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Seperate Power and Colour Crystals


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Heya folks.


There was an idea that a few people have brought up about the Power Crystal's in your weapons.


As of now the colour and stats are the same. With most people selecting the stat over the colour end game is a cluster of oranges and purples glowing in the abyss of space.


Everyone seems to have the same colour lightsaber or blaster and I don't feel special or unique.


A simple solution.


Seperate the stat and colour of the power crystal. You can do this a number of ways. Heres just an idea.


1) Add an additional customization slot in your weapons which includes the colour. You get to keep the same stats but choose the colour you want.


2) Stick with just one crystal but when you put that in your lightsaber it lets you choose the colour you want from a selection of unlocked colours.


So you still need to buy colour crystals to unlock them but once you have got it, you can use it whenever you want on any weapon.


I personally prefer option 1 but these are just some quick ideas. I'm sure you guys can come up with a better idea.


Anyway just a suggestion to Bioware. Make no mistake its not a BIG problem, but I think it will be a fun little option.


What do you guys think?

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I think that is possibly the best idea I have heard in the past three weeks, literally. I'm going to slap one of my employees at work for not coming up with something so good at work.



Seriously, this would solve all the stupid "OMG I WANT TEH PURPLZE" whines, people's inability to differentiate magenta from pink, and be closer to canon since most LS consist of emitter, focus crystal, and color crystal.

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I fully support this. I'm currently using a yellow lightsaber crystal because of the +10 endurance boost it gives compared to my blue one. But I'll probably go back to the blue one as 100 HP isn't that much. Still, your ideas would solve my issue without having to gimp myself (however slightly).
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I posted a similar idea back on the beta forums with an appearance crystal slot with your saber/blaster.


Seemed to fall on deaf ears.


I don't understand how they got to this system since the one they had in KOTOR would have been perfect here.

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so, umm what color do you want with what stat?


As of now, every color gets an endurance/crit stat, I believe there are power crystals too, will have to look at my artifice to verify. Are you asking to add more varied stats? Like + surge or + will ????


I missing where having an additional slot is going to add diversity. Seems the only limiting factor is if you're DS or LS so removal of that would allow for more color options.


This idea originally came up in beta due to the yellow/black crystal, which had no stats at first so people started "supposing" one thing or another was planned for it. Then when they released it with an endurance stat, people asked that there be other stat options for it, or for what you're suggesting.

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so, umm what color do you want with what stat?


As of now, every color gets an endurance/crit stat, I believe there are power crystals too, will have to look at my artifice to verify. Are you asking to add more varied stats? Like + surge or + will ????


I missing where having an additional slot is going to add diversity. Seems the only limiting factor is if you're DS or LS so removal of that would allow for more color options.


This idea originally came up in beta due to the yellow/black crystal, which had no stats at first so people started "supposing" one thing or another was planned for it. Then when they released it with an endurance stat, people asked that there be other stat options for it, or for what you're suggesting.


No sorry you misunderstand. I don't want anything done with the actual stats. The problem TOR has is that there is a best crystal for everyone. People will always choose the crystal with the highest stat. However, that means everyone will have the same lightsaber colour. What I'm suggesting is to just let people choose what colour they want, without having to reduce your stats. Just to you know make people more unique and the Fleets more colourful :)

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I think that creating an extra slot would be too much work. Why not just remove the stats from crystals and move them over to the hilts and barrels. Of course that would make blue and purple quality crystals redundant, and let them either eliminate high level colour crystal nodes, or switch them all to lvl 1 nodes.
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But each color already comes with each stat.


There are Power, Crit, or Endurance gems of every color.


What we are saying though is to remove the stats from the colour crystal altogether and allow us to put whatever colour we want in. Or additionally let us change the colour to what we want.

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What we are saying though is to remove the stats from the colour crystal altogether and allow us to put whatever colour we want in. Or additionally let us change the colour to what we want.


And what I said is that you already can. You can have any color, with any of the 3 stats you want. They don't need to have a separate stat crystal, when you can get any color with any stat already.


Your name fits the system you are fighting for.

Edited by GawdoOo
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And what I said is that you already can. You can have any color, with any of the 3 stats you want. They don't need to have a separate stat crystal, when you can get any color with any stat already.


Your name fits the system you are fighting for.


Wrong. Show me a black core/yellow crystal that is +41 stat. Show me a standard green crystal that is +41 stat. Show me a plain red crystal that is +41. Hint: there isn't.


