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Why are mercs so popular?


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If you quell an Arsenal spec Merc odds are good the poor thing will stand around for the next 5 seconds trying to cast tracer missile.


It's not actually that hard a spec to defeat in PvP assuming you're not caught in the open and you notice him at some point. They sacrifice alot of close in and you can weave in and out of the terain while keeping your Burn's up on them.


Because of the cast time on Tracer missile he'll only be able to hit you occasionally if he's one of the much more common feet planted artillery types.


A good pyro Merc is much more of a threat to me than an Arsenal merc. The huge caveat is that if you don't notice the Arsenal merc right away they can really hurt. A little hard to miss the guy bent over firing rockets off his back.


The grav round troopers are much trickier to notice, luckily it's a very distinctive sound and they carry a really big gun.

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I tried playing a Jedi consular, then I went into a coma because of the really really REALLY boring story...and then I replayed my level 8 bounty hunter, started to like it and fell in love with my Mercenary. One of the coolest classes I've played in an MMORPG.


Thinking of rolling up a Powertech too since I'm getting curious.


What is there not to like? I totally love the sound my heatseeker missiles make.

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My reasons for rolling merc.


1) I like Bounty Hunters in general, and the story appealed to me more than any of the other classes.


2) I like DPS.


3) I like Ranged DPS.


4) I like watching things go BOOM!


5) The various missile animations and resulting explosions are fun to watch every time. Heatskeers are my favorite by far.

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But needless to say, easy to master, ranged DPS "hunter" classes will always be the most popular in any MMO.


Ugg this is getting tiring... An Arsenal Merc is not an easy class to master. Yes the standard rotation for damage is simple, but winning a 1v1, learning what to do when you cant fire tracers, and learning how to survive the 8 man saber flurry that is coming your way is not frakkin easy. Only when you have mastered everything else in your Arsenal will you actually be a good Merc. If you don't believe me roll a Merc and go try to spam tracers in a WZ see how far it gets you.


How bout pebble, pebble, pebble, shield, sprint, heal, pebble, pebble, pebble. Its all I ever see sages doing. And I don't hear ppl complaining about that all the time.

Edited by Patrickgf
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My reasons for rolling merc.


1) I like Bounty Hunters in general, and the story appealed to me more than any of the other classes.


2) I like DPS.


3) I like Ranged DPS.


4) I like watching things go BOOM!


5) The various missile animations and resulting explosions are fun to watch every time. Heatskeers are my favorite by far.

Couldn't have summed my own thoughts up any better. :) Except #5. Maybe not every time... just most of them...

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TBH I'm very pleasantly surprised at the number of BH's and all other non-glowbat players that I see around, I figured this game would be me against 80kajillion jedi types. Whatever is making people choose BH (and smuggler, trooper and agent) good on them, I hope more do too.
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Tracer Missile - Tracer Mi... *INTERRUPT* - AAAA! WHAT TO DO!? WHAT TO DO!? - 3 seconds... - Tra... *DEAD*


Just wanted to mention, that most of the people playing mercs can't play properly, and are dead few seconds after being interrupted. Not mentioning you can pull/push them or stun too.


The same applies to Commando of course. Actually, I play Powertech, so Commando example should be more appropriate.



I mean, people who know what they are doing will wipe the floor with you if all you have to stop them is a three second interrupt. When this happens to me I do any of the many options available to me:


1. Unload

2. Rail Shot

3. Heatseekers

4. Rocket punch

5. Jet Boost

6. Electro Dart


And pretty much any other ability that isn't Tracer missile for THREE SECONDS.


And then I go back to my rotation and melt your face.

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My main has been a Merc since the first time I played one in beta about 11 months ago. From minute one I knew this was MY class. I leveled Arsenal, but do FP/OPs as Bodyguard. No matter what people (who have no clue what they are talking about) say, BG Mercs are KILLER 8/16 man healers..and just stupid good 4 man HM healers.


I also raid with an Operative (Concelment no less), but it's not nearly as fun as my Merc.


Bh for life.

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Electronic Arts

BioWare Division


Re: SW:ToR


Dear Sirs,


It has come to our attention, through endless QQ threads, that you have designed classes in this game that are actually fun and engaging. Worst of all, that are not a pain in the butt to play and make the game fun and not a job.


