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Does healing scale properly with bolster.


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After thorough examination this seems to be the case. With bolster effect i only gain maybe 100 more hp healed than wtihout.


I noticed this on my Mercenary as well. Bolster made no difference at all for my healing abilities.

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In PVP you also do 30% less healing due to the PVP Trauma Debuff.


Read the amount of healing done on the tooltip, and compare it within the warzone and outside it, that will give you a better idea of the bolstering you got (this worked when I was below 50 some months ago, not sure about now)


Also your skill tree plays a large part in boosting your healing output as you gain levels, it's not 100% due to simply being higher level. A low level healer will always do less healing simply because his skill tree isn't fully fleshed out yet.

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Uh oh grammar police.


Anyway, my smuggler who is full sawbones spec level 33 is doing 1.5k standard heals with 2-3k crits in warzones with bolster effect on. It is the exact same healing he does outside wzs.


Which means that you *do* have much stronger heals in the warzone.


Ever noticed the debuff on people in combat?

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