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Been thru Voss 3 times - IT. NEEDS. REBALANCING.


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My Knight, my Trooper, and my Inquisitor have all encountered the exact same problem on Voss. You can get through the first three-quarters of the planet without much problem. Then




Brick wall. Suddenly, violently, you are way, way under powered.


Let me explain how I level. I do all the quests, and I do 90% of the bonuses, and I do all the bonus series as soon as they are available. I do the space missions every time I'm in my ship. I craft rare/blue items religiously and spend my commendations wisely, so what I have equipped it worlds beyond what I'm always offered as quest rewards.


Do you know what this should mean? This should mean that, since I've gotten bonus, extra, non-mandatory XP, and since my gear and my companion's gear is twice as good as the things they offer to give me, (which should be perfectly adequate themselves, since, you know, the game is trying to give it to me at that point in time,) that ALL means I should be kicking PvE *** up AND down BOTH sides of the street.


This is not what is happening on Voss. You do one quest after the other, they are all fine and doable... then comes the one. The one where no matter how many stims you chug, now matter which companion combo you try, no matter how often you try to interrupt, that mission boss is just impossible. And you still have 90% of level 46 to go through before you can get to level 47.


If this happened once on one faction, it could be a fluke. But no. The last questing area of Voss needs a nerf, and it needs to happen before any of my other characters get to that godforsaken planet.


Up until this one point, everything is balanced pretty alright. A person can be caught up without much difficulty all throughout the game, WITHOUT having done any silly Flashpoints or PvP, until this point. Then suddenly... ugh.

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I'm Lv 48, and I find some of the gold bosses to be pretty tough on Voss. I'm a DPS and my tank companions tend to get rolled pretty quickly. If I use my other companions I generate all the threat and get rolled.


That being said, it's my first character in my first MMO. I'm willing to accept that it may just be me for the most part.

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I wouldn't mind if Voss' quest levels were lowered.


After finishing Voss, you're probably only a few levels shy of 50. But you then suddenly receive quests for Voss bonus series, Hoth bonus series, and Corellia.

Edited by aivedoir
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The biggest problem with Voss is that armor debuffs stack, and in any given Voss mob, more than one mob will have an armor debuff, magnifying the damage you take.


Of course, you could just play smarter.


Armor debuff and BAM 3-4 DoTs that disregard any form of resistence. :D

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There was one guy who was very tough on Voss I remember, I had other quests to do so I did them and came back when I was the same level as him and I think I still just beat him. So maybe you're right. also juggernauts are pretty good for fighting gold guys because they have a lot of interrupts and a lot of defense. I was using vette(dps) I think.
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I agree with you OP, the mobs on Voss are disproportionately powerful for where they are in the game. I had an easier time just skipping the bonus series and advancing to Corellia than I did just sticking around on that planet.


Of course, this thread won't be seen as more than an opportunity to wave e-peens around by many, so I wouldn't have high hopes here.

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I didn't have an issue with Voss on my sniper. The only tough point was that Sith wannabee (forgot his name) that liked to stun you then rain down AoE lightning, but even then I killed him on my second try. If you're experiencing issues on 3 different toons, it might just be you need to rethink your plans or, hell, just get a buddy to quest with you.
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I agree with you OP, the mobs on Voss are disproportionately powerful for where they are in the game. I had an easier time just skipping the bonus series and advancing to Corellia than I did just sticking around on that planet.


Of course, this thread won't be seen as more than an opportunity to wave e-peens around by many, so I wouldn't have high hopes here.



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I agree. Although it doesn't seem like I had too much of a bad experience as you did, there was definitely this additional barrier. Mobs just got suddenly harder for no reason. One silver went down pretty hard in one area, and went down easy in another even though they were at the same level.
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What quest is it that you're having trouble on? I've been through the entirety of Voss twice now, both times I left at around 47, and on neither did I really notice any trouble - my main trouble was avoiding being ganked. I think it's actually a pretty easy planet because the quests are generally all fairly quick and they award a decent amount of experience.


I played through it on an Infiltration Jedi Shadow, and a Shield Specialist Vanguard.

Edited by Raeli
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I finished Voss on my BH and I agree the last area with the One-eyed boss is harder then most. I was able to complete it my first time but it was a fight, had to do a lot of kiting and interrupting when they where ready.


I will say it was the toughest PvE fight I have had yet.

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i find that when i read these it states i hit a brick wall on planet x and it had been easy before that. Now this is the key to our little problem here in that you got to a point where the game was so easy that when you hit a chalange that even though you could overcome it, you found it dificult enough to question if it was worth continuing.



So far i have seen posts pertaining to the wall being on belsavis, balmora, hoth, quesh and now voss. I myself have found that the dificulty ramps up on quesh for me from the previous q's and when you get to the nightmare lands in voss it decidedly gets much tougher fights but i dont think that is a bad thing.


I play this game for the chance to get my *** kicked from pillar to post by npcs, if i wanted to cakewalk from lvl 1 to top level and then farm group content i would either play hello kitty or wow.

Edited by Shingara
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i find that when i read these it states i hit a brick wall on planet x and it had been easy before that. Now this is the key to our little problem here in that you got to a point where the game was so easy that when you hit a chalange that even though you could overcome it, you found it dificult enough to question if it was worth continuing.



So far i have seen posts pertaining to the wall being on belsavis, balmora, hoth, quesh and now voss. I myself have found that the dificulty ramps up on quesh for me from the previous q's and when you get to the nightmare lands in voss it decidedly gets much tougher fights but i dont think that is a bad thing.


I play this game for the chance to get my *** kicked from pillar to post by npcs, if i wanted to cakewalk from lvl 1 to top level and then farm group content i would either play hello kitty or wow.


What you just described is the fact that this game, in terms of Beta Testing, WASNT TESTED PROPERLY!!


1/2 the game is largely untested and unrefined.


What arent you realizing about that?

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What you just described is the fact that this game, in terms of Beta Testing, WASNT TESTED PROPERLY!!


1/2 the game is largely untested and unrefined.


What arent you realizing about that?


So you think that the fights getting more dificult, mob factors being brought into the mix and npcs throwing a few of there skills into the mix via npc combination of healers, ccers etc as the game gets higher in lvl and planetery areas is a form of bad testing or a bad game.


Are you saying that the fact that you have a chance to die whilst questing is in some way a fault of the game ?

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What you just described is the fact that this game, in terms of Beta Testing, WASNT TESTED PROPERLY!!


1/2 the game is largely untested and unrefined.


What arent you realizing about that?


I think this has nothing to do with it.


These areas just happen to be areas where the game challenges you with more advanced content. Up until these points it is fairly easy, but now and again it throws you a curveball. You either learn to adapt/get better or you dont.


It it wasnt tested properly and this was bad design it would be fights that where unwinable, but obviously you can beat them as many have.

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So you think that the fights getting more dificult, mob factors being brought into the mix and npcs throwing a few of there skills into the mix via npc combination of healers, ccers etc as the game gets higher in lvl and planetery areas is a form of bad testing or a bad game.


Are you saying that the fact that you have a chance to die whilst questing is in some way a fault of the game ?


The fact that you will die, multiple times just to complete A quest is dumb.

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