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Do people realise this is a new game?


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I would like to thank you for your continued financial support of SWTOR. Your continued subscription will help to provides fixes and new content for 1.7 million SWTOR fans. Sincerely, I thank you.


You're welcome, however I've unsubbed so no more support from me. :)

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People expect to have everything served up on a silver platter. Sadly they are the same indidviduals who dont want to work for anything and want it all handed to them without any effort. Hopefully the ones who are not so ignorant of how the world works will endure and we can all have a pleasant expereince with the game.
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People expect to have everything served up on a silver platter. Sadly they are the same indidviduals who dont want to work for anything and want it all handed to them without any effort. Hopefully the ones who are not so ignorant of how the world works will endure and we can all have a pleasant expereince with the game.


You're off your rocker if you think the customers are the ones responsible for providing themselves with a proper product.


I'm not even sure you truly grasp the meaning of what you wrote.

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first off, bioware is NOT lacking in terms of content.. thats not the issue.


its the following:


its 2012.. people expect certain features.


no LFG system AT ALL. sorry, a who tab doesnt cut it.. especially when you cant even post a status that makes sense other than 'LFG FPs'. people arent paying $14 a month to stand around in the fleet for an hour looking for a group.


and to those that say 'get a guild'.. ever occur to you that some may not want to join a guild? they just want to level, do some warzones, and maybe an FP when they are interesting? well guess what.. 'that other game' allows for this without the need to join a guild.. TOR technically does.. IF you are ok with standing around the fleet for an hour.


also, an LFG system is something bioware CHOSE to keep out of the game.. they already have a system in place right now.. its called a warzone queue. you dont see people whining about that. so why not implement that system for the FPs as well.


buggy end game. its widely known that the end game has some serious issues.. both in the heroic FP area, and in the Ops area. and a lot of these issues make the encounters they affect virtually unplayable. at some point people are going to expect the content get fixed.. or they unsub.. and this, IMO, is perfectly reasonable.


faction imbalance.. everyone knows a lot of the servers have a 3-5:1 empire:republic ratio.. that does not make for a fun experience on either side. also, its widely known that right now, a lot of the pvp advantages favor empire (i.e. project for JC not actually instant).


now one thing i will say is.. some of this is community driven.. the republic storylines ARE fun, as are the republic classes.. but people associate being 'good' as being a 'pansy'. bioware cant help if people arent willing to give the republic content a chance.


canned answers.. bioware has a habit of being WAAAYY too political in their answers.. even in their last Q and A.. which i will admit did give us a LITTLE bit of info.. but not 10 questions worth.. most of them were 'yes, we have plans to include even more updates to the game as we move forward', which we already knew before the Q/A was posted.


how about instead of giving us a bunch of canned answers we already know.. you guys answer 10 questions you can actually talk about? isnt that what a q/a is for?


these are things people get upset about.. and for some, its enough to make them unsub.


personally i have enough content to keep me going well into my six months, and as long as the story content keeps getting updated, and ill continue to sub. for others, that may not be enough.. and who are we to tell them that it is.

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That was then, this is now.


2012 is a much more crowded, competitive MMO market than 2004 was, and that is reflected in player behavior. In the post-WoW market, a game has a 2-3 month "window" to show something before many people move on (back to WoW or to some other game). This cycle has repeated itself in other MMOs released in the past 3-4 years, really. You don't get as much time to "make it better" as you used to, because there is more competition now, and you can never unmake a first impression.



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The main argument is because it is 2012, there has been plenty of previous examples of mmo's to look at and learn from. Look how far car technology/designs have come in the last 7 years (bad example i know)


This, im patient till end of March but i want the option to play a 2012 MMO with better gear textures than there is at present.

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There's a saying about forums:


Some of the people piss and moan and b*tch some of the time. and most of the people piss and moan and b*tch most of the time.


Let them grumblers grumble. The proof is in the number of people who have accounts, period. Some will leave and new people will come in.


Personally, I love the game. The story lines are intense and the voice acting and constant cut scenes which include your character bring you into the story like no MMO has done before....even WoW. I can't tell you how sick of WoW I am. I loved it for a long time but it's gotten very stale for me. I like the way this game pulls me into it. You're not just reading a quest while the quest giver stands there like a lump. The quest givers, the NPCs, and so on actually interact with you. You feel a lot more like you are "in" the game and "in" the story than in WoW.


I think the people who don't like SWOTR are the hard core raid guild gamers and the hard core PVP'rs who are used to WoW catering to them. All WoW is now...is end game content and PvP basically and unless you're in a raid guild...forget about it. You can only do the same raids over and over and over and over ad nausea before it's just HUGELY boring in my opinion.


Stop listening to the people who can do nothing but complain. Enjoy the game. The doom and gloomers were there when WoW first started as well with their complaints that it was too cartoon-like, etc. and a host of other stuff. They were wrong then...and they are wrong now.


