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How far into the future do you see yourself with SWTOR?


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I expect I'll be doing about 2-6 months per year indefinitely, the precise number of months depending on how much they give things that entice me (like SGRA). I never do any MMO 12m/year, I always drop in and out and I still have every MMO installed that I've ever played so. All the F2P games around make dropping in and out a breeze nowadays. Three months of TOR now, a bit of DDO and LOTRO over the spring, some EVE during the summer, some STO when school begins and checking back to TOR in the fall...and so on and so on.
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I really want to think I am in for the long term, but how long I see myself being here is inversely proportional to the length of time it takes BioWare to be willing to discuss same-gender content, to say nothing of actually implementing it.


The game is a lot less fun when they make you play from the back of the bus.

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that sounds pretty drab and boring to me.


the amount of fail that GW2 will bring upon itself with all the hype around that game. i'm actually waiting for the release just so i can see how much fail it will be because no game can live up to the ungodly amount of hype this game gets.


"can't wait till GW2 comes out" is the response to just about any game discussion MMO or single player. hell even in COD and Battlefield.


Nothing has had more hype than TOR...

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and yet it still looks old and dated like something my NES could best any day of the week.


Oh I see another apologist. Really you can give up the 'DEFEND TILL DEATH' schtick. You just posted how GW2 is going to fail and WoW is outdated yet this game is the next coming of Jesus lol.


WoW at seven years old looks well above AND performs well above this game from '12. This game can't handle more than 10 people in an area without convulsing. Have you looked at the speeders? Where's the night/day cycles? How about having NPCs that you know....do something? Can we get something besides wallpaper graphics? How about incredibly long load times? How about swimming? Ability delay? Is it me or does it look like my characters chest piece is smeared in mud? Where's the high res textures? Planets that are empty and lifeless? Why does my client freeze up when I open and close the character pane more than a couple of times?


As I've said before this game is a step backwards :


HeroEngine directx9 single threaded vs. WoW multithreaded engine, directx11, IPv6 support and 64bit client. Ya hate more.

Edited by DigitalDreamz
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that sounds pretty drab and boring to me.


the amount of fail tha SWTOR will bring upon itself with all the hype around that game. i'm actually waiting for the release just so i can see how much fail it will be because no game can live up to the ungodly amount of hype this game gets.


"can't wait till SWTOR comes out" is the response to just about any game discussion MMO or single player. hell even in COD and Battlefield.


fixed that for you. What do you think people said about TOR prior to release? Same crap on every forum.

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If by the launch of Guild Wars 2 Bioware hasn't maanged to make crafting useful, not just biochem, make the planets feel more alive, make the game feel like an MMO and fix a lot of the bugs then well I'll just play GW2 since it will be free and I'll check back on TOR every couple of months. Honestly GW2 and Archeage eventually will be what I play and sub to.
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fixed that for you. What do you think people said about TOR prior to release? Same crap on every forum.


GW2 is the new flavor of the week your right for a long time SWTOR was that game and it and before that it was AION and Warhammer and AoC and after GW2 it will be TERA and eventually Titan and the wheel of life will keep on turning.

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Oh I see another apologist. Really you can give up the 'DEFEND TILL DEATH' schtick. You just posted how GW2 is going to fail and WoW is outdated yet this game is the next coming of Jesus lol.


WoW at seven years old looks well above AND performs well above this game from '12. This game can't handle more than 10 people in an area without convulsing. Have you looked at the speeders? Where's the night/day cycles? How about having NPCs that you know....do something? Can we get something besides wallpaper graphics? How about incredibly long load times? How about swimming? Ability delay? Is it me or does it look like my characters chest piece is smeared in mud? Where's the high res textures? Planets that are empty and lifeless? Why does my client freeze up when I open and close the character pane more than a couple of times?


As I've said before this game is a step backwards :


HeroEngine directx9 single threaded vs. WoW multithreaded engine, directx11, IPv6 support and 64bit client. Ya hate more.


