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Do people realise this is a new game?


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All I want is for people to stop jumping from MMO to MMO and support something with potential.. it's like the thought process is "Nope, this isn't perfect. Time to go back to WoW".. as if the laws of capitalism don't exist.


Support someone other than blizzard is all I'm advocating.

WoW is a nice and polished game, but it's no longer fun because it's to damn casual.


Give another company some money, let them grow/correct mistakes, and allow some competition to develop.


Laws of capitalism are company xxxx has a better product going back to them.

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All I want is for people to stop jumping from MMO to MMO and support something with potential.. it's like the thought process is "Nope, this isn't perfect. Time to go back to WoW".. as if the laws of capitalism don't exist.


Support someone other than blizzard is all I'm advocating.

WoW is a nice and polished game, but it's no longer fun because it's to damn casual.


Give another company some money, let them grow/correct mistakes, and allow some competition to develop.

If the game were F2P, I can understand you saying people should accept the bugs and crap features. Unfortunately, this game costs the same $15 a month as WoW. If you want to charge the same as WoW, then you need to deliver a game of better quality.


The great leveling process will only hide the warts for so long. Blizzard figured this out a long time ago. Bioware should have learned from Blizzard's path.


PS The only thing that isn't casual about SWTOR is finding a group. TOR is old style, hardcore in that respect.

Edited by Knewt
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All I want is for people to stop jumping from MMO to MMO and support something with potential.. it's like the thought process is "Nope, this isn't perfect. Time to go back to WoW".. as if the laws of capitalism don't exist.


Support someone other than blizzard is all I'm advocating.

WoW is a nice and polished game, but it's no longer fun because it's to damn casual.


Give another company some money, let them grow/correct mistakes, and allow some competition to develop.


That is something you would say to an investor and not a gamer. They make money if the game grows and gamers only play the game and receive no physical income from it. Blizzard has done a great job in helping the mmo market become what it is and curious why you hate them.


You say support something with potential but can't be WoW towards the end of your post. Why is that?

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I've been looking over the forums to get a feel for my class, possible alts and the game in general and am amazed how quickly people have written this game off. Its a brand new game, barely 2 months into its life. People are already writing it off and looking for the next Fix.


I played WoW from day 1, it was not perferct in any way shape or form, nor were any of the other games to come out since, why did WoW get given the oppurtunity to change and progress and yet none since have been afforded the same opputrunity, regardless of the game we seem to want it to be perfect from day one or thats it on to the next one?


I find it funny that everyone goes on about how great WoW, or EQ or SWG, etc, etc, etc were and yet you all came here. The game has some fantastic unique features, the dialogue quests and storyline being one of the biggest. Is it perfect, no, but then is any game at Launch?


Why are people so quick to write games off these days rather than give the developers the time to take what was, in essence, a relativly smooth and successful launch and build upon it with increasing content to cover each player types preferences, weather that be additional PvP options, extended storylines, more proffesion linked options or indeed additional FP's etc?


So what if it's a new game. I played both FFXI and LOTRO from launch, and both games kept me busy for a lot longer than a month after launch. No way on earth unless you murdered yourself playing would you have reached max level on FFXI in four weeks. So comparing this game to other games that may have launched in the past is very misleading.


The leveling up process on games released a decade ago wasn't near as quick as it is on this game, so there was less of a need to have an extensive endgame upon launch. I don't know why this simple concept is so hard for people to understand, and why this comparision SWTOR defenders typically make is so inaccurate.


Simple truth is this game simply moves too quick. Reaching level 50 can be done in the span of a month easily, even for casuals - and that reality puts far more pressure on this game to have an extensive endgame to keep players busy than did the games of the past.


Bottom line:


This is a great game for players who like to roll alts.


This is a boring game for players who don't.


It really is that simple.


So instead of making these stupid comparisons to games released a decade ago in a completely different era when players expected completely different things - let's move past that nonsense and all chip in on ways Bioware can make this game more fun after 50 so everyone isn't either bored or rolling an alt.

