty. In no way will this change any difficulty to the game. You will still get colour crystals in the same way as you get the crystals now. Either through an artifice, vendor or drop.





I thought you wanted to give the ability to everyone to be able to just click a color and go... no limits... also, you want to remove stats from them as well? and make one power crystal (i.e.) the power for it.. then color being it's own item correct?


BUT no limits on faction/dark light and free for all with it?


I get that from all these posts you wanted to just open up the colors to all and everything and not bind them to stats?


I.e. there is white crystal in the game right now... with a crit stat... It is specific and rare... and not easy to obtain... how do you want this to be obtained now and used in what fashion?

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I'm confused why you are constantly bringing up difficulty. In no way will this change any difficulty to the game. You will still get colour crystals in the same way as you get the crystals now. Either through an artifice, vendor or drop.


As long as this remains the case, I'd get behind the idea. Of course, you're going to have people crying that it's not fair that only certain colors are available to PVPers or Raiders.

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