Just enjoy the game and don't worry about the "never happy's".

Edited by mrsrachelm
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but to that point have people actually looked up whats in 1.2, 1.3, 1.4 and 1.5


Again, it's a 2-3 month window. The games industry moves quickly, and the playerbase for MMOs is holistic -- it isn't "MMOs only". So people are playing Amalur right now. People will be playing Mass Effect 3 soon. And so on. TOR is at the end of month 2 of that 2-3 month window, and that is the window people will make decisions on, based on the world of games that is available to them.


It was different when MMOs appealed more to a niche audience of MMO enthusiasts. That audience still exists, but it's dwarfed by a gamer audience that plays MMOs among other types of games, and so the competition is quite intense for the game time of these people, given that non-MMO games are also in the mix. What else is on offer at any given time is more important than what may be coming in patch 1.5 in 4-6 months.

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Again, it's a 2-3 month window. The games industry moves quickly, and the playerbase for MMOs is holistic -- it isn't "MMOs only". So people are playing Amalur right now. People will be playing Mass Effect 3 soon. And so on. TOR is at the end of month 2 of that 2-3 month window, and that is the window people will make decisions on, based on the world of games that is available to them.


It was different when MMOs appealed more to a niche audience of MMO enthusiasts. That audience still exists, but it's dwarfed by a gamer audience that plays MMOs among other types of games, and so the competition is quite intense for the game time of these people, given that non-MMO games are also in the mix. What else is on offer at any given time is more important than what may be coming in patch 1.5 in 4-6 months.


Well said.

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Well as much as I love this game, Bioware, and Starwars. I have to say they made a classic mistake of launching an MMO without cross-server functionality. It's the one common denominator all failure MMO's share. I know some people are into community and all that drama, but for those of us who have "real lives" and just want to log in to find a group quickly for a bit of fun, not having that option is totally unacceptable in 2012. I'm loving the game regardless, and plan on staying a long time regardless, but others will look for greener pastures.
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Again, it's a 2-3 month window. The games industry moves quickly, and the playerbase for MMOs is holistic -- it isn't "MMOs only". So people are playing Amalur right now. People will be playing Mass Effect 3 soon. And so on. TOR is at the end of month 2 of that 2-3 month window, and that is the window people will make decisions on, based on the world of games that is available to them.


It was different when MMOs appealed more to a niche audience of MMO enthusiasts. That audience still exists, but it's dwarfed by a gamer audience that plays MMOs among other types of games, and so the competition is quite intense for the game time of these people, given that non-MMO games are also in the mix. What else is on offer at any given time is more important than what may be coming in patch 1.5 in 4-6 months.


i can see where coming from but like was shown on the republic show on gamebreaker tv the bulk of the players on swtor arnt from wow. alot are from wow but not the bulk. the bulk is aparently made up from outside of the normal mmo community. As such they maybe true hardcore either sw fans, bioware/mythic fans or EA fans.


But 1.2 is march ? and thats basically on the 3 month mark so ye that will be the feet in the water patch, but even then if people leave the game a majority of those will leave until more things have been added and then come back. so if 1.5 drops on or near the 6 month mark from release if they are doing them one a month which looks like the trend give or take then that will be the true moment we know what swtor can deliver upon what we already have.


And i know im not rare in this but when normal games come out i will keep my subs up on my mmo and play the new game that comes out along the side of my mmo im subbed to. Like assasins creed, fable, Duex ex, BF3, dead islands that type of thing and the upcoming ME3. and whos to say there wont be some kind of reward for buying ME3 collectors that we get in swtor like we get with the keyboards and mice which in turn would advertise swtor to another group of players who arnt into mmos and think hmm ill try that.

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The process development involved here isn't working.


* They have 6 years to release a game that got more than 4fps on the "average" machine in ilum.

* Product management can't even release a competitive pvp game.

* There are rampant exploits due to how the game is ARCHITECTED (client side timing and logic anyone?).

* Client reconnectivity and packet loss/retransmission handling is abysmal for a 2012 game.

* Lost connection? Sound is buggy and your queues are stuck.

* Game crashed while you were about to win a warzone? Oh you reconnect and are booted out of the game.


Just objectively compare this game and all its faults to its competition and there is no contest.


* It isn’t even playable on the flagship location: ilum…. the average player gets 4fps. 4 F P S. How can you possibly defend this game?

* RNG loot system. 2 equal players, spend 50 hours PVPing… one player is decked out battlemaster, the other has zero battlemaster pieces. Oh wow what a novel system.

* Unbalanced queued games. 4-12v4-12. Wow awe-inspiring.

* Patches that are obviously not tested as they introduce such blatant bugs there is no other explanation (zero valor ilum anyone?).

