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Ball decides a TIE victor??????


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Except that possession time is exploitable, just like with passing. It would force teams to not score so quickly. Plus changing it to possession time would mean they would have to add a whole new timer to the WZ, otherwise no one knows who has higher possession time. That is extra work BW does not need to spend on something that is not broken. Time they should be spending on fixing the retarded bugs in this game.


If your team was down by one and you knew you would score. Your team should not have been bads and had one or more people sitting at mid to grab the ball. It's not like you guys didn't know what the tie breaker was. It's your own fault for not being able to win, and not the system.


lol calm down.

and what if the team wouldnt have scored unless everyone was there helping? maybe they werent 'bads' (god, what child in WoW came up with that crap?) maybe they were using that thing....ummm....teamwork! thats it. maybe they were using teamwork to "work" as a "team" to score the ball?

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Not if one team held the ball for 10 of the first 14 minutes.


No, then it would not matter. You want to complicate things and make worse gameplay for no apparent reason.


Did you lose a tie game before making this thread so you are mad or something?


first of all, if your team is good enough to be able to just hold the ball for 10 mins straight, then just score the *********** thing lol. derp....

second, you might wanna do some fact checking i.e. go to page one you meat head. i didnt make this thread hahahaha. again, derp.

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The scoring team is generally at a great disadvantage in retrieving the ball since most of your guys are likely deep in enemy territory in an attempt to get the goal. That said, since the team that needs the goal to tie it is behind, there's nothing wrong with them having a significant disadvantage as the clock winds down in Huttball.


By the way, if no one has the ball in a tie, then the team that last had the ball wins, so if you score with say 2 seconds left to tie the game, your team will always win (because the ball hasn't even reset yet). That means if you've say 10 seconds left and you're about to score, and you're sure you won't die, you should wait there and let the clock tick down a few more seconds to ensure the ball doesn't reset on time.


WRONG. The team on the offensive (scoring) has the advantage in retrieving the neutral ball. Why? Because players on the offensive team dying have to run PAST mid to get back to the action. The defensive team on the other hand does not. Hence the defensive team will usually be fighting on THEIR side of the map.

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lol calm down.

and what if the team wouldnt have scored unless everyone was there helping? maybe they werent 'bads' (god, what child in WoW came up with that crap?) maybe they were using that thing....ummm....teamwork! thats it. maybe they were using teamwork to "work" as a "team" to score the ball?


Oh please. First off, you do not need the entire team to score a goal. Secondly, people die. When your team dies they have to run THROUGH MID to get back in the action. If none chose to sit in neutral to grab after scoring, that is your team's fault. Not BW's.

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The scoring team is generally at a great disadvantage in retrieving the ball since most of your guys are likely deep in enemy territory in an attempt to get the goal. That said, since the team that needs the goal to tie it is behind, there's nothing wrong with them having a significant disadvantage as the clock winds down in Huttball.


By the way, if no one has the ball in a tie, then the team that last had the ball wins, so if you score with say 2 seconds left to tie the game, your team will always win (because the ball hasn't even reset yet). That means if you've say 10 seconds left and you're about to score, and you're sure you won't die, you should wait there and let the clock tick down a few more seconds to ensure the ball doesn't reset on time.




Most tying scores don't happen with 20 seconds left. Plus the team who scored last was behind last. The current system works well. My favorite huttball win was when we were down 2-0 early and then scored two goals late and then had a ferocious battle the last couple battles where we completed a pass just as the ball carrier got blown up and won.


My advice to anyone who does not like the tiebreaker is to out score the other team.

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Oh please. First off, you do not need the entire team to score a goal. Secondly, people die. When your team dies they have to run THROUGH MID to get back in the action. If none chose to sit in neutral to grab after scoring, that is your team's fault. Not BW's.


man, just chill lol. its a forum thread about a video game. how much more detached from reality can you get? dont be so hardcore about everything.

anyway, i grow tired of this. im through using you people for my entertainment. i shall now watch the new episode of spartacus. ta ta for now


My advice to anyone who does not like the tiebreaker is to out score the other team.



haha genious! score more times! its so simple, yet so elegant! why did no one ever try that. i must inform the masses of this "score more" strategy!!!

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first of all, if your team is good enough to be able to just hold the ball for 10 mins straight, then just score the *********** thing lol. derp....

second, you might wanna do some fact checking i.e. go to page one you meat head. i didnt make this thread hahahaha. again, derp.


At this point it just seems like you are very bad at huttball.


If you don't understand how one team could have the ball longer without scoring more I don't know what to say...


From your posts it reads like you have played huttball twice ever and both times were today.


No change in tie breakers is going to help you win.

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man, just chill lol. its a forum thread about a video game. how much more detached from reality can you get? dont be so hardcore about everything.

anyway, i grow tired of this. im through using you people for my entertainment. i shall now watch the new episode of spartacus. ta ta for now





haha genious! score more times! its so simple, yet so elegant! why did no one ever try that. i must inform the masses of this "score more" strategy!!!


LOL@ "just chill" statement. Did I cuss at you or something or type in a bunch of caps that signified I was raging at you? Nope I did not.


Your argument simply has no legs to stand on, so you are forced to talk about tangential things that have no bearing to our discussion like "its a forum about video games" "just chill", etc.