Edited by JeremyDale
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I have gone back to EQ2 to support them for a while, a game with realised potential. People will continue to jump while there are better games to jump to.


As for 'too damn casual' - this game is the epitome of that.


Yeah.. I'll be honest and say that I haven't played much of this game, hence my blank avatar above my name. I just got on the forums, got involved with the discussion, and had to throw in my two cents. I'm not actually saying that SWTOR is hardcore in any shape form or fashion. I'll say it's got potential, but I can't say much about the game as a whole..


In all honesty, I'm just ranting about consumer ethics, and the fact that Blizzard holds a monopoly on the MMO industry.. That's really all of the posts in a nutshell.

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All I want is for people to stop jumping from MMO to MMO and support something with potential.. it's like the thought process is "Nope, this isn't perfect. Time to go back to WoW".. as if the laws of capitalism don't exist.


Support someone other than blizzard is all I'm advocating.

WoW is a nice and polished game, but it's no longer fun because it's to damn casual.


Give another company some money, let them grow/correct mistakes, and allow some competition to develop.


I support SWTOR to make a great game. They just won't get a cent from me while I support them. This isn't charity, they don't need free handouts, this is business. They used 200 million to create this game I will not give them a penny more for what they created.


567 MMOs out now all want my 15 dollars a month. Why in the world would I want to waste it here any longer so it can 'grow' when there are tons of MMOs out there that do things so much better and don't need time.

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You say support something with potential but can't be WoW towards the end of your post. Why is that?


Because Blizzard has PLENTY of money to support itself.. and it could supply a more hardcore environment if it wanted.. but instead it's dumbed down its game for casual players, and ruined the experience as far as I'm concerned. Maybe it'll do better with its next MMO, but for now I'd rather not give a company that made $1,000,000,000 last year more of my (low-income) wages.. I'd rather support an up-and-coming company instead.

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I support SWTOR to make a great game. They just won't get a cent from me while I support them. This isn't charity, they don't need free handouts, this is business. They used 200 million to create this game I will not give them a penny more for what they created.


567 MMOs out now all want my 15 dollars a month. Why in the world would I want to waste it here any longer so it can 'grow' when there are tons of MMOs out there that do things so much better and don't need time.


This will be my last post, because I honestly don't have a foundation to stand on.. I haven't played to lvl50 in SWTOR, so I can't say if I'll support them for months on end or not. I just think the game is solid so far (for a 2month old MMO) and that it's better than most other games I've played..


I would like to ask though, just as a reference, what games you'd prefer over SWTOR?

I'm not going to reply back with a retort, I'm just curious as to your preferences if this game isn't cutting it. And thanks in advance for your response!

Edited by RhettMelton
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Because Blizzard has PLENTY of money to support itself.. and it could supply a more hardcore environment if it wanted.. but instead it's dumbed down its game for casual players, and ruined the experience as far as I'm concerned. Maybe it'll do better with its next MMO, but for now I'd rather not give a company that made $1,000,000,000 last year more of my (low-income) wages.. I'd rather support an up-and-coming company instead.


This is what I don't understand, maybe you can explain it to me. I see this a lot, that WoW has become too catered to casuals.


Now obviously, WoW has a lot more features for casuals now than it did back in the day, LFR is just the most recent example. But how is the hardcore gamer neglected? Heroic mode raids still exist, and last tier, heroic Ragnaros was not only considered one of the coolest heroic fights (which so drastically changes from normal mode), but also by many top end guild the hardest fight WoW has ever had. Those guys saying that are pretty much the epitome of hardcore players, saying that Ragnaros was one of the best and most challenging fights Blizzard has ever added. This is a fight purely designed for the hardcore as well, even with the nerfs relatively few guilds have killed him, and casuals won't even see him until they completely outgear/level it with MoP.


This is why I have trouble understanding why it's such a bad thing casuals can do more in WoW now. It doesn't seem to be coming at the cost of challenges designed specifically for the hardcore, but more alongside it.

