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People leaving wz is now out of control.


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We will get the ability to votekick these people out...and they will get a deserter debuff.


And for those who think it will be abused: it won't. You forget, only quitters like to grief people like that. People who don't give up on a team and abandon them have much better sportsmanship. It's just human nature.


Require 3 or more votes to kick someone. That means it would take 3 significantly terrible turdfaces with a grudge to be able to abuse it, and the chances of that many many turdfaces all in the same match with the same vendetta against the same person are just very slim to none...unless the target is just a particularly worse turdface than everyone else, in which case they probably deserve it no matter what.


First, I'd like to see your source for your claim that we will get votekick.


Second, you never played WoW or Rift and saw these turd faces constantly trying to kick low levels and the undergeared or people they just didn't like.

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I leave pvp at times, because I join wz's looking for a win.


So instead of staying with the people you need to play with, you decide to be selfish and leave and make sure the game you left lossed huh?


What do I mean?


When you leave someone takes your place in that Warzone, which means you just left someone the mess you left in the Warzone.


Where is this going and explain to me Caeliux what do you really mean?


It's like leaving your boxers with poop on them on the floor for others to pick up and remove.


Understand my metaphor?


I'm sure most will argue with my metaphor, cause people like leaving poop for others to clean up.




Cause people are selfish and will make other's suffer so they can get their gain and their epeen.


Aka the spoiled brats of the internet.


Real talk.

Edited by Caeliux
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I rarely leave matches. Some of my most memorable wins were coming back from what looked like an impossible situation, rallying team mates, or giving advice to those who didn't fully understand a warzone or pvp mechanics. I've even had some losses that were a lot of fun. I bet that is an impossible concept for some people to grasp.


Unfortunately it really is the case.


Habitual quitters, or "winning match" cherry pickers, hate losing so incredibly much, they don't see any bit of fun in just playing to pvp and have fun. Most are already of the mentality that they only pvp to complete a single daily quest, then log off the game, and are already pretty disgruntled about the game for many other reasons.


I've ready practically every word of every post in this entire thread, and I just see from the majority of folks who are strongly-worded against quitter penalties, that they have an overall highly negative opinion about the game; not just pvp and warzones.


I expect most of those folks to quit playing altogether within 2-3 months, which is not a bad thing for a game. Highly negative people without any sort of constructive criticism in their thoughts and postings are just infectious in MMO's.

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Would you honestly stay when the other team exploits and gets a 8 person premade in?
You folks act like BW has no plans or desire to fix problems like this.


News for you: they don't like exploits just as much as we do. Some are harder to fix than others, but be patient, they will be fixed.

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Seriously why does it matter to anyone if I choose to leave a WZ?


I should be able to freely leave a wz without penalty. If my team doesn't know how to fight on a node, pass the ball or guard a door let me leave if I choose. If I am going to receive a penalty for leaving I'll just afk or not try otherwise.


If I leave a group of bad players in a wz does not create any additional disadvantage for that game play that they didn't already create with their own lack of play.






Seriously its the few complainers that want to put this game on rails ... on more rails

Polls have already been taken on this issue.


The folks in favor of quitter penalties, in some form or another, FAR exceed the number who are against it.


You are sorely outnumbered. BW has heard us and will deal with it. Your days of griefing the majority of the PVP'ing playerbase are numbered. Bank on it.

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We will get the ability to votekick these people out...and they will get a deserter debuff.


And for those who think it will be abused: it won't. You forget, only quitters like to grief people like that. People who don't give up on a team and abandon them have much better sportsmanship. It's just human nature.


Require 3 or more votes to kick someone. That means it would take 3 significantly terrible turdfaces with a grudge to be able to abuse it, and the chances of that many many turdfaces all in the same match with the same vendetta against the same person are just very slim to none...unless the target is just a particularly worse turdface than everyone else, in which case they probably deserve it no matter what.


First, I'd like to see your source for your claim that we will get votekick.


Second, you never played WoW or Rift and saw these turd faces constantly trying to kick low levels and the undergeared or people they just didn't like.

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You folks act like BW has no plans or desire to fix problems like this.


News for you: they don't like exploits just as much as we do. Some are harder to fix than others, but be patient, they will be fixed.


Having a desire to magically fix everything and actually doing it are 2 different things bub. I'm mildly amused that you have such blind faith that "they will be fixed" because a certain MMORPG behemoth named after a snowstorm still has issues just like this. And that company put PvP at the forefront, PvP in this game was an afterthought. Sure they may be fixed at some unforeseen time in the future but that only applies if the timeframe you are working with is infinite. They have yet to fix the minor issues they have attempted to tackle such as WZ's not counting and the 9+man tWZ queues. Good luck fixing larger issues. Hah!

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I leave pvp at times, because I join wz's looking for a win. But when i look at the players who are in the wz with me and I see, lvl 14, lvl 17, lvl 12...etc, etc. I know that there will be no chance at winning, just a chance at earning medals. If pvp was bracketed, say a 10-20, 20-30, 30-40, 40-49, then i would be less inclined to leave, because i would know then that my team would have a fair chance to win.


This way, I would feel less cheated by those "teammates" who use wz's as their primary source for leveling.

Ah, another person who doesn't understand the level scaling that occurs in the 1 to 49 bracket.


Next time you go in that warzone, look at your buffs. There's an additional one that talks about how your stats, etc are increased to be comparable to everyone else. This includes the damage you do, your armor, hit points, etc. Everything.


I killed plenty of level 50's when I was level 25 (before the was a separate queue for 1-49, and 50's). And they had, obviously, awesome expertise gear. Seriously, levels matter VERY little in the 1-49 bracket, except for the much higher level utility spells. You have all the damage/healing abilities you need to be decently competitive.