Right now high end raiding is a mess of same color crystals (yellow, purple, blue/black and black/red). Why can't your raid be decked out in all blue/green for Republic without sacirificing +10 to a stat? Artificers can make any color but it is +31.


And please do not tell me +10 doesn't matter. It does to people who are high end gaming. We're just tired of seeing everyone with the same color effects.

Edited by PhilKenSebben
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And what I said is that you already can. You can have any color, with any of the 3 stats you want. They don't need to have a separate stat crystal, when you can get any color with any stat already.


Your name fits the system you are fighting for.


Indeed. But people will always choose the colour crystal with the highest stats. So for example if there is a blue crystal with 42 endurance and a yellow one for 45. They will always choose the 45 one because it is better.


Meaning that everyone will have a yellow crystal. I'm just suggesting that we put the stats we already get from the colour crystals seperate from the colour meaning we can choose whatever colour we want but still keep that 45 endurance.

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I support the idea of making the color crystal a statless gem... however I do not support the idea of adding another mod slot. I think that's too much work for something that's purely cosmetic.


Purging the stats from all crystals and increasing the valuables of all the other mods equivalently would make more sense. However, that would be a pretty big nerf to the cyan and magenta crystals users and as I have a magenta crystal, I'd be annoyed it there was no replacement bonus for having one of those.

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Well i have a char called decado, anyone who is a david gemmel fan will know who this is, ps for those that do he is the second gen decado so hes a sentinal and im semi rp'ing him to keep close to what he is in the books.


In his lore he has 2 swords called the swords of blood and fire, one is silver and the other is gold, the obvious choice there is orange/yellow but i have heard something and im not sure if its true but is there a white crystal in the game ?

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Well i have a char called decado, anyone who is a david gemmel fan will know who this is, ps for those that do he is the second gen decado so hes a sentinal and im semi rp'ing him to keep close to what he is in the books.


In his lore he has 2 swords called the swords of blood and fire, one is silver and the other is gold, the obvious choice there is orange/yellow but i have heard something and im not sure if its true but is there a white crystal in the game ?


There is a white crystal in the game but you can't get it. The only person who did get it, got it by an exploit.


So really its in the game data but unobtainable at the moment.

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I missing where having an additional slot is going to add diversity. Seems the only limiting factor is if you're DS or LS so removal of that would allow for more color options.



Remove stats from the color crystal entirely, so that it's simply a cosmetic change to the weapon, and create a new slot with corresponding item to account for the stat increase.


This way, you can have the color of weapon you want, without having to have the exact same color weapon everyone else does.


A good example would be those folks with the Pre-Order crystals that are worthless by the time you leave Dromund Kaas, if not before. Removing the stats from the crystals, and making color crystals a cosmetic change would allow people to use those crystals at end game if they so choose, rather than ditching them by the time they're 15 or so.


The only limitation the color crystals should have are level and morality (DS/LS). This way we keep Lucas happy by not allowing Republic to run with Red sabers, etc.. and allow for more diversity in weapon color choices as we progress.


The statistics could easily be replaced by adding something akin to the Armoring that armor items have, such as a Power Core or something similar. Add the ability to make those to Armstech, for example, and flesh out that crafting skill a bit more.


It would take some time and effort, as they'd have to go through all of the weapons in the game to add in the extra modification slot, create all of the new mods, and alter all of the color crystals to remove stats, but it would definitely be an improvement over the current system.


It can be done, we just have to encourage them to do it. Just don't expect it to be done in a week once they decide it's feasible.

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As an artifice crafter I'd love to see the color crystal divorced from the power crystal. I feel that the stats provided by color crystals need more variety. And as it sits now I've got 4 different colors for the first 5 grades that come in 2 stat flavors for each each grade. That's 8 purple paterns for each the first 5 grades. Odd colors like magenta and oragne are grade 6- and come in a wider variety. I wouldn't care that all color crystals would basically become grade 1 or 6 only mods, so long as the grade 1 color crystals were not compatible with the grade 6 power crystals. They could just convert the color crystal gathering nodes to the other mats. Edited by Cleet_Xia
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Remove stats from the color crystal entirely, so that it's simply a cosmetic change to the weapon, and create a new slot with corresponding item to account for the stat increase.


As I said, don't need to create a new slot, just increase the values of the other mods.


The problem is making color crystals like the cyan and magenta (that requires groups and raids) worth having... and you really can't do that for just a cosmetic item.

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