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Yeah.. I'll be honest and say that I haven't played much of this game, hence my blank avatar above my name. I just got on the forums, got involved with the discussion, and had to throw in my two cents. I'm not actually saying that SWTOR is hardcore in any shape form or fashion. I'll say it's got potential, but I can't say much about the game as a whole..


In all honesty, I'm just ranting about consumer ethics, and the fact that Blizzard holds a monopoly on the MMO industry.. That's really all of the posts in a nutshell.


I don't think they have a monopoly, it seems their sub numbers are falling as well - I think they are dominant in what has become a fragmented market due to the sheer number of MMOs which have jumped on the bandwagon.


On the positive side, there are lots of great games out there now, so that if TOR is not for you, there is more than likely to be a game which is. Also, many of those games have lots of great content now, and many are F2P (games like LOTRO, EQ2 etc).


As mentioned above, I enjoyed my 2 months here (still have a few weeks to go) but there is just not enough to hold my interest (and make me give them more money) at the moment.

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What I fail to understand is why people haven't tried comparing this game to FFXIV (or at least I haven't seen any comparison). The game had similar problems; horrible UI, lag, ability delay, graphical problems, etc...obviously not as bad in some areas, but problems nonetheless. The fans posted comments similar to what you would see in these forums; you see the fans that defends the game valiantly and those who give harsh critiques.


Guess what? FFXIV screwed up royally. The company didn't charge the players until about a month ago and the game came out September 2010. It's not going to recover, they're already merging servers. First impressions are everything.


How does SWTOR compare...? Well...


Right now, we're paying for a game that should probably still be in its beta phase.

Edited by Ashenic
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What I fail to understand is why people haven't tried comparing this game to FFXIV (or at least I haven't seen any comparison). The game had similar problems; horrible UI, lag, ability delay, graphical problems, etc...obviously not as bad in some areas, but problems nonetheless. The fans posted comments similar to what you would see in these forums; you see the fans that defends the game valiantly and those who give harsh critiques.


Guess what? FFXIV screwed up royally. The company didn't charge the players until about a month ago and the game came out September 2010. It's not going to recover, they're already merging servers. First impressions are everything.


How does SWTOR compare...? Well...


Right now, we're paying for a game that should probably still be in its beta phase.


This. lol I just cancelled my subscription... I'm not going to pay for a game that creates 20 bugs for every 10 fixed in each patch. I'm not going to pay for a game with 3 warzones and a broken world to pvp on. I'm certainly not going to pay for end game pve content that requires a group that takes 2 hours to assemble. I knew there would be absolutely nothing new coming out of this and I'm sorry but "BUY THIS BECAUSE WERE THE FIRST MMO WITH A STORY" just doesnt appeal to me... I cant believe I fell for it and actually fed EA more by buying this game and playing it for two months. Now I have to play League of Legends until Guildwars 2 comes out and REALLY redefines what an MMO is.

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What I fail to understand is why people haven't tried comparing this game to FFXIV (or at least I haven't seen any comparison). The game had similar problems; horrible UI, lag, ability delay, graphical problems, etc...obviously not as bad in some areas, but problems nonetheless. The fans posted comments similar to what you would see in these forums; you see the fans that defends the game valiantly and those who give harsh critiques.


Guess what? FFXIV screwed up royally. The company didn't charge the players until about a month ago and the game came out September 2010. It's not going to recover, they're already merging servers. First impressions are everything.


How does SWTOR compare...? Well...


Right now, we're paying for a game that should probably still be in its beta phase.


Oh - there has been some comparison ;)


Personally I couldn't play XIV even while it was free - while I would certainly be here for more than a few more weeks if this game was.

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I sure do realize TOR is a new game. Sure wish TOR didn't feel like a game released in 2005.
For that you can thank folks like me who are still playing on legacy systems. My pos couldn't handle the HD stuff during beta. And because I definitely was not alone in this, a compromise had to be made so more would be able to play. Now if they threw in free space flight with squadron fps, armada ops and PvP - I'd pony up for a killer rig because I'd need it. Edited by GalacticKegger
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