We had high hopes after observing your earlier Jedi/Sith designs, but your work with the BH and Trooper classes has dissapointed us. Please, in every incoming patch aim to make all classes an equally miserable experience to play.


Remember: Obnoxiously annoying to play = fun.


Yours truly,


MMO Vet Basement Dwellers Association

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It's a range dps game. There is less range dps AC in this game compare to the melee dps.


What is your choice if you want to play a range dps:


-Sorcerer = Already overpopulated, everyone and there dog have a sorcerer. They have an healing spec.

-Sniper = you hate the cover mechanic you are doom with this AC. Only 3 dps spec.

-Mercenary = Easy rotation and less ppl play this class than sorc. They have an healing spec


That's all.


So there is a big chance someone will role merc if they want to play a range dps. Even more if they want to have the possibility to heal too.


I want to heal and I don't want to role a sorcerer since half of my guild play that class. I already have an operative but I don't really like the idea to melee dps when I want to help our dps as an healer. Operative should have been a range dps too but it seems we needed another melee dps class (can say the same thing for Powertech).

Edited by Guzul
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Let's see if anyone reads this post... heh.


I have TWO BH's on the same server.


My Merc is just that. She is speced equally in the healing and Arsonal tree's. This is a great build for PvE, and that's exactly what she does, and is great at it.


My Powertech is purely for PvP. Enough said.


Why do I have 2 toons? They are complete opposites in every respect; sex, alignment, AC's, build, gear, etc.


I don't need dual spec. When I want to PvP, I load my Powertech. When I am going on an Operation, I load up my Merc. Neither one can do the others job.


Mercs are popular because they have heals and are DPS. That means self sufficiency as well as opening up more options for grouping.

Edited by DeuceKewlage
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Electronic Arts

BioWare Division


Re: SW:ToR


Dear Sirs,


It has come to our attention, through endless QQ threads, that you have designed classes in this game that are actually fun and engaging. Worst of all, that are not a pain in the butt to play and make the game fun and not a job.


We had high hopes after observing your earlier Jedi/Sith designs, but your work with the BH and Trooper classes has dissapointed us. Please, in every incoming patch aim to make all classes an equally miserable experience to play.


Remember: Obnoxiously annoying to play = fun.


Yours truly,


MMO Vet Basement Dwellers Association


You forgot to mention "nerf all non force-user classes"... you know, because they're inferior to jedi/sith, so they should suck and be useless. Just ask any Jedi or Sith player, they'll tell you. I mean, I definitely got the "this is a glowbat game, why are all of you playing the lesser classes" vibe from the OP, I may be wrong, but that's how I read it.

Edited by bahdasz
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I don't really get why everyone chooses merc either.

My vl 40 PT ALWAYS outdmg the mercs by nearly constantly doing 300k in huttball and voidstar. They're a lot more diverse too than mercs as you either kite the balls off your opponent or you stay on him.

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People roll them to win easily. Lets be honest commando and merc are very easy to play initially.

Once other players are up in their faces its different but it takes people 50 levels to understand ease of use comes with a price.


I made my commando to be a tanky healer and only respecd dps at 47 for a try out. I was bored by 50. As a healer its quite frustrating in pvp unless your healing yourself due to los issues, other player high mobility (leaps etc) and slow heals. Its not a nice combo. As dps its godly but boring as hell. Seems like it was designed for noobs to learn to play. :)


Im happily playing a pt now and wont ever go back.

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This may be my favorite post ever:


Electronic Arts

BioWare Division


Re: SW:ToR


Dear Sirs,


It has come to our attention, through endless QQ threads, that you have designed classes in this game that are actually fun and engaging. Worst of all, that are not a pain in the butt to play and make the game fun and not a job.


We had high hopes after observing your earlier Jedi/Sith designs, but your work with the BH and Trooper classes has dissapointed us. Please, in every incoming patch aim to make all classes an equally miserable experience to play.


Remember: Obnoxiously annoying to play = fun.


Yours truly,


MMO Vet Basement Dwellers Association

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