This right here has to be the best post ever. Dead on with it. I dont really like WoW anymore however he just nailed it.


Fact is WoW didnt have a lot of stuff when it came out, but they came up with what some people call Ideas to make the game better. Bioware I understand may not want have everything included from the get go, but from the looks of it, they wanted to add everything in later patches. I mean, a waterfall is next to you and you cant hear anything ????? Realy, they cant even add a sound effect in? Between this and the bugs that make PvP pointless to play, I am going to give myself until patch 1.2.1. If things dont start looking better, I guess I will hope something else comes out this year.

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Oh I see another apologist. Really you can give up the 'DEFEND TILL DEATH' schtick. You just posted how GW2 is going to fail and WoW is outdated yet this game is the next coming of Jesus lol.


WoW at seven years old looks well above AND performs well above this game from '12. This game can't handle more than 10 people in an area without convulsing. Have you looked at the speeders? Where's the night/day cycles? How about having NPCs that you know....do something? Can we get something besides wallpaper graphics? How about incredibly long load times? How about swimming? Ability delay? Is it me or does it look like my characters chest piece is smeared in mud? Where's the high res textures? Planets that are empty and lifeless? Why does my client freeze up when I open and close the character pane more than a couple of times?


As I've said before this game is a step backwards :


HeroEngine directx9 single threaded vs. WoW multithreaded engine, directx11, IPv6 support and 64bit client. Ya hate more.


If you want to compare graphics in MMOs maybe don't use a game that had dated graphics when it released seven years ago.

Compare it to Aion or Rift if you want but not a game that has been the graphic joke of MMOs for years.

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Couple of months until I've leveled up the appealing classes. End game group grind doesn't appeal to me and there isn't anything else to do. So probably some alts. Maybe do some level 50 content even though it's not any different than WoW which is the last game I played.


So I give it 6 months of my time tops before I start hopping around MMO's again trying to find something more sandboxy that I can get into.


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35 more days. That's when my time runs out and that will be the last time I play this POS. I've never had a game burn me out on it simply becuase I spent more time messing with my computer to play the game than I did playing it. All of the bugs and horrible CS ruined this game for me.


As of right now, I log in and go ride in a circle for a hour until I have my 30 crates, quick pass back to the fleet, turn in my daily and log off. The game sucks.

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If you want to compare graphics in MMOs maybe don't use a game that had dated graphics when it released seven years ago.

Compare it to Aion or Rift if you want but not a game that has been the graphic joke of MMOs for years.


Really? It's been a joke well I guess TOR took over. If you compare TOR to Aion or Rift graphics only TOR loses. I'm not saying it's ugly but come on this isn't 2004 we see some gorgeous looking MMOs coming out or will be. Blizzard also has done a great job at making WoW look good like the update to the water, shadows and support for DX11 not to mention they are adding (or already did) support for a 64 bit client and Ipv6.


Guild Wars 2

Tera Online

The Secret World

Edited by Chromiie
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Really? It's been a joke well I guess TOR took over. If you compare TOR to Aion or Rift graphics only TOR loses. I'm not saying it's ugly but come on this isn't 2004 we see some gorgeous looking MMOs coming out or will be. Blizzard also has done a great job at making WoW look good like the update to the water, shadows and support for DX11 not to mention they are adding (or already did) support for a 64 bit client and Ipv6.


Guild Wars 2

Tera Online

The Secret World


Man, every time I watch the starting story for GW2 makes me wish the damn game was out ;(

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I've waited for years for this game to come out... Now I'm 23, graduated, ready live a little. Getting too old for gaming, I think. I need to get my life started, get my career going, buy a place, get an electric car, settle down... I think video games are the last thing on my mind. As much as I like the game, I'm probably gonna play until I don't have the time to anymore. My guess is a month or two more? Depending on how well things go!


I hate to break it to you man, real life isn't that exciting. If you think you're too old for video games at 23, I feel bad for you.

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