* A public test server on which nobody can test unless they want to level from 1-50 and gear up.

* Client side code such as timers for abilities (hey introduce some packet delay/loss and see what your spell cooldowns do).


The list goes on and on and on. The quality of product is like something that would have been pushed out in 1999, not 2012. The blatant rampant game-breaking bugs demonstrate only one thing: incompetence. The market will speak and this game will be a lesson used in the industry of “What not to do”.

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The process development involved here isn't working.


* They have 6 years to release a game that got more than 4fps on the "average" machine in ilum.

* Product management can't even release a competitive pvp game.

* There are rampant exploits due to how the game is ARCHITECTED (client side timing and logic anyone?).

* Client reconnectivity and packet loss/retransmission handling is abysmal for a 2012 game.

* Lost connection? Sound is buggy and your queues are stuck.

* Game crashed while you were about to win a warzone? Oh you reconnect and are booted out of the game.


Just objectively compare this game and all its faults to its competition and there is no contest.


* It isn’t even playable on the flagship location: ilum…. the average player gets 4fps. 4 F P S. How can you possibly defend this game?

* RNG loot system. 2 equal players, spend 50 hours PVPing… one player is decked out battlemaster, the other has zero battlemaster pieces. Oh wow what a novel system.

* Unbalanced queued games. 4-12v4-12. Wow awe-inspiring.

* Patches that are obviously not tested as they introduce such blatant bugs there is no other explanation (zero valor ilum anyone?).

* A public test server on which nobody can test unless they want to level from 1-50 and gear up.

* Client side code such as timers for abilities (hey introduce some packet delay/loss and see what your spell cooldowns do).


The list goes on and on and on. The quality of product is like something that would have been pushed out in 1999, not 2012. The blatant rampant game-breaking bugs demonstrate only one thing: incompetence. The market will speak and this game will be a lesson used in the industry of “What not to do”.


There are 4 threads you have now posted this in. This game is not currently ready for heavy pvpers, so you can stop.


Play a MOBA, they should fufill all your pvp needs.

Edited by Tygranir
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Again, it's a 2-3 month window. The games industry moves quickly, and the playerbase for MMOs is holistic -- it isn't "MMOs only". So people are playing Amalur right now. People will be playing Mass Effect 3 soon. And so on. TOR is at the end of month 2 of that 2-3 month window, and that is the window people will make decisions on, based on the world of games that is available to them.


It was different when MMOs appealed more to a niche audience of MMO enthusiasts. That audience still exists, but it's dwarfed by a gamer audience that plays MMOs among other types of games, and so the competition is quite intense for the game time of these people, given that non-MMO games are also in the mix. What else is on offer at any given time is more important than what may be coming in patch 1.5 in 4-6 months.


The trend with most mmos is a very simple one, unless you're a super hardcore player you will play your mmo of choice, check out other games to avoid burnout of said mmo, come back to said mmo revitalized and play the hell out of it, rinse and repeat.

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The trend with most mmos is a very simple one, unless you're a super hardcore player you will play your mmo of choice, check out other games to avoid burnout of said mmo, come back to said mmo revitalized and play the hell out of it, rinse and repeat.


Hey, I've only done that... well... I think this will be the third time I've jumped off the WoW boat for another MMO.

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I've been looking over the forums to get a feel for my class, possible alts and the game in general and am amazed how quickly people have written this game off. Its a brand new game, barely 2 months into its life. People are already writing it off and looking for the next Fix.


I played WoW from day 1, it was not perferct in any way shape or form, nor were any of the other games to come out since, why did WoW get given the oppurtunity to change and progress and yet none since have been afforded the same opputrunity, regardless of the game we seem to want it to be perfect from day one or thats it on to the next one?


I find it funny that everyone goes on about how great WoW, or EQ or SWG, etc, etc, etc were and yet you all came here. The game has some fantastic unique features, the dialogue quests and storyline being one of the biggest. Is it perfect, no, but then is any game at Launch?


Why are people so quick to write games off these days rather than give the developers the time to take what was, in essence, a relativly smooth and successful launch and build upon it with increasing content to cover each player types preferences, weather that be additional PvP options, extended storylines, more proffesion linked options or indeed additional FP's etc?


Why do we need to keep explaining SWTOR is not competing against games from 2005, but games that are out right now? Why should we pay for less content than its competitors?


MMOs don't have the luxury of being only 1-2 on the markets anymore like EQ/WoW, therefore if their release is trash or end-game is trash (the case of SWTOR), it does NOT deserve to receive money for months while waiting on content.


You unsubscribe and IF the added content a few months in is of any interest to you then you subscribe, but staying subscribed just in the hope of content is a waste of time and money.


Once you are 50 in full Champion PvP gear or Rakata/Columni, you can stop playing if alts are not your cup of tea.

Edited by RamzaBehoulve
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