Edited by Smashbrother
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man, just chill lol. its a forum thread about a video game. how much more detached from reality can you get? dont be so hardcore about everything.

anyway, i grow tired of this. im through using you people for my entertainment. i shall now watch the new episode of spartacus. ta ta for now





haha genious! score more times! its so simple, yet so elegant! why did no one ever try that. i must inform the masses of this "score more" strategy!!!


If you are going to whine about it being too hard to control the ball then that is how you avoid it.


This whole thread is absurd. Bad players complaining about something that works well.

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Most tying scores don't happen with 20 seconds left. Plus the team who scored last was behind last. The current system works well. My favorite huttball win was when we were down 2-0 early and then scored two goals late and then had a ferocious battle the last couple battles where we completed a pass just as the ball carrier got blown up and won.


My advice to anyone who does not like the tiebreaker is to out score the other team.


Oh, I don't have a problem with the system itself. I just want to point out that the scoring team generally is at a disadvantage at retrieving the ball since you're probably going on an all out effort to just tie the game and wouldn't have time to think about recovery yet. I've no problem with that because the team trailing should have a considerable disadvantage as the clock winds down.


I had a game where we scored with 10 seconds left to tie and the enemy was waiting for that and had the middle camped and grabbed the ball for the easy win (relatively speaking). And even though we knew that's what they're doing, we sure aren't going to risk not even scoring the tying goal and already commited all our best players on offense, Though if we scored say 5 seconds later, we'd have won the game (because the ball would not have reset on time). Of course, if we waited for 5 seconds, maybe the ball carrier gets grappled into the pit and we never get the tying goal. That's what makes the a close game fun, because you can't really know the outcome until it ends.

Edited by Astarica
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Alright I am sorry if there are more threads on this subject but honestly now. A Huttball victory needs to be decided over more then just who has the ball in the event of a tie. This is the second time a group has got the ball and they all gather up and hold off for the last minute or two with ball control just to win.


Sorry but that is BS when things like medals or the overall kill count of a team would be a much better way to guage the victor. Just my 2 cents and would love to read other thoughts. Ball control seems like such a stupid way to decide a victor.


I hear if you kill the guy with the ball and take it from him, then you have the chance of winning the tie instead of them...

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At this point it just seems like you are very bad at huttball.


If you don't understand how one team could have the ball longer without scoring more I don't know what to say...


From your posts it reads like you have played huttball twice ever and both times were today.


No change in tie breakers is going to help you win.


must....resist...stupid people...bah i cant

i never said i dont know how one team can hold the ball longer without scoring more. proof please? i do however find it impressive that a team could hold the ball for 10 minutes straight without ever losing it once. im sure at one point a pass would get intercepted, some lag would occur and the person wouldnt get the pass off before they died, or the other team would just end up killing the carrier finally. i have never seen a team hold it for 10 minutes. even in games where one team is farming the other for kills, they lost the ball once in a while.

and how do you get that impression from my posts? i made like 1 reference to past games. sir....are you psychic? cause i am and ill know if youre lying

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LOL@ "just chill" statement. Did I cuss at you or something or type in a bunch of caps that signified I was raging at you? Nope I did not.


Your argument simply has no legs to stand on, so you are forced to talk about tangential things that have no bearing to our discussion like "its a forum about video games" "just chill", etc.


no, its just that im tired of arguing with kids who arent open to new ideas, so im gonna do something else now. later kiddo

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The current Tie Breaker allows for the winner to be decided in the very last moment of the game. If you kill the Ballcarrier in the last second you win. All other suggestions like medals or total time of ball control will decide the games much earlier which would take out a lot of thrill and fun.
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no, its just that im tired of arguing with kids who arent open to new ideas, so im gonna do something else now. later kiddo


I actually took the time to explain how every suggestion you made was inferior/exploitable to the current system instead of simply saying "nope your ideas suck", and all you respond with is "tired of arguing with kids"? Really?


The hypocrisy on these forums amaze me sometimes.

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I actually took the time to explain how every suggestion you made was inferior/exploitable to the current system instead of simply saying "nope your ideas suck", and all you respond with is "tired of arguing with kids"? Really?


The hypocrisy on these forums amaze me sometimes.


haha i know right? but thats life. what can you do :p


later kiddo.:D

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LEARN TO HUTTBALL. Huttball is about controlling the area around the ball spawn, the middle. The team that does this best will usually win. Thus, the team with the ball last is most likely also the team that has done a better job of controlling the area around the spawn, THEY DESERVE THE WIN.


The current system works.

Edited by deltaminus
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haha i know right? but thats life. what can you do :p


later kiddo.:D


You may want to stop responding if you want anyone to take you seriously after claiming multiple times you weren't going to respond. Anyways, this thread is retarded to the max and anything that needs to be said has been said. I'm out.

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I actually took the time to explain how every suggestion you made was inferior/exploitable to the current system instead of simply saying "nope your ideas suck", and all you respond with is "tired of arguing with kids"? Really?


The hypocrisy on these forums amaze me sometimes.


Clearly he has no idea what he is talking about or doing. I would not worry about it too much. I suspect he was standing in acid when his team lost a tie game

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