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Having a desire to magically fix everything and actually doing it are 2 different things bub. I'm mildly amused that you have such blind faith that "they will be fixed" because a certain MMORPG behemoth named after a snowstorm still has issues just like this. And that company put PvP at the forefront, PvP in this game was an afterthought. Sure they may be fixed at some unforeseen time in the future but that only applies if the timeframe you are working with is infinite. They have yet to fix the minor issues they have attempted to tackle such as WZ's not counting and the 9+man tWZ queues. Good luck fixing larger issues. Hah!


PvP was not at the forefront in WoW, they had NO PvP at release (except open world on PvP servers only) and the PvP they eventually did add was/is crap.

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That's the thing.


I believe most of the people arguing against quitter penalties, threatening to AFK, and believing it will cause more problems, are just folks that honestly have not played the dozen or so other MMO's that implemented the exact same types of penalties (quitting early manually, "recalling out", disconnecting, AFK'ing, votekick, etc), and they were all successful.


They just don't know.


These are all tried, tested, proven, and effective measures. They work. Bottom line.


Absolute drivel and BS you are spouting. Links to factual references if so. From personal experience they absolutely DO NOT work. And I cannot wait until you all get the ability to vote-kick so you get bitten when all the good guilds start vote-kicking all the bads on sight and they coome here and complain that it isnt fair. Don't believe me? That exact thing happened in WoW.

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First, I'd like to see your source for your claim that we will get votekick.


Second, you never played WoW or Rift and saw these turd faces constantly trying to kick low levels and the undergeared or people they just didn't like.

LOL why do you need a source?


I said from the beginning of this thread that there will be quitter penalties. Mark my words.


You didn't demand a post a source.


But sure enough, many pages later, the Lead Combat Designer comes in and confirms it: there will be quitter penalties.


Why do I need to post my sources, other than just tell you it's intuition and knowing what works?

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It was hashed out many pages ago.


Go ahead, leave before the match starts. No quitter penalty. But once the barriers open, it's all in or enjoy your time out.


Okay, so I get in a match knowing I can't leave once it starts without a penalty. In the lower bracket, I check to see how many level 40+ we have and leave or stay based on that, in the 50s bracket I leave or stay based on the gear my team has.


Once I leave there is a slot to fill but I assume the game will start regardless. So now I've left a team of level 13s and the poor sod who fills my spot can't leave without penalty because the game has already started?



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LOL why do you need a source?


I said from the beginning of this thread that there will be quitter penalties. Mark my words.


You didn't demand a post a source.


But sure enough, many pages later, the Lead Combat Designer comes in and confirms it: there will be quitter penalties.


Why do I need to post my sources, other than just tell you it's intuition and knowing what works?


Quitter penalty and votekick are two completely different things.

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PvP was not at the forefront in WoW, they had NO PvP at release (except open world on PvP servers only) and the PvP they eventually did add was/is crap.


No it wasn't at the forefront but it quickly became priority #1. You cannot argue that, they made an international sport out of it that actually pays top competitors.

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LOL why do you need a source?


I said from the beginning of this thread that there will be quitter penalties. Mark my words.


You didn't demand a post a source.


But sure enough, many pages later, the Lead Combat Designer comes in and confirms it: there will be quitter penalties.


Why do I need to post my sources, other than just tell you it's intuition and knowing what works?


Because without a source it's pure speculation and opinion. And your speculation or opinion means no more than anyone elses.

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First, I'd like to see your source for your claim that we will get votekick.


Second, you never played WoW or Rift and saw these turd faces constantly trying to kick low levels and the undergeared or people they just didn't like.

I played Rift from day 1 release, until I got into beta for SWTOR.


I played WoW from day 1 release (before there were any PVP warzones), then the horrendous implementation and afterfarts of them, up through about 7 months of Frozen Throne.


If you had such a turdface population on the servers you played on, sorry. Must've been the culture you attracted?


About the sources request, see prior post.

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Having a desire to magically fix everything and actually doing it are 2 different things bub. I'm mildly amused that you have such blind faith that "they will be fixed" because a certain MMORPG behemoth named after a snowstorm still has issues just like this. And that company put PvP at the forefront, PvP in this game was an afterthought. Sure they may be fixed at some unforeseen time in the future but that only applies if the timeframe you are working with is infinite. They have yet to fix the minor issues they have attempted to tackle such as WZ's not counting and the 9+man tWZ queues. Good luck fixing larger issues. Hah!
Welcome to the world of software, programming, and for that matter, anything that is man made.


If you expect anything that is close to perfection, take a walk through a park. Because only our maker makes anything perfect.

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Because without a source it's pure speculation and opinion. And your speculation or opinion means no more than anyone elses.
Why did nobody say it was purely speculation or opinion when I said in the first 60 pages that we will get quitter penalties?


LOL, now all the sudden after it's confirmed, people are asking for sources.


Don't be silly or naive all the sudden because you/they are so panicked that I was right about one thing, that it's a good bet I'll be right again.

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Why did nobody say it was purely speculation or opinion when I said in the first 60 pages that we will get quitter penalties?


LOL, now all the sudden after it's confirmed, people are asking for sources.


Don't be silly or naive all the sudden because you/they are so panicked that I was right about one thing, that it's a good bet I'll be right again.


being right about one thing does not make you the final authority, it just makes you right about one thing.

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Then start going through the entire thread at look at all the far worse things I've been called and report away, if you're going to be the 35-year old offended by playground ribbing.


I still won't be offended, or bothered for that matter. *shrugs*


No thanks, I'll take the liberty of choosing those that offend me :) have a nice day!

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