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How Beer works...


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She isn't as pretty as she looked last night, I'm hung over and just how much money did I spend.


Yes I'm talking about Star Wars:The Old Republic.


I have a 43 Sentinel with hit points on the high side of 10K. This is better than most 45-46 level players I am running into in the game.


So why am I always dying, and can not finish quest and story line areas that are listed as being level 39 or 40.


This game was fun when I started, where did that go, I guess it's just the way beer works.


I play these games because they are supposed to be fun. That is the only reason.


When I look at the expense, of the game and of the computer upgrades it cost me to play SW:TOR, I find that had I bought a PS3 and Skyrim, I would at least be able to watch a blue ray movie when I was mad because I died again, and I would have spent less money.


Isn't this how beer works, I should have just gone ugly early and saved a hundred bucks because what I woke up next to is, well...


Yes this is also how I felt about EverQuest 2, Lord of the Rings Online, Aion, Age of Conan, Rift and God knows what else.


Maybe I should lower my expectations and not expect these games to be fun. Of course that's a stupid idea, I just need a beer...

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Do not talk about alcohol, my buddy and i played a game where on voidstar you take a shot for every door broken through, and one for every alderaan game lost, and one for every point scored by the other team in huttball, and we lost so many games...


Barely remember last night.

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Do not talk about alcohol, my buddy and i played a game where on voidstar you take a shot for every door broken through, and one for every alderaan game lost, and one for every point scored by the other team in huttball, and we lost so many games...


Barely remember last night.


im guessing youre about 13-14 irl?

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heh...playing mmo's while drunk will ALWAYS have negative results on the advancement of your character....




Lies! :p Playing MMO drunk leads to better experience.


@Op: try mixing some whiskey for better results if beer doesnt work.

Edited by DeathDiciple
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If you'd bought a PS3 and Skyrim you'd be pissed that after 100 hours or so the game becomes unplayable thanks to an apparent memory leak that causes framerate issues and backwards flying dragons. Edited by MCesca
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If you'd bought a PS3 and Skyrim you'd be pissed that after 100 hours or so the game becomes unplayable thanks to an apparent memory leak that causes framerate issues and backwards flying dragons.


Jesus backwards flying dragons would be horrifying while intoxicated, or amazing, ahh, terrifying is a nice in-between.

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If I want to hear what other people do when they are drunk then I would go to a bar, not a Star Wars forum... I dont find it funny at all tbh. Maybe because drinking isnt new to me.


Then you're bizzare, I'm 47 and that's the funniest thing I've read in the forums today.


Although if you really want to get smashed, do it with tequila shots and how often a Sith Sorc says "Murder and mayhem await".

Edited by LogicalPremise
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A long time ago in a far off memory I used to be in the RAF with a bunch of lads we sharred a barracks, I had an amiga then and we used to play games, the wierd thing was after a real shed load of beer, in the morning next to the kebab wrappers the computer was bleeping away with some amazing high scores.
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If I want to hear what other people do when they are drunk then I would go to a bar, not a Star Wars forum... I dont find it funny at all tbh. Maybe because drinking isnt new to me.


I don't want to read thread after whiny thread about supposed game breaking non existent bugs, but maybe that's cos mmos aren't new to me.


But seriously, it's a thread about a game, unless you have some sort of religious issues with alcohol what's the issue if some people want to talk about it. No ones making you read it.

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Hey there everyone,


We always appreciate your constructive feedback, whether positive or negative.


If you're having some difficulties with the game or some aspects of it, we suggest checking some of these threads out for ideas, tricks and tips:


SWTOR PvE Basics Guide (all classes, MMO basics too!)

Little tips and tricks that you didn't know...

Stuff I wish I knew from Day 1


We'll be closing this thread now, and thank you for your understanding.


We hope this